Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

Obama KILLED the troops. He's a jihadist. (Fort Hood, troop removals, Al Baghdadi collusion, etc)
And not a dime more cost to the taxpayers for your pay.
That is correct. Nor would there be a dime more pay to the military members who parade. They're ALREADY being paid, as are the MPs who could provide the security (local police not needed)
I was just saying in the ''other'' parade thread:
the military moves equipment and men around all the time
that's their JOB
out of 4 years based in North Carolina, I did:
Mediterranean Cruise 6 months--plus 2 weeks pre-deployment cruise
2- 6 months South America--1 year total
1 month Honduras
a few weeks to Virginia
a few weeks floating off Columbia
a few weeks exercises in CA
Trump is allegedly a billionaire, he can foot the bill and his Kool-aid drinkers can also pitch in.

I don't want any tax dollars going to this 3rd world nonsense.
You call HONORING our troops "3rd world nonsense" ? Is this yet another example of liberal lunacy ? Looks like it.
I have to say, I am disappointed. But it isn't the end of the world. I can handle disappointment.

Eighty nine % of people polled said no to a military parade citing costs.

Military Times poll: Majority oppose Trump's military parade

When pollsters “call out” good Americans don’t answer...they’re at work or busy raising families.
The flaw in harvesting data via telephone in the 21st century.
Just think about it...Do productive folks whom are mindful of time management and the value of their time really take calls from pollsters?
How likely is it that data being collected is being collected primarily from the lower 1/3?
How skewed would the data be if most was coming from our lowest grade?

Polls seem to be a primary talking point in politics these days...polls also serve as the primary propaganda machine for Democrats...what if polls were proven to be bullshit...what would Democrats have to play on?

This poll was an on-line poll of self selected individuals who read the Military Times (i.e. military people). There were no phone calls or any of the other bullshit you are talking about.

If you had ever spent a day in the military you would understand why the military folks do not want this parade. If you had ever spent weeks preparing for a Change of Command or a Hail and Farewell with your first sergeant yelling at you, then you would grasp why the military does not want this.

But alas, you will never be able to understand!
The Military Times is owned by the Gannett Company who also owns USA Today, supposedly the News organisation that never endorsed nor opposed a Presidential candidate until Trump, when they posted articles in opposition to his Presidency. I would be very suspicious of any poll from them. The Military Times is not an independent source for Military News

All that being said I doubt the lower ranks give a shit about parades.
Actually, the lower ranks are the ones most against a parade because they'd be the ones doing all the drilling, standing around, and marching.
The Privates will probably get a kick out of the shit the E4 mafia will try to sham out, E5's to E7's will have nervous breakdowns E8's and above will make everyone below miserable as fuck. Not one Warrant Officer will be seen. O1's and 2's will probably get a kick out of the shit O3's will have nervous breakdowns. What the fuck does an O4 do ? O5 and O6's will make there E9's lives miserable who will in turn make everyone elses lives miserable as fuck . 07's and above will sit in nice covered stands as it rans and or snows
Why do Communists/Democrats hate our military so much? Seems so irrational. And overwhelmingly, most Vets supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in this last Election. Also, I've always said Obama's biggest shame by far, was his horrifying mishandling of our VA. Many good honorable American Vets died waiting for treatment on his watch. Meanwhile, they and their families had to watch Obama pour $Billions into placating Non-Citizens. It was such a sad disgrace.

That being said, i like Rand Paul's idea. End all the wars and meddling. Bring our troops home. After that's accomplished, by all means throw a parade. Our soldiers deserve it. Our Government spends a ton of Taxpayer cash on much less-worthy endeavors.
WE don't hate the military....that's why we don't advocate USING them for self-gratification.

Well, most Communists/Democrats do seem to express hostility towards our military. That's been my experience with them. They didn't express any concern for our Vets during Obama's VA nightmare. Many good Vets died waiting for treatment on his watch.

Obama was a damn bloody disaster for our Vets. He chose Non-Citizens over his own People. He poured $Billions into placating them. I think Trump's making a genuine effort to fix Obama's VA mess. So, y'all can spare me your faux outrage and concern over a parade. I'm not buying it.
Why do Communists/Democrats hate our military so much? Seems so irrational. And overwhelmingly, most Vets supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in this last Election. Also, I've always said Obama's biggest shame by far, was his horrifying mishandling of our VA. Many good honorable American Vets died waiting for treatment on his watch. Meanwhile, they and their families had to watch Obama pour $Billions into placating Non-Citizens. It was such a sad disgrace.

That being said, i like Rand Paul's idea. End all the wars and meddling. Bring our troops home. After that's accomplished, by all means throw a parade. Our soldiers deserve it. Our Government spends a ton of Taxpayer cash on much less-worthy endeavors.
I remember well the problem FDR had getting the Republicans to extend the first peace-time draft. It was just more of politics first, then our defense. Finally the Republicans voted for the draft extension a few months before Pearl Harbor.
Cost of Trump's military parade could run into millions

"A parade as discussed would probably cost millions to arrange, destroy DC's streets that aren’t prepared for such hardware, and take away actual training time," Defense News Senior Pentagon Correspondent Aaron Mehta tweeted. "Today SecDef Mattis went to Congress and begged for a budget because he doesn’t have money for vital training."

The military parade Trump wants could cost millions — and the cash-strapped military doesn't know how they'll pay for it

destroy dc's who thought of that before hand?
and the fact that bush's 2012 parade was estimated to be 12 million
and we know trump will want the biggest greatest parade to make america broke again
Your illustrious link says >> "The Washington Post reported the cost of shipping tanks and other military hardware to the nation’s capital would likely run “in the millions" Yeah ? And if I head a dollar for every line of unsubstantiated BS that the Washington Post has "reported", I'd be rich. :rolleyes:
most cities have parades already on Veterans day...
this is a waste of money having a show off your military equipment day, on veterans day as the pres wants
I'd rather see this than all the awards shows worthless Hollywood make-believers bestow on each other constantly. At least the military people being honored with Trump's parade, have really contributed something of value to us (our lives)
Why do Communists/Democrats hate our military so much? Seems so irrational. And overwhelmingly, most Vets supported Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in this last Election. Also, I've always said Obama's biggest shame by far, was his horrifying mishandling of our VA. Many good honorable American Vets died waiting for treatment on his watch. Meanwhile, they and their families had to watch Obama pour $Billions into placating Non-Citizens. It was such a sad disgrace.

That being said, i like Rand Paul's idea. End all the wars and meddling. Bring our troops home. After that's accomplished, by all means throw a parade. Our soldiers deserve it. Our Government spends a ton of Taxpayer cash on much less-worthy endeavors.
WE don't hate the military....that's why we don't advocate USING them for self-gratification.

Well, most Communists/Democrats do seem to express hostility towards our military. That's been my experience with them. They didn't express any concern for our Vets during Obama's VA nightmare. Many good Vets died waiting for treatment on his watch.

Obama was a damn bloody disaster for our Vets. He chose Non-Citizens over his own People. He poured $Billions into placating them. I think Trump's making a genuine effort to fix Obama's VA mess. So, y'all can spare me your faux outrage and concern over a parade. I'm not buying it.
Many Democrats ARE vets. And Obama wasn't any more of a "damn bloody disaster for our vets" than Bush or Sir tiny hands. At least he went out and visited them out on deployment. When has General Bone Spurs done that?
he doesn't want a parade for the military, he wants a north korean/France Bastille Day, SHOW OFF your Military Might day, with tanks and missile and everything we've got, on show, in the parade....

nothing wrong with a parade us civilians put on to honor Vets and military on Veterans day....but that is not what he's calling for....
Since when have you become such an expert ?
We all know if the military have a big parade, the leftwing nutters will be out in force to protest and disrespect our military. That’s probably one reason President Trump wants to do it, to demonstrate to America those who support our military, and those un-Americans that hate the military.
Well, a parade is not a good idea. The reasons the progressives give for why he wants a parade is just so much partisan bullshit.

However, Trump would do better to just encourage the citizenry to go to their nearest military base during an open house. Our armed forces are not above displaying our military hardware and world-class training.
Isn't it cute how you think it's counties, not people, that do the voting.

Actually electors, do the voting. They are chosen like this. :)


The county map just illustrates the depth of his support.


Yes Virginia...the Russians did that :) LOL.
The troops HATE parades. All the practicing, standing in the cold or hot sun every day for weeks carrying their unloaded rifles isn't fun.
Show’s how many Republicans have been in the military.
Republicans think treating soldiers like dogs and making them do tricks is honoring them.

How about job training for veterans and healthcare for their families?

Too novel?

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