Trump Was the Big Loser in Virginia

Trump had nothing to lose in VA. Fed expansion in DC has turned NOVA into a socialist haven loaded with white lefties and highspanics. Those large numbers in that small geographic region have turned VA into blue state. This is why the electoral college is necessary.

Actually, you just made the case against the electoral college.

Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

What if you're a pedophile?

You and I both know Pedophilia and Zoophilia are on the LefTard radar and list of "things to champion".
Soon it will be LGBTQ-PZ...that acronym will forever won't be long before Mexifornia has an elected official who's a 50 year old man in a dress who phucks his Labrador and is married to a 12 year old boy. The Loons will consider this guy a saint.
The wack-jobs will somehow, someway chalk it up to PROGRESS.
Write this shit will happen.
How is Trump a loser when two blue state elections went to the dems? Win in Trump land and then get back to us...BUUUUUUUAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!
VA is purple and went Dem.

NJ is blue and went Dem.

And Rambunctious went crazy.
Trump had nothing to lose in VA. Fed expansion in DC has turned NOVA into a socialist haven loaded with white lefties and highspanics. Those large numbers in that small geographic region have turned VA into blue state. This is why the electoral college is necessary.

Actually, you just made the case against the electoral college.
You've already established yourself as logic-challenged and mostly irrational.
There is a silver lining for republicans. Maybe a couple of wins will keep the crazies on the left from committing more mass murders.
Gillespie, while not embracing Trump, held to Trump positions and yelled about statues, and got beat handily.

This was Trump's to win, and he failed.

Leading up to the election, Gillespie trailed by about two points

He ended up losing by nine....Trump only lost by five
'Trump Was the Big Loser in Virginia'

...actually, the people of Virginia were.
“The race for Virginia governor on Tuesday night wasn't very close. And Republicans have Donald Trump to blame for it.
Why did a race that most polling suggested was tightening -- in Gillespie's favor -- wind up not being all that close? The obvious -- and right -- answer is Trump.

The exit polls bear that out. Trump's approval rating among Virginia voters was just 42% as compared to a disapproval rating of 58%. Even more importantly, of the 50% of Virginians who said that Trump was a major factor in their vote in the 2017, twice as many said they wanted to send a signal of opposition to the President as said they wanted to send a signal of support.”

Donald Trump was the big loser in Virginia - CNNPolitics

This opposition to Trump needs to continue through the Mid Terms into the General Election with Trump being voted out of office.

Except he agrees with Trump here.

Democrat Who Opposes Sanctuary Cities Wins Virginia Governor’s Race

Democratic Virginia Governor-elect Ralph Northam's victory speech Tuesday night was interrupted by protesters chanting and holding signs calling for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Videos showed at least three protesters with homemade signs shouting, "Sanctuary for all!"

Northam was ushered off stage by a security official while the protesters were escorted out. Northam soon returned to the podium to speak and did not address the disruption.

Northam said last week he would sign a ban on sanctuary cities as governor after previously voting against such a ban, angering some immigration advocates on the left.

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