Trump Will be Cleared on Saturday.... May Hold Rally in FLORIDA!

Well this is EXCELLENT NEWS!

Trump will be back on the campaign trail Saturday night after being medically cleared by the Cadre of doctors treating him..

Trump has antibody levels in his blood that make it impossible for him to be infective.

As a person recovers from any infection they build antibodies. Once the antibodies have eradicated the active virus they begin to build in the patients blood stream. Once this begins to happen there can only be virus particles (incomplete virus) in the nasal passage. The patient is no longer infective and cannot infect anyone.

This post has little basis in medical science.
And the fuck tard speaks...

You obviously dont have a clue in any medical aspect. You make will ass accusations without a basis in medical facts...

Should I school you again?

For starters, the antibody levels in his blood do not make it impossible for him to be infectious (who uses the world infective?). Let's start with the fact that Trump has IgG antibodies. Why is that important? Because your initial immune response is IgM. Time to develop IgG is typically about 2 weeks in COVID 19. Why would Trump have gotten IgG antibodies so quickly? Oh, I don't know, BECAUSE THEY INJECTED HIM WITH THEM? Yes, he probably will make antibodies but proclaiming he's fighting the infection without acknowledging this fact is ameteurish.

More to the point, one wouldn't say he's eradicated the infection until he stops having positive COVID PCR tests. Typically we require 2 negative tests separated by 24 hours. And what would you know? Trump's administration has been flatly refusing to talk about whether he's tested negative even when directly asked by allies such as Sean Hannity.
You are a moron...

SO let me beat you over the head with some facts..

1. Monoclonal antibodies last about 24 hours in the blood stream. They kick start the bodies immune response.

2. Monoclonal antibodies are CONSUMED BY THE VIRUS just as human antibodies are. Thus as they kill and surround a virus cell they are expelled from the body by the endocrine system.

3. By day 4 only human body created antibodies are present in the blood.

4. Natural disease progression and the bodies immune response are know and thus by day five there is sufficient human antibodies to render any virus into parts that are not infective.

You need to go back to basic biology class and learn the basic human reaction process..

I will take the doctors and known science over your fucking clueless rantings..

1. WTF is a monocromal antibody? It's monoCLONAL you dope. They don't last less than 24 hours, in fact they're engineered to last weeks because the longer they're around, the more durable their effect is. Half life is around 2-3 weeks for these types of antibodies.

2. Monoclonal antibodies are consumed, yes, but not at any rate that takes them out of circulation in a few days. He's been loaded with a lot of antibodies. Expelled from the body by the endocrine system? What sort of nonsense is this?

3. Show the data. This isn't going to happen.

4. Different people respond to infection differently. I've seen people go months with positive PCR tests. The CDC guidelines recommend at least 10 days, up to 20 days if their symptoms were severe, which Trump's apparently were.

You're not quoting doctors and science, you're making shit up.
Too Funny... Monoclonal Antibodies.... Thanks for letting me know auto populate doesn't work... I've changed the parameters so it will.. And again your the one making shit up..

Monoclonal is a word. Monocromal is not. You can't blame "auto populate" (assuming you mean autocorrect) for substituting a word that doesn't exist. This isn't the first time you've demonstrated lack of knowledge of medical terminology (cytoplasm storm!).

Thanks for revealing your fraud.
Well this is EXCELLENT NEWS!

Trump will be back on the campaign trail Saturday night after being medically cleared by the Cadre of doctors treating him..

Trump has antibody levels in his blood that make it impossible for him to be infective.

As a person recovers from any infection they build antibodies. Once the antibodies have eradicated the active virus they begin to build in the patients blood stream. Once this begins to happen there can only be virus particles (incomplete virus) in the nasal passage. The patient is no longer infective and cannot infect anyone.

Doesn't Florida have enough problems without Orange Kind Covid and his infected entourage? They were #1 on New Covid Deaths today and 3rd in new infections across the country.
View attachment 399030

Just another super spreader event in Florida.
210,000 dead because of Trump’s actions apparently are not enough. Trump needs to feed his ego. So what better way to do that than to have his supporters risk their lives to attend a rally. Trump’s malignant ego knows no bounds.

More like his inactions....but you have it right basically.

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