Trump will cost millions of jobs before the end of the first year. And then what?



Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?

i guess donald doesn't understand that the whole point of the TPP was to block china.

oh well...
Those articles are garbage. The USA isn't saying it wants to be an island and not trade with anyone. Those quotes are disingenuous at best and fucking retarded at worst.

We are getting out of bad deals and renegotiating them or entering into totally new deals.

It's called "Free Trade".
Last edited:
....If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
Lose the midterms in 2018. The Republican Congress would freak at the prospect and, therefore, not let it happen.

Dude, you really gotta have more faith in government. If you don't, then please stop advocating big government as the ultimate solution to all of our problems, umkay?
Just get the Wall built......we'll worry about the details later. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?

Wow Rdean. With China backing Mexico, it would be smart of you to invest heavily into the peso.
Ha ha! You idiots have been wrong every single time you said anything about Trump, but that doesn't stop you from continuing to do so. Deranged butthurt snowflakes, all of you.
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?

It is an island.. We can fuck with the world.
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
We'll all go to Canada.
.....and then we won't have any more snow in winter.

oh, never mind, that's another henny penny nutter position....
You've been destroying jobs for 8 years and now you care????

interesting given that millions of jobs were created over the past 8 years.

anything else you want to lie about?

Seems to me if job creation was thriving so much Obama wouldn't have had the slowest rate of growth in modern history and would not have had to manipulate the unemployment numbers to look better.

He also wouldn't have lost the so called working class to trump.

Obamacare alone has costs insane amounts of jobs.
You tax the hell out of anything coming into America from China and add an additional "public safety" tax for the increased spending on the military the U.S will have to spend to fend off the violent Communists.
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
This is what happens when you elect business to govern your country. Trump is about as ignorant on US policies than a can of empty shit beans and I shiver when I see the GOP co sign onto this madness and Pense with that fuckin smile on his face, it drives me insane...its almost as if he knows that the carnage Trump is imposing is gonna lead to an impeachment and he will then take over, its really iry watching these two monster interact.
You've been destroying jobs for 8 years and now you care????

interesting given that millions of jobs were created over the past 8 years.

anything else you want to lie about?

Seems to me if job creation was thriving so much Obama wouldn't have had the slowest rate of growth in modern history and would not have had to manipulate the unemployment numbers to look better.

He also wouldn't have lost the so called working class to trump.

Obamacare alone has costs insane amounts of jobs.
There will come a day, you stupid white mf' when you are gonna be on your knees begging for Obama to return. 4% unemployment is a good thing, repeat that a zillion times you stupid mf and you'll feel better, you Nazi blind ignorant white fool

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