Trump Was Right About Russia


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Trump Was Right About Russia

10 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matthew G. Andersson

President Trump’s instincts, insight and intuition were especially accurate on eight major policy issues:
  1. U.S. domestic energy production
  2. Trade agreements
  3. Border security
  4. Manufacturing repatriation
  5. Defense, national security, and space
  6. Education
  7. The Middle East (Israel and Iran)
  8. Russia
Each of the eight policy areas could take up a lengthy essay, and each was grounded in an essential American patriotism and pragmatism; all are connected by holding a priority in U.S. national interests. They share an overlapping relationship and are mutually reinforcing. They should also not be associated only with Trump, but with anyone who shares a similar policy outlook, because above all else they rest on a “Realpolitik” (meaning, a realistic, clear-headed approach to getting things done in a productive, sensible way, versus ideology and theory). I’d like to single out and discuss just one of these critical policy areas: Russia.
Early in Trump’s first campaign for president, he made an arresting public statement: the U.S. and Russia could have a normal, even productive relationship. He framed this position as a question, and asked, “why not?”
Trump was actually a peace president, including in his correct understanding of the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran. The Biden administration is by contrast, going down a dead-end policy path, facilitating a three-pronged global risk consisting of support for radical Islam, a superpower conflict with Russia, and U.S. domestic civil war. None of these would have existed or existed in the same manner and to the same degree under a Trump presidency.

Great evaluation. Indeed, it appears that stolen elections have disastrous consequences. There is no sanity in the White House or the Department of State, and the result of that may well be nuclear devastation. It describes the people and the motivations perfectly.
Considering how evil and corrupt (how leftist) we now know the US Government, under the control of the Maoist Marxist Democrats, has been and now is, all that propaganda and disinformation against Russia seems a bit silly and indeed hypocritical.
Consider what could have occurred vis a vis relation between America and Russia had Trump not been kneecapped in his foreign policy pursuits by the Russia/Russia collusion canard. Perhaps thousands of Ukrainians and Russians would still be alive today? But instead, we have a weakened America headed by a demented incompetent fraudulently elected Maoist Marxist Democrat regime.
Every major political scandal of the last 10 years has had some connection to Ukraine - the DNC server, Russia-gate, many of its players, Trump’s fake impeachment, Vindman, of course Pedo Joe’s meddling in their politics, and Hunter’s payoffs of perfidy, etc. etc.
Ukraine has become the black box and base for Democrat, deep-state corruption.
It's never about Ukraine’s “freedom” - its about maintaining that power, control and money-flow over Ukraine, Europe and globalist institutions.
The politico's here screaming about Ukraine’s “freedom” are feeding the malignancy of the U.S. deep-state cancer that is destroying the USA.
Next time, just say "I love Russia for its white supremascism and christofascism" and get it over with.
This is an important thread.

One the leftards would like to bury, I'm sure.

The OP states a simple reality: Trump was right, and the deep state policy is wrong.

Not only wrong - dangerously counterproductive at this point.

The leftards dont seem to get it. Donald Trump was the first president in EIGHTY YEARS who didn't start a foreign war.

Leftards no longer value peace, they've become warmongers. Every aspect of their strategy and tactics is warmongering. Across the board. From foreign policy, to partisan politics.

Trump Was Right About Russia

10 Jun 2023 ~~ By Matthew G. Andersson

President Trump’s instincts, insight and intuition were especially accurate on eight major policy issues:
  1. U.S. domestic energy production
  2. Trade agreements
  3. Border security
  4. Manufacturing repatriation
  5. Defense, national security, and space
  6. Education
  7. The Middle East (Israel and Iran)
  8. Russia
Each of the eight policy areas could take up a lengthy essay, and each was grounded in an essential American patriotism and pragmatism; all are connected by holding a priority in U.S. national interests. They share an overlapping relationship and are mutually reinforcing. They should also not be associated only with Trump, but with anyone who shares a similar policy outlook, because above all else they rest on a “Realpolitik” (meaning, a realistic, clear-headed approach to getting things done in a productive, sensible way, versus ideology and theory). I’d like to single out and discuss just one of these critical policy areas: Russia.
Early in Trump’s first campaign for president, he made an arresting public statement: the U.S. and Russia could have a normal, even productive relationship. He framed this position as a question, and asked, “why not?”
Trump was actually a peace president, including in his correct understanding of the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran. The Biden administration is by contrast, going down a dead-end policy path, facilitating a three-pronged global risk consisting of support for radical Islam, a superpower conflict with Russia, and U.S. domestic civil war. None of these would have existed or existed in the same manner and to the same degree under a Trump presidency.

Great evaluation. Indeed, it appears that stolen elections have disastrous consequences. There is no sanity in the White House or the Department of State, and the result of that may well be nuclear devastation. It describes the people and the motivations perfectly.
Considering how evil and corrupt (how leftist) we now know the US Government, under the control of the Maoist Marxist Democrats, has been and now is, all that propaganda and disinformation against Russia seems a bit silly and indeed hypocritical.
Consider what could have occurred vis a vis relation between America and Russia had Trump not been kneecapped in his foreign policy pursuits by the Russia/Russia collusion canard. Perhaps thousands of Ukrainians and Russians would still be alive today? But instead, we have a weakened America headed by a demented incompetent fraudulently elected Maoist Marxist Democrat regime.
Every major political scandal of the last 10 years has had some connection to Ukraine - the DNC server, Russia-gate, many of its players, Trump’s fake impeachment, Vindman, of course Pedo Joe’s meddling in their politics, and Hunter’s payoffs of perfidy, etc. etc.
Ukraine has become the black box and base for Democrat, deep-state corruption.
It's never about Ukraine’s “freedom” - its about maintaining that power, control and money-flow over Ukraine, Europe and globalist institutions.
The politico's here screaming about Ukraine’s “freedom” are feeding the malignancy of the U.S. deep-state cancer that is destroying the USA.
Your link:

"This Washington, D.C. establishment is dedicated to maintaining the posture of Cold War relationships and interpretations. Why? Because even though the 'Establishment' is often deemed conservative, in reality it is not -- its members are inward looking, progressive in their self-interests, and casually opportunistic..."

"Above all, the progressive Left that defines the core of this Establishment..."

There is no progressive Left in US politics.
US polity serves the richest one percent of citizens at the expense of the majority.
That's not a progressive position.
It's a Joe Biden/Donald Trump position.
Even Bernie Sanders recognizes how far the right-ward shift in this country has been over the past half-century:

Bernie Sanders Says This Republican President Was a Bigger Socialist Than He Is

"Bernie Sanders earned a hearty applause from the audience on Saturday when he compared his lofty tax plans with that of former President Dwight Eisenhower.

"'I’m no more socialist than Eisenhower,' Sanders said of the Republican president under whom the marginal tax rate was 92%."

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