Trump wants to spend 4.4 trillion??? GTFO

Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?

Are you honestly saying if Trump proposed budget cuts you people wouldn't squeal like a stuck pig?
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
And those budgets are equally outrageous. We are blowing through money like a poor person who just won the lottery. This is the type of shit that caused the housing crash when people accumulated more debt than they could afford.

The housing crash was caused by people, individuals being dumb as a post. Its long overdue that individuals take personal responsibility for their actions and not be blaming the banks and government. Some of us did not take out 2nd mortgages and go on spending sprees, did not purchase more home than we can afford with loan terms only a moron would agree to, or engage in buying/flipping or other risky real estate transactions. Yes government, banks, lenders, Wall Street all encouraged this behavior but nobody forced the individual to sign a contract.
Instead of raising spending by 10% I wished he'd decreased by that amount.

Then we'd have to listen to liberals squawking about how he doesn't care about the sick, elderly, children, poor, etc., etc.
Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?

Are you honestly saying if Trump proposed budget cuts you people wouldn't squeal like a stuck pig?
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.

With a strong economy now would be the time to pay down debt,
Are you honestly saying if Trump proposed budget cuts you people wouldn't squeal like a stuck pig?
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.

With a strong economy now would be the time to pay down debt,
Yet the bastards in our govt. wouldn't get their pork nor the pig...
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
And those budgets are equally outrageous. We are blowing through money like a poor person who just won the lottery. This is the type of shit that caused the housing crash when people accumulated more debt than they could afford.

The housing crash was caused by people, individuals being dumb as a post. Its long overdue that individuals take personal responsibility for their actions and not be blaming the banks and government. Some of us did not take out 2nd mortgages and go on spending sprees, did not purchase more home than we can afford with loan terms only a moron would agree to, or engage in buying/flipping or other risky real estate transactions. Yes government, banks, lenders, Wall Street all encouraged this behavior but nobody forced the individual to sign a contract.
I didn't place blame. I said it is the same thing and it is. Matters not if it's an individual, the government or a business. Taking in far less than you are spending is like plugging the leak on the Titanic with silly putty.
The house of cards eventually crumbles.
Are you honestly saying if Trump proposed budget cuts you people wouldn't squeal like a stuck pig?
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.

With a strong economy now would be the time to pay down debt,

We will need long term sustained growth to deal with the debt. The debt is so enormous now that we can no longer dig out of the hole with spending cuts and tax increases, our only hope of dealing with it is long term sustained robust growth. Of course that assumes those assholes in Washington don't spend every damn cent of the increase and actually start paying down the debt.
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
And those budgets are equally outrageous. We are blowing through money like a poor person who just won the lottery. This is the type of shit that caused the housing crash when people accumulated more debt than they could afford.

The housing crash was caused by people, individuals being dumb as a post. Its long overdue that individuals take personal responsibility for their actions and not be blaming the banks and government. Some of us did not take out 2nd mortgages and go on spending sprees, did not purchase more home than we can afford with loan terms only a moron would agree to, or engage in buying/flipping or other risky real estate transactions. Yes government, banks, lenders, Wall Street all encouraged this behavior but nobody forced the individual to sign a contract.
I didn't place blame. I said it is the same thing and it is. Matters not if it's an individual, the government or a business. Taking in far less than you are spending is like plugging the leak on the Titanic with silly putty.
The house of cards eventually crumbles.

Did you see tax revenues for the first 4 months of this fiscal year? All 4 months were records and this past month they actually had a $40 plus billion dollar surplus vs spending.
Why do angry lefties assume the U.S. is some sort of convoluted monarchy? Trump only signs the check, congress spends the money. So far it seems that democrats are doing everything (including threats of a shutdown) to break the freaking bank. Hypocrite democrats whine about infrastructure spending after they spent years demanding infrastructure improvement. Democrats even threatened to shut down the government (until the President called their bluff) if we didn't award citizenship to criminal aliens who entered the Country illegally. What did we get when Hussein raised the debit for eight years? A stagnant economy, a promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" while the rest of the world was gobbling it up and taxpayer funded golden parachutes for executives of failed solar manufacturing companies who donated to the Hussein campaign. All this left wing nonsense about the Debit is just a feeble effort to split the republican base.
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.

With a strong economy now would be the time to pay down debt,

We will need long term sustained growth to deal with the debt. The debt is so enormous now that we can no longer dig out of the hole with spending cuts and tax increases, our only hope of dealing with it is long term sustained robust growth. Of course that assumes those assholes in Washington don't spend every damn cent of the increase and actually start paying down the debt.

Any extra money Congress will spend, that is the track record since the beginning and nothing in the future will stop the insanity.
Gramps here's spending for the past several years, how is Trump's proposed budget that different? Hey I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts no argument.

2018 $4.40 Trillion proposed
2017 $4.26 Trillion
2016 $4.09 Trillion
2015 $3.90 Trillion
And those budgets are equally outrageous. We are blowing through money like a poor person who just won the lottery. This is the type of shit that caused the housing crash when people accumulated more debt than they could afford.

The housing crash was caused by people, individuals being dumb as a post. Its long overdue that individuals take personal responsibility for their actions and not be blaming the banks and government. Some of us did not take out 2nd mortgages and go on spending sprees, did not purchase more home than we can afford with loan terms only a moron would agree to, or engage in buying/flipping or other risky real estate transactions. Yes government, banks, lenders, Wall Street all encouraged this behavior but nobody forced the individual to sign a contract.
I didn't place blame. I said it is the same thing and it is. Matters not if it's an individual, the government or a business. Taking in far less than you are spending is like plugging the leak on the Titanic with silly putty.
The house of cards eventually crumbles.

Did you see tax revenues for the first 4 months of this fiscal year? All 4 months were records and this past month they actually had a $40 plus billion dollar surplus vs spending.
That means NOTHING when you intend to blow it as fast as you make it.
It may make for good talking points & charts but when balanced against desired spending it means squat.
The Liberal Democrat side of Donald Trump.
If Democrats had a winning candidate, it would look very much like this!
Name me one US republican president that didn't expand the debt...........or increased spending......Good luck......(music from Jeopardy's final round)

Just wait until high inflation kicks in next year.

Why do you think we are headed for high inflation?
Increased cost of freight due to labor shortage is one....
Why do angry lefties assume the U.S. is some sort of convoluted monarchy? Trump only signs the check, congress spends the money. So far it seems that democrats are doing everything (including threats of a shutdown) to break the freaking bank. Hypocrite democrats whine about infrastructure spending after they spent years demanding infrastructure improvement. Democrats even threatened to shut down the government (until the President called their bluff) if we didn't award citizenship to criminal aliens who entered the Country illegally. What did we get when Hussein raised the debit for eight years? A stagnant economy, a promise to "wean America off fossil fuel" while the rest of the world was gobbling it up and taxpayer funded golden parachutes for executives of failed solar manufacturing companies who donated to the Hussein campaign. All this left wing nonsense about the Debit is just a feeble effort to split the republican base.
Your entire post might as well been written by a child. You know God damn well I'm not a leftist. Now stop sucking Trump cock and TRY to address the point of the thread instead.

Are you honestly defending Trumps budget by saying it’s only slightly more than Obama’s budget?! Seriously? Were you cool with Obama’s budgets?

Are you honestly saying if Trump proposed budget cuts you people wouldn't squeal like a stuck pig?
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
I am here to have a substantive discussion so I appreciate the thoughtful answer. My biggest critique of the Obama administration was with wasteful spending. One of the things that I appreciate about the Balance of power with our Left/Right politics is the fact that progressives invest and explore and then get reigned in by fiscal conservatives. We are in need of deficit control so I hope we get there or we will be in big trouble.

I think the justification that Trumps spending is all based on strong ROI is pretty weak though, that is an easy talking point and one that the Dems have also used. The fact is military spending is the biggest portion of the descretionary budget, by far. Trump has dramatically accelerated that and it does not have the ROI results that you speak of.
Trump wants to spend 4.4 trillion??? GTFO

I hate to repeat myself - I TOLD YOU SO.

and Mr Big Shot hasn't even broke his runners out of the ice and got started yet.

stat tuned.
Are you honestly saying if Trump proposed budget cuts you people wouldn't squeal like a stuck pig?
How about you answer my question and then I’ll answer yours

Are you being intentionally dense? I answered your question in my first post before you asked it, what part of "I'm all for slashing and burning waste and fraud in the budget and common sense spending cuts" didn't you understand? Gramps thought Trump proposed $4.4 trillion for infrastructure on top of the $4 trillion dollar budget for a total of $8 plus trillion, I simply pointed out that's not what Trump proposed.
Well then let me ask it directly then... how do you feel about the budget that Trump proposed?

Okay let me assume for a moment that you wish to have an intelligent discussion on this topic, against my better judgement but okay.

I get what Trump is trying to do. He is proposing cuts to domestic spending in areas of waste and failure, diverting that money and yes an increase in spending to infrastructure spending that actually has a chance to pay dividends back on the money invested. This being part of a larger comprehensive plan that includes tax reform, corporate tax cuts, reduced government regulation, streamlined sped up government approval processes, etc. So as a larger comprehensive plan, some additional spending to kick this off with the promise that the investment will pay off big for the country sure I can get behind that.

Look we just piled $10 trillion freaking dollars onto the national debt over the past 8 years and have little to show for it, Trump could hardly do worse than that holy shit.
I am here to have a substantive discussion so I appreciate the thoughtful answer. My biggest critique of the Obama administration was with wasteful spending. One of the things that I appreciate about the Balance of power with our Left/Right politics is the fact that progressives invest and explore and then get reigned in by fiscal conservatives. We are in need of deficit control so I hope we get there or we will be in big trouble.

I think the justification that Trumps spending is all based on strong ROI is pretty weak though, that is an easy talking point and one that the Dems have also used. The fact is military spending is the biggest portion of the descretionary budget, by far. Trump has dramatically accelerated that and it does not have the ROI results that you speak of.
The train is going so damn fast now that it is bound to come off the tracks on one of these curves. There are only a handful in DC who appear to be willing to put the brakes on. It is well past time to cut the shit & get real.
Instead of raising spending by 10% I wished he'd decreased by that amount.

Then we'd have to listen to liberals squawking about how he doesn't care about the sick, elderly, children, poor, etc., etc.

I listen to the Democrats as well as I listen to my wife. If we're talking face to face or sitting next to each other in the car it's fine. Otherwise I simply consider it background noise. I tell her it isn't really my fault, half the time she's talking to the dogs anyways.

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