Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

This week, the mask came off completely.
Do you know what the first thing was that Hitler did as the new leader of Germany? It wasn't bashing the media, or killing people it was gun confiscation and national health care. After that he nationalized everything including the trains. I think he has more in common with the modern day liberal than he does with our great President Trump. Get an need one.
The Germans had national health care from the 1880s. Go read some history.

No one is after our guns here, but that will not stop Herr Orange Trump.

When he calls you folks up as trump militia, you will discover that is his biggest and worst mistake.
No, orange clown..the media is NOT the enemy of the people, YOU and your cabal are!!!
He said Fake news was the enemy of the people not the media so you are a liar or you get your news from liars. Which is it?

WTF is wrong with you traitors? You know brietbart and fox lie to you. The left knows it too. The difference is that the left will fight for your right to be duped by the criminal you voted for as well as to the lying fascist RW press.

The First Amendment sets the US govt apart from every other on the planet. It is sacred and, along with the rest of the US Constitution, must be fought for or we WILL lose it.

Why are you RWNJ traitors so ready to throw away your own country and YOUR constitution?
I know that ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, PBS, Fox (they’re not exempt), CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, et. al. routinely and brazenly lie to my face.

Excluding some of the very worst of the offenders isn't "throwing away the Constitution" you hysterical cretin.
Trump is very pissed that the media will soon discover his nefarious dealings with Russian thugs and spies.......So, he wants the FBI to shut out or cover up what investigators are finding and banning the press from reporting these despotic attempts......

No, orange clown..the media is NOT the enemy of the people, YOU and your cabal are!!!

Eventually, even the dumbest of right wingers will figure this out,
It's amazing to me how you ignored hard evidence about shrillary and her emails, pay to play charities etc. But still cling to this maybe russia thing like your life depends on it.

The FBI also ignored Hillary's emails - after finding no criminal activity. Now, Comey is finally going after Adolf Trump and his gestapo.
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Who decides what media outlet is a major news outlet?


Just viewership? What about online sources? What about readership?

How many viewers do you need? Would it be just TV or cable, or satellite? What about internet? Would that count?

Viewership in the general meaning of the term...dumbass!

Fucktard, what is viewership? 100 million? 12 million? Who determines the cutoff line as in terms of viewership? Man, you are a dumb shit!

Learn something you ignorant ass:

United States cable news - Wikipedia

What viewing numbers make them acceptable to be in a briefing room?
It's much more than that! It's checkmate! :badgrin: I love it!

Attn:Lying-ass networks: You are now irrelevant. Buh-bye now!


Buh- bye! :banana:
The Germans had national health care from the 1880s.
WRONG! LMFAO! if you are saying Hitler didn't take complete control over health care when he took office than it is you sir that needs to go back to school
NEVER question the Press' lies! You un-American Rube!
Why does Trump hate the press? because the press is calling him on his outrageous lies! Trump says something that is demonstrably untrue. Then, when this is pointed out, he cries "fake news" "alternative facts"!

Meanwhile, the dedicated partisans who fail to see that the emperor is, indeed, without clothes, rallies to his indefensible side and chimes along with the idiot that the press is lying.

All the while, our basic freedom of a free press is being eroded by an amateur, a petulant game show host with no statesmanlike qualities. And we're all supposed to skip along merrily with this subversion of America.
Trump lies! Get some new material
Everyoen knows this. Everyone also knows those people kicked out have been gargling bullshit for months.
So an adversarial relationship between the White House and the press is something to celebrate? Something to champion? Something healthy for our democracy?

Trump has been steadily undermining our democracy. He probably, if not absolutely colluded with the Russians to hack our democratic process. When Nixon did it in 1972 it was seen as a constitutional crisis. When Trump did it in 2016, his partisan supporters cheered!

Trump called the press 'the enemy of the American people'. Is this the attitude of a responsible democratic leader, or something more akin to an authoritarian strongman?

It may be that Trump has absolutely no experience in government. It may be that a minority of the electorate wanted an amateur, an outsider to 'shake things up'. It may be that Trump has utterly failed to surround himself with 'the best and brightest'. And it may be that Trump's vision of how the American people should be regarded is by purely amateurish means laced with petulance and division and fear mongering. And, unfortunately, some of that minority of the electorate is just as amateurish, crass, boorish and undemocratic as the huckster buffoon they voted for.

The press created the adversarial relationship, not the President. They pulled their biased reporting tricks and are now paying the price.

It's over for you socialists. Lie, bitch and moan all you wish. America will not listen to your propaganda any longer.
Reporting facts that harm the image of the president is not propaganda. It's reporting It's journalism.

As for bias, I guess bias is just fine so long as it confirms your beliefs rather than challenges them. Re enforces your ideology rather than question it.

Bias in the irresponsible wild west 'media' of the internet where fact checking is a pain in the rear and the priority is on spreading the ideological word, not the truth is just fine with the simple minded partisan. Anything more challenging is just too hard to accept. So it gets demonized and our freedoms suffer.

Journalism is the one and only occupation mentioned in the constitution. Because it is vital to our democracy.

Distorting facts in order to harm the image of the president is not journalism - it's disgusting.
This week, the mask came off completely.
Do you know what the first thing was that Hitler did as the new leader of Germany? It wasn't bashing the media, or killing people it was gun confiscation and national health care. After that he nationalized everything including the trains. I think he has more in common with the modern day liberal than he does with our great President Trump. Get an need one.
The Germans had national health care from the 1880s. Go read some history.

No one is after our guns here, but that will not stop Herr Orange Trump.

When he calls you folks up as trump militia, you will discover that is his biggest and worst mistake.
Why? You're going to suddenly go from safe spaces and participation trophies to being spec ops? Bitch please.
You routinely lie. Your deranged memes should as least resemble true quotes. Mocking is one thing - LYING is something else.
Eat shit, you fucking moron. The meme is obvious satire.

Grow the fuck up.
You know you are talking to a person who is just as much indian as Warren right?
The problem, mike, is that he fails with the truth as well as mocks.
So I guess we both agree Lakhota is an idiot.

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