Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
Immigration needs to be merit based not whoever sneaks in claiming asylum. Then eliminate chain migration, lottery migration, overstays, etc.
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It's not const to only take in Christians who are discriminated against. And the amnesty provisions are laws that Trump cannot override.

I'd say we don't need to increase our numbers of unskilled workers just to get unskilled workers, but Mitch McConnell disagrees. And Trump ran on fewer foreign tech workers yet he's doing the opposite
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
Because jews abs Latinos are the Same thing lol brain dead libs
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.

It isn't the 1930's or the 1940's.

The problem with the asylum program is that it is being gamed by thousands of coyotes and unskilled individuals from Shithole countries who use the huge logjam to get into America.

The USA already has plenty enough unskilled individuals, and our demand for this demographic is going down.

The asylum program definitely needs changed.

If thousands of Cuban Freedom Lovers, or South African Honkies being displaced from their farms or israelites being removed from their settlements, were the people arriving and claiming asylum the libs would have a conniption. They'd never allow it, regardless of what skills those groups could bring to the US economy
He has my full support on this. Most of them arent really seeking asylum anyways. They just want us to give them free shit. Thats why they cross through multiple jurisdictions and even countries.
I saw one caravan last year that went right through a town in mexico that had a lower crime rate than san diego where they were seeking asylum!!!
Fuck em and fuck all illegals.
If he's got the votes in congress go for it, but I'll be laughing my ass off the next time some country persecutes Christians and his bible thumpers for the pussy grabber get their panties in a wad.
What made you think that Jews got asylum here? Roosevelt turned them away.
The Jewish refugees the US turned away
Canada turned them away too.

The invaders claiming asylum aren't entitled to asylum. They aren't fleeing anything. They just want money. They are coached and taught what to say. The claims are actually fraudulent.
If he's got the votes in congress go for it, but I'll be laughing my ass off the next time some country persecutes Christians and his bible thumpers for the pussy grabber get their panties in a wad.

Ohhh you mean like the Yazidi or Chaldean Christians. No we didn't let them in. We aren't even letting white south Africans in and we certainly didn't accept refugees from Rhodesia. Get busy. You gotta lot of ass to laugh off.
Yet it was the liberal icon FDR who was President during that time when he along with the State Department claimed that Jewish immigrants could threaten national security fearing they were Nazi spies among them.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
Because jews abs Latinos are the Same thing lol brain dead libs

I am a Jew and I hate the prog Left. Don’t lump in with them please.
Trump wants to get rid of the US asylum program.

If Trump's request was in effect in the 1930's into the 1940's, many more Jews would have died because they would not have been given asylum in the US.
Guess what. Eliminating our asylum program will not have any impact on the Holocaust.

Just in case you thought otherwise.
If he's got the votes in congress go for it, but I'll be laughing my ass off the next time some country persecutes Christians and his bible thumpers for the pussy grabber get their panties in a wad.

Ohhh you mean like the Yazidi or Chaldean Christians. No we didn't let them in. We aren't even letting white south Africans in and we certainly didn't accept refugees from Rhodesia. Get busy. You gotta lot of ass to laugh off.
oh I'm laughing

Pence voted to expand the Lautenberg Amendment to include religious minorities in Iran in 2003 while he was a member of Congress. He said last year, “The suffering of Christians in the Middle East has stirred America to act.” Lawmakers and commission co-chairs Randy Hultgren, an Illinois Republican, and Jim McGovern, a Massachusetts Democrat, urged Pence to take action, writing, “The law is clear: these applicants should be presumed eligible for refugee status.”
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