trump was screaming at the TV during Castor's opening statement

There have been reporting for the past 4 years about TR☭MP screaming at the television.

The resident sump pump repairman thinks all those reporters are lying.
Speaking of leftist sheep, there's one now!
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.
Is it so hard to believe Trump would act like a whiny little bitch as usual?
It's far easier to believe leftist media is telling lies, and leftist sheep believe it without question.
Really? Have you seen his banned Twitter feed? My god. What a pathetic sack of shit.
I am sure poor Mr. Castor is getting an earful from the Orange bloviating idiot.

Any bets that Castor will quit before the end of the impeachment trial?

It would be really unethical for him to do so. It's grounds for a mistrail in a criminal trial. We're in so much unchartered territory here I don't know what the impact would be on an Impeachment. I mean we're watching a trial where the victims are the jurors here so, we're already in bizzarro world from the get go, legally speaking.
Says they can happen but are rare.


You forget where you left those goal posts, Trumpster?

Again why is the Red Cross begging for my plasma, leftist? And you left out that if you get it again the symptoms are very mild. You are a very dishonest person.
You are not "safe" yet...

If I get it again the symptoms will be very mild. You scared? I have helped save 36 lives so far with my own plasma aka blood. What have you done to help sans bitch? Eh leftist?
You are kidding me, right? I spent 20 years in the United States Coast Guard. I'm pretty sure that trumps you sitting on your ass giving blood because you didn't protect yourself from getting COVID. :rolleyes:
Protect myself? I was at the hospital with my daughter in early March last year as she got hurt playing basketball. You didn’t save anyone. You were also dishonest. Don’t ask don’t tell?
I saved hundreds, darling. Copied an SOS once that saved a whole ship full of people. You were not wearing a mask, got sick and now sit on your ass and give blood. Whew, big hero.

Do you not understand what Don't Ask Don't Tell means?
Masks weren’t required on March 3rd. We didn’t shut down til what, two weeks later? I understand that you broke your code of honor, sweetie.
You don’t understand shit. I “broke” nothing and never had to lie about my sexuality.

You want people to treat you like some kind of hero for getting sick and giving blood? Maybe you should have served and you wouldn’t feel the need for such sad validation.
It ain’t validation it’s just a fact. I help save lives you broke your code of honor.
Uh Huh.... ;)
Are you trying to doxx me?
:puke: ugh, no.
I think you are. You keep inferring you want my personal data on donations and such.


I kid.

You're such a dumb leftist.
I am? How delusional of you.
Says they can happen but are rare.


You forget where you left those goal posts, Trumpster?

Again why is the Red Cross begging for my plasma, leftist? And you left out that if you get it again the symptoms are very mild. You are a very dishonest person.
You are not "safe" yet...

If I get it again the symptoms will be very mild. You scared? I have helped save 36 lives so far with my own plasma aka blood. What have you done to help sans bitch? Eh leftist?
You are kidding me, right? I spent 20 years in the United States Coast Guard. I'm pretty sure that trumps you sitting on your ass giving blood because you didn't protect yourself from getting COVID. :rolleyes:
Protect myself? I was at the hospital with my daughter in early March last year as she got hurt playing basketball. You didn’t save anyone. You were also dishonest. Don’t ask don’t tell?
I saved hundreds, darling. Copied an SOS once that saved a whole ship full of people. You were not wearing a mask, got sick and now sit on your ass and give blood. Whew, big hero.

Do you not understand what Don't Ask Don't Tell means?
Masks weren’t required on March 3rd. We didn’t shut down til what, two weeks later? I understand that you broke your code of honor, sweetie.
You don’t understand shit. I “broke” nothing and never had to lie about my sexuality.

You want people to treat you like some kind of hero for getting sick and giving blood? Maybe you should have served and you wouldn’t feel the need for such sad validation.
It ain’t validation it’s just a fact. I help save lives you broke your code of honor.
Uh Huh.... ;)
Are you trying to doxx me?
:puke: ugh, no.
I think you are. You keep inferring you want my personal data on donations and such.


I kid.

You're such a dumb leftist.
I am? How delusional of you.
Not remotely.
Says they can happen but are rare.


You forget where you left those goal posts, Trumpster?

Again why is the Red Cross begging for my plasma, leftist? And you left out that if you get it again the symptoms are very mild. You are a very dishonest person.
You are not "safe" yet...

If I get it again the symptoms will be very mild. You scared? I have helped save 36 lives so far with my own plasma aka blood. What have you done to help sans bitch? Eh leftist?
You are kidding me, right? I spent 20 years in the United States Coast Guard. I'm pretty sure that trumps you sitting on your ass giving blood because you didn't protect yourself from getting COVID. :rolleyes:
Protect myself? I was at the hospital with my daughter in early March last year as she got hurt playing basketball. You didn’t save anyone. You were also dishonest. Don’t ask don’t tell?
I saved hundreds, darling. Copied an SOS once that saved a whole ship full of people. You were not wearing a mask, got sick and now sit on your ass and give blood. Whew, big hero.

Do you not understand what Don't Ask Don't Tell means?
Masks weren’t required on March 3rd. We didn’t shut down til what, two weeks later? I understand that you broke your code of honor, sweetie.
You don’t understand shit. I “broke” nothing and never had to lie about my sexuality.

You want people to treat you like some kind of hero for getting sick and giving blood? Maybe you should have served and you wouldn’t feel the need for such sad validation.
It ain’t validation it’s just a fact. I help save lives you broke your code of honor.
By bringing it up in every thread you post in, it looks like you seeking validation....for doing nothing more than getting sick and sitting on your ass.

How did I break any "code of honor", non serving one? Do you still not understand the concept of DADT?
You changed your narrative. You said I was careless. I wasn’t. I bring it up because it allows me to bitch as I think our politicians have been terrible in terms of dealing with it and me donating shows I am not just bitching about it. It’s less validation and more cancellation of my bitching.

I understand...perfectly. I do it to make a point. Not everything is as it seems.
Great, you weren’t careless, just unlucky. So now you take every opportunity to bring up what a “hero” you are for sitting on your ass donating blood. that sounds like a pathetic need for validation to me.
Thanks for calling me a hero. Point is your leftist friend trolled and stated he hoped Trump’s lawyer got paid. When I exposed him as an idiot who didn’t know that the party not Trump pays for such work he back pedaled and you butted in. You knew when you served that the military was anti gay. Hence DADT. But you served anyway in a place where you weren’t wanted. Why? For perks and benefits. Pretty hypocrisy driven in my view. But you do you...
You obviously do not recognize sarcasm. You’re not a hero for giving blood you just think you are.

You are misinformed as to who is paying for Trump’s legal fees. It is not the party this time. Likely it will be from campaign contributions from stupid people.

You seem to think that my serving despite the military’s anti-gay policy, that somehow reflects badly on me. You thinking that people serve for perks and benefits just shows a complete contempt for military personnel. It’s now quite obvious why you never served.
#1) My point is I just don't sit on my ass. I help others

#2) Its his campaign and or party. My dad is inundated with those emails as he is an ardent supporter.

#3) I am not there to judge you. My point is we all do things to help ourselves. You knew about the policy, likely didn't like it but served anyway. Good for you. My parents and grandparents all served albeit in the old Soviet Union (where I lost two due to the Nazis), which my parents escaped. They didn't want me going into the military. My bad, I should have.
1. You help others by sitting on your ass and giving blood. You didn’t do anything other than caught a disease and yet you disparage people that actually served.

2. We still don’t actually know who is paying. As long as it’s not the taxpayers, who cares?

3. Yes, you should have then maybe you wouldn’t impugn someone else’s service.
Says they can happen but are rare.


You forget where you left those goal posts, Trumpster?

Again why is the Red Cross begging for my plasma, leftist? And you left out that if you get it again the symptoms are very mild. You are a very dishonest person.
You are not "safe" yet...

If I get it again the symptoms will be very mild. You scared? I have helped save 36 lives so far with my own plasma aka blood. What have you done to help sans bitch? Eh leftist?
You are kidding me, right? I spent 20 years in the United States Coast Guard. I'm pretty sure that trumps you sitting on your ass giving blood because you didn't protect yourself from getting COVID. :rolleyes:
Protect myself? I was at the hospital with my daughter in early March last year as she got hurt playing basketball. You didn’t save anyone. You were also dishonest. Don’t ask don’t tell?
I saved hundreds, darling. Copied an SOS once that saved a whole ship full of people. You were not wearing a mask, got sick and now sit on your ass and give blood. Whew, big hero.

Do you not understand what Don't Ask Don't Tell means?
Masks weren’t required on March 3rd. We didn’t shut down til what, two weeks later? I understand that you broke your code of honor, sweetie.
You don’t understand shit. I “broke” nothing and never had to lie about my sexuality.

You want people to treat you like some kind of hero for getting sick and giving blood? Maybe you should have served and you wouldn’t feel the need for such sad validation.
It ain’t validation it’s just a fact. I help save lives you broke your code of honor.
By bringing it up in every thread you post in, it looks like you seeking validation....for doing nothing more than getting sick and sitting on your ass.

How did I break any "code of honor", non serving one? Do you still not understand the concept of DADT?
You changed your narrative. You said I was careless. I wasn’t. I bring it up because it allows me to bitch as I think our politicians have been terrible in terms of dealing with it and me donating shows I am not just bitching about it. It’s less validation and more cancellation of my bitching.

I understand...perfectly. I do it to make a point. Not everything is as it seems.
Great, you weren’t careless, just unlucky. So now you take every opportunity to bring up what a “hero” you are for sitting on your ass donating blood. that sounds like a pathetic need for validation to me.
Thanks for calling me a hero. Point is your leftist friend trolled and stated he hoped Trump’s lawyer got paid. When I exposed him as an idiot who didn’t know that the party not Trump pays for such work he back pedaled and you butted in. You knew when you served that the military was anti gay. Hence DADT. But you served anyway in a place where you weren’t wanted. Why? For perks and benefits. Pretty hypocrisy driven in my view. But you do you...
You obviously do not recognize sarcasm. You’re not a hero for giving blood you just think you are.

You are misinformed as to who is paying for Trump’s legal fees. It is not the party this time. Likely it will be from campaign contributions from stupid people.

You seem to think that my serving despite the military’s anti-gay policy, that somehow reflects badly on me. You thinking that people serve for perks and benefits just shows a complete contempt for military personnel. It’s now quite obvious why you never served.
#1) My point is I just don't sit on my ass. I help others

#2) Its his campaign and or party. My dad is inundated with those emails as he is an ardent supporter.

#3) I am not there to judge you. My point is we all do things to help ourselves. You knew about the policy, likely didn't like it but served anyway. Good for you. My parents and grandparents all served albeit in the old Soviet Union (where I lost two due to the Nazis), which my parents escaped. They didn't want me going into the military. My bad, I should have.
1. You help others by sitting on your ass and giving blood. You didn’t do anything other than caught a disease and yet you disparage people that actually served.

2. We still don’t actually know who is paying. As long as it’s not the taxpayers, who cares?

3. Yes, you should have then maybe you wouldn’t impugn someone else’s service.

1)Still save lives

2) The other poster did

3) I am calling you a hypocrite
Says they can happen but are rare.


You forget where you left those goal posts, Trumpster?

Again why is the Red Cross begging for my plasma, leftist? And you left out that if you get it again the symptoms are very mild. You are a very dishonest person.
You are not "safe" yet...

If I get it again the symptoms will be very mild. You scared? I have helped save 36 lives so far with my own plasma aka blood. What have you done to help sans bitch? Eh leftist?
You are kidding me, right? I spent 20 years in the United States Coast Guard. I'm pretty sure that trumps you sitting on your ass giving blood because you didn't protect yourself from getting COVID. :rolleyes:
Protect myself? I was at the hospital with my daughter in early March last year as she got hurt playing basketball. You didn’t save anyone. You were also dishonest. Don’t ask don’t tell?
I saved hundreds, darling. Copied an SOS once that saved a whole ship full of people. You were not wearing a mask, got sick and now sit on your ass and give blood. Whew, big hero.

Do you not understand what Don't Ask Don't Tell means?
Masks weren’t required on March 3rd. We didn’t shut down til what, two weeks later? I understand that you broke your code of honor, sweetie.
You don’t understand shit. I “broke” nothing and never had to lie about my sexuality.

You want people to treat you like some kind of hero for getting sick and giving blood? Maybe you should have served and you wouldn’t feel the need for such sad validation.
It ain’t validation it’s just a fact. I help save lives you broke your code of honor.
By bringing it up in every thread you post in, it looks like you seeking validation....for doing nothing more than getting sick and sitting on your ass.

How did I break any "code of honor", non serving one? Do you still not understand the concept of DADT?
You changed your narrative. You said I was careless. I wasn’t. I bring it up because it allows me to bitch as I think our politicians have been terrible in terms of dealing with it and me donating shows I am not just bitching about it. It’s less validation and more cancellation of my bitching.

I understand...perfectly. I do it to make a point. Not everything is as it seems.
Great, you weren’t careless, just unlucky. So now you take every opportunity to bring up what a “hero” you are for sitting on your ass donating blood. that sounds like a pathetic need for validation to me.
Thanks for calling me a hero. Point is your leftist friend trolled and stated he hoped Trump’s lawyer got paid. When I exposed him as an idiot who didn’t know that the party not Trump pays for such work he back pedaled and you butted in. You knew when you served that the military was anti gay. Hence DADT. But you served anyway in a place where you weren’t wanted. Why? For perks and benefits. Pretty hypocrisy driven in my view. But you do you...
You obviously do not recognize sarcasm. You’re not a hero for giving blood you just think you are.

You are misinformed as to who is paying for Trump’s legal fees. It is not the party this time. Likely it will be from campaign contributions from stupid people.

You seem to think that my serving despite the military’s anti-gay policy, that somehow reflects badly on me. You thinking that people serve for perks and benefits just shows a complete contempt for military personnel. It’s now quite obvious why you never served.
#1) My point is I just don't sit on my ass. I help others

#2) Its his campaign and or party. My dad is inundated with those emails as he is an ardent supporter.

#3) I am not there to judge you. My point is we all do things to help ourselves. You knew about the policy, likely didn't like it but served anyway. Good for you. My parents and grandparents all served albeit in the old Soviet Union (where I lost two due to the Nazis), which my parents escaped. They didn't want me going into the military. My bad, I should have.
1. You help others by sitting on your ass and giving blood. You didn’t do anything other than caught a disease and yet you disparage people that actually served.

2. We still don’t actually know who is paying. As long as it’s not the taxpayers, who cares?

3. Yes, you should have then maybe you wouldn’t impugn someone else’s service.

1)Still save lives

2) The other poster did

3) I am calling you a hypocrite
1. Yes you do. Is that enough validation for you yet? You really seem to need a lot.

2. He didn’t so much care who is paying as much as he cared to see that the man was paid because Trump has a tendency not to pay lawyers.

3. And what, pray tell, am I a “hypocrite” for?
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.
Is it so hard to believe Trump would act like a whiny little bitch as usual?
It's far easier to believe leftist media is telling lies, and leftist sheep believe it without question.
Really? Have you seen his banned Twitter feed? My god. What a pathetic sack of shit.
How does one see a banned Twitter feed?

Are these tweets some idiot leftist is making up and attributing to him? Because that wouldn't surprise me, either.
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.
Is it so hard to believe Trump would act like a whiny little bitch as usual?
It's far easier to believe leftist media is telling lies, and leftist sheep believe it without question.
Really? Have you seen his banned Twitter feed? My god. What a pathetic sack of shit.
How does one see a banned Twitter feed?

Are these tweets some idiot leftist is making up and attributing to him? Because that wouldn't surprise me, either.
Lol well no I was referring to the tweets we all know this whiny little bitch tweeted prior to his ban. You recall that right?
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.
Is it so hard to believe Trump would act like a whiny little bitch as usual?
It's far easier to believe leftist media is telling lies, and leftist sheep believe it without question.
Really? Have you seen his banned Twitter feed? My god. What a pathetic sack of shit.
How does one see a banned Twitter feed?

Are these tweets some idiot leftist is making up and attributing to him? Because that wouldn't surprise me, either.
Lol well no I was referring to the tweets we all know this whiny little bitch tweeted prior to his ban. You recall that right?
I saw a tweet of your guitar playing. Thankfully it was banned and deleted.
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.
Is it so hard to believe Trump would act like a whiny little bitch as usual?
It's far easier to believe leftist media is telling lies, and leftist sheep believe it without question.
Really? Have you seen his banned Twitter feed? My god. What a pathetic sack of shit.
How does one see a banned Twitter feed?

Are these tweets some idiot leftist is making up and attributing to him? Because that wouldn't surprise me, either.
Lol well no I was referring to the tweets we all know this whiny little bitch tweeted prior to his ban. You recall that right?
I saw a tweet of your guitar playing. Thankfully it was banned and deleted.
I feel like you said this before once. Like is this some joke I don’t know about or do you actually think I play the guitar and you saw me play it?
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.
Is it so hard to believe Trump would act like a whiny little bitch as usual?
It's far easier to believe leftist media is telling lies, and leftist sheep believe it without question.
Really? Have you seen his banned Twitter feed? My god. What a pathetic sack of shit.
How does one see a banned Twitter feed?

Are these tweets some idiot leftist is making up and attributing to him? Because that wouldn't surprise me, either.
Lol well no I was referring to the tweets we all know this whiny little bitch tweeted prior to his ban. You recall that right?
I saw a tweet of your guitar playing. Thankfully it was banned and deleted.
I feel like you said this before once. Like is this some joke I don’t know about or do you actually think I play the guitar and you saw me play it?
I feel like you’re a deranged leftist who keeps trashing the BU guitar store, which is where I park my car for Red Sox games.
"Multiple people tell me Trump was basically screaming as Castor made a meandering opening argument that struggled to get at the heart of the defence team's argument," said CNN's chief White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins.

CNN's making shit up again. The Useful Idiots believe it without question.
Is it so hard to believe Trump would act like a whiny little bitch as usual?
It's far easier to believe leftist media is telling lies, and leftist sheep believe it without question.
Really? Have you seen his banned Twitter feed? My god. What a pathetic sack of shit.
How does one see a banned Twitter feed?

Are these tweets some idiot leftist is making up and attributing to him? Because that wouldn't surprise me, either.
Lol well no I was referring to the tweets we all know this whiny little bitch tweeted prior to his ban. You recall that right?
I saw a tweet of your guitar playing. Thankfully it was banned and deleted.
I feel like you said this before once. Like is this some joke I don’t know about or do you actually think I play the guitar and you saw me play it?
I feel like you’re a deranged leftist who keeps trashing the BU guitar store, which is where I park my car for Red Sox games.
Yeah, that’s so me. You got it man. You nailed that shit.
The only thing this bullshit sham has done is prepared many of us to respond to the coming leftist violence without hesitation and to force ourselves to not desecrate the filthy carcasses we create in the process.

Good job.

Mission accomplished.

There should be lots of fear on one side.
Multiple people have informed me the left has wet dreams about Trump every night.

I am sure you have wet dreams about Trump also...

Melania, Ivanka and maybe Tiffany Trump...

( Open any crack and I am slipping a wise ass comment in! )
The only thing this bullshit sham has done is prepared many of us to respond to the coming leftist violence without hesitation and to force ourselves to not desecrate the filthy carcasses we create in the process.

Good job.

Mission accomplished.

There should be lots of fear on one side.

And yet you will never do a thing but write on some message board that very few people read...

How is that Texit going and when will Texas leave the Union?

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