Trump Wants To Fine Mexico

Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.

Donald Trump is an ass-hole. Ask anyone that has worked for him or have done business with him will tell you that. I had a really hard time buying in one of his buildings, but I received such a deal that I couldn't turn it down.

Anyone that thinks Trump is a 'breath of fresh air' brings an entire new meaning to 'idiot.'
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

Anyone who hammers away at Illegal Aliens and those who advocate on their behalf is, indeed, a breath of fresh air, to the American Public.

Trump's present poll-surge that now puts him ahead of Jeb Bush is sufficient evidence to that effect.

Mind you, he won't be able to sustain that over time, but, his refusal to pander and vote-whore like the other candidates do, is making a favorable impression upon Middle America.

Your inability or unwillingness to acknowledge that state of affairs is your cross to bear, not mine.

As to his being an asshole, well, perhaps you're right.

But that does nothing whatsoever to detract from the Breath of Fresh Air scenario now being played out.

Your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Anybody else (on either side of the aisle) looking to re-connect with the American mainstream, should take note of Trump's poll surge, and face reality about what lies behind it...

America is sick-and-tired of pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, and pandering to Hispanics who might be offended by a more draconian approach to ridding ourselves of Illegals, and preventing future waves of yet more millions...

And adapt their campaign, accordingly...

Go Donald... you magnificent asshole... you go, boy!
Last edited:
Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.

Donald Trump is an ass-hole. Ask anyone that has worked for him or have done business with him will tell you that. I had a really hard time buying in one of his buildings, but I received such a deal that I couldn't turn it down.

Anyone that thinks Trump is a 'breath of fresh air' brings an entire new meaning to 'idiot.'
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

Anyone who hammers away at Illegal Aliens and those who advocate on their behalf is, indeed, a breath of fresh air, to the American Public.

Trump's present poll-surge that now puts him ahead of Jeb Bush is sufficient evidence to that effect.

Mind you, he won't be able to sustain that over time, but, his refusal to pander and vote-whore like the other candidates do, is making a favorable impression upon Middle America.

Your inability or unwillingness to acknowledge that state of affairs is your cross to bear, not mine.

As to his being an asshole, well, perhaps you're right.

But that does nothing whatsoever to detract from the Breath of Fresh Air scenario now being played out.

Your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Anybody else (on either side of the aisle) looking to re-connect with the American mainstream, should take note of Trump's poll surge, and face reality about what lies behind it...

America is sick-and-tired of pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, and pandering to Hispanics who might be offended by a more draconian approach to ridding ourselves of Illegals, and preventing future waves of yet more millions...

And adapt their campaign, accordingly...

Go Donald... you magnificent asshole... you go, boy!


Are you fucking aware that before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was NEVER a problem.

So tell your white supremacist friends to cease and desist looking for scapegoats.

The reason that Americans have problems are the fucked up politicians they have been electing: the DEMOPUBLICANS.

Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.

Donald Trump is an ass-hole. Ask anyone that has worked for him or have done business with him will tell you that. I had a really hard time buying in one of his buildings, but I received such a deal that I couldn't turn it down.

Anyone that thinks Trump is a 'breath of fresh air' brings an entire new meaning to 'idiot.'
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

Anyone who hammers away at Illegal Aliens and those who advocate on their behalf is, indeed, a breath of fresh air, to the American Public.

Trump's present poll-surge that now puts him ahead of Jeb Bush is sufficient evidence to that effect.

Mind you, he won't be able to sustain that over time, but, his refusal to pander and vote-whore like the other candidates do, is making a favorable impression upon Middle America.

Your inability or unwillingness to acknowledge that state of affairs is your cross to bear, not mine.

As to his being an asshole, well, perhaps you're right.

But that does nothing whatsoever to detract from the Breath of Fresh Air scenario now being played out.

Your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Anybody else (on either side of the aisle) looking to re-connect with the American mainstream, should take note of Trump's poll surge, and face reality about what lies behind it...

America is sick-and-tired of pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, and pandering to Hispanics who might be offended by a more draconian approach to ridding ourselves of Illegals, and preventing future waves of yet more millions...

And adapt their campaign, accordingly...

Go Donald... you magnificent asshole... you go, boy!


Are you fucking aware that before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was NEVER a problem.

So tell your white supremacist friends to cease and desist looking for scapegoats.

The reason that Americans have problems are the fucked up politicians they have been electing: the DEMOPUBLICANS.

Calm yourself, sugar britches.

And stop calling people Nazis and racists, just because they disagree with your butt-in-the-air position on Immigration and Illegal Aliens.

There is more than enough blame to go around, in connection with the most recent plague of 12,000,000 locusts (Illegal Aliens) now present upon our soil.

Republicans are to blame for wanting dirt-cheap labor.

Democrats are to blame for wanting hordes of future grateful voters.

Americans at-large are to blame for electing these schmucks on BOTH sides of the aisle and allowing them to use Illegals to depress wages in the trades and manufacturing, and for putting up with a lax interpretation of the 14th Amendment that allow Anchor Babies to automatically become citizens, any time an Illegal Alien happens to pop-out a puppy on US soil.

Once you change your diaper, clean yourself, take a good stiff drink, and actually think about it for 10 seconds, you'd realize that the blame belongs to all of us, on this one, my little partisan hack butt-floss.
Last edited:
Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.

Donald Trump is an ass-hole. Ask anyone that has worked for him or have done business with him will tell you that. I had a really hard time buying in one of his buildings, but I received such a deal that I couldn't turn it down.

Anyone that thinks Trump is a 'breath of fresh air' brings an entire new meaning to 'idiot.'
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

Anyone who hammers away at Illegal Aliens and those who advocate on their behalf is, indeed, a breath of fresh air, to the American Public.

Trump's present poll-surge that now puts him ahead of Jeb Bush is sufficient evidence to that effect.

Mind you, he won't be able to sustain that over time, but, his refusal to pander and vote-whore like the other candidates do, is making a favorable impression upon Middle America.

Your inability or unwillingness to acknowledge that state of affairs is your cross to bear, not mine.

As to his being an asshole, well, perhaps you're right.

But that does nothing whatsoever to detract from the Breath of Fresh Air scenario now being played out.

Your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Anybody else (on either side of the aisle) looking to re-connect with the American mainstream, should take note of Trump's poll surge, and face reality about what lies behind it...

America is sick-and-tired of pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, and pandering to Hispanics who might be offended by a more draconian approach to ridding ourselves of Illegals, and preventing future waves of yet more millions...

And adapt their campaign, accordingly...

Go Donald... you magnificent asshole... you go, boy!


Are you fucking aware that before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was NEVER a problem.

So tell your white supremacist friends to cease and desist looking for scapegoats.

The reason that Americans have problems are the fucked up politicians they have been electing: the DEMOPUBLICANS.

Calm yourself, sugar britches.

And stop calling people Nazis and racists, just because they disagree with your butt-in-the-air position on Immigration and Illegal Aliens.

There is more than enough blame to go around, in connection with the most recent plague of 12,000,000 locusts (Illegal Aliens) now present upon our soil.

Republicans are to blame for wanting dirt-cheap labor.

Democrats are to blame for wanting hordes of future grateful voters.

Americans at-large are to blame for electing these schmucks on BOTH sides of the aisle and allowing them to use Illegals to depress wages in the trades and manufacturing, and for putting up with a lax interpretation of the 14th Amendment that allow Anchor Babies to automatically become citizens, any time an Illegal Alien happens to pop-out a puppy on US soil.

Once you change your diaper, clean yourself, take a good stiff drink, and actually think about it for 10 seconds, you'd realize that the blame belongs to all of us, on this one, my little partisan hack butt-floss.
I am not sure what the problem is, other than bad money management.

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source:
Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.

Donald Trump is an ass-hole. Ask anyone that has worked for him or have done business with him will tell you that. I had a really hard time buying in one of his buildings, but I received such a deal that I couldn't turn it down.

Anyone that thinks Trump is a 'breath of fresh air' brings an entire new meaning to 'idiot.'
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

Anyone who hammers away at Illegal Aliens and those who advocate on their behalf is, indeed, a breath of fresh air, to the American Public.

Trump's present poll-surge that now puts him ahead of Jeb Bush is sufficient evidence to that effect.

Mind you, he won't be able to sustain that over time, but, his refusal to pander and vote-whore like the other candidates do, is making a favorable impression upon Middle America.

Your inability or unwillingness to acknowledge that state of affairs is your cross to bear, not mine.

As to his being an asshole, well, perhaps you're right.

But that does nothing whatsoever to detract from the Breath of Fresh Air scenario now being played out.

Your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Anybody else (on either side of the aisle) looking to re-connect with the American mainstream, should take note of Trump's poll surge, and face reality about what lies behind it...

America is sick-and-tired of pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, and pandering to Hispanics who might be offended by a more draconian approach to ridding ourselves of Illegals, and preventing future waves of yet more millions...

And adapt their campaign, accordingly...

Go Donald... you magnificent asshole... you go, boy!


Are you fucking aware that before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was NEVER a problem.

So tell your white supremacist friends to cease and desist looking for scapegoats.

The reason that Americans have problems are the fucked up politicians they have been electing: the DEMOPUBLICANS.

Calm yourself, sugar britches.

And stop calling people Nazis and racists, just because they disagree with your butt-in-the-air position on Immigration and Illegal Aliens.

There is more than enough blame to go around, in connection with the most recent plague of 12,000,000 locusts (Illegal Aliens) now present upon our soil.

Republicans are to blame for wanting dirt-cheap labor.

Democrats are to blame for wanting hordes of future grateful voters.

Americans at-large are to blame for electing these schmucks on BOTH sides of the aisle and allowing them to use Illegals to depress wages in the trades and manufacturing, and for putting up with a lax interpretation of the 14th Amendment that allow Anchor Babies to automatically become citizens, any time an Illegal Alien happens to pop-out a puppy on US soil.

Once you change your diaper, clean yourself, take a good stiff drink, and actually think about it for 10 seconds, you'd realize that the blame belongs to all of us, on this one, my little partisan hack butt-floss.

But I have to call you a fucking racist.

Were Ape Lincoln , Woodrow Wilson, FDR and LBJ - the creators of the gargantuan warfare/welfare state - Mexicans?

No you said?

In that case delete the post .

Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

Anyone who hammers away at Illegal Aliens and those who advocate on their behalf is, indeed, a breath of fresh air, to the American Public.

Trump's present poll-surge that now puts him ahead of Jeb Bush is sufficient evidence to that effect.

Mind you, he won't be able to sustain that over time, but, his refusal to pander and vote-whore like the other candidates do, is making a favorable impression upon Middle America.

Your inability or unwillingness to acknowledge that state of affairs is your cross to bear, not mine.

As to his being an asshole, well, perhaps you're right.

But that does nothing whatsoever to detract from the Breath of Fresh Air scenario now being played out.

Your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Anybody else (on either side of the aisle) looking to re-connect with the American mainstream, should take note of Trump's poll surge, and face reality about what lies behind it...

America is sick-and-tired of pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, and pandering to Hispanics who might be offended by a more draconian approach to ridding ourselves of Illegals, and preventing future waves of yet more millions...

And adapt their campaign, accordingly...

Go Donald... you magnificent asshole... you go, boy!

Trump IS vote-whoring! To the right-wing wack-jobs.

Americas problems don't start and end with illegals, or the poor, Americas problems start and end with irresponsible financial institutions.
Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.

Donald Trump is an ass-hole. Ask anyone that has worked for him or have done business with him will tell you that. I had a really hard time buying in one of his buildings, but I received such a deal that I couldn't turn it down.

Anyone that thinks Trump is a 'breath of fresh air' brings an entire new meaning to 'idiot.'
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

Anyone who hammers away at Illegal Aliens and those who advocate on their behalf is, indeed, a breath of fresh air, to the American Public.

Trump's present poll-surge that now puts him ahead of Jeb Bush is sufficient evidence to that effect.

Mind you, he won't be able to sustain that over time, but, his refusal to pander and vote-whore like the other candidates do, is making a favorable impression upon Middle America.

Your inability or unwillingness to acknowledge that state of affairs is your cross to bear, not mine.

As to his being an asshole, well, perhaps you're right.

But that does nothing whatsoever to detract from the Breath of Fresh Air scenario now being played out.

Your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Anybody else (on either side of the aisle) looking to re-connect with the American mainstream, should take note of Trump's poll surge, and face reality about what lies behind it...

America is sick-and-tired of pussy-footing around with Illegal Aliens, and pandering to Hispanics who might be offended by a more draconian approach to ridding ourselves of Illegals, and preventing future waves of yet more millions...

And adapt their campaign, accordingly...

Go Donald... you magnificent asshole... you go, boy!


Are you fucking aware that before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico. There was NEVER a problem.

So tell your white supremacist friends to cease and desist looking for scapegoats.

The reason that Americans have problems are the fucked up politicians they have been electing: the DEMOPUBLICANS.

Calm yourself, sugar britches.

And stop calling people Nazis and racists, just because they disagree with your butt-in-the-air position on Immigration and Illegal Aliens.

There is more than enough blame to go around, in connection with the most recent plague of 12,000,000 locusts (Illegal Aliens) now present upon our soil.

Republicans are to blame for wanting dirt-cheap labor.

Democrats are to blame for wanting hordes of future grateful voters.

Americans at-large are to blame for electing these schmucks on BOTH sides of the aisle and allowing them to use Illegals to depress wages in the trades and manufacturing, and for putting up with a lax interpretation of the 14th Amendment that allow Anchor Babies to automatically become citizens, any time an Illegal Alien happens to pop-out a puppy on US soil.

Once you change your diaper, clean yourself, take a good stiff drink, and actually think about it for 10 seconds, you'd realize that the blame belongs to all of us, on this one, my little partisan hack butt-floss.

But I have to call you a fucking racist.

Were Ape Lincoln , Woodrow Wilson, FDR and LBJ - the creators of the gargantuan warfare/welfare state - Mexicans?

No you said?

In that case delete the post .

I take it back.

You do not need a good, stiff drink.

You need to stop taking good stiff drinks.

Now, as to the rest of it...

Go change you diaper, sweet cheeks...

And leave discussion of Immigration and Illegal Aliens to the grownups...

Run along, now...
Trump IS vote-whoring! To the right-wing wack-jobs.

Americas problems don't start and end with illegals, or the poor, Americas problems start and end with irresponsible financial institutions.
Americas problems are, indeed, multi-faceted, and do not stop nor end with Illegals, nor the poor.

But Illegal Aliens are PART of the problem, and America has had a bellyful of them, and those who shield them from critical scrutiny.

Which is why The Donald is doing so well in the polls at the moment.
Trump IS vote-whoring! To the right-wing wack-jobs.

Americas problems don't start and end with illegals, or the poor, Americas problems start and end with irresponsible financial institutions.
Americas problems are, indeed, multi-faceted, and do not stop nor end with Illegals, nor the poor.

But Illegal Aliens are PART of the problem, and America has had a bellyful of them, and those who shield them from critical scrutiny.

Which is why The Donald is doing so well in the polls at the moment.
I am not sure what the problem is, other than bad money management.

The United States is the world's largest national economy, representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of global GDP (PPP).[2] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $17.710 trillion as of Q1 2015.[2][30] The U.S. dollar is the currency most used in international transactions and is the world's foremost reserve currency.[31] Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.[32] The United States has a mixed economy[33][34] and has maintained a stable overall GDP growth rate, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.[35] Its six largest trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.[36]--Source:
Americas problems are, indeed, multi-faceted, and do not stop nor end with Illegals, nor the poor.

But Illegal Aliens are PART of the problem, and America has had a bellyful of them, and those who shield them from critical scrutiny.

Which is why The Donald is doing so well in the polls at the moment.

Trump is doing well at the polls because he's inciting the low-thinkers who embraced Perry, Bachmann, and Palin.

Actually, Trump has done nothing except identified a problem that is already known, but hasn't given a solution to the problem.

I have offered a solution. Fine employers that knowingly hire illegals $1M and ten years prison time per illegal. Don't build it, and they won't come.
Americas problems are, indeed, multi-faceted, and do not stop nor end with Illegals, nor the poor.

But Illegal Aliens are PART of the problem, and America has had a bellyful of them, and those who shield them from critical scrutiny.

Which is why The Donald is doing so well in the polls at the moment.

Trump is doing well at the polls because he's inciting the low-thinkers who embraced Perry, Bachmann, and Palin.

Actually, Trump has done nothing except identified a problem that is already known, but hasn't given a solution to the problem.

I have offered a solution. Fine employers that knowingly hire illegals $1M and ten years prison time per illegal. Don't build it, and they won't come.
What about consumers? If you buy a taco from a taco truck vendor who turns out to be an "illegal", should you be fined as well?
What about consumers? If you buy a taco from a taco truck vendor who turns out to be an "illegal", should you be fined as well?

Employers are required by law to check employment verification, consumers aren't.
Why not? What about paying someone to mow your lawn? Are you a consumer, or an employer? The distinction is arbitrary, and your argument, moot.
Let's call her an 'independent contractor'. Why does it matter? It's all horseshit.

How about 'service provider.'

Again, I ask, why does it matter? Why is are you off the hook for buying a taco from an "illegal" (a bullshit term, btw - people aren't "illegal"), but a carpenter is fined for buying an hour's worth of labor? It's all arbitrary bullshit. Corporatist power mongering.
Again, I ask, why does it matter? Why is are you off the hook for buying a taco from an "illegal" (a bullshit term, btw - people aren't "illegal"), but a carpenter is fined for buying an hour's worth of labor? It's all arbitrary bullshit. Corporatist power mongering.

If you hire an employee you must do your do diligence. What's so hard about that?

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