Trump wants to strengthen and expand U.S. nuclear capability

Perhaps the Liberals want old aging equipment and launch systems holding our current nuclear when they malfunction it will take us out........because they decided they didn't like them....................

Don't worry Libs......that 40 year old wiring will not short out........IT LASTS FOREVER in UTOPIA.............

In other words - refurbish the hardware.

Refurbish and upgrade, look at like way back when...the US Army had muskets, then repeating rifles and then Gatling guns. How'd all that work out for your ancestors? You constantly refurbish and upgrade
There was an earlier story in the media about Putin calling for Russia to increase its nukular weapons capacity.

Putin is bluffing, of course. But boy oh boy did Trump take the bait.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have given the nuclear codes to a tard who can be easily baited.
Well here's an idea. Let's never stop upgrading our nuke capability and let the rest of the world fuck right off. We fell behind because of the actions of you dolts insisting the best nuke deterent was for us to not have any. That's just stupid. You deter people by having the most badass defense in the world. And then you flaunt that shit if they act up.

How many nukes do we need?

We wouldn't need as many if your boy Obama hadn't started another Cold War with Russia. The arms race is on. Thanks a lot Obama and Clinton.
Perhaps the Liberals want old aging equipment and launch systems holding our current nuclear when they malfunction it will take us out........because they decided they didn't like them....................

Don't worry Libs......that 40 year old wiring will not short out........IT LASTS FOREVER in UTOPIA.............

Hopefully the computer systems and ancient 'floppy disks' they're still using in the leaking missle silos' get replaced.
There was an earlier story in the media about Putin calling for Russia to increase its nukular weapons capacity.

Putin is bluffing, of course. But boy oh boy did Trump take the bait.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have given the nuclear codes to a tard who can be easily baited.
Well here's an idea. Let's never stop upgrading our nuke capability and let the rest of the world fuck right off. We fell behind because of the actions of you dolts insisting the best nuke deterent was for us to not have any. That's just stupid. You deter people by having the most badass defense in the world. And then you flaunt that shit if they act up.

How many nukes do we need?
That is open to discussion...........but the standard answer from many from the left is none at all...................Perhaps not you but many.................

It is something that we wish could be UN INVENTED.........but that is not we need to maintain and upgrade them until they become obsolete so the MAD principle stays in effect.

Perhaps this......

There was an earlier story in the media about Putin calling for Russia to increase its nukular weapons capacity.

Putin is bluffing, of course. But boy oh boy did Trump take the bait.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have given the nuclear codes to a tard who can be easily baited.
Well here's an idea. Let's never stop upgrading our nuke capability and let the rest of the world fuck right off. We fell behind because of the actions of you dolts insisting the best nuke deterent was for us to not have any. That's just stupid. You deter people by having the most badass defense in the world. And then you flaunt that shit if they act up.

How many nukes do we need?

We wouldn't need as many if your boy Obama hadn't started another Cold War with Russia. The arms race is on. Thanks a lot Obama and Clinton.

Democraps re-ignited the cold war. We won't need to use them against Russia when Trump assumes command. But, N. Korea, Iran, China, etc. may be a different story, dependent how provacative they become.
How many times over can you blow up the planet ??!
What an idiotic question. Leave national defense to the grown ups.

Grown ups ? Don't you mean meatheads ?

Jesus Christ , one thread you want to double our nukes, the next you'll be complaining about the debt . Make up your fucking mind .
So you want to keep the old systems that are in need of overhaul or replacement that handles Nuclear Weapons????

If it was a fast speed train, or a solar power grid you'd be onboard..........or god forbid a DESALINATION PLANT IN CALIFORNIA........oh my Fing God.......making FRESH WATER IS EVIL out there........until your gov't realized it was stupid and was running out of water.................... got them all wrong..........
The dangers of our aging nuclear arsenal

How bad is the situation?
The Pentagon recently admitted there are "systemic problems across the nuclear enterprise." Thanks to arms-control treaties and the end of the Cold War, the U.S. has reduced its stockpile of nuclear weapons from 31,000 to about 4,800 over the last 48 years. But as fears of nuclear war eased, the government failed to adequately maintain and update this immensely dangerous arsenal, which still contains enough collective destructive force to lay waste to every country on Earth. The U.S.'s 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are stored in decaying 60-year-old nuclear silos in Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming that look like a poorly maintained Cold War museum. The demoralized Air Force personnel safeguarding the weapons have been plagued by scandals reaching to the very top of the command structure — including drug rings, mislaid missiles, and widespread cheating on readiness tests. Today, the real nuclear threat to America isn't an enemy strike, says Air Force Lt. Gen. James Kowalski. It's "an accident. The greatest risk…is doing something stupid."

How old are America's nukes?
The average age of a U.S. nuclear warhead is 27 years. Many of the buildings where the nuclear missiles and bombs are stored date back to the 1950s — and it shows. Blast doors on the country's nuclear missile silos are too rusty to seal shut. The roof of a security complex in Oak Ridge, Tenn., that houses most of the U.S. supply of enriched uranium collapsed in March. For years, the three ICBM complexes had just one working wrench available to tighten the bolts on the missiles' warheads. When the wrench was needed, the workers would FedEx it from base to base. Today, the principal information technology used to operate and launch the ICBMs is an 8-inch floppy disk from the 1960s.

On a validity scale of 1-10 for daily Lahota complaints, I rank this a five. Five might seem a bit high to some, but have you seen what this guy posts?
“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.”

PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump called on Thursday for the country to expand its nuclear weapons capabilities until the world “comes to its senses” - a signal he may support costly efforts to modernize the aging U.S. nuclear arsenal.

During the next decade, U.S. ballistic missile submarines, bombers, and land-based missiles - the three legs of the nuclear triad - are expected to reach the end of their useful lives.

Maintaining and modernizing the arsenal is expected to cost at about $1 trillion dollars over 30 years, according to independent estimates.

“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” Trump said in a post on Twitter.

More: Donald Trump Calls For Expanded Nuclear Capability In Vague Tweet

It seems to me that Trump needs to "come to his senses". Oh well, we may as well let him take us out with one big bang.
ahhhhhh yawn
There was an earlier story in the media about Putin calling for Russia to increase its nukular weapons capacity.

Putin is bluffing, of course. But boy oh boy did Trump take the bait.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have given the nuclear codes to a tard who can be easily baited.

And in January, we'll turn them over to another tard.
“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.”

PALM BEACH, Fla./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump called on Thursday for the country to expand its nuclear weapons capabilities until the world “comes to its senses” - a signal he may support costly efforts to modernize the aging U.S. nuclear arsenal.

During the next decade, U.S. ballistic missile submarines, bombers, and land-based missiles - the three legs of the nuclear triad - are expected to reach the end of their useful lives.

Maintaining and modernizing the arsenal is expected to cost at about $1 trillion dollars over 30 years, according to independent estimates.

“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” Trump said in a post on Twitter.

More: Donald Trump Calls For Expanded Nuclear Capability In Vague Tweet

It seems to me that Trump needs to "come to his senses". Oh well, we may as well let him take us out with one big bang.
Our nuclear deterrent has long been outdated and needs updating. We also need to bolster our nuclear submarine fleet.

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