Trump Wants to Kill the Fiduciary Rule


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
For right-wingers, Trump’s move to rescind the new regulation known as the fiduciary rule will be good news. Why, because it was passed during Obama’s presidency, and conservatives are certain all regulations hurt jobs.

This certainty by conservatives is a useful tool to the Republicans, interested only in protecting Wall Street rather than investors. More proof conservatism relies on fools.

Trump Wants to Kill the Fiduciary Rule. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal for Retirement Savers

If it's any consolation I'd like to push you out of a helicopter.

That would be real progress.


Maybe those retirees should've thought of working on wall street and becoming millionaires like Trump did instead of whining that the government should regulate the financial industry.

......joking aside im sure this is one of a million regulations that Trump doesn't understand (much less the average american) that will be repealed. The rich didn't lose a dime in the recession they just got richer, they have no reason to fear another.
If it's any consolation I'd like to push you out of a helicopter.

That would be real progress.

yes yes we all understand your a psychopathic murderer you dont have to keep making death threats, the FBI is already aware of you
I have mixed feelings on the policy change. Basically those that'll be hurt directly are folks who probably are either (1) are too trusting or (2) think they're smarter than they actually are. It all comes down to how far do we go to protect people from themselves? That one I don't have an answer for.
I have mixed feelings on the policy change. Basically those that'll be hurt directly are folks who probably are either (1) are too trusting or (2) think they're smarter than they actually are. It all comes down to how far do we go to protect people from themselves? That one I don't have an answer for.
think about it like this. I own a bank you come into my bank and open a savings account. I invest your money in something safe and make a profit and pay you interest for having a savings account with me. This regulation means that not only can I charge you whatever fees I wish, but i can invest your savings account into something as risky as the open stock market where you may lose everything.
I have mixed feelings on the policy change. Basically those that'll be hurt directly are folks who probably are either (1) are too trusting or (2) think they're smarter than they actually are. It all comes down to how far do we go to protect people from themselves? That one I don't have an answer for.
think about it like this. I own a bank you come into my bank and open a savings account. I invest your money in something safe and make a profit and pay you interest for having a savings account with me. This regulation means that not only can I charge you whatever fees I wish, but i can invest your savings account into something as risky as the open stock market where you may lose everything.

And that's where you engage brain and look at a different investment plan...
I have mixed feelings on the policy change. Basically those that'll be hurt directly are folks who probably are either (1) are too trusting or (2) think they're smarter than they actually are. It all comes down to how far do we go to protect people from themselves? That one I don't have an answer for.
think about it like this. I own a bank you come into my bank and open a savings account. I invest your money in something safe and make a profit and pay you interest for having a savings account with me. This regulation means that not only can I charge you whatever fees I wish, but i can invest your savings account into something as risky as the open stock market where you may lose everything.

And that's where you engage brain and look at a different investment plan...
thats what scam artists like Trump always say in court

The bastard is connected at the asshole with wall street and the banks. STUPID FUCKING VOTERS!!! We're going to see the second great depression soon!
For right-wingers, Trump’s move to rescind the new regulation known as the fiduciary rule will be good news. Why, because it was passed during Obama’s presidency, and conservatives are certain all regulations hurt jobs.

This certainty by conservatives is a useful tool to the Republicans, interested only in protecting Wall Street rather than investors. More proof conservatism relies on fools.

Trump Wants to Kill the Fiduciary Rule. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal for Retirement Savers


There is a huge difference between reasonable regulations to keep companies honest and keep consumers educated on products, but there is too much overregulation that seems designed to eliminate the little guy and collect more money through fines.

Forcing restaurants to post exact calorie content, especially when it comes to special order salads or pizzas with lots of different ingredients, is nearly impossible to achieve yet it would be all too easy for government to fine them for not being accurate. If people don't know some foods are fattening and might be the reason that they are grossly overweight, will posting a calorie count make a difference?

And we still have problems despite all the government agencies that are supposedly there to protect us from companies. There are dozens of class action lawsuits each year for bad drugs that harmed or killed people. Yet, they all were given the seal of approval from government bureaucrats. It's because Big Pharms rule and that means government agencies are irrelevant at times because they will pander to the big campaign donors.

Inspectors can be bought off. Some places, like certain Planned Parenthood clinics, had gone years without an inspection. Having all these bloated government agencies can give people a false sense of security. It doesn't make people safer and most regulations seem designed to bring more money in through fines. We are trusting a system where they make laws that give people a sense of security but they don't actually do anything to keep us safe. They forced cigarette companies to put additives in their products that are actually worse than the ones already in them. An ingredient found in carpet glue was added to make cigarettes automatically extinguish if left untouched. It's another instance of trying to protect people from themselves and hurting more people in the process.

It seems incredible that companies must spend a lot of money to add extra warnings just because a few idiots misused their product. One Dem congresswoman wanted all cleaning buckets to have a small hole in the bottom so people wouldn't leave them sitting. It was because a few children had drown in them and, of course, they immediately assumed all people were idiots. While tragic, the problem wasn't the buckets, it was parents who didn't watch their little ones. More children have drowned in toilets. Little toddlers are top heavy because of their proportions and if they lean into anything, they usually topple over. Instead of maybe putting together public ads to inform the ignorant people, they make stupid regulations.

Some people cannot be saved from their own stupidity. Warning labels won't stop idiots. If you are dumb enough to drink lemon dish soap because it has a picture of a lemon on the bottle or you think a plastic bag is really a toy for your baby, then no one on this earth can help you unless they lock you in a padded cell.

We do need oversight and standards, don't get me wrong, but it's out of hand and common sense isn't involved most of the time.
For right-wingers, Trump’s move to rescind the new regulation known as the fiduciary rule will be good news. Why, because it was passed during Obama’s presidency, and conservatives are certain all regulations hurt jobs.

This certainty by conservatives is a useful tool to the Republicans, interested only in protecting Wall Street rather than investors. More proof conservatism relies on fools.

Donald Trump: “I’m the king of debt’

Trump Wants to Kill the Fiduciary Rule. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal for Retirement Savers

The reason banks have a lot of money is because of the rules that passed under Obama. There weren't allowed to invest in schemes. But Trump is the Ace of Schemes and the King of Debt.

Donald Trump isn't just the king of debt, he's the emperor of failure
For right-wingers, Trump’s move to rescind the new regulation known as the fiduciary rule will be good news. Why, because it was passed during Obama’s presidency, and conservatives are certain all regulations hurt jobs.

This certainty by conservatives is a useful tool to the Republicans, interested only in protecting Wall Street rather than investors. More proof conservatism relies on fools.

Trump Wants to Kill the Fiduciary Rule. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal for Retirement Savers


There is a huge difference between reasonable regulations to keep companies honest and keep consumers educated on products, but there is too much overregulation that seems designed to eliminate the little guy and collect more money through fines.

Forcing restaurants to post exact calorie content, especially when it comes to special order salads or pizzas with lots of different ingredients, is nearly impossible to achieve yet it would be all too easy for government to fine them for not being accurate. If people don't know some foods are fattening and might be the reason that they are grossly overweight, will posting a calorie count make a difference?

And we still have problems despite all the government agencies that are supposedly there to protect us from companies. There are dozens of class action lawsuits each year for bad drugs that harmed or killed people. Yet, they all were given the seal of approval from government bureaucrats. It's because Big Pharms rule and that means government agencies are irrelevant at times because they will pander to the big campaign donors.

Inspectors can be bought off. Some places, like certain Planned Parenthood clinics, had gone years without an inspection. Having all these bloated government agencies can give people a false sense of security. It doesn't make people safer and most regulations seem designed to bring more money in through fines. We are trusting a system where they make laws that give people a sense of security but they don't actually do anything to keep us safe. They forced cigarette companies to put additives in their products that are actually worse than the ones already in them. An ingredient found in carpet glue was added to make cigarettes automatically extinguish if left untouched. It's another instance of trying to protect people from themselves and hurting more people in the process.

It seems incredible that companies must spend a lot of money to add extra warnings just because a few idiots misused their product. One Dem congresswoman wanted all cleaning buckets to have a small hole in the bottom so people wouldn't leave them sitting. It was because a few children had drown in them and, of course, they immediately assumed all people were idiots. While tragic, the problem wasn't the buckets, it was parents who didn't watch their little ones. More children have drowned in toilets. Little toddlers are top heavy because of their proportions and if they lean into anything, they usually topple over. Instead of maybe putting together public ads to inform the ignorant people, they make stupid regulations.

Some people cannot be saved from their own stupidity. Warning labels won't stop idiots. If you are dumb enough to drink lemon dish soap because it has a picture of a lemon on the bottle or you think a plastic bag is really a toy for your baby, then no one on this earth can help you unless they lock you in a padded cell.

We do need oversight and standards, don't get me wrong, but it's out of hand and common sense isn't involved most of the time.
. Exactly... The liberals want to control people's thoughts, actions, and speech. It stops now... Gooooooo Trump.
For right-wingers, Trump’s move to rescind the new regulation known as the fiduciary rule will be good news. Why, because it was passed during Obama’s presidency, and conservatives are certain all regulations hurt jobs.

This certainty by conservatives is a useful tool to the Republicans, interested only in protecting Wall Street rather than investors. More proof conservatism relies on fools.

Donald Trump: “I’m the king of debt’

Trump Wants to Kill the Fiduciary Rule. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal for Retirement Savers

The reason banks have a lot of money is because of the rules that passed under Obama. There weren't allowed to invest in schemes. But Trump is the Ace of Schemes and the King of Debt.

Donald Trump isn't just the king of debt, he's the emperor of failure
I have mixed feelings on the policy change. Basically those that'll be hurt directly are folks who probably are either (1) are too trusting or (2) think they're smarter than they actually are. It all comes down to how far do we go to protect people from themselves? That one I don't have an answer for.
think about it like this. I own a bank you come into my bank and open a savings account. I invest your money in something safe and make a profit and pay you interest for having a savings account with me. This regulation means that not only can I charge you whatever fees I wish, but i can invest your savings account into something as risky as the open stock market where you may lose everything.

That is a good thought and years ago I would have valued that concern a good bit more than I do today. But I find it harder to care when seeing folks accept companies screwing their fellow customers. I'm thinking of Wells Fargo still being in business after their recent ploy was exposed in which they were socking people with fees on unwanted and unrequested accounts. On the surface I dislike Trump's plan. I would prefer if people take action to step up and do things for themselves.
I have mixed feelings on the policy change. Basically those that'll be hurt directly are folks who probably are either (1) are too trusting or (2) think they're smarter than they actually are. It all comes down to how far do we go to protect people from themselves? That one I don't have an answer for.
think about it like this. I own a bank you come into my bank and open a savings account. I invest your money in something safe and make a profit and pay you interest for having a savings account with me. This regulation means that not only can I charge you whatever fees I wish, but i can invest your savings account into something as risky as the open stock market where you may lose everything.

That is a good thought and years ago I would have valued that concern a good bit more than I do today. But I find it harder to care when seeing folks accept companies screwing their fellow customers. I'm thinking of Wells Fargo still being in business after their recent ploy was exposed in which they were socking people with fees on unwanted and unrequested accounts. On the surface I dislike Trump's plan. I would prefer if people take action to step up and do things for themselves.
you dont have much choice there is really only 5 major banks, thats why you hear about banks being "too big to fail".


blaming the victim is an old strategy, besides even if you dont use anyone of these banks, they still effect your life.
It all comes down to how far do we go to protect people from themselves? That one I don't have an answer for.

If the protection of citizens from foreign or domestic foes is NOT a governmental responsibility, what the fuck is?
Wall St has shown unequivocally that they cannot be trusted. Fucking bastards would sell shit stocks to their dying grandmother if it made them money.

This is a huge mistake.

The bastard is connected at the asshole with wall street and the banks. STUPID FUCKING VOTERS!!! We're going to see the second great depression soon!
. Hoping for America's downfall again Matthew ? :boohoo:

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