Trump wants to eliminate income tax, but replace it with tariffs on imported goods.

According to the infamous “unnamed sources”

You are repeating lies

But I’ll take the bait

Assume that trump has a mind of original thoughts and many highly intelligent men have, that inevitably hit a sour note sometimes

If your lie is not a lie let the record show that he tested it with experts and did nothing with it
I’m repeating a story. Not saying it’s true. Just saying it’s reported by somebody in a meeting that gave their account of what Trump said. You’re calling it a lie. How do you know it’s a lie?
You mean worse than it is now under biden?

I dont claim to be an expert on trade or economics

So I take the warnings of the pathologically driven trump haters seriously

But try this on for size,

If the communists invade the free people of Taiwan we will have respond or see all of east asia become vassal state of communist china

If that happens our comfortable life in America will go up in smoke anyway
Inflation is only 3.4% now. It's normal.

Jacking up the prices of imported goods is guaranteed to cause inflation to skyrocket.

This video estimates that tariffs would have to be at 133%. This would mean that other countries would also put up tariffs on US goods.

So, A) foreign goods for the US would be too expensive for people to buy

B) US goods would be too expensive to sell abroad.

C) This would hit the working classes the hardest. Any tax which taxes what people buy, like sales taxes, is worse for poor people than income taxes, as the poor pay a high proportion of their wages on goods, while the rich don't.

Nothing says "I Don't Care About You, I Just Want Your Vote" than this policy.

I mean...the idiocy of the policy is beyond belief. Can you imagine, just to name an item, how much your writing pens would cost if they were made here instead of in China?

What will likely happen is that even if the tariffs are increased to 133%, companies will continue to import because it will still be cheaper than paying wages and benefits here.
I’m repeating a story. Not saying it’s true. Just saying it’s reported by somebody in a meeting that gave their account of what Trump said. You’re calling it a lie. How do you know it’s a lie?
I dont

Here is the part of my quote that you ignored:

“But I’ll take the bait

Assume that trump has a mind of original thoughts as many highly intelligent men have, that inevitably hit a sour note sometimes

If your lie is not a lie let the record show that he tested it with experts and did nothing with it”
But I’ll take the bait

Assume that trump has a mind of original thoughts as many highly intelligent men have, that inevitably hit a sour note sometimes

If your lie is not a lie let the record show that he tested it with experts and did nothing with it
Great let the record show that. Nukes and bleach 👍
When off-shoring moved low end manufacturing all over the world, to Asia, the USA is the only nation in the first world with a "rust belt". You're the only first world nation that didn't offer re-training to displaced workers.

The US government shits all over working people all of the time. Few worker protections through legislation. No mandated vacations. A minimum wage that's less than half the cost of living. No universal health care.

If you try to get a good education and work your way out of poverty, you'll end up with more than $50,000 in student debt that you will never pay off.

There are fewer "middle class jobs" available to American workers today, than there were in the 1970's, because Reagan destroyed the unions and left fewer good paying middle class jobs for American workers, as a percentage of all jobs, so you have more and more people competing for fewer and fewer jobs.

From "earned income credits" and food stamps for minimum wage workers, your system makes it difficult for low and middle class workers to provide basic necessities for their families, much less have savings to buy a house or start a business, or return to school for ungrading.

The result has been a declining American middle class, with more people falling backing into working class and poverty, than are rising to wealth. For a market economy to be successful, you need a healthy and thriving middle class.

When jobs were off-shored, the remaining jobs paid LESS than the jobs these workers lost.
a rather accurate economic history which we'll never get from the government that sold us out DLady....~S~
"Liberals" are ALWAYS more Authoritarian when it comes to Constitutional Rights ?

WTF? do they know what "Liberal" means?

The justices, in a 6-3 ruling, upheld a lower court's decision siding with Michael Cargill, a gun shop owner and gun rights advocate from Austin, Texas, who challenged the ban by claiming that a U.S. agency improperly interpreted a federal law banning machine guns as extending to bump stocks. The conservative justices were in the majority and the liberal justices in dissent.

BTW..Guess who put the Bump stock Ban in place?

Inflation is only 3.4% now. It's normal.

Jacking up the prices of imported goods is guaranteed to cause inflation to skyrocket.
As long as biden is president the next round of skyhigh inflation is just around the corner

For instance if The Big Guy wasnt scared shitless about losing the presidential election he could return to his war on fossil fuels

Instead he has broken his promise to the little snowflake and is draining the Petroleum Reserve to keep gasoline prices at the pump low
As long as biden is president the next round of skyhigh inflation is just around the corner

For instance if The Big Guy wasnt scared shitless about losing the presidential election he could return to his war on fossil fuels

Instead he has broken his promise to the little snowflake and is draining the Petroleum Reserve to keep gasoline prices at the pump low
Inflation came from a once in a lifetime event, COVID.

The right wing media won't tell you this, but we are pumping more oil and gas in this country than ever before.
Inflation came from a once in a lifetime event, COVID.

It was far more than this.

Econ 101.

You can't pump trillions and trillions for years and not have inflation.

The right wing media won't tell you this, but we are pumping more oil and gas in this country than ever before.

Sadly prices aren't based upon fundamentals but rather the whims of the market.
Inflation is only 3.4% now. It's normal.

Jacking up the prices of imported goods is guaranteed to cause inflation to skyrocket.
Thats too high

It was much lower under trump


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