Trump WH Revokes Brennan Security Clearance

Moron....NO ONE is stating that the orange clown could NOT do it.

Its the fucling pettiness that, actually, befits the low-self esteemed idiot in the oval office.

It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
But you were absolutely fine with the Jones et al stuff.
Brennan is not engaged in hate speech. He is just criticizing the President, which makes what the President is doing petty and childish.
He doesn't misuse his security clearance.
How would you know that?
He's never gone on CNN and blabbed classified information. I already said that. So why would it be revoked for him and no other retired folks who still have theirs? The article says it is traditional for them to keep the clearance so they can advise the people who took over when they retired.

From the article in the OP:

The White House had threatened last month to strip Mr. Brennan and other Obama administration officials — including Susan E. Rice, the former national security adviser; and James R. Clapper Jr., the former director of national intelligence — of their security clearances. At the time, Ms. Sanders said that Mr. Trump was considering doing it because “they politicized, and in some cases monetized, their public service and security clearances.”
Fancy way of saying he is an analyst for CNN. He speaks based on his past experience as all "analysts" do.
As far as you know, and in your opinion.
Wait, revoking a security clearance is OOJ? Dude, the POTUS under Article II has the right to grant/revoke at will. Exercising his constitutional authority is not OOJ.

Jesus H. Christ jumping on a pogo stick.

Moron....NO ONE is stating that the orange clown could NOT do it.

Its the fucling pettiness that, actually, befits the low-self esteemed idiot in the oval office.

It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
What, did Jones have a security clearance? I didn't say CNN should ban Brennan......that would be the same. He had a security clearance and was trying to undermine the wouldn't get one if you did that in the first place......
How would you know that?
He's never gone on CNN and blabbed classified information. I already said that. So why would it be revoked for him and no other retired folks who still have theirs? The article says it is traditional for them to keep the clearance so they can advise the people who took over when they retired.
So because you see him on CNN you know everything else he does???
So what special knowledge have you got about him, Tilly?
About the same as you, OL!
Then you should perhaps stop getting your panties in a wad and coming to baseless conclusions.
It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
But you were absolutely fine with the Jones et al stuff.
Brennan is not engaged in hate speech. He is just criticizing the President, which makes what the President is doing petty and childish.
Then maybe you should have chosen a better analogy?
Moron....NO ONE is stating that the orange clown could NOT do it.

Its the fucling pettiness that, actually, befits the low-self esteemed idiot in the oval office.

It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
What, did Jones have a security clearance? I didn't say CNN should ban Brennan......that would be the same. He had a security clearance and was trying to undermine the wouldn't get one if you did that in the first place......
What you said, buckeye, is that it was fine for Trump to pull Brennan's clearance for Brennan being a dem criticizing the Pres. That sounds like a political free speech thing to me. Less confused now?
Its about time, now he should do the same for all others that are ex federal employees. Once you exit you loose your cleaarance
It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
What, did Jones have a security clearance? I didn't say CNN should ban Brennan......that would be the same. He had a security clearance and was trying to undermine the wouldn't get one if you did that in the first place......
What you said, buckeye, is that it was fine for Trump to pull Brennan's clearance for Brennan being a dem criticizing the Pres. That sounds like a political free speech thing to me. Less confused now?
You are a confused little prig. There is no reason to extend security clearances to dissatisfied operatives under any conditions whether they are active or not. It is clearly a matter of national security and not to be taken lightly or because some perceived right for clearance.
It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
But you were absolutely fine with the Jones et al stuff.
Brennan is not engaged in hate speech. He is just criticizing the President, which makes what the President is doing petty and childish.
Well in the Presidents view Brennan has politicised public service, which is WRONG, and importantly his ‘clearances gave “inappropriate legitimacy to accusations with zero evidence.”

That’s actually a very important consideration, imho.

....The statement also claimed Brennan had been "leveraging" the clearance to make "wild outbursts" and claims against the Trump administration in the media.

“The president has a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information and who has access to it, and that’s what he’s doing is fulfilling that responsibility in this action,” Sanders said Wednesday.

Trump revokes ex-CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance
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It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
But you were absolutely fine with the Jones et al stuff.
Brennan is not engaged in hate speech. He is just criticizing the President, which makes what the President is doing petty and childish.
Hating the President is hate.
but that's not the point. security clearance is not a right. speech is.
It's petty to revoke a security clearance?
Yes. If you're going to revoke one, revoke them all. All the Republicans', as well.
Nah, just the ones trying to fuck over the President. Brenan is a leftwing democrat and doesn't try to hide it.
Dude, you don't do that in grown up land. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Seems a lot of folks were just screaming about Alex Jones not being given enough, but it is okay for the President to pull something this petty simply because of BRENNAN'S politics? So JONES' politics should be okay but BRENNAN'S will be punished and you're fine with that?
What, did Jones have a security clearance? I didn't say CNN should ban Brennan......that would be the same. He had a security clearance and was trying to undermine the wouldn't get one if you did that in the first place......
What you said, buckeye, is that it was fine for Trump to pull Brennan's clearance for Brennan being a dem criticizing the Pres. That sounds like a political free speech thing to me. Less confused now?
It might not be as personal as your hysteria suggests:

...More broadly, the issue of Mr. Brennan’s security clearance raises larger questions about the practice of former officials maintaining access to our Nation’s most sensitive secrets long after their time in Government has ended. Such access is particularly inappropriate when former officials have transitioned into highly partisan positions and seek to use real or perceived access to sensitive information to validate their political attacks. Any access granted to our Nation’s secrets should be in furtherance of national, not personal, interests. For this reason, I have also begun to review the more general question of the access to classified information by former Government officials...

Trump's full statement on revoking John Brennan's security clearance
I hope the seditious Brennan is just the first of Obama's goons to lose their security clearance...

I agree! ^^

and after that......

it's payment time for Hussein himself and the criminals who worked for him!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I think Obama's goons know the jig is up...they are just waiting for the shit to hit their fan.....go get em Trump!!!!!
History will condemn Trump. History will praise Brennan as a great American patriot. Trump has shamed his family name for eternity - Drumpf and Trump.
That's the way you see it Lakhota, I see it that historians will see all that Trump did for America without all the weeds that the democrats threw at him.
I also see it as what they will write about the Obama years, and I doubt they will be kind.
It will be looked at as abuse of government power

It's an abuse of power to exercise the President's constitutionally granted power? Do you realize how insane you come off?
To do so frivolously for political revenge?
Well that will certainly prevent any more secret recording in the situation to hand it to Trump....he does a great job of closing the barn door after the horse has not only left the barn but has been gone so long it has started another family.....
I love it when assholes like this Brennan shithead gets a little comeuppance.

Maybe he should start a gofundme thread and the Moon Bats can pay their Stupidity Tax like they have been doing with Strzok.
To do so frivolously for political revenge?
Can you name another former intelligence office head bashing the next administration like Brennan has and is doing?....I guarantee you Obama would not have tolerated it either....
This is why we voted for clean out the rats....
To do so frivolously for political revenge?
Can you name another former intelligence office head bashing the next administration like Brennan has and is doing?....I guarantee you Obama would not have tolerated it either....
This is why we voted for clean out the rats....

He is free to criticize incompetence when he sees it

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