Trump Will Be Impeached

He will be impeached.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, was set to testify he was on the July phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s leader.

Top Democrats at the deposition of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, said his testimony Tuesday was “extremely disturbing” and praised him for appearing despite attacks from the White House.

Vindman, appearing voluntarily under congressional subpoena, was set to tell members of Congress conducting an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump that he was on the phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s leader in which Trump asked for an investigation into the Bidens — and that he raised concerns about it.

So this isn't even the whistleblower and he was disturbed by Trump's "perfect" call to the Ukranian President.

Yes, Trump will be impeached. IM2 called it.
If IM2 called it, it HAS to be wrong! Anyway, this new "witness" is another foil for a hat nut who wants 15 minutes of fame. We already know what was on the call, we have the transcript. He can only add his wild interpretation which means nothing. The whistle blower has been sent into hiding before Republicans could ask him any questions.
You’ll blow off anyone and anything negative said about trump no matter how damning the evidence.

Everyone else is lying. Not trump. Lol. Idiot
If we ever meet and you call me idiot, you will get punched. Next, I say negative things about Trump-I correct unjust accusations about him and assign them to people who do do them-maybe Biden on a videotape-and I don't even care about that-good for Hunter-he made a score. And evidence-the people that hate Trump see the transcript as damning-those that are objective see it as a normal presidential phone call-nobody will change their point of view and that is what Schiff is counting on-a lazy electorate.

No, you would not because I'm tougher than you. And Trump is a criminal. You may think all politicians are criminals but Trump is the worst. Most corrupt, abusive, etc.

I have no reason to hate him other than he is a dick. A bad man. I'm not falling for the scam like you clearly have.

And the funny thing is, he could have been a moderate President. One who represented us all but he clearly divided us even more than we already were. Trump like you isn't a real Republican either. He's only playing one because that's what won him the white house.

Hopefully it's what makes him a 1 term pres.

You'd hit me. LOL. I'd destroy you.
Meet me at the Florida welcome station November 8. Wear your pink panties on the outside so I know who you are. And bring a club-you will need it. And you admitted you are a hater and you accuse others of being divisive? You and your friend IM2 are the biggest hypocrites on this board.

Is your name by any chance Larry Craig?

nope, the gop don't get to call witnesses. factually you're wrong as usual.

LOL they will be allowed to call relevant witnesses.
To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution.
So Schiff can just say no-what a deal!

It is the same as it was for Clinton's Public Hearing. The minority could be told no by the majority.

This was not a PUBLIC hearing-WE were not invited! That's the PROBLEM! TRANSPARENCY NOW!

The public was not invited to the Starr investigation.
what's that have to do with house illegal investigation? Last time I looked Starr wasn't a member of congress. you're mixing investigations. Public wasn't allowed in the mueller illegal investigation. but the impeachment inquiry, yes, the public was allowed into the clinton investigation. yep, you should read up.
If IM2 called it, it HAS to be wrong! Anyway, this new "witness" is another foil for a hat nut who wants 15 minutes of fame. We already know what was on the call, we have the transcript. He can only add his wild interpretation which means nothing. The whistle blower has been sent into hiding before Republicans could ask him any questions.
You’ll blow off anyone and anything negative said about trump no matter how damning the evidence.

Everyone else is lying. Not trump. Lol. Idiot
If we ever meet and you call me idiot, you will get punched. Next, I say negative things about Trump-I correct unjust accusations about him and assign them to people who do do them-maybe Biden on a videotape-and I don't even care about that-good for Hunter-he made a score. And evidence-the people that hate Trump see the transcript as damning-those that are objective see it as a normal presidential phone call-nobody will change their point of view and that is what Schiff is counting on-a lazy electorate.

No, you would not because I'm tougher than you. And Trump is a criminal. You may think all politicians are criminals but Trump is the worst. Most corrupt, abusive, etc.

I have no reason to hate him other than he is a dick. A bad man. I'm not falling for the scam like you clearly have.

And the funny thing is, he could have been a moderate President. One who represented us all but he clearly divided us even more than we already were. Trump like you isn't a real Republican either. He's only playing one because that's what won him the white house.

Hopefully it's what makes him a 1 term pres.

You'd hit me. LOL. I'd destroy you.
Meet me at the Florida welcome station November 8. Wear your pink panties on the outside so I know who you are. And bring a club-you will need it. And you admitted you are a hater and you accuse others of being divisive? You and your friend IM2 are the biggest hypocrites on this board.

IM2 is right about this. And IM2 is no hypocrite. Now if you are talking about whipping sealybobo, you might get surprised. Marion.
He wants to meet me in a public bathroom like former Republican politician Larry Craig. Then he will show far down he can swallow my johnson.
hahahahaha come thursday there will be. see, pelosant has admitted her current circus is a circus. ready for real due process like our country was founded on? you're as demented as baghdoodle.

Not really. The closed door hearing will continue with both sides having equal access to the witnesses. When the hearings become public in a few weeks we will all have the transcripts of these private interviews.
nope, the gop don't get to call witnesses. factually you're wrong as usual.

LOL they will be allowed to call relevant witnesses.
To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution.
Not now idiot and what the discussion was about now

You'd said they had no right to cross examine the witnesses. When that was proven wrong, you simply move the goal post but ignore the fact that the rules they are using were established when the GOP was investigation every leaf the fell from the Obama tree.
nope, I said they weren't allowed to call their own witnesses. quote me asshole.
what's that have to do with house illegal investigation?

There is no illegal investigation. A federal judge has already ruled on that and the appeal is being expedited.

Last time I looked Starr wasn't a member of congress.

Starr was appointed to investigate Clinton by Congress. Republican broaden the investigatory power of Congress in their zeal to find anything on President Obama. Like any power it was a double edged sword that the Democrats are now using.
what's that have to do with house illegal investigation?

There is no illegal investigation. A federal judge has already ruled on that and the appeal is being expedited.

Last time I looked Starr wasn't a member of congress.

Starr was appointed to investigate Clinton by Congress. Republican broaden the investigatory power of Congress in their zeal to find anything on President Obama. Like any power it was a double edged sword that the Democrats are now using.
starr was not a member of congress. mueller was appointed. so fking what? doesn't mean jack about what happens inside the chambers of the house. starr did not chair any investigation.
Not really. The closed door hearing will continue with both sides having equal access to the witnesses. When the hearings become public in a few weeks we will all have the transcripts of these private interviews.
nope, the gop don't get to call witnesses. factually you're wrong as usual.

LOL they will be allowed to call relevant witnesses.
To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution.
Not now idiot and what the discussion was about now

You'd said they had no right to cross examine the witnesses. When that was proven wrong, you simply move the goal post but ignore the fact that the rules they are using were established when the GOP was investigation every leaf the fell from the Obama tree.
nope, I said they weren't allowed to call their own witnesses. quote me asshole.

Kondor said "
Nope. Witnesses for the Inquiry. There is no right of cross-examination during the course of this preliminary process."

You said
"hahahahaha come thursday there will be. "

Obviously you agreed that there was no right of cross examination for the minority, which is simply not true.
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nope, the gop don't get to call witnesses. factually you're wrong as usual.

LOL they will be allowed to call relevant witnesses.
To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution.
So Schiff can just say no-what a deal!

It is the same as it was for Clinton's Public Hearing. The minority could be told no by the majority.

This was not a PUBLIC hearing-WE were not invited! That's the PROBLEM! TRANSPARENCY NOW!

The public was not invited to the Starr investigation.
Nor the Mueller thing-they were supposed to be closed-but not this crap!
nope, the gop don't get to call witnesses. factually you're wrong as usual.

LOL they will be allowed to call relevant witnesses.
To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution.
Not now idiot and what the discussion was about now

You'd said they had no right to cross examine the witnesses. When that was proven wrong, you simply move the goal post but ignore the fact that the rules they are using were established when the GOP was investigation every leaf the fell from the Obama tree.
nope, I said they weren't allowed to call their own witnesses. quote me asshole.

Kondor said "
Nope. Witnesses for the Inquiry. There is no right of cross-examination during the course of this preliminary process."

You said
"hahahahaha come thursday there will be. "

Obviously you agreed that there was no right of cross examination for the minority, which is simply not true.
So Kondor was wrong. not me, I merely answered his question. BTW, if Schitt's impedes on cross and tells the defendant not to answer, isn't that really impeding cross examination? and in a manner of speaking is true? hmmmmmm actually schitt's is interfering in due process. he is not a judge and should shut the fk up. agree?
LOL they will be allowed to call relevant witnesses.
To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution.
So Schiff can just say no-what a deal!

It is the same as it was for Clinton's Public Hearing. The minority could be told no by the majority.

This was not a PUBLIC hearing-WE were not invited! That's the PROBLEM! TRANSPARENCY NOW!

The public was not invited to the Starr investigation.
Nor the Mueller thing-they were supposed to be closed-but not this crap!
again, he either thinks starr is a member of congress or Schitt's is a prosecutor and not a representative. not sure, but he is indeed confused.
what's that have to do with house illegal investigation?

There is no illegal investigation. A federal judge has already ruled on that and the appeal is being expedited.

Last time I looked Starr wasn't a member of congress.

Starr was appointed to investigate Clinton by Congress. Republican broaden the investigatory power of Congress in their zeal to find anything on President Obama. Like any power it was a double edged sword that the Democrats are now using.
starr was not a member of congress. mueller was appointed. so fking what? doesn't mean jack about what happens inside the chambers of the house. starr did not chair any investigation.

Congress used closed door hearings to investigate President Obama all the time. Most of the time the minority was allowed to participate too. Starr was appointed by Congress to run the Congressional investigation with the full subpoena power of the House. When the Republican expanded the committees power to investigate Obama, giving certain Chairs subpoena power in the House Rules, they no longer needed to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the President.
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what's that have to do with house illegal investigation?

There is no illegal investigation. A federal judge has already ruled on that and the appeal is being expedited.

Last time I looked Starr wasn't a member of congress.

Starr was appointed to investigate Clinton by Congress. Republican broaden the investigatory power of Congress in their zeal to find anything on President Obama. Like any power it was a double edged sword that the Democrats are now using.
starr was not a member of congress. mueller was appointed. so fking what? doesn't mean jack about what happens inside the chambers of the house. starr did not chair any investigation.

Congress used closed door hearings to investigate President Obama all the time. Most of the time the minority was allowed to participate too. Starr was appointed by Congress to run the Congressional investigation with the full subpoena power of the House. When the Republican expanded the committees power to investigate Obama, giving certain Chairs subpoena power in the House Rules, they no longer needed to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the President.
you still ain't got a connection between starr and schitt's. I'm waiting.
No over 50% want him impeached
The majority of Americans don’t think what trump did in Ukraine was right
Mulvaney didn't say what you Democrats thought he said.
I don't care what Mulvaney said. I care what Trump did. We all know what he did was impeachable. It's like if we kept Nixon in office after he did what he did. What's the big deal? What did Nixon do that was so bad? Was that overturning the election? No. He broke the law and had to go. So did Trump. Sinister shady shit.

And it's too bad because he could have gone down as a great president. Like Reagan. Instead he's the most embarrassing, crass, rude, biggest liar, gross, vulgar, more adjectives....

Clinton was great. He didn't divide us. He was a moderate president. The 90's were the last great decade. Obama was great too. Got us out of the Great Recession. Trump is going to turn the 2020's into the 2000's. The Bush era. Where manufacturing took a dump but defense contractors and oil companies ruled.
You need to do some research. Nixon told the VietNam delegation NOT to make peace with the Democrats. LBJ had Nixon on tape doing this. Nixon approved the break in to find out if the Democrats had that info-they did not-far worse than anything YOU or Trump ever did. Killed a lot of kids-some I knew. Trump did say he was not going to be nice in 2015, so he did not lie. He did not divide us-Obama did-Ferguson and Baltimore-where was HIS leadership? People around me hated that "black boy Muslim divider". I stuck up for him, but after seeing the way Dems treat Trump, I'm sorry I did-there is your divisiveness. Clinton was the biggest liar-on national TV-I did not have sex with that woman. And I liked him too, but guess what, you take a shot at trump, who I don't even like, and it's coming back atcha. You hate him, I get it. Vote him out in 2020, but don't let the democrats fool you with their made up impeachable crap!
LOL they will be allowed to call relevant witnesses.
To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution.
Not now idiot and what the discussion was about now

You'd said they had no right to cross examine the witnesses. When that was proven wrong, you simply move the goal post but ignore the fact that the rules they are using were established when the GOP was investigation every leaf the fell from the Obama tree.
nope, I said they weren't allowed to call their own witnesses. quote me asshole.

Kondor said "
Nope. Witnesses for the Inquiry. There is no right of cross-examination during the course of this preliminary process."

You said
"hahahahaha come thursday there will be. "

Obviously you agreed that there was no right of cross examination for the minority, which is simply not true.
So Kondor was wrong. not me, I merely answered his question. BTW, if Schitt's impedes on cross and tells the defendant not to answer, isn't that really impeding cross examination? and in a manner of speaking is true? hmmmmmm actually schitt's is interfering in due process. he is not a judge and should shut the fk up. agree?

You agreed with him and you were wrong anyway.

Schiff was protecting the Republicans from breaking the law with regards to the identity of the whistle blower. As Chairman he has the right to object and overrule them. Trumpublcians have no room to complain about due process either. Ignoring lawfully issued subpoenas is ignoring due process.
Not now idiot and what the discussion was about now

You'd said they had no right to cross examine the witnesses. When that was proven wrong, you simply move the goal post but ignore the fact that the rules they are using were established when the GOP was investigation every leaf the fell from the Obama tree.
nope, I said they weren't allowed to call their own witnesses. quote me asshole.

Kondor said "
Nope. Witnesses for the Inquiry. There is no right of cross-examination during the course of this preliminary process."

You said
"hahahahaha come thursday there will be. "

Obviously you agreed that there was no right of cross examination for the minority, which is simply not true.
So Kondor was wrong. not me, I merely answered his question. BTW, if Schitt's impedes on cross and tells the defendant not to answer, isn't that really impeding cross examination? and in a manner of speaking is true? hmmmmmm actually schitt's is interfering in due process. he is not a judge and should shut the fk up. agree?

You agreed with him and you were wrong anyway.

Schiff was protecting the Republicans from breaking the law with regards to the identity of the whistle blower. As Chairman he has the right to object and overrule them. Trumpublcians have no room to complain about due process either. Ignoring lawfully issued subpoenas is ignoring due process.
Nope, all I said was come thursday they will. I never agreed. nope. son, just didn't say it. you fking lie. BTW, no he doesn't, he can't interfere with questioning, it's a fking investigation. not a kangaroo court, oh wait... shit, yes it is.
Did what in bad faith? You mean take what the whistleblower and everyone else is saying about Trump seriously?

Are you serious? How would you like us to handle Trump's impeachable offenses from now on?

And what did you have to say about good faith?

Trump Allies Smear Decorated Veteran Testifying In Impeachment Inquiry | HuffPost

This is blowing up in your face. You think it's cool Trump is smearing a decorated vet? Of course you are ok with that. THey did it to McCain and you didn't give a fuck about him either.

Trump Allies Smear Decorated Veteran Testifying In Impeachment Inquiry
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was listening in on the president’s July 25 call to Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is set to testify in the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, when he’s expected to tell lawmakers that he was so troubled by President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that he reported it internally, twice.

In advance of what could be damning testimony from a White House staffer who personally listened in on the call, Trump and his allies are trying to smear the highly decorated war veteran.

But on Monday night, Fox News host Laura Ingraham ― aided by her guest, former Justice Department official and “torture memos” author John Yoo ― chose to question Vindman’s loyalty and patriotism.

Vindman emigrated to the U.S. from Ukraine as a child. Because Ukrainian officials reportedly asked him how to deal with Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani ― who’d inserted himself into official U.S. dealings with the country ― and those conversations may not always have been in English, Ingraham and Yoo speculated that Vindman had actually engaged in “espionage”:

WOW! Doing this to a war hero won't backfire on you? I guess Trump's right. He could do anything and not lose one supporter.
You are all upset over nothing. The whole impeach thing is a hoax. Get smart and stop listening to dumb people. The Dems will run every loser they can find out to lie about Trump. Why? So they can be re-elected and gain power. Valor died in this country when the last VietNam vet got spit on-we deserve better than what the Dems want.
Trumps the one lying about his opponents.

Don’t forget democrats have nothing to do with trump being busted. It’s all the people around him telling on him.

This is like you blaming the judge for convicting a criminal. Or the jury. They didn’t have anything to do with catching the criminal. They’re just prosecuting the facts.

And you’re trying to discredit the witnesses. Not working
Listen closely-the Democrats are running secret hearings that don't allow Republicans to ask questions unless Schiff wants them answered-was on the news yesterday-that is my problem with them. The idiots coming forward want their 15 minutes of fame. They say what we already know from the transcript-we CAN read. These guys say they are upset-boo hoo-those are just their opinions-changes nothing-Schiff is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

There are no secret hearings. 47 republicans are part of these hearings and can ask questions. You are lying.
No, you are stupid-read the news or listen to it-yesterday Schiff stopped a witness from answering a Republican's question-THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Secret hearings-we need TRANSPARENCY NOW!
As Mulvaney would say -- get over it.
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No over 50% want him impeached
The majority of Americans don’t think what trump did in Ukraine was right
Mulvaney didn't say what you Democrats thought he said.
I don't care what Mulvaney said. I care what Trump did. We all know what he did was impeachable. It's like if we kept Nixon in office after he did what he did. What's the big deal? What did Nixon do that was so bad? Was that overturning the election? No. He broke the law and had to go. So did Trump. Sinister shady shit.

And it's too bad because he could have gone down as a great president. Like Reagan. Instead he's the most embarrassing, crass, rude, biggest liar, gross, vulgar, more adjectives....

Clinton was great. He didn't divide us. He was a moderate president. The 90's were the last great decade. Obama was great too. Got us out of the Great Recession. Trump is going to turn the 2020's into the 2000's. The Bush era. Where manufacturing took a dump but defense contractors and oil companies ruled.
You need to do some research. Nixon told the VietNam delegation NOT to make peace with the Democrats. LBJ had Nixon on tape doing this. Nixon approved the break in to find out if the Democrats had that info-they did not-far worse than anything YOU or Trump ever did. Killed a lot of kids-some I knew. Trump did say he was not going to be nice in 2015, so he did not lie. He did not divide us-Obama did-Ferguson and Baltimore-where was HIS leadership? People around me hated that "black boy Muslim divider". I stuck up for him, but after seeing the way Dems treat Trump, I'm sorry I did-there is your divisiveness. Clinton was the biggest liar-on national TV-I did not have sex with that woman. And I liked him too, but guess what, you take a shot at trump, who I don't even like, and it's coming back atcha. You hate him, I get it. Vote him out in 2020, but don't let the democrats fool you with their made up impeachable crap!
Well I dislike him for so many other reasons.

Driving up the debt.
Saying he'd deliver 5% growth
That tax break to the rich that we will eventually have to pay for
His embarrassing us around the world
Him kissing the religious rights ass
His court appointments
His ruining a good economy with trade war

I don't like any Republican so it's not like I would have like President Cruz Rubio Carson Christie or Fiorina.

Honestly, I should survive the GOP and so should my nephews. Their dad is rich so they'll be going to the best schools money can buy. So they should have good jobs when they grow up. I'm already debt free and making 6 figures so if the American people are stupid enough to re elect him, they get what they deserve.

They already get what they deserve after electing and re electing Bush. Fuck them. Stupid bastards. I have every reason to be a Republican. Male, college educated, no debt, I have a good job. I'll do fine either way. It's just that I'm in Michigan, the manufacturing capital of America and Republicans are never good to us. Must be the unions. They hate them and want to break them. Actually, if Republicans win in 2020, I hope they do break the unions. Fuck them too. They too will get what they deserve.

And I hope one day social security is cut in half. That would be what poor and middle class Americans deserve for voting in Bush and Trump.
So Schiff can just say no-what a deal!

It is the same as it was for Clinton's Public Hearing. The minority could be told no by the majority.

This was not a PUBLIC hearing-WE were not invited! That's the PROBLEM! TRANSPARENCY NOW!

The public was not invited to the Starr investigation.
Nor the Mueller thing-they were supposed to be closed-but not this crap!
again, he either thinks starr is a member of congress or Schitt's is a prosecutor and not a representative. not sure, but he is indeed confused.
It doesn't matter who is or isn't a member of Congress. What matters is that Starr's investigation was private and so is this matter. When Starr completed his investigation, Congress then held open hearings to discuss the investigation. Just like what will happen now, when the investigation is over, Congress will hold open hearings.
You are all upset over nothing. The whole impeach thing is a hoax. Get smart and stop listening to dumb people. The Dems will run every loser they can find out to lie about Trump. Why? So they can be re-elected and gain power. Valor died in this country when the last VietNam vet got spit on-we deserve better than what the Dems want.
Trumps the one lying about his opponents.

Don’t forget democrats have nothing to do with trump being busted. It’s all the people around him telling on him.

This is like you blaming the judge for convicting a criminal. Or the jury. They didn’t have anything to do with catching the criminal. They’re just prosecuting the facts.

And you’re trying to discredit the witnesses. Not working
Listen closely-the Democrats are running secret hearings that don't allow Republicans to ask questions unless Schiff wants them answered-was on the news yesterday-that is my problem with them. The idiots coming forward want their 15 minutes of fame. They say what we already know from the transcript-we CAN read. These guys say they are upset-boo hoo-those are just their opinions-changes nothing-Schiff is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

There are no secret hearings. 47 republicans are part of these hearings and can ask questions. You are lying.
No, you are stupid-read the news or listen to it-yesterday Schiff stopped a witness from answering a Republican's question-THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! Secret hearings-we need TRANSPARENCY NOW!

Try not being dishonest about that situation son. The republicans kept trying to get the name of the whistleblower and that's what Schiff stopped. Besides the simple fact he stopped them from asking meant republicans were allowed to do so.
HE STOPPED THEM. WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT??? He has no right in a Democracy to do so.
If IM2 called it, it HAS to be wrong! Anyway, this new "witness" is another foil for a hat nut who wants 15 minutes of fame. We already know what was on the call, we have the transcript. He can only add his wild interpretation which means nothing. The whistle blower has been sent into hiding before Republicans could ask him any questions.
You’ll blow off anyone and anything negative said about trump no matter how damning the evidence.

Everyone else is lying. Not trump. Lol. Idiot
If we ever meet and you call me idiot, you will get punched. Next, I say negative things about Trump-I correct unjust accusations about him and assign them to people who do do them-maybe Biden on a videotape-and I don't even care about that-good for Hunter-he made a score. And evidence-the people that hate Trump see the transcript as damning-those that are objective see it as a normal presidential phone call-nobody will change their point of view and that is what Schiff is counting on-a lazy electorate.

No, you would not because I'm tougher than you. And Trump is a criminal. You may think all politicians are criminals but Trump is the worst. Most corrupt, abusive, etc.

I have no reason to hate him other than he is a dick. A bad man. I'm not falling for the scam like you clearly have.

And the funny thing is, he could have been a moderate President. One who represented us all but he clearly divided us even more than we already were. Trump like you isn't a real Republican either. He's only playing one because that's what won him the white house.

Hopefully it's what makes him a 1 term pres.

You'd hit me. LOL. I'd destroy you.
Meet me at the Florida welcome station November 8. Wear your pink panties on the outside so I know who you are. And bring a club-you will need it. And you admitted you are a hater and you accuse others of being divisive? You and your friend IM2 are the biggest hypocrites on this board.

IM2 is right about this. And IM2 is no hypocrite. Now if you are talking about whipping sealybobo, you might get surprised. Marion.
So you talk in third person-that explains a lot.

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