Trump WH Revokes Brennan Security Clearance

It is an attack on free speech. I am really, really concerned about this.
What the he'll are you talking about?

FREEDOM OF SPEECH is a constitutional Right bestowed upon EVERY American citizen.

A SECURITY CLEARANCE is a TOOL / RESPONSIBILITY entrusted to only a select few individuals after they have gone through an investigation that proves they are trustworthy enough and qualified.

A Security Clearance is meant for those who actually serve the government and / or the military in some official capacity, whether as a member of the military, contractor, or government employee.

Getting one sure as hell is NOT a 'Right' and has NOTHING to do with 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH".

In fact, having one and having access to classified means you do NOT have the legal right to talk about or share that classified information with anyone else who does not have the necessary security clearance and the Need To Know...PUNISHABLE BY GINE AND / IR IMPRISONMENT!

When you are no longer in a position where you need that security clearance, as in you are no longer doing a job in which that security clearance is required, as in retiring from government or being fired from such a position, your security clearance can and often is revoked.

And if you violate that trust and / or commit crimes, proving yourself unworthy of being entrusted with that responsibility, as Brennan did, you can and should have your security clearance stripped.

You could NOT be more wrong if you tried on this one!

I understand Brennan saying something so STUPID, attempting to play on the emotions of Trump Haters who have no clue about Security Clearances, and only people who have no clue about Security Clearances would buy that BS and parrot it!
Brennan has not misused his access to classified information in any way and he has not violated any of the rules that would lead to his clearance being revoked.
What he did was criticize the President, so the President is revoking his security clearance and is threatening to revoke it on others who likewise criticize him.
Those who criticize the President may think twice in the future if this kind of "punishment" is allowed. Brennan has done nothing to warrant his clearance being revoked EXCEPT criticizing Trump in the open public dialogue.
That is punishing free speech. It will put a damper on others who are opposed to something the President says or does. That is putting a damper on free speech when you punish it.
In this specific case, revoking a security clearance is purely political. A pitiful attempt to crush a voice out of spite.

The clearance was maintained to save taxpayer money $$$$$. That’s right folks... cash, I’m convinced you understand the concept.

Having to go through a clearance process in a crisis situation where Brennan’s input has value burns valuable time and could potentially put the US at risk.

The input of a CIA director with 25 years experience across Republican and Democrat administrations is nothing less than priceless.Trump is shooting his own national security in the foot.

Who are you gonna call now? Ghostbusters? Lmao
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Dumbass traitor Brennan says revoking his national security clearance is ' an attack on free speech'...



Bat-shit crazy!

‘I Will Not Relent’: Brennan Calls Revoked Security Clearance An Attack On Free Speech

It is an attack on free speech. I am really, really concerned about this. If Trump can get away with it with one, he will do it with others, and he will find other ways to "punish" those who criticize him. This has nothing to do with Brennan violating national security or misusing the information he has. It is about saying Trump is a disgrace, based on his behavior. Which is an opinion that in this country, we all have a right to express, even on television.

I wish Brennan could do something to appeal it, but apparently there is no redress for this.

Watch what happens next. Trump will try something outrageous and if the blowback isn't too bad, he'll keep doing it. Give him the inch, he'll go the full mile. This is going to continue until no one dares criticize Trump.
Think about what this means.

How exactly is this an attack on free speech? Brennon has no need of a security clearance. It’s not like Trump will ever call on him for a consultation. All this really does is block rennons acesess to new and all other classified information. Doing this in no way limits his ability to free speech. If Brennons card getting pulled is an attack on free speech because his clearance is somehow a right, then WE should be by right entitled to see all things top secret right? This isn’t the end of the world. Been on will live...... Sadly.
Did you even READ what I said? Brennan's loss of security clearance is a PUNISHMENT for exercising his free speech. Not a loss of his free speech, except that everyone who now holds a security clearance and needs it for their employment will have to think hard about whether they want to express any criticism of the President. Won't they?

No not at all, it if they are shown to have abused that clearance or be irresponsible with it then they lose it. Brennon won’t ever have a job out side of government and CNN or whoever he worked for won’t be fireing him. Aside from his fragile ego being a bit scuffed he will live and he will be just fine. His free speech has not been violated in any way shape or form.
if they are shown to have abused that clearance or be irresponsible with it then they lose it.
That is as it should be and is the way it has always worked. It does not apply to anything Brennan has done, however. The President calling Brennan "crazy" for criticizing him is not exactly showing any examples of Brennan misusing the information he has access to.
If you believe no one should maintain their clearances after they leave office, fine, change that tradition. However, it would pertain to ALL, not just those who are critical of the President.
I don’t get the outrage here. None of these people need a security clearance anyway. I mean all these people use it for is writing books.
No President has ever done this before. Security clearances stay in place unless there is good reason to revoke it. This is done by the agency that granted the clearance. No President has ever done this before, and he never should have.
This is a true baby step toward dictatorship. Watch.

Explain how. Just because no other president ever did it means nothing. Trump ran on not being “just like the last guy”.
It has never been done because it is a clear and obvious abuse of power that not even Nixon dared (although he thought about it).
Trump should be reined in. Somehow.

How is it an abuse of power? And who reines in the president?
who reines in the president?
The courts and the Congress. But the Congress won't because the majority are Republicans who have all lost their balls. Excuse my French so early in the morning, but that's what has happened.
I don’t get the outrage here. None of these people need a security clearance anyway. I mean all these people use it for is writing books.
No President has ever done this before. Security clearances stay in place unless there is good reason to revoke it. This is done by the agency that granted the clearance. No President has ever done this before, and he never should have.
This is a true baby step toward dictatorship. Watch.

Explain how. Just because no other president ever did it means nothing. Trump ran on not being “just like the last guy”.
It has never been done because it is a clear and obvious abuse of power that not even Nixon dared (although he thought about it).
Trump should be reined in. Somehow.

How is it an abuse of power? And who reines in the president?

How is it an abuse of power to punish your political rivals for speaking out against you? Did you seriously ask that? I guess you've forgotten your faux outrage when it was perceived Obama's IRS was targeting the Tea Party. It wasn't true, but that didn't stop y'all.

As to who reins in the President...The judicial branch, the legislative branch, the press and voters.
I don’t get the outrage here. None of these people need a security clearance anyway. I mean all these people use it for is writing books.
No President has ever done this before. Security clearances stay in place unless there is good reason to revoke it. This is done by the agency that granted the clearance. No President has ever done this before, and he never should have.
This is a true baby step toward dictatorship. Watch.

Explain how. Just because no other president ever did it means nothing. Trump ran on not being “just like the last guy”.
It has never been done because it is a clear and obvious abuse of power that not even Nixon dared (although he thought about it).
Trump should be reined in. Somehow.

How is it an abuse of power? And who reines in the president?

How is it an abuse of power to punish your political rivals for speaking out against you? Did you seriously ask that? I guess you've forgotten your faux outrage when it was perceived Obama's IRS was targeting the Tea Party. It wasn't true, but that didn't stop y'all.

As to who reins in the President...The judicial branch, the legislative branch, the press and voters.

My outrage? Mm. And Brennon needs a clearance why? As far as the voters go, you are correct and I’m willing to bet heyxapprove.
No President has ever done this before. Security clearances stay in place unless there is good reason to revoke it. This is done by the agency that granted the clearance. No President has ever done this before, and he never should have.
This is a true baby step toward dictatorship. Watch.

Explain how. Just because no other president ever did it means nothing. Trump ran on not being “just like the last guy”.
It has never been done because it is a clear and obvious abuse of power that not even Nixon dared (although he thought about it).
Trump should be reined in. Somehow.

How is it an abuse of power? And who reines in the president?

How is it an abuse of power to punish your political rivals for speaking out against you? Did you seriously ask that? I guess you've forgotten your faux outrage when it was perceived Obama's IRS was targeting the Tea Party. It wasn't true, but that didn't stop y'all.

As to who reins in the President...The judicial branch, the legislative branch, the press and voters.

My outrage? Mm. And Brennon needs a clearance why? As far as the voters go, you are correct and I’m willing to bet heyxapprove.

As has already been explained, people like Brennan retain their clearance (which does not give them access to classified material) so that these specialists in their field can be called upon when their country has need of them.

It's obvious to anyone but Trump cultists that Trump is openly pursuing his perceived "enemies". Nixon at least had the "decency" to try to hide it.

I guarantee you that the majority of voting Americans don't approve of this blatantly petulant move by the Oompa Loompa Oligarch.
It has never been done because it is a clear and obvious abuse of power that not even Nixon dared (although he thought about it).
Trump should be reined in. Somehow.


AGAIN, being given a security clearance is NOT A RIGHT. It is a tool / responsibility entrusted to those who need it to do their job.

Brennan has no more job in which he needs a security clearance.

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, needed to have a TOP SECRET SPECIAL COMPARTMENTALIZED (SCI) clearance. Once she was issued that clearance she had to be READ-IN to the special programs that fall under TS-SCI. When she stepped down as Sect of State she was READ-OUT of those programs, her access to information associated with those programs was REVOKED, and she had to sign a document that stated she would NEVER HAVE ASSESS TO THAT INFORMATION AGAIN, THAT SHE WOULD BEVER HAVE ANY TS-SCI INFORMATION IN HER POSSESSION AGAIN.

The FBI revealed that when they collected all the files off of Hillary's server THEY FOUND TS-SCI FILES / DATA. Again, Hillary had been READ-OUT of those programs, she no longer had legal right to possess or talk about TS-SCI material, she had signed a document acknowledging this and the fact that if she was caught violating this agreement she could go to jail. HILLARY BROKE THE LAW! For this CRIME, at the very least, her ENTIRE security clearance should have been pulled. If it was anyone else BUT HILLARY - let's say an ex-Navy Sub Engineer who had taken a photo of the inside of his engineering station onboard the sub to show his kids in the future where he worked - they would have been (and were) perp-walked and punished.

Brennan has no more need for a security clearance. In addition, he committed Perjury before Congress. He lied to the entire country about NOT illegally spying on US Senators and was forced to apologize to Congress in front of them (when the SOB - and Obama - should have been perp-walked / Impeached and indicted)!

He proved himself several times over to NOT be worthy of entrusting with US Classified information.

Brennan should STFU and count himself lucky that having his security clearance pulled is the only thing being done to him!
How is it an 'Abuse of Power'? And who reines in the president?

An 'Abuse of Power' was President Obama and CIA Director Brennan illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, US Senators, and even USSC Justices.

CIA director John Brennan apologizes for search of Senate committee’s computers

CIA admits to spying on Senate staffers

CIA director John Brennan apologizes for search of Senate committee’s computers

An 'Abuse of Power' was Hillary Clinton having lost her legal authority to access and/or possess TS-SCI classified information, having signed a document acknowledging this, and the FBI finding this information on her server, the illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured ('criminal mishandling of classified information' - all CRIMES) server that Russia and 5 other foreign entities accessed and acquired all of the classified data she illegally had on that server.

Watchdog: Clinton's server had classified material beyond 'top secret'
It has never been done because it is a clear and obvious abuse of power that not even Nixon dared (although he thought about it).
Trump should be reined in. Somehow.

Brennan has no more job in which he needs a security clearance.

You sound like that Sarah Suckabee Sanders character LOL

For the 10th (if not more) time: The security clearance is maintained to make it easier for the government to use Brennan as a valuable input in crisis situations. (Foreign affairs)

Now that Trump is prez you need walls and don't need friends outside the US. So F#@& his experience in foreign affairs. Plus 'grab them by the pussy'Trump is thin

That's pretty much the crux of the logic produced by the guy with the weird hairdo.

Trump revokes former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance
Former top-ranking officials have frequently in the past kept their security clearances so that the White House can consult with them on important topics.

Dumb ass Trump sees the world upside down. Brennan doesn't need the clearance... Trump needs Brennan's clearance LOL
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Trump Revokes Security Clearance of John Brennan, Former C.I.A. Director

The Donald is a Master.

What a smooth move to get Omarosa off the front page. Ya gotta love him.

He's probably raised Brennan's profile as a critic... and there are few more articulate.

Omorosa is a clown.. Brennan has credibility.

In actuality...what it does is start debates about Brennan's credibility.
At that point, the times he lied to Congress and then his own CIA
contradicted him, make him out to be a raving baboon.

He now has zero credibility
For the 10th (if not more) time: The security clearance is maintained to make it easier for the government to use Brennan as a valuable input in crisis situations. (Foreign affairs)
Gee, where did you get your insight from...CNN?

I have 30 years of experience working with classified - how about you?

Again, Brennan admitted to illegally spying on U.S. Senators AND was forced to admit he LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT - THAT is PERJURY...BOTH are federal CRIMES.

CRIMINALS do not get to have / keep security clearances, especially those who show the willingness to break laws to illegally spy on their own government.

There is no way in hell after THAT - and now it being proved that he lied under oath (Perjury) AGAIN by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier when official records show he briefed members of Congress about it and tried to sway them to support the call for the appointment of a Special Counsel based on the (false) information in the Dossier - that the US Government will ever trust Brennan again with classified again or in any 'crisis' situation!

The guy is a PROVEN, ADMITTED F*ing PERJURER and 'SPY', having illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices!
In actuality...what it does is start debates about Brennan's credibility.

He now has zero credibility

100% AGREED! All 'debate' is over - Brennan is a proven, ADMITTED liar and Barry's illegal spy! He has ZERO credibility!
For the 10th (if not more) time: The security clearance is maintained to make it easier for the government to use Brennan as a valuable input in crisis situations. (Foreign affairs)
Gee, where did you get your insight from...CNN?

I have 30 years of experience working with classified - how about you?

Again, Brennan admitted to illegally spying on U.S. Senators AND was forced to admit he LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT - THAT is PERJURY...BOTH are federal CRIMES.

CRIMINALS do not get to have / keep security clearances, especially those who show the willingness to break laws to illegally spy on their own government.

There is no way in hell after THAT - and now it being proved that he lied under oath (Perjury) AGAIN by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier when official records show he briefed members of Congress about it and tried to sway them to support the call for the appointment of a Special Counsel based on the (false) information in the Dossier - that the US Government will ever trust Brennan again with classified again or in any 'crisis' situation!

The guy is a PROVEN, ADMITTED F*ing PERJURER and 'SPY', having illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices!

YADA YADA.... hilarious! He should be rotting in jail right?
Trump revokes former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance
Former top-ranking officials have frequently in the past kept their security clearances so that the White House can consult with them on important topics.
For the 10th (if not more) time: The security clearance is maintained to make it easier for the government to use Brennan as a valuable input in crisis situations. (Foreign affairs)
Gee, where did you get your insight from...CNN?

I have 30 years of experience working with classified - how about you?

Again, Brennan admitted to illegally spying on U.S. Senators AND was forced to admit he LIED UNDER OATH ABOUT IT - THAT is PERJURY...BOTH are federal CRIMES.

CRIMINALS do not get to have / keep security clearances, especially those who show the willingness to break laws to illegally spy on their own government.

There is no way in hell after THAT - and now it being proved that he lied under oath (Perjury) AGAIN by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier when official records show he briefed members of Congress about it and tried to sway them to support the call for the appointment of a Special Counsel based on the (false) information in the Dossier - that the US Government will ever trust Brennan again with classified again or in any 'crisis' situation!

The guy is a PROVEN, ADMITTED F*ing PERJURER and 'SPY', having illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices!

YADA YADA.... hilarious! He should be rotting in jail right?
Trump revokes former CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance
Former top-ranking officials have frequently in the past kept their security clearances so that the White House can consult with them on important topics.
So Democrats violating the Constitution by illegally spying on Congress and the American people - completely out of control - and committing perjury over and over and over is fine with you....

The problem is not's out of control Liberal extremist criminals and traitors and their dumbass defenders / supporters like you that is the problem!
like i said , its my opinion that YOU should lose all Special Privledges when you leave active Volunteer Military work Seawitch .
So Democrats violating the Constitution by illegally spying on Congress and the American people - completely out of control - and committing perjury over and over and over is fine with you....
The problem is not's out of control Liberal extremist criminals and traitors and their dumbass defenders / supporters like you that is the problem!

Illegal = Jail time.... it's an easy equation.

If Hillary is not 'locked up' and Brennan is running free doing interviews on CNN. What's going on here?

Who convicted these 'fine' public servants ? Don't tell me..... it's Alex Jones LOLOL.

.... and why aren't you on the streets with a semi running after these bandits?

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