Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks

Wow! I said these tards were in denial, and look at this!

I slam dunked the tard and his head starts spinning.

You were hoisted by your own petard, denial boi. Your own linked backed up MY words, "80 percent of Americans want illegals to be granted legal status or citizenship."

83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens - Lying Jake5000
Congressional elections aren't national elections there Shirley. You do have a problem with logic.


Yeah, the national legislature is at the state level.

Oh and sploogy - ALL elections are conducted at the state level, even president.

Further, whoever the GOP nominee turns out to be, will be the next POTUS.

Hillary destroyed your chance, even if you dump her.

Why do you think the term national election even exists ? Because congressional elections are only for the representative district.
My you are a dull boy.
Poll Roundup: Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - America's Voice

Notice the date.

Over two years ago.......long before it was discovered that Obama had literally opened our borders.
Why do you think the term national election even exists ? Because congressional elections are only for the representative district.
My you are a dull boy.

Full Definition of GENERAL ELECTION
: an election usually held at regular intervals in which candidates are elected in all or most constituencies of a nation or state

Gee you're dumb
And on the other side, we have the joke candidate Bernie who no one ever took serious. Look where he is. He's the Trump flipside.


One guy spends all his time getting his face on TV, runs for ego. The other guy's an unknown, runs for policies. Doesn't even try to comb over.

Yeah, those are the same thing. :rolleyes:

They both tap into fringe anger. Neither stands a real chance of ever being elected.
Why do you think the term national election even exists ? Because congressional elections are only for the representative district.
My you are a dull boy.

Full Definition of GENERAL ELECTION
: an election usually held at regular intervals in which candidates are elected in all or most constituencies of a nation or state

Gee you're dumb

National election moron.

There is only one election that the entire nation participates in.
hutch; since you insist on crying and denying; like another here; maybe you should provide a definition of what YOU consider a "flood" of illegals coming across the southern border? does it have to be millions leftard?

I'm asking what you consider a flood moron. You idiots throw that term around but never say what it means. A flood to me is an unstoppable flow that continues to rise. Is that what's happening with immigration?
It is continuing to rise, and the only way it will be stopped is by getting Democrats out of the way first.
I say again, 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

Your other bigoted obsession over gays won't help you here.

Was that the Brookings Institution Poll that asked respondents to choose between two ways to solve the illegal immigration problem: “Arrest and deport all those who are here illegally” or “Provide an earned path to citizenship.” Absolutely no one has proposed that we deport all those here illegally — much less “arrest” them. But can’t I be against amnesty without voting for rounding up illegals at gunpoint? No! Look at the menu — no substitutions!
I say again, 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

Your other bigoted obsession over gays won't help you here.

Was that the Brookings Institution Poll that asked respondents to choose between two ways to solve the illegal immigration problem: “Arrest and deport all those who are here illegally” or “Provide an earned path to citizenship.” Absolutely no one has proposed that we deport all those here illegally — much less “arrest” them. But can’t I be against amnesty without voting for rounding up illegals at gunpoint? No! Look at the menu — no substitutions!
I linked to multiple polls which back up my claim that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have either a path to citizenship or legal status.


One dumbshit even linked to another one in an attempt to prove me wrong and he unintentionally proved me correct. :D
All illegals are Mexican.

None of them were brought in to do high tech jobs we don't train Americans to do.

Drumpf does not send his business to China, Fiorina doesn't send jobs to India.


Is that what happens, Comrade? democrats bring in foreigners to do high tech jobs because Americans aren't trained to do them?

Like ultra-left Disney just got through doing?

Instead, about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.

“I just couldn’t believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly,” said one former worker, an American in his 40s who remains unemployed since his last day at Disney on Jan. 30. “It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job. I still can’t grasp it.”

Disney executives said that the layoffs were part of a reorganization, and that the company opened more positions than it eliminated.

But the layoffs at Disney and at other companies, including the Southern California Edison power utility, are raising new questions about how businesses and outsourcing companies are using the temporary visas, known as H-1B, to place immigrants in technology jobs in the United States. These visas are at the center of a fierce debate in Congress over whether they complement American workers or displace them.}

Vote democrats, so that your job too can be given to a low cost foreigner.

What is the DNC motto again? Oh yeah, "fuck America."

This is why you traitorous piles of shit want illegals to vote. You seek nothing less than the complete and utter destruction of the constitutional republic.
Capitalism and capitalists are not patriotic. How long before you figure this out?

planes leave hourly
It's my country, founded for my kind. You are the ones who are Americans in name only.

"Your kind?" What kind is that, genocidal Nazi asshole?
I say again, 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

Your other bigoted obsession over gays won't help you here.

Was that the Brookings Institution Poll that asked respondents to choose between two ways to solve the illegal immigration problem: “Arrest and deport all those who are here illegally” or “Provide an earned path to citizenship.” Absolutely no one has proposed that we deport all those here illegally — much less “arrest” them. But can’t I be against amnesty without voting for rounding up illegals at gunpoint? No! Look at the menu — no substitutions!
I linked to multiple polls which back up my claim that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have either a path to citizenship or legal status.


One dumbshit even linked to another one in an attempt to prove me wrong and he unintentionally proved me correct. :D

None of the polls you cited provided their focus subjects with the full range of options for dealing with the 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S. The menu options on the table were a “pathway to citizenship” — which is undefined — versus the straw-man alternative of “universally deporting undocumented immigrants.” Notably absent is the more realistic option of vigorous workplace enforcement combined with systematic elimination of nonemergency benefits and services, which has been proven to convince many illegal aliens to leave on their own.
How and why is it xenophobic to request immigrants follow a legal process?
The process was, for 60 years and it was well-known, just walk across the border. When the times were good most of you had no problems with them mowing lawns and washing dishes. Now, when things are tough, you want all the beaners sent packing. It doesn't work that way and you still have 1,300 miles of completely open border, on just one of four sides no less.

I am 'them' from Mexico and 'them' from know, mowing lawns and washing dishes. 60 years ago, we did not have concern of the welfare state gone awry or enemy combatants from Middle East nation states flying planes into buildings. My 'them' from Italy had to be processed at Ellis. What is so wrong with that?
I say again, 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

Your other bigoted obsession over gays won't help you here.

Was that the Brookings Institution Poll that asked respondents to choose between two ways to solve the illegal immigration problem: “Arrest and deport all those who are here illegally” or “Provide an earned path to citizenship.” Absolutely no one has proposed that we deport all those here illegally — much less “arrest” them. But can’t I be against amnesty without voting for rounding up illegals at gunpoint? No! Look at the menu — no substitutions!
I linked to multiple polls which back up my claim that 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have either a path to citizenship or legal status.


One dumbshit even linked to another one in an attempt to prove me wrong and he unintentionally proved me correct. :D

Immigration polls ask about positions no one holds, no politician has proposed and no bills would require. Polls are irrelevant if you lie to the people being polled.

Your immigration polls are variations on the one taken by the liberal Brookings Institution last March. Although it has been endlessly cited for allegedly showing that a majority of Americans support amnesty, the poll never asked about amnesty, or any real policy.
hutch; since you insist on crying and denying; like another here; maybe you should provide a definition of what YOU consider a "flood" of illegals coming across the southern border? does it have to be millions leftard?

I'm asking what you consider a flood moron. You idiots throw that term around but never say what it means. A flood to me is an unstoppable flow that continues to rise. Is that what's happening with immigration?
It is continuing to rise, and the only way it will be stopped is by getting Democrats out of the way first.

Please, everybody, for the love of God, I just.. You've lost all credibility you've had, you're an embarrassment. You advocate following people's kids home from school, you advocate investigating people because you hear them speak Spanish, you're calling for nazi like forced gatherings into trucks. What is wrong with you?
That is who, in their heart of hearts, they actually are. Evil peas in an evil pod, just waiting for their turn at the long knives and the chance to smile as the bodies are pushed by bulldozer into the nearly-dug mass graves...
I try not to view right wingers as lunatics on this forum, but holy shit..

I tried for almost two years, but came to the sad realization that 95% of them really are loons and can't debate their way out of a paper bag.

Neither can you so that makes things even.
Foolish liberal. Southern strategy is a fallacy. No such strategy you liberals dreamt up to justify your enslavement of southern blacks --- again. Dixiecrats died as democrats except one Senator.

Then where are the Republican civil rights heroes?
. Senator Everett Dirkson and fellow GOP Senators who voted for voting rights and Civil Rights Bills. They overcame the negative votes of Al Gore and J William Fullbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, and many other Democrats who never switch parties.

So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?
nuhuh Screw you jackass. I'm not playing your fucking game and repeating myself. Marching gets you nothing but worn out shoes. The real heroes were thpe GOP senators who ended slavery and passed civil rights. If it wasn't for the GOP you democrats would have slaves.

Of course you're going to say that. No Republican heroes, no pictures of a single Senator, president, congressman, or business leaders sitting on Black family mantles. No legislation, no public pools or libraries named after any Republicans of the Civil rights era. No books, no letters, no Pulitzers, no Nobel, something must be wrong with the excuse you've offered up all these years.
End this jackassery! Democrats poisoned the minds of blacks against the Republican Party. They figured out how to keep them on the plantation by handouts and welfare. As far as blacks are concerned, democrats ended slavery and the KKK was started by republicans. No wonder the democrats support Union teachers. Low scores by blacks shows the unions work to keep the black s ignorant has worked. They will now believe anything.
The GOP doesn't deserve the unfair treatment, but there's nothing they can do. That's why democrats need to be defeated. You people are destroying the fabric of this nation.
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rhetorical question but................why are so many progressives such hyperbole-spewing idiots????
Union teachers and public education. And liberals are natural born idiots. You have to explain them sometime more than once.

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