Trump wants to spend 4.4 trillion??? GTFO

Instead of raising spending by 10% I wished he'd decreased by that amount.

Then we'd have to listen to liberals squawking about how he doesn't care about the sick, elderly, children, poor, etc., etc.
Well, since his budget cuts the social safety net by a trillion dollars over the next 10 years, it's pretty obvious where the sick, elderly, children, and poor stand.
Because Congress won't morph in the next 10 years.
If this plan goes through, only Americans should be hired, not Business Visas.
Most economist have stated, that it is foolish to have tax cuts during a strong economy, especially a one that creates $1.5 trillion debt.
But Trump couldn’t stop himself, to give himself a huge tax break.
I see most Trump supporters are applauding Trump’s proposed cut in social programs that effect the elderly, disabled, the middle class and the poor, to pay for his tax cut. I would care to bet, that 99.9% of the posters supporting these cuts, will be victims of these cuts, themselves!. They are the folks are that easily manipulated and that stupid.
The Liberal Democrat side of Donald Trump.
If Democrats had a winning candidate, it would look very much like this!
It takes an act of Congress to give out the dough.. and the propaganda from the GOP over the term of Oblama was a lie about budgets...So how do you feel being made a fool by the GOP?
You don’t actually think that Emily recognizes when she has been made a fool, do you?
I really think the bone head is trying to defend it. Trump sniffers will follow their leader no matter what. It just doesn't matter.

Trumps budget is a boondoggle for the rich at the expense of the poor
Don't even try to defend this lunacy.
Half of Obama's debt in one budget. Absolutely outrageous

'Seed money' for infrastructure you moron. Unlike Obama's 'shovel ready' projects that never happened. Trump is a developer he understands it takes money to build things and how building things stimulates the economy. Honestly can you really be that stupid?
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?
who the hell cares?? if it MAGA it's good for America
America has been great in my opinion. I dont know what era you’re trying to get back to but im happy with where we’ve progressed
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?
who the hell cares?? if it MAGA it's good for America
America has been great in my opinion. I dont know what era you’re trying to get back to but im happy with where we’ve progressed
no --these last years with HATE police crap has divided and hurt the US
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?
who the hell cares?? if it MAGA it's good for America
America has been great in my opinion. I dont know what era you’re trying to get back to but im happy with where we’ve progressed
no --these last years with HATE police crap has divided and hurt the US
Maybe for some but not in the big picture. Police corruption and abuse of power goes back from the beginning of the force. There have always been battles about that and there is nothing wrong with keeping the powerful accountable. Yes some of the groups and rhetoric have gone too far, what’s new? Back in the 60s we had our solders gettting spit on. That rhetoric doesn’t represent the majority of Americans. It never has. Our armed forces and emergency responders are still very much honored in this country. Don’t let the loud minority fringe groups from either side dictate your vision of our country.
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?
who the hell cares?? if it MAGA it's good for America
America has been great in my opinion. I dont know what era you’re trying to get back to but im happy with where we’ve progressed
no --these last years with HATE police crap has divided and hurt the US
Maybe for some but not in the big picture. Police corruption and abuse of power goes back from the beginning of the force. There have always been battles about that and there is nothing wrong with keeping the powerful accountable. Yes some of the groups and rhetoric have gone too far, what’s new? Back in the 60s we had our solders gettting spit on. That rhetoric doesn’t represent the majority of Americans. It never has. Our armed forces and emergency responders are still very much honored in this country. Don’t let the loud minority fringe groups from either side dictate your vision of our country.
wrong--99.999% of these police protest were for BULLSHIT
burning and looting for cops JUSTIFIABLY shooting dangerous, resisting criminals that were a threat/attacked cops/etc

...that's all we saw in the news ''white cop shoots black man''--these were the major stories
...and the black hierarchy/leaders/sports players/celebrities went along with it--hating police and America ......they are sympathizing with criminals---OBAMA did it by sending his AG to comfort the family of a black criminal that attacked a white cop
..the AG is supposed to be anti-criminal
--so you have the black POTUS screwing and hating the police and America
he defended BLM !!
BLM wants to kill white people and the White House!!!!!!!
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police memorial in Dallas

BLM is pro-criminal and anti-police

and there is not a chronic, major problem of cops shooting blacks in the first place !!!!
I've proven this many times on the forum

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