Trump wants to spend 4.4 trillion??? GTFO

It isn't as if this wasn't foretold before the election. It was only a matter of time before Trumps spending matched his liberal views.

This is ONE of the reasons I didn't vote for him.
Trump and the Republicans have given America a One Trillion Dollar deficit last year. And what are they saying about it?

"You ain't seen nothing baby, Republicans have the taxpayers credit card and we're going to Rodeo Drive."
Trump and the Republicans have given America a One Trillion Dollar deficit last year. And what are they saying about it?

"You ain't seen nothing baby, Republicans have the taxpayers credit card and we're going to Rodeo Drive."
What are they saying about it? Read my op. That's what this Republican says about it.
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.

Let's see, Trump's tax cut benefits the wealthy. The Top 20% reap 72% of the tax cut, while the bottom 80% gets the left over 28%.
Secondly, the Top 20% has seen tremendous income growth, while the bottom 80@ has seen basically minor growth in income growth. This is primarily due to very minor wage growth, despite high productivity..
And the domestic spending cuts? The elderly, disabled, the middle class and the low paid wages earners are the ones getting.
This is lie reverse Robin Hood, a large majority of the wealthy get the rewards and everyone else gets screwed.

Oh please the middle class has TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations TRILLIONS. Largely their retirement savings. As stock holders in these corporations they will reap huge benefits from Trump's corporate tax cuts FACT! Enough with the twisted hate the 'rich' half truths okay.

:disbelief:Say what?
Drink, drink the Kool-aid Gomer.

Debunked: Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.

Let's see, Trump's tax cut benefits the wealthy. The Top 20% reap 72% of the tax cut, while the bottom 80% gets the left over 28%.
Secondly, the Top 20% has seen tremendous income growth, while the bottom 80@ has seen basically minor growth in income growth. This is primarily due to very minor wage growth, despite high productivity..
And the domestic spending cuts? The elderly, disabled, the middle class and the low paid wages earners are the ones getting.
This is lie reverse Robin Hood, a large majority of the wealthy get the rewards and everyone else gets screwed.

Oh please the middle class has TRILLIONS of dollars invested in corporations TRILLIONS. Largely their retirement savings. As stock holders in these corporations they will reap huge benefits from Trump's corporate tax cuts FACT! Enough with the twisted hate the 'rich' half truths okay.

:disbelief:Say what?
Drink, drink the Kool-aid Gomer.

Debunked: Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power

drink Trumps piss ..

And then, with Trump's and Congress's fetish to giving huge gifts to the wealthy and spending like a drunken Democrat , there's a thing called nation security.
National debt ‘unsustainable,’ intelligence director Coats says
A top intelligence official is warning that the U.S.’s national debt isn’t just “unsustainable,” it puts national security at risk.
Here’s what Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, during a hearing on worldwide security threats.
"The failure to address our long-term fiscal situation has increased the national debt to over $20 trillion and growing. This situation is unsustainable, as I think we all know, and represents a dire threat to our economic and national security."
The statement by Coats came a day after President Donald Trump submitted a budget that doesn’t balance, and less than a week after Trump signed a two-year budget deal that boosts domestic and military spending by $300 billion.
Coats is a former Republican senator from Indiana. He didn’t cite the deal Trump signed on Friday, or the president’s tax-cut package, which is projected to add $1.5 trillion to deficits over the next 10 years.
But he urged senators to take action “as soon as possible, before a fiscal crisis occurs that truly undermines our ability to ensure our national security.”
For more: National debt ‘unsustainable,’ intelligence director Coats says
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
I am here to have a substantive discussion so I appreciate the thoughtful answer. My biggest critique of the Obama administration was with wasteful spending. One of the things that I appreciate about the Balance of power with our Left/Right politics is the fact that progressives invest and explore and then get reigned in by fiscal conservatives. We are in need of deficit control so I hope we get there or we will be in big trouble.

I think the justification that Trumps spending is all based on strong ROI is pretty weak though, that is an easy talking point and one that the Dems have also used. The fact is military spending is the biggest portion of the descretionary budget, by far. Trump has dramatically accelerated that and it does not have the ROI results that you speak of.

It wasn't Obama's fault, it was CONGRESS. They gave Obama a bit of money to spend, and yes one could make a point that some of his spending was on stuff that turned out to be losing propositions but congress largely controls what money is spent on and how much is spent. I'm no Obama fan but just trying to be fair to the guy.

We have three choices, lets talk reality okay.

Choice 1 the status quo I think we all know how that will turn out.

Choice 2 let congress increase spending and dole it out to their cronies, bad idea.

Choice 3 give Trump's approach a shot, again it could hardly be any worse than the last 16 years.
How about choice 4. Present a balanced budget. Make smart spending cuts to finally control the deficit. Reform government programs to cut waste and increase efficiency.
Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
I am here to have a substantive discussion so I appreciate the thoughtful answer. My biggest critique of the Obama administration was with wasteful spending. One of the things that I appreciate about the Balance of power with our Left/Right politics is the fact that progressives invest and explore and then get reigned in by fiscal conservatives. We are in need of deficit control so I hope we get there or we will be in big trouble.

I think the justification that Trumps spending is all based on strong ROI is pretty weak though, that is an easy talking point and one that the Dems have also used. The fact is military spending is the biggest portion of the descretionary budget, by far. Trump has dramatically accelerated that and it does not have the ROI results that you speak of.

It wasn't Obama's fault, it was CONGRESS. They gave Obama a bit of money to spend, and yes one could make a point that some of his spending was on stuff that turned out to be losing propositions but congress largely controls what money is spent on and how much is spent. I'm no Obama fan but just trying to be fair to the guy.

We have three choices, lets talk reality okay.

Choice 1 the status quo I think we all know how that will turn out.

Choice 2 let congress increase spending and dole it out to their cronies, bad idea.

Choice 3 give Trump's approach a shot, again it could hardly be any worse than the last 16 years.
How about choice 4. Present a balanced budget. Make smart spending cuts to finally control the deficit. Reform government programs to cut waste and increase efficiency.

Your plan has zero chance of passing, not a single Dem will vote for it and many GOP rep's will also vote no its DOA. Yes that would be the intelligent thing to do, but this is corrupt Washington we are dealing with. Bought and paid for reps answerable to their donors and lobbyists and that's the reality Trump has to deal with as did Obama.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
I am here to have a substantive discussion so I appreciate the thoughtful answer. My biggest critique of the Obama administration was with wasteful spending. One of the things that I appreciate about the Balance of power with our Left/Right politics is the fact that progressives invest and explore and then get reigned in by fiscal conservatives. We are in need of deficit control so I hope we get there or we will be in big trouble.

I think the justification that Trumps spending is all based on strong ROI is pretty weak though, that is an easy talking point and one that the Dems have also used. The fact is military spending is the biggest portion of the descretionary budget, by far. Trump has dramatically accelerated that and it does not have the ROI results that you speak of.

It wasn't Obama's fault, it was CONGRESS. They gave Obama a bit of money to spend, and yes one could make a point that some of his spending was on stuff that turned out to be losing propositions but congress largely controls what money is spent on and how much is spent. I'm no Obama fan but just trying to be fair to the guy.

We have three choices, lets talk reality okay.

Choice 1 the status quo I think we all know how that will turn out.

Choice 2 let congress increase spending and dole it out to their cronies, bad idea.

Choice 3 give Trump's approach a shot, again it could hardly be any worse than the last 16 years.
How about choice 4. Present a balanced budget. Make smart spending cuts to finally control the deficit. Reform government programs to cut waste and increase efficiency.

Your plan has zero chance of passing, not a single Dem will vote for it and many GOP rep's will also vote no its DOA. Yes that would be the intelligent thing to do, but this is corrupt Washington we are dealing with. Bought and paid for reps answerable to their donors and lobbyists and that's the reality Trump has to deal with as did Obama.
It wouldn’t be so tough as the president to use the bully pulpit to propose a balanced budget plan. Put pressure on the legislative branch to draft a bill that fits those standards. He just did that for immigration. I’m sure some freedom caucus conservatives would gladly draft it. Put it up for a vote and let congress members pick a side and choose their fate. Why isn’t that happening?
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
I am here to have a substantive discussion so I appreciate the thoughtful answer. My biggest critique of the Obama administration was with wasteful spending. One of the things that I appreciate about the Balance of power with our Left/Right politics is the fact that progressives invest and explore and then get reigned in by fiscal conservatives. We are in need of deficit control so I hope we get there or we will be in big trouble.

I think the justification that Trumps spending is all based on strong ROI is pretty weak though, that is an easy talking point and one that the Dems have also used. The fact is military spending is the biggest portion of the descretionary budget, by far. Trump has dramatically accelerated that and it does not have the ROI results that you speak of.

It wasn't Obama's fault, it was CONGRESS. They gave Obama a bit of money to spend, and yes one could make a point that some of his spending was on stuff that turned out to be losing propositions but congress largely controls what money is spent on and how much is spent. I'm no Obama fan but just trying to be fair to the guy.

We have three choices, lets talk reality okay.

Choice 1 the status quo I think we all know how that will turn out.

Choice 2 let congress increase spending and dole it out to their cronies, bad idea.

Choice 3 give Trump's approach a shot, again it could hardly be any worse than the last 16 years.
How about choice 4. Present a balanced budget. Make smart spending cuts to finally control the deficit. Reform government programs to cut waste and increase efficiency.

Your plan has zero chance of passing, not a single Dem will vote for it and many GOP rep's will also vote no its DOA. Yes that would be the intelligent thing to do, but this is corrupt Washington we are dealing with. Bought and paid for reps answerable to their donors and lobbyists and that's the reality Trump has to deal with as did Obama.
Aiming low never gets you high results.
Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
I am here to have a substantive discussion so I appreciate the thoughtful answer. My biggest critique of the Obama administration was with wasteful spending. One of the things that I appreciate about the Balance of power with our Left/Right politics is the fact that progressives invest and explore and then get reigned in by fiscal conservatives. We are in need of deficit control so I hope we get there or we will be in big trouble.

I think the justification that Trumps spending is all based on strong ROI is pretty weak though, that is an easy talking point and one that the Dems have also used. The fact is military spending is the biggest portion of the descretionary budget, by far. Trump has dramatically accelerated that and it does not have the ROI results that you speak of.

It wasn't Obama's fault, it was CONGRESS. They gave Obama a bit of money to spend, and yes one could make a point that some of his spending was on stuff that turned out to be losing propositions but congress largely controls what money is spent on and how much is spent. I'm no Obama fan but just trying to be fair to the guy.

We have three choices, lets talk reality okay.

Choice 1 the status quo I think we all know how that will turn out.

Choice 2 let congress increase spending and dole it out to their cronies, bad idea.

Choice 3 give Trump's approach a shot, again it could hardly be any worse than the last 16 years.
How about choice 4. Present a balanced budget. Make smart spending cuts to finally control the deficit. Reform government programs to cut waste and increase efficiency.

Your plan has zero chance of passing, not a single Dem will vote for it and many GOP rep's will also vote no its DOA. Yes that would be the intelligent thing to do, but this is corrupt Washington we are dealing with. Bought and paid for reps answerable to their donors and lobbyists and that's the reality Trump has to deal with as did Obama.
It wouldn’t be so tough as the president to use the bully pulpit to propose a balanced budget plan. Put pressure on the legislative branch to draft a bill that fits those standards. He just did that for immigration. I’m sure some freedom caucus conservatives would gladly draft it. Put it up for a vote and let congress members pick a side and choose their fate. Why isn’t that happening?
Ask McConnell & Ryan
Instead of raising spending by 10% I wished he'd decreased by that amount.

Then we'd have to listen to liberals squawking about how he doesn't care about the sick, elderly, children, poor, etc., etc.
Well, since his budget cuts the social safety net by a trillion dollars over the next 10 years, it's pretty obvious where the sick, elderly, children, and poor stand.
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?
who the hell cares?? if it MAGA it's good for America
Instead of raising spending by 10% I wished he'd decreased by that amount.

Then we'd have to listen to liberals squawking about how he doesn't care about the sick, elderly, children, poor, etc., etc.
Well, since his budget cuts the social safety net by a trillion dollars over the next 10 years, it's pretty obvious where the sick, elderly, children, and poor stand.

Yeah, would exactly call those affected social safety nets, more like social freebees.
Instead of raising spending by 10% I wished he'd decreased by that amount.

Then we'd have to listen to liberals squawking about how he doesn't care about the sick, elderly, children, poor, etc., etc.
Well, since his budget cuts the social safety net by a trillion dollars over the next 10 years, it's pretty obvious where the sick, elderly, children, and poor stand.

Yeah, would exactly call those affected social safety nets, more like social freebees.
People have been paying into Social Security and Medicare their whole working careers. Nothing free about it. Now the repugs want to fuck those people who are most vulnerable and dependent on these programs.
Instead of raising spending by 10% I wished he'd decreased by that amount.

Then we'd have to listen to liberals squawking about how he doesn't care about the sick, elderly, children, poor, etc., etc.
Well, since his budget cuts the social safety net by a trillion dollars over the next 10 years, it's pretty obvious where the sick, elderly, children, and poor stand.

Yeah, would exactly call those affected social safety nets, more like social freebees.
People have been paying into Social Security and Medicare their whole working careers. Nothing free about it. Now the repugs want to fuck those people who are most vulnerable and dependent on these programs.
Trump budget proposal has massive cuts to social programs
Don't even try to defend this lunacy.
Half of Obama's debt in one budget. Absolutely outrageous
2 things

1, this is where Republicans in congress need to step up

I'm good and damned tired of watching Rand Paul push to do the right thing all by himself

2, Trump is also proposing to scale back on some mandatory spending - this has to happen

We need to scale back military spending as well, we just have go

I hope we see a budget that is closer to $3 trillion when it's all said and done

I'm disappointed with this budget, but I do think we'll continue to see more money collected in tax receipts, we need to spend less as well

And NYET, this does not make me wish I'd voted for the Hildebeast

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