Trump Wants To Fine Mexico

What's wrong with doing both?
Oh I don't know, maybe because Trump's suggestion is total fucking fantasy nonsense, designed for the consumption of an unexceptional constituency.

OK, now you want to answer my question?
Which part didn't you understand?

The part where you avoided a direct question.
Oh right, you mean the part where you play dumb and pretend not to understand? Or maybe you aren't playing. You'd have to be pretty stupid to take any of Trump's ideas seriously. Tell me professor, how would you propose we collect the money? Should we ask for a kick back on the cocaine sales? The money all comes from this country any way.

We send billions to Mexico annually, you simply reduce the amount sent, and you can stop the money transfers illegals send there. Since remittances are the second largest source for hard currency, that would really put a hurt on them. Where's there's a will, there's a way.
Oh I don't know, maybe because Trump's suggestion is total fucking fantasy nonsense, designed for the consumption of an unexceptional constituency.

OK, now you want to answer my question?
Which part didn't you understand?

The part where you avoided a direct question.
Oh right, you mean the part where you play dumb and pretend not to understand? Or maybe you aren't playing. You'd have to be pretty stupid to take any of Trump's ideas seriously. Tell me professor, how would you propose we collect the money? Should we ask for a kick back on the cocaine sales? The money all comes from this country any way.

We send billions to Mexico annually, you simply reduce the amount sent, and you can stop the money transfers illegals send there. Since remittances are the second largest source for hard currency, that would really put a hurt on them. Where's there's a will, there's a way.
You're wasting your time
The bombastic phony says as President he'd fine Mexico $100,000 per illegal immigrant. I have a better idea: Fine illegal employers $100,000 per illegal employee......illegal immigration wouldn't be a problem any more.

Get a brain, millions of illegals in our country are unemployed and sucking up welfare.
Feel free to provide some substantiation for that. Explain how an illegal alien qualifies for welfare.
Oh I don't know, maybe because Trump's suggestion is total fucking fantasy nonsense, designed for the consumption of an unexceptional constituency.

OK, now you want to answer my question?
Which part didn't you understand?

The part where you avoided a direct question.
Oh right, you mean the part where you play dumb and pretend not to understand? Or maybe you aren't playing. You'd have to be pretty stupid to take any of Trump's ideas seriously. Tell me professor, how would you propose we collect the money? Should we ask for a kick back on the cocaine sales? The money all comes from this country any way.

We send billions to Mexico annually, you simply reduce the amount sent, and you can stop the money transfers illegals send there. Since remittances are the second largest source for hard currency, that would really put a hurt on them. Where's there's a will, there's a way.
And that would do what? Who would that hurt? The wealthy people who control Mexico? "We" don't send any remittances, Mexicans do.
Fining employers should happen but don't fool yourself. They would still come to escape the crime ridden hell hole they live in now.
I would, wouldn't you?
The jobs are the primary reason they come. End of story.
Most of the tens of thousands of children who flooded our border last year says otherwise
No you're wrong, that does nothing to refute the obvious reality that almost all illegal immigrants come here for jobs.
So you're saying you wouldn't flee the drug cartel run cities in Mexico and come to America in the hopes that you can have a better chance at life? Struggling to not die>struggling to pay bills.
Not to deny jobs isn't a big factor but to imply it is the only factor is just ignorant.
Besides that what are you going to do to shut down the jobs? Inspect every jobsite everyday? Be realistic
Jobs are the only important factor over which we have control. No one has ever seriously tried to penalize illegal employers, not one politician has ever done anything about it.


Immigration authorities take aim at illegal hiring practices in Georgia

Immigration authorities take aim at illegal hiring practices...
Liberal traitors help illegals jump our border, provide them with food, education, housing, help them obtain documentation, offer them sanctuary cities to live in, then claim there's nothing that can be done about the problem.
The bombastic phony says as President he'd fine Mexico $100,000 per illegal immigrant. I have a better idea: Fine illegal employers $100,000 per illegal employee......illegal immigration wouldn't be a problem any more.

Get a brain, millions of illegals in our country are unemployed and sucking up welfare.
Feel free to provide some substantiation for that. Explain how an illegal alien qualifies for welfare.

Look clown do you know how much money just Los Angeles spends on welfare for illegals? Its hundreds of millions of dollars.
It's obvious that some people don't want to penalize illegal employers because they're more concerned about getting their lawns mowed cheaply than they are about the future of this country.
The bombastic phony says as President he'd fine Mexico $100,000 per illegal immigrant. I have a better idea: Fine illegal employers $100,000 per illegal employee......illegal immigration wouldn't be a problem any more.

Get a brain, millions of illegals in our country are unemployed and sucking up welfare.
Feel free to provide some substantiation for that. Explain how an illegal alien qualifies for welfare.

Look clown do you know how much money just Los Angeles spends on welfare for illegals? Its hundreds of millions of dollars.
Feel free to provide the evidence that anyone came here for welfare instead of work. All you idiots seem to have are childish anecdotes. Why can't you do better? Are you too stupid?
It's obvious that some people don't want to penalize illegal employers because they're more concerned about getting their lawns mowed cheaply than they are about the future of this country.
It's obvious that you're getting it handed to you as you're reduced to posting nonsense.

Ps. I mow my own yard on my own machine paid for with my own money
It's obvious that some people don't want to penalize illegal employers because they're more concerned about getting their lawns mowed cheaply than they are about the future of this country.
It's obvious that you're getting it handed to you as you're reduced to posting nonsense.

Ps. I mow my own yard on my own machine paid for with my own money
Another amusing yet completely irrelevant anecdote.
Fining employers is typical of left wing logic. Employers hire illegals to save money that the government would otherwise confiscate but the government does nothing about the illegal aliens in the first place. Shouldn't Mexico bear some financial responsibility for encouraging it's citizens to enter the U.S. illegally?
OK, now you want to answer my question?
Which part didn't you understand?

The part where you avoided a direct question.
Oh right, you mean the part where you play dumb and pretend not to understand? Or maybe you aren't playing. You'd have to be pretty stupid to take any of Trump's ideas seriously. Tell me professor, how would you propose we collect the money? Should we ask for a kick back on the cocaine sales? The money all comes from this country any way.

We send billions to Mexico annually, you simply reduce the amount sent, and you can stop the money transfers illegals send there. Since remittances are the second largest source for hard currency, that would really put a hurt on them. Where's there's a will, there's a way.
And that would do what? Who would that hurt? The wealthy people who control Mexico? "We" don't send any remittances, Mexicans do.

And we can stop the transfers the Mexicans are sending, in fact I would seize them as proceeds of ongoing criminal enterprises. They are getting the money illegally by working illegally and every day they go to work they are committing another crime.
Which part didn't you understand?

The part where you avoided a direct question.
Oh right, you mean the part where you play dumb and pretend not to understand? Or maybe you aren't playing. You'd have to be pretty stupid to take any of Trump's ideas seriously. Tell me professor, how would you propose we collect the money? Should we ask for a kick back on the cocaine sales? The money all comes from this country any way.

We send billions to Mexico annually, you simply reduce the amount sent, and you can stop the money transfers illegals send there. Since remittances are the second largest source for hard currency, that would really put a hurt on them. Where's there's a will, there's a way.
And that would do what? Who would that hurt? The wealthy people who control Mexico? "We" don't send any remittances, Mexicans do.

And we can stop the transfers the Mexicans are sending, in fact I would seize them as proceeds of ongoing criminal enterprises. They are getting the money illegally by working illegally and every day they go to work they are committing another crime.
But you wouldn't do shit about the people who encourage them to come here and make a tidy profit off their labor. Which undermines wages here and reduces the tax base. Funny you guys don't give a shit about that.
Fining employers is typical of left wing logic. Employers hire illegals to save money that the government would otherwise confiscate but the government does nothing about the illegal aliens in the first place. Shouldn't Mexico bear some financial responsibility for encouraging it's citizens to enter the U.S. illegally?
Oh right, we wouldn't want to hold the people responsible for the problem accountable for anything. That would be unAmerican.
Fining employers is typical of left wing logic. Employers hire illegals to save money that the government would otherwise confiscate but the government does nothing about the illegal aliens in the first place. Shouldn't Mexico bear some financial responsibility for encouraging it's citizens to enter the U.S. illegally?
Oh right, we wouldn't want to hold the people responsible for the problem accountable for anything. That would be unAmerican.
If I dangle a 100 dollar bill in front of you & you steal it who is responsible for the theft? Your lack of self control or me exposing it?

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