Trump wants to eliminate income tax, but replace it with tariffs on imported goods.

under trump the usa becomes north korea. isolated and backwards.
We should tax imports from china

If it takes 133% so be it

Other than raw materials china buys very little from the US so the tariff works in our favor

We should not tax imports from other as advance nations such as the euros, canada,?japan, ect

Limit the trade war to our enemy not our friends
The 1,000,577th bad idea from Donald Trump

1. Nuking Hurricanes
2. Putting flashlights inside the body
3. Using disinfectant to kill virus inside the body
4. Buying Greenland
5. Thought covid would go away by the summer
6. Sexually assaulting a woman
7. Committing fraud to hide election interference
..........1,000,577. Suggested raising all our income from tariffs
I'll take all 7 of these ideas from Trump rather than one OPEN BORDERS idea from Mr. Magoo. OPEN BORDERS has done more to destroy this country than those 7 things you mentioned ever will. Buying Greenland was a good idea by the way. Get your TDS under control.
The 1,000,577th bad idea from Donald Trump

1. Nuking Hurricanes
2. Putting flashlights inside the body
3. Using disinfectant to kill virus inside the body
4. Buying Greenland
5. Thought covid would go away by the summer
6. Sexually assaulting a woman
7. Committing fraud to hide election interference
..........1,000,577. Suggested raising all our income from tariffs
This is still a free country

Since you feel so strongly about trump and his good policies you are free to vote for biden and his bad policies
They flourish in a free trade environment among each other while we languish in relative economic isolation with the international market for our goods damaged or even eliminated.
Free trade was what created the rust belt

VAT would have prevented it

sounds good to me,,

and its what the constitution says,,,

not to mention the jobs it would create with all the companies coming back to avoid tariffs,,

Working families will have to pay $5000 per year more in taxes. The wealthy would save $1.5 million per year, and no one will ever buy American goods again - anywhere in the world.
We should tax imports from china

If it takes 133% so be it

Other than raw materials china buys very little from the US so the tariff works in our favor

We should not tax imports from other as advance nations such as the euros, canada,?japan, ect

Limit the trade war to our enemy not our friends
In 2022, the US exported $200 billion worth of goods to China. That would dry out very quickly. Are you ready to pay 150-200% more on everything imported from China? And that is not just finished goods. There are Chinese made components in US manufactured goods as well.

Blanket tariffs are a spectacularly bad idea. But the sound bite of eliminating income tax will reel in the people who don't understand the ramifications. And when elected and he does nothing about it, he'll just blame Congress. Never his fault.

This video estimates that tariffs would have to be at 133%. This would mean that other countries would also put up tariffs on US goods.

So, A) foreign goods for the US would be too expensive for people to buy

B) US goods would be too expensive to sell abroad.

C) This would hit the working classes the hardest. Any tax which taxes what people buy, like sales taxes, is worse for poor people than income taxes, as the poor pay a high proportion of their wages on goods, while the rich don't.

Nothing says "I Don't Care About You, I Just Want Your Vote" than this policy.

VAT taxes are a bad idea.

This video estimates that tariffs would have to be at 133%. This would mean that other countries would also put up tariffs on US goods.

So, A) foreign goods for the US would be too expensive for people to buy

B) US goods would be too expensive to sell abroad.

C) This would hit the working classes the hardest. Any tax which taxes what people buy, like sales taxes, is worse for poor people than income taxes, as the poor pay a high proportion of their wages on goods, while the rich don't.

Nothing says "I Don't Care About You, I Just Want Your Vote" than this policy.

What an incredibly stupid idea!

The tRumplings will love it.
If you want hyperinflation inflation enact that stupid law that would impose 133% tariff on all imported which BTW it would lead to trade wars and the end of free trade as we know it.
You want to hyperinflation inflation enact that stupid law that would impose 133% tariff on all imported which BTW it would lead to trade wars and the end of free trade as we know it.

Free trade doesn't exist now.
I agree there is no truly free trade, but a massive tariff would start a tit-for-tat response that would upend global trade.

With the US it would. Be a great opportunity for other countries.
Free trade was what created the rust belt

VAT would have prevented it


When off-shoring moved low end manufacturing all over the world, to Asia, the USA is the only nation in the first world with a "rust belt". You're the only first world nation that didn't offer re-training to displaced workers.

The US government shits all over working people all of the time. Few worker protections through legislation. No mandated vacations. A minimum wage that's less than half the cost of living. No universal health care.

If you try to get a good education and work your way out of poverty, you'll end up with more than $50,000 in student debt that you will never pay off.

There are fewer "middle class jobs" available to American workers today, than there were in the 1970's, because Reagan destroyed the unions and left fewer good paying middle class jobs for American workers, as a percentage of all jobs, so you have more and more people competing for fewer and fewer jobs.

From "earned income credits" and food stamps for minimum wage workers, your system makes it difficult for low and middle class workers to provide basic necessities for their families, much less have savings to buy a house or start a business, or return to school for ungrading.

The result has been a declining American middle class, with more people falling backing into working class and poverty, than are rising to wealth. For a market economy to be successful, you need a healthy and thriving middle class.

When jobs were off-shored, the remaining jobs paid LESS than the jobs these workers lost.
With the US it would. Be a great opportunity for other countries.

Canada is already benefitting from your economic chaos and political upheaval. Companies looking to establish manufacturing within the North American Free Trade zone, are now locating in Canada instead of the USA, because of your instability.

Canada offers better infrastructure, a better public education system, universal single payer health care, sensible gun laws, and most importantly, political stability. We cannot keep up with our current growth. We're increasing immigration to help fill all of the job openings.

Republicans would be well advised at looking at your manufacturing numbers, imports and exports over the years. What Trump did with his trade wars was so destructive to the US economy and your foreign trade, that the American people will continue to be affected for decades, by his stupidity.

The reason they call it a "trade war" is because there are winners and losers, and people get hurt. Trump promised to eliminate your Trade Deficit but under his administration, your trade deficit went from $735 billion in 2016, to over a TRILLION DOLLARS in 2020. Your exports in 2020 were LOWER than your exports in 2016.

Even before the pandemic, and with all of the tariffs on imports, American imports increased by more than $300 million over Obama's numbers, but your exports were up less than $200 million, meaning your trade deficit was GROWING rapidly, under Trump's policies.

When you go back even further, your trade deficit was falling under Bill Clinton, and then rose under W. The US trade deficit was $816 billion in 2008, and $735 billion 8 years later when Obama left office.

Similarly, after the restocking store shelves in 2022, Biden has already brought your trade deficit down to below pre-pandemic levels. American exports have increased by $589 billion under the Biden Administration - that's nearly 20%, in just 3 years.
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