Trump WH Revokes Brennan Security Clearance

I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.
If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.
It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

LMAO.... Fun scenario: You've got a crisis in Liberia that needs US intervention ASAP before any US collateral damage is done. Brennon was team leader back in 1996, coordinated a prior intervention effort in that country, knows all the players and constraints. You'll have to wait a minimum of ... what... 220 days to get his critical input and allow him to view classified documents and propose a plan? Dream on :)

How Long Does It Take to Get a Security Clearance (Q1 2018)? - ClearanceJobs
With these kinds of delays you can kiss your national security goodbye lol.
LMAO Oh you don't think they got all that info before the revoked his security??

I sure do. If they needed something from him they got it already.

Well if former servants are really of no use then you are absolutely right, they don’t need clearance. Period lol.

I think perspective coming from a living being is better than sorting a million pages in archived storage... much faster methinks lol

Not to mention that you need to interpret the data and decode critical subtleties that only an agent can provide ;)

Good luck with your orange haired genius lol
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So you are another 'gov employee' eh Seawitch ?? And my opinion , when you leave your gov job you should leave your clearance behind and that should apply to everyone as a blanket rule Seawitch .

I'm retired military. I retired in possession of a Top Secret clearance. A clearance does not give you access. Should I have been recalled to active duty, they would only have needed to give me access, they would not have had to go through the additional procedure and cost of reinstating my clearance.

Military personnel are also highly sought after by companies like Lokheed and Raytheon because of their clearances. Why would you want to take that away from veterans? Isn't Trump trying to hurt them enough?

Mulvaney Looks to Weaken Oversight of Military Lending

In his petty, vindictive desire to punish his perceived "enemies" like Obama, he's willing to step on anyone, including veterans.

People like Brennan and others retain their clearance so they can be called upon if their country needs them. They are specialists in their fields. Them retaining their clearances makes us more safe.
Ok, first he didn't remove it for everyone, although I'd be on board.
Second, was Brennan working for Lockheed? no MSNBC, he doesn't need it
and third he can reapply if he does need it
if it's not access, then it should be fine, since he doesn't need it and is not using it.

That’s the point. He’s not removing it for everyone...making this akin to Nixon and his enemies list.

Taking away the security clearance of people like Brennan, makes us less safe.

LOL, he isn't working it cannot make us "less safe". Good lord.

I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.

If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.

It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

It's not easy to just "issue" someone a clearance. Just to give someone an interim clearance requires pages of documentation.

The ability of the government to call on these folks in time of need is hampered, making our nation less safe. The current CIA director can't call in his or her predecessor to discuss current issues. This makes us less safe.
I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.
If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.
It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

LMAO.... Fun scenario: You've got a crisis in Liberia that needs US intervention ASAP before any US collateral damage is done. Brennon was team leader back in 1996, coordinated a prior intervention effort in that country, knows all the players and constraints. You'll have to wait a minimum of ... what... 220 days to get his critical input and allow him to view classified documents and propose a plan? Dream on :)

How Long Does It Take to Get a Security Clearance (Q1 2018)? - ClearanceJobs
With these kinds of delays you can kiss your national security goodbye lol.
LMAO Oh you don't think they got all that info before the revoked his security??

I sure do. If they needed something from him they got it already.

Well if former servants are really of no use then you are absolutely right, they don’t need clearance. Period lol.

I think perspective coming from a living being is better than sorting a million pages in archived storage... much faster methinks lol

Not to mention that you need to interpret the data and decode critical subtleties than only an agent can provide ;)

Good luck with your orange haired genius lol
He must be a Genius to only have to spend 15% of the $1.5 Billion Spent by The Hag (Clinton Inc.) to buy the White House only to lose to a Political Novice.

I'm retired military. I retired in possession of a Top Secret clearance. A clearance does not give you access. Should I have been recalled to active duty, they would only have needed to give me access, they would not have had to go through the additional procedure and cost of reinstating my clearance.

Military personnel are also highly sought after by companies like Lokheed and Raytheon because of their clearances. Why would you want to take that away from veterans? Isn't Trump trying to hurt them enough?

Mulvaney Looks to Weaken Oversight of Military Lending

In his petty, vindictive desire to punish his perceived "enemies" like Obama, he's willing to step on anyone, including veterans.

People like Brennan and others retain their clearance so they can be called upon if their country needs them. They are specialists in their fields. Them retaining their clearances makes us more safe.
Ok, first he didn't remove it for everyone, although I'd be on board.
Second, was Brennan working for Lockheed? no MSNBC, he doesn't need it
and third he can reapply if he does need it
if it's not access, then it should be fine, since he doesn't need it and is not using it.

That’s the point. He’s not removing it for everyone...making this akin to Nixon and his enemies list.

Taking away the security clearance of people like Brennan, makes us less safe.

LOL, he isn't working it cannot make us "less safe". Good lord.

I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.

If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.

It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

It's not easy to just "issue" someone a clearance. Just to give someone an interim clearance requires pages of documentation.

The ability of the government to call on these folks in time of need is hampered, making our nation less safe. The current CIA director can't call in his or her predecessor to discuss current issues. This makes us less safe.
------------------------------------ in your opinion Seawitch .
i think that having people like 'brennan' , clapper , susan rice , comey and others like 'hayden' around makes us less safe and secure Seawitch .
I'm retired military. I retired in possession of a Top Secret clearance. A clearance does not give you access. Should I have been recalled to active duty, they would only have needed to give me access, they would not have had to go through the additional procedure and cost of reinstating my clearance.

Military personnel are also highly sought after by companies like Lokheed and Raytheon because of their clearances. Why would you want to take that away from veterans? Isn't Trump trying to hurt them enough?

Mulvaney Looks to Weaken Oversight of Military Lending

In his petty, vindictive desire to punish his perceived "enemies" like Obama, he's willing to step on anyone, including veterans.

People like Brennan and others retain their clearance so they can be called upon if their country needs them. They are specialists in their fields. Them retaining their clearances makes us more safe.
Ok, first he didn't remove it for everyone, although I'd be on board.
Second, was Brennan working for Lockheed? no MSNBC, he doesn't need it
and third he can reapply if he does need it
if it's not access, then it should be fine, since he doesn't need it and is not using it.

That’s the point. He’s not removing it for everyone...making this akin to Nixon and his enemies list.

Taking away the security clearance of people like Brennan, makes us less safe.

LOL, he isn't working it cannot make us "less safe". Good lord.

I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.

If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.

It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

It's not easy to just "issue" someone a clearance. Just to give someone an interim clearance requires pages of documentation.

The ability of the government to call on these folks in time of need is hampered, making our nation less safe. The current CIA director can't call in his or her predecessor to discuss current issues. This makes us less safe.

It doesn't hurt us in ANY way.
Ok, first he didn't remove it for everyone, although I'd be on board.
Second, was Brennan working for Lockheed? no MSNBC, he doesn't need it
and third he can reapply if he does need it
if it's not access, then it should be fine, since he doesn't need it and is not using it.

That’s the point. He’s not removing it for everyone...making this akin to Nixon and his enemies list.

Taking away the security clearance of people like Brennan, makes us less safe.

LOL, he isn't working it cannot make us "less safe". Good lord.

I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.

If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.

It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

It's not easy to just "issue" someone a clearance. Just to give someone an interim clearance requires pages of documentation.

The ability of the government to call on these folks in time of need is hampered, making our nation less safe. The current CIA director can't call in his or her predecessor to discuss current issues. This makes us less safe.
------------------------------------ in your opinion Seawitch .

Not just mine. During a crisis, ask the current CIA director if he'd like to consult with his predecessors. That's WHY they retain their clearances.
That’s the point. He’s not removing it for everyone...making this akin to Nixon and his enemies list.

Taking away the security clearance of people like Brennan, makes us less safe.

LOL, he isn't working it cannot make us "less safe". Good lord.

I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.

If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.

It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

It's not easy to just "issue" someone a clearance. Just to give someone an interim clearance requires pages of documentation.

The ability of the government to call on these folks in time of need is hampered, making our nation less safe. The current CIA director can't call in his or her predecessor to discuss current issues. This makes us less safe.
------------------------------------ in your opinion Seawitch .

Not just mine. During a crisis, ask the current CIA director if he'd like to consult with his predecessors. That's WHY they retain their clearances.

A couple of things

first they should have to be redone just to make sure nothing has changed.
Second now you know why we love the government, pages of documentation (security clearances are one of the few places we're ok with that, but it happens in a lot of areas and isn't necessary)
And to call on Brennan? Like I said he has done or said nothing to help, what are they gonna ask him during a crises? Is he gonna give yet another Putin diatribe?
he doesn't need it, he uses his clearance as credibility, not he doesn't have it.......and it's his fault for being a complete douche.
Again show me another CIA director as aggressively douchy as Brennan?
think its Gina Haspel , Trumps new 'cia' head and she probably has no use for 'brennan' either Seawitch .
That’s the point. He’s not removing it for everyone...making this akin to Nixon and his enemies list.

Taking away the security clearance of people like Brennan, makes us less safe.

LOL, he isn't working it cannot make us "less safe". Good lord.

I agree. Good Lord was there ever a more stupid statement made??

Brennan doesn't work for the US Government anymore. He can't make anyone safe or unsafe. He has no need for a security clearance.

If they do need him then they can issue him a new clearance.

It ain't rocket science. Good Lord.

It's not easy to just "issue" someone a clearance. Just to give someone an interim clearance requires pages of documentation.

The ability of the government to call on these folks in time of need is hampered, making our nation less safe. The current CIA director can't call in his or her predecessor to discuss current issues. This makes us less safe.
------------------------------------ in your opinion Seawitch .

Not just mine. During a crisis, ask the current CIA director if he'd like to consult with his predecessors. That's WHY they retain their clearances.

How exactly is this an attack on free speech? Brennon has no need of a security clearance. It’s not like Trump will ever call on him for a consultation. All this really does is block rennons acesess to new and all other classified information. Doing this in no way limits his ability to free speech. If Brennons card getting pulled is an attack on free speech because his clearance is somehow a right, then WE should be by right entitled to see all things top secret right? This isn’t the end of the world. Been on will live...... Sadly.

As stated, the reason why ex-officials retain their clearances is because officials who are still active might want to consult with them. Not Trump, because he's a moron, but the people who actually know what they are doing.

And dude, you really need to stop using your phone's auto-correct feature to think for you.

This is about a President trying to silence a critic, something Obama never did, Bush never did, Clinton never did.
Trump to critics

If you are not nice to me, I will pull your clearance

I don’t get the outrage here. None of these people need a security clearance anyway. I mean all these people use it for is writing books.

And in case someone who is still active in the security community wants to consult with them.

Then they can be granted a temporary clearance. The FBI does it all the time. And the people who have had and are under consideration for having the clearance yanked have demonstrated a tendency to be irresponsible with the privlaged.
How exactly is this an attack on free speech? Brennon has no need of a security clearance. It’s not like Trump will ever call on him for a consultation. All this really does is block rennons acesess to new and all other classified information. Doing this in no way limits his ability to free speech. If Brennons card getting pulled is an attack on free speech because his clearance is somehow a right, then WE should be by right entitled to see all things top secret right? This isn’t the end of the world. Been on will live...... Sadly.

As stated, the reason why ex-officials retain their clearances is because officials who are still active might want to consult with them. Not Trump, because he's a moron, but the people who actually know what they are doing.

And dude, you really need to stop using your phone's auto-correct feature to think for you.

This is about a President trying to silence a critic, something Obama never did, Bush never did, Clinton never did.

Again Joe, I understand that this type of thing is way over your head but you need to understand, there is the real world and the world of call of duty and porn you live in. In the real world these people don't need a security clearance. If they need to consult they can be temporeraly cleared and brought up to speed. It happens all the time. Honestly, all people who are done serving in their position in whatever department should have to give up the clearance.
Then they can be granted a temporary clearance. The FBI does it all the time. And the people who have had and are under consideration for having the clearance yanked have demonstrated a tendency to be irresponsible with the privlaged.

Bullshit, buddy. The only reason Trump pulled his clearance is because he pointed out the obvious that sucking Putin's dick on Live TV wasn't in our best interest.
In the real world these people don't need a security clearance. If they need to consult they can be temporeraly cleared and brought up to speed. It happens all the time. Honestly, all people who are done serving in their position in whatever department should have to give up the clearance.

Hey, did you notice that no less than 12 former CIA and FBI directors have denounced what trump did today? ARe they all wrong?
In the real world these people don't need a security clearance. If they need to consult they can be temporeraly cleared and brought up to speed. It happens all the time. Honestly, all people who are done serving in their position in whatever department should have to give up the clearance.

Hey, did you notice that no less than 12 former CIA and FBI directors have denounced what trump did today? ARe they all wrong?
If they're leftists, they're traitors. So yes - they're wrong.

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