Trump Wants To Fine Mexico

I repeat, if you are opposed to holding illegal employers accountable it's because you want illegal immigration to continue.

I repeat, you're a fucking retard who spews lies from the hate sites and has no clue what reality is.

I just posted facts of employers punished for failure to follow the law - and still you lie. How fucking stupid are you? No need to answer, you're a hate drone, you can only spew Soros shit - you cannot think.
Like I said, If you don't think illegal employers should be fined, it's because you're a cheap ass motherfucker who doesn't care about this country.
I have no problem with the idea. I'm just not a dumbfuck like you who doesn't understand the problem of actually implimenting it.
In the end YOU would just give the IRS more damn power that it doesn't need
Spinning off into other conspiracies now.
You think the employers are gonna turn themselves in?
I posed the question THREE TIMES and YOU couldn't answer it.

Maybe you should do some research on that question and get back to me when you have the answer.
Noob fail
You are simply dishonest.
The bombastic phony says as President he'd fine Mexico $100,000 per illegal immigrant. I have a better idea: Fine illegal employers $100,000 per illegal employee......illegal immigration wouldn't be a problem any more.

Get a brain, millions of illegals in our country are unemployed and sucking up welfare.
Feel free to provide some substantiation for that. Explain how an illegal alien qualifies for welfare.

Look clown do you know how much money just Los Angeles spends on welfare for illegals? Its hundreds of millions of dollars.
Feel free to provide the evidence that anyone came here for welfare instead of work. All you idiots seem to have are childish anecdotes. Why can't you do better? Are you too stupid?

That you are a uninformed liberal idiot living in a bubble of lib talking points is not my problem. If I had a dollar for every time one of you dumb asses demanded a link for something that's been widely reported in the news I'd be filthy rich.
I repeat, if you are opposed to holding illegal employers accountable it's because you want illegal immigration to continue.

I repeat, you're a fucking retard who spews lies from the hate sites and has no clue what reality is.

I just posted facts of employers punished for failure to follow the law - and still you lie. How fucking stupid are you? No need to answer, you're a hate drone, you can only spew Soros shit - you cannot think.
Obviously not nearly enough of them are being punished. Send some to prison, that would be an effective deterrent.
Trump may be hitting or near his peak. That is what happens when the candidate is forced to explain to solutions to the problems he or she has addressed as concerns he or she can fix. Trump is falling flat as people realize his solutions are illusions and delusions, irrational and impossible props in a hollow hustle.
Obviously not nearly enough of them are being punished. Send some to prison, that would be an effective deterrent.

Again, you lied on behalf of your master - when shown that you were lying, you doubled down on stupid and lied some more.

Look, you're a leftist, you have no integrity, we get it - but do you have no shame either? Or are you simply not bright enough to be humiliated when you are exposed outright lying?
Like I said, If you don't think illegal employers should be fined, it's because you're a cheap ass motherfucker who doesn't care about this country.
I have no problem with the idea. I'm just not a dumbfuck like you who doesn't understand the problem of actually implimenting it.
In the end YOU would just give the IRS more damn power that it doesn't need
Spinning off into other conspiracies now.
You think the employers are gonna turn themselves in?
I posed the question THREE TIMES and YOU couldn't answer it.

Just count the number of employees vs the number of employees on the's just that easy.
Lol yup, just that easy. Because employers hiring illegals intentionally are of course honest book keepers right?

Does anybody with half a freaking brain really think that fining people who hire illegal aliens will stem the flow of criminal trespassers over the border while the federal and state governments offer free benefits? Everything is bas-ackward to the useful idiots on the left.
FACT: The left and GOP establishment don't even want to discuss the down side of illegals, the crime, the financial drain on our welfare system, schools, healthcare. Its like a taboo topic with them.

Why? Because it doesn't fit the narrative they are spinning. Awe look at those poor law abiding undocumented workers who just need our help. Lets gift them amnesty and sign them up for government hand outs. No big deal we can just borrow another trillion dollars.

Why? Because Dem's get new voters, the GOP establishment gets cheap labor. Of course the American people get screwed!
Based on the majority of responses on this thread, I think we can logically conclude that people on the right are no more interested in ending illegal immigration than people on the left. They are both equally full of shit.
And recovering all taxpayer dollars used to educate the ilegal little darlings in our public schools....
The bombastic phony says as President he'd fine Mexico $100,000 per illegal immigrant. I have a better idea: Fine illegal employers $100,000 per illegal employee......illegal immigration wouldn't be a problem any more.

I believe I have a Capital good idea; why not use our Commerce Clause and make money on Commerce at our borders?
Trump is just show-boating.

But he pulls no punches when it comes to speculating upon the plague of locusts that now beset us - the wave of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our express prior consent.

Out of the field of candidates on both sides of the aisle, The Donald is the only one not pandering and vote-whoring, afraid to offend somebody, when it comes to discussing this Invasion of Illegals.

Trump will almost certainly never ascend to the Presidency, but he is performing an excellent and badly-needed Public Service by dragging this issue out of the shadows of Political Correctness and Vote Whoring, into the open light of day, to be discussed frankly and openly and critically and unafraid, by average American citizens.

And, for that reason, if for no other, he serves an extremely useful purpose, and his appearance upon the scene at this particular moment in history, is timely, indeed.

Does any good capitalist need more than this: To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes; and, an official Mint to work with?
Based on the majority of responses on this thread, I think we can logically conclude that people on the right are no more interested in ending illegal immigration than people on the left. They are both equally full of shit.
The only thing that can be logically concluded from this thread is that you are close minded & a fool
Based on the majority of responses on this thread, I think we can logically conclude that people on the right are no more interested in ending illegal immigration than people on the left. They are both equally full of shit.
The only thing that can be logically concluded from this thread is that you are close minded & a fool
You traitors just don't want to disrupt the flow of cheap labor.
Only when the law is enforced.

The law is enforced all of the time.

The biggest issue is that the law is a farce, because an employer is prohibited from questioning documents submitted in I-9 verification. Instant check is supposed to reveal fraudulent documents, but rarely does. An employer must collect and file I-9 documents. Once the employer does so they are PROHIBITED from further inquiry into the legal status of employees.

Essentially, a Mexican national can use crayons to draw a social security card on the back of a napkin, and the employer is required by law to accept it. If instant check does not flag it - and let's be honest, under Obama it NEVER flags anything, then the employer may not question it or the employee for legal status.
Seems to me that you agree with me that the law is not really enforced. You listed several reasons why.

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