Trump Wants To Fine Mexico

Trump is just show-boating.

But he pulls no punches when it comes to speculating upon the plague of locusts that now beset us - the wave of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Out of the field of candidates on both sides of the aisle, The Donald is the only one not pandering and vote-whoring, afraid to offend somebody, when it comes to discussing this Invasion of Illegals.

Trump will almost certainly never ascend to the Presidency, but he is performing an excellent and badly-needed Public Service by dragging this issue out of the shadows of Political Correctness and Vote Whoring, into the open light of day, to be discussed frankly and openly and critically, by average American citizens.

And, for that reason, if for no other, he serves an extremely useful purpose, and his appearance on the scene at this particular moment in history, is timely, indeed.
Apparently it makes more sense to spend billions on border security than to simply penalize illegal employers.

Neither makes sense.
No, you're wrong about that. Holding illegal employers accountable makes perfect sense.
Self-deportation is merely the establishing of conditions sufficiently hostile to Illegal Aliens so as to incentivize them to return home quickly at their own expense.

Individual articulations will vary.

As to it being 'laughable', well... those advocating on behalf of allowing Illegal Aliens to stay here would say that, wouldn't they?

Anything to deflect public attention away from solutions that would send their advocacy-beneficiaries running for the border.

Romney was a clown... part of the problem... as much of a panderer and vote-whore as most of his contemporaries.

A serious player would get far more mileage out of the idea.
More of the same completely meaningless nonsense.
More of the same inane automatic gainsay on behalf of Illegal Aliens.

Continually parroting the words 'laughable' and 'meaningless' are not the same as decisively stamping an idea with such attributes.

Not that I believe for one second that you're capable of doing any such thing.

You're just a Leftie Mouthpiece, singing from the Pro-Illegals Happy Campers Songbook.

You got that backwards. It's you traitors, who don't want to do anything about illegal employers, you are bent on destroying America.
"You traitors"?

I voted Democrat, the past two general elections, my little butt-floss.

And, I'm all for flaying-alive, anyone who hires an Illegal Alien, if caught not doing a proper citizenship verification ( eVerify, etc.) prior to giving an employee a start-date.

Oh, and... BTW... Republicans are not 'traitors'... merely fellow Americans who do not think like you.

Wrong again, buffalo breath.
Sure you did, that must be why you repeat the same laughable nonsense that you hear on FOX News every day, almost verbatim.
Sure, I did what?

Vote Democratic?

I did.

As to Fox News, I hardly ever watch it.

Mostly CNN, with a bit of BBC America and CBS tossed-in for good measure.

And, the idea of resolving our massive Illegal Alien problem - in a manner that does not reward their presence and in a manner that does not encourage others to follow - is not 'laughable nonsense'.

It is a critical element in long-term national policy and related strategies and tactics.
Trump is just show-boating.

But he pulls no punches when it comes to speculating upon the plague of locusts that now beset us - the wave of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Out of the field of candidates on both sides of the aisle, The Donald is the only one not pandering and vote-whoring, afraid to offend somebody, when it comes to discussing this Invasion of Illegals.

Trump will almost certainly never ascend to the Presidency, but he is performing an excellent and badly-needed Public Service by dragging this issue out of the shadows of Political Correctness and Vote Whoring, into the open light of day, to be discussed frankly and openly and critically, by average American citizens.

And, for that reason, if for no other, he serves an extremely useful purpose, and his appearance on the scene at this particular moment in history, is timely, indeed.
Apparently it makes more sense to spend billions on border security than to simply penalize illegal employers.

Neither makes sense.
No, you're wrong about that. Holding illegal employers accountable makes perfect sense.
Agreed, for once. Spanking the employers of Illegal Aliens, and spanking them hard, does, indeed, make perfect sense.

But only as part of a more holistic and comprehensive setting of conditions hostile to the continued presence of Illegal Aliens.

This is not a one-trick-pony solution.
Trump is just show-boating.

But he pulls no punches when it comes to speculating upon the plague of locusts that now beset us - the wave of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Out of the field of candidates on both sides of the aisle, The Donald is the only one not pandering and vote-whoring, afraid to offend somebody, when it comes to discussing this Invasion of Illegals.

Trump will almost certainly never ascend to the Presidency, but he is performing an excellent and badly-needed Public Service by dragging this issue out of the shadows of Political Correctness and Vote Whoring, into the open light of day, to be discussed frankly and openly and critically, by average American citizens.

And, for that reason, if for no other, he serves an extremely useful purpose, and his appearance on the scene at this particular moment in history, is timely, indeed.
Apparently it makes more sense to spend billions on border security than to simply penalize illegal employers.

Neither makes sense.
No, you're wrong about that. Holding illegal employers accountable makes perfect sense.
We should be welcoming all immigrants who want to work.
More of the same completely meaningless nonsense.
More of the same inane automatic gainsay on behalf of Illegal Aliens.

Continually parroting the words 'laughable' and 'meaningless' are not the same as decisively stamping an idea with such attributes.

Not that I believe for one second that you're capable of doing any such thing.

You're just a Leftie Mouthpiece, singing from the Pro-Illegals Happy Campers Songbook.

You got that backwards. It's you traitors, who don't want to do anything about illegal employers, you are bent on destroying America.
"You traitors"?

I voted Democrat, the past two general elections, my little butt-floss.

And, I'm all for flaying-alive, anyone who hires an Illegal Alien, if caught not doing a proper citizenship verification ( eVerify, etc.) prior to giving an employee a start-date.

Oh, and... BTW... Republicans are not 'traitors'... merely fellow Americans who do not think like you.

Wrong again, buffalo breath.
Sure you did, that must be why you repeat the same laughable nonsense that you hear on FOX News every day, almost verbatim.
Sure, I did what?

Vote Democratic?

I did.

As to Fox News, I hardly ever watch it.

Mostly CNN, with a bit of BBC America and CBS tossed-in for good measure.

And, the idea of resolving our massive Illegal Alien problem - in a manner that does not reward their presence and in a manner that does not encourage others to follow - is not 'laughable nonsense'.

It is a critical element in long-term national policy and related strategies and tactics.
Feel free to elaborate on this concept of "self deportation" with something besides vague, generic catch phrases.
We have laws regarding employment at will; and, freedom of association and Contract. Why does the right believe in less Individual Liberty?
What "individual liberty" are you referring to here?

The so-called 'right' of Illegal Aliens to work wherever they want in the US?
It isn't illegal in States only under federal law; there are no State immigration requirement other than residency. Only the Right likes to appeal to ignorance of the law.
Ah, the rally-cry of the Pro-Illegals Obstructionist...

Sorry... I didn't realize what I was dealing with, as quickly as I should have.

Federal Law trumps State Law.

We now need to empower State and Local levels of Law Enforcement to assist in the enforcement of Federal Law.

Something that may very well occur soon after January 20, 2017, in this context.
Ah, the rally-cry of the Pro-Illegal, against the Illegals government program, blah, blah, blah.

Federal law is enforced within the States; it is merely not a State that can claim a violation of its borders by Persons from another State.

Sure; go ahead; gun lovers will love you for it.
Gun lovers?
the opposite of gun haters due to an argument.
Trump is just show-boating.

But he pulls no punches when it comes to speculating upon the plague of locusts that now beset us - the wave of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Out of the field of candidates on both sides of the aisle, The Donald is the only one not pandering and vote-whoring, afraid to offend somebody, when it comes to discussing this Invasion of Illegals.

Trump will almost certainly never ascend to the Presidency, but he is performing an excellent and badly-needed Public Service by dragging this issue out of the shadows of Political Correctness and Vote Whoring, into the open light of day, to be discussed frankly and openly and critically, by average American citizens.

And, for that reason, if for no other, he serves an extremely useful purpose, and his appearance on the scene at this particular moment in history, is timely, indeed.
Apparently it makes more sense to spend billions on border security than to simply penalize illegal employers.

Neither makes sense.
No, you're wrong about that. Holding illegal employers accountable makes perfect sense.
Agreed, for once. Spanking the employers of Illegal Aliens, and spanking them hard, does, indeed, make perfect sense.

But only as part of a more holistic and comprehensive setting of conditions hostile to the continued presence of Illegal Aliens.

This is not a one-trick-pony solution.
But we can start there, irregardless of any other factors. We don't need more bull shit talk about a comprehensive approach, we need to take action that will have real , tangible results. And penalizing illegal employers will have real, actual, not theoretical results
Trump is just show-boating.

But he pulls no punches when it comes to speculating upon the plague of locusts that now beset us - the wave of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Out of the field of candidates on both sides of the aisle, The Donald is the only one not pandering and vote-whoring, afraid to offend somebody, when it comes to discussing this Invasion of Illegals.

Trump will almost certainly never ascend to the Presidency, but he is performing an excellent and badly-needed Public Service by dragging this issue out of the shadows of Political Correctness and Vote Whoring, into the open light of day, to be discussed frankly and openly and critically, by average American citizens.

And, for that reason, if for no other, he serves an extremely useful purpose, and his appearance on the scene at this particular moment in history, is timely, indeed.
Apparently it makes more sense to spend billions on border security than to simply penalize illegal employers.

Neither makes sense.
No, you're wrong about that. Holding illegal employers accountable makes perfect sense.
We should be welcoming all immigrants who want to work.
We should be welcoming a quota of immigrants from each country or region of the world each year.

This is not the 19th Century, when we had unlimited land to give away and unlimited growth and unlimited jobs.

We are now spread coast to coast, with 330,000,000+ citizens.

We can always use a bit of fresh blood from time to time.

We do not, however, require massive infusions, as we once did, and as we once welcomed.

It's what happens, when a formerly wide-open and immature and still-expanding country, reaches the limits of its land-mass and sustainable population.

We are not obliged to take-in the world's teeming masses ad infinitum, to our own very great detriment.

From this point forward... a modest number of immigrants per year? No problem. Continuing to allow a massive influx? No phukking way.

The 12,000,000 now here are like a plague of locusts, depressing wage-levels in several trades, and thereby lowering the standard of living for American workers.

True Democrats are far more interested in the welfare of the American Worker than they are Illegal Aliens.
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...Ah, the rally-cry of the Pro-Illegal, against the Illegals government program, blah, blah, blah...
None of that shit matters, in this context.

What matters is (1) ejecting the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon US soil, in the quickest and least costly manner possible, and (2) ensuring that another wave of 12,000,000 or 24,000,000 or 48,000,000 doesn't show-up to take their place during the NEXT decade or two or three.

The answer - a viable, effective, sustainable one - is multi-faceted; not a one-trick pony.
It just seems that way to the Right. They have no other trick than to deny and disparage Individual Liberty with the (other) Peoples tax monies.

We have a Commerce Clause; when is the Capital right going to make money on Commerce at our borders instead of merely more government programs, blah...blah...blah; that is the usual for the Right when complaining about social spending on the least wealthy.
...But we can start there, irregardless of any other factors...
We are in complete agreement.

Time to get started.

...We don't need more bull shit talk about a comprehensive approach...
Yes we do.

But I agree that we should move on hammering the employers of Illegal Aliens while we're bolting-together that 'comprehensive approach'.

...we need to take action that will have real , tangible results. And penalizing illegal employers will have real, actual, not theoretical results
We are in complete agreement on this score.
...Ah, the rally-cry of the Pro-Illegal, against the Illegals government program, blah, blah, blah...
None of that shit matters, in this context.

What matters is (1) ejecting the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon US soil, in the quickest and least costly manner possible, and (2) ensuring that another wave of 12,000,000 or 24,000,000 or 48,000,000 doesn't show-up to take their place during the NEXT decade or two or three.

The answer - a viable, effective, sustainable one - is multi-faceted; not a one-trick pony.
It just seems that way to the Right. They have no other trick than to deny and disparage Individual Liberty with the (other) Peoples tax monies.

We have a Commerce Clause; when is the Capital right going to make money on Commerce at our borders instead of merely more government programs, blah...blah...blah; that is the usual for the Right when complaining about social spending on the least wealthy.
I really don't understand what you're trying to say, here.
When Trump pays back the people he screwed through his bankruptcy schemes, he then can talk about fining someone.

Trump is the GOP's poster child for not wanting the White House.
When Trump pays back the people he screwed through his bankruptcy schemes, he then can talk about fining someone.

Trump is the GOP's poster child for not wanting the White House.
Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.
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...Ah, the rally-cry of the Pro-Illegal, against the Illegals government program, blah, blah, blah...
None of that shit matters, in this context.

What matters is (1) ejecting the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon US soil, in the quickest and least costly manner possible, and (2) ensuring that another wave of 12,000,000 or 24,000,000 or 48,000,000 doesn't show-up to take their place during the NEXT decade or two or three.

The answer - a viable, effective, sustainable one - is multi-faceted; not a one-trick pony.
It just seems that way to the Right. They have no other trick than to deny and disparage Individual Liberty with the (other) Peoples tax monies.

We have a Commerce Clause; when is the Capital right going to make money on Commerce at our borders instead of merely more government programs, blah...blah...blah; that is the usual for the Right when complaining about social spending on the least wealthy.
I really don't understand what you're trying to say, here.
The Right's, one trick pony, is simply more government programs, blah...blah...blah.
...Ah, the rally-cry of the Pro-Illegal, against the Illegals government program, blah, blah, blah...
None of that shit matters, in this context.

What matters is (1) ejecting the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon US soil, in the quickest and least costly manner possible, and (2) ensuring that another wave of 12,000,000 or 24,000,000 or 48,000,000 doesn't show-up to take their place during the NEXT decade or two or three.

The answer - a viable, effective, sustainable one - is multi-faceted; not a one-trick pony.
It just seems that way to the Right. They have no other trick than to deny and disparage Individual Liberty with the (other) Peoples tax monies.

We have a Commerce Clause; when is the Capital right going to make money on Commerce at our borders instead of merely more government programs, blah...blah...blah; that is the usual for the Right when complaining about social spending on the least wealthy.
I really don't understand what you're trying to say, here.
The Right's, one trick pony, is simply more government programs, blah...blah...blah.
Yes, of course, I'm sure you're right...
...Ah, the rally-cry of the Pro-Illegal, against the Illegals government program, blah, blah, blah...
None of that shit matters, in this context.

What matters is (1) ejecting the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon US soil, in the quickest and least costly manner possible, and (2) ensuring that another wave of 12,000,000 or 24,000,000 or 48,000,000 doesn't show-up to take their place during the NEXT decade or two or three.

The answer - a viable, effective, sustainable one - is multi-faceted; not a one-trick pony.
It just seems that way to the Right. They have no other trick than to deny and disparage Individual Liberty with the (other) Peoples tax monies.

We have a Commerce Clause; when is the Capital right going to make money on Commerce at our borders instead of merely more government programs, blah...blah...blah; that is the usual for the Right when complaining about social spending on the least wealthy.
I really don't understand what you're trying to say, here.
The Right's, one trick pony, is simply more government programs, blah...blah...blah.
Yes, of course, I'm sure you're right...
The Proof is, we have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint; where is the plan of the Capital Right, to earn multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People on Commerce, well regulated, at our borders through Individual Liberty and freedom of Contract.
Yeah, but he's shaking things up, in the meantime, and pissing off the Elitists on both sides of the aisle...

And showing them up to be the panderers and vote-whores that so many of them are...

A breath of fresh air for a nation that's goddamned sick-and-tired of all this politically correct bullshit and empty promises and gutless wonders and dynasty scions...

Rather like introducing some spice into an otherwise bland pot of gringo chili.

Donald Trump is an ass-hole. Ask anyone that has worked for him or have done business with him will tell you that. I had a really hard time buying in one of his buildings, but I received such a deal that I couldn't turn it down.

Anyone that thinks Trump is a 'breath of fresh air' brings an entire new meaning to 'idiot.'
We should be welcoming a quota of immigrants from each country or region of the world each year.

This is not the 19th Century, when we had unlimited land to give away and unlimited growth and unlimited jobs.

We are now spread coast to coast, with 330,000,000+ citizens.

We can always use a bit of fresh blood from time to time.

We do not, however, require massive infusions, as we once did, and as we once welcomed.

It's what happens, when a formerly wide-open and immature and still-expanding country, reaches the limits of its land-mass and sustainable population.

It's what happens when the "meek" inherit the nation, and turn to protectionism to thwart competition.

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