Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks

All illegals are Mexican.

None of them were brought in to do high tech jobs we don't train Americans to do.

Drumpf does not send his business to China, Fiorina doesn't send jobs to India.


Is that what happens, Comrade? democrats bring in foreigners to do high tech jobs because Americans aren't trained to do them?

Like ultra-left Disney just got through doing?

Instead, about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.

“I just couldn’t believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly,” said one former worker, an American in his 40s who remains unemployed since his last day at Disney on Jan. 30. “It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job. I still can’t grasp it.”

Disney executives said that the layoffs were part of a reorganization, and that the company opened more positions than it eliminated.

But the layoffs at Disney and at other companies, including the Southern California Edison power utility, are raising new questions about how businesses and outsourcing companies are using the temporary visas, known as H-1B, to place immigrants in technology jobs in the United States. These visas are at the center of a fierce debate in Congress over whether they complement American workers or displace them.}

Vote democrats, so that your job too can be given to a low cost foreigner.

What is the DNC motto again? Oh yeah, "fuck America."

This is why you traitorous piles of shit want illegals to vote. You seek nothing less than the complete and utter destruction of the constitutional republic.
Capitalism and capitalists are not patriotic. How long before you figure this out?

planes leave hourly
It's my country, founded for my kind. You are the ones who are Americans in name only.

every fascist has made this claim. your little mustache is showing
You have to admit, it's pretty hilarious that right wingers will always say, "Oh, but black people want 'free stuff' and then between Blue and Red states, it's Red states totally dependent on "free stuff" from Blue States.
Asking someone to prove illegals aren't voting is asking them to prove a negative.

Who cares?

Since no one did that your straw man is irrelevant - as logical fallacy tends to be.

It has been frequently claimed on this forum that millions of illegals are voting. It is this claim which needs to be proven.

Providing stories which say illegals COULD BE voting is not evidence. Certainly not evidence that millions of them are.

You view election fraud as the sacred right of your filthy party. We have debated this ad nasium - the bottom line is that you demand that illegals be allowed to vote. So do most of your fellow democrats.

And Jake, that really does make you a scumbag.

I'm just sayin...
I do not know how to debate a retard who doesn't know the first thing about surveys or their methodologies, and doesn't even comprehend what he posted from the methodology.


They asked questions. People. They asked people...questions. The census. That can't be right.

Jake, you're a partisan hack, you want power for your party and don't give a fuck about the nation or the people living in it - I get it.

But let's illustrate something that even your leftist cluster of nerves (can't really call it a brain, can we?) might be able to process.

Johnny is 6 years old. Mommy is in the other room. He sees the cookie jar and nabs one. Mommy comes in and says "Johnny, did you steal a cookie?"

What is the most likely answer from the 6 year old.

  1. Yes, please punish me now
  2. No, I'm a good boy
  3. Obama is god, all praise be unto him

Now obviously you would answer #3, but the typical child would answer #2.

So when you retards look at a question of "are you in the country illegally," you demand that all would answer #1 - but that's because you're fucking retarded.

Do you understand now?
A post that could only be written by someone who did not read the methodologies, or is incapable of understanding them.

Please tell us about all the times a census worker turned in an anonymous illegal immigrant.

What's that? You mean they haven't? Then, gee, why did you make such a false analogy then?
Some members of the ultra right have their own solution but I believe we have been down this road before.

Never heard of him.

Thanks for yet another lie published by George Soros funded Media Matters.

BTW, Obama has caused the price of coal stocks to plummet from $80/share to $ George Soros is buying coal like crazy. Blog: Wow! Obama drives down coal company stocks, and Soros buys them on the cheap
Anti-coal king George Soros snaps up coal stocks Date: 8/20/2015 12:31:28 PM

1625 Massachusetts Ave. NW - Suite 300
PO Box 52155
Washington, DC

Phone :(202) 756-4100
Email :[email protected]
URL :Media Matters for America

  • Self-described “progressive” media “monitor” that tracks “conservative misinformation”
  • A creation of Democratic Party funders and ofperatives, and of former conservative writer David Brock
  • Dictates the content of many mainstream media reports
  • Smears conservatives as liars and racists
  • Contends that conservatives dominate the mainstream media
  • Is funded and supported by the billionaire philanthropist George Soros
  • Has regular contact and strategy sessions with political operatives inside the Obama White House
  • Has collaborated with Attorney General Eric Holder's office in an effort to discredit and suppress news stories about scandals plaguing the Justice Department

See also: Shadow Party David Brock George Soros

John Podesta Democratic Party Barack Obama

How and why is it xenophobic to request immigrants follow a legal process?
The process was, for 60 years and it was well-known, just walk across the border. When the times were good most of you had no problems with them mowing lawns and washing dishes. Now, when things are tough, you want all the beaners sent packing. It doesn't work that way and you still have 1,300 miles of completely open border, on just one of four sides no less.
All illegals are Mexican.

None of them were brought in to do high tech jobs we don't train Americans to do.

Drumpf does not send his business to China, Fiorina doesn't send jobs to India.


Is that what happens, Comrade? democrats bring in foreigners to do high tech jobs because Americans aren't trained to do them?

Like ultra-left Disney just got through doing?

Instead, about 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off. Many of their jobs were transferred to immigrants on temporary visas for highly skilled technical workers, who were brought in by an outsourcing firm based in India. Over the next three months, some Disney employees were required to train their replacements to do the jobs they had lost.

“I just couldn’t believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs exactly,” said one former worker, an American in his 40s who remains unemployed since his last day at Disney on Jan. 30. “It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job. I still can’t grasp it.”

Disney executives said that the layoffs were part of a reorganization, and that the company opened more positions than it eliminated.

But the layoffs at Disney and at other companies, including the Southern California Edison power utility, are raising new questions about how businesses and outsourcing companies are using the temporary visas, known as H-1B, to place immigrants in technology jobs in the United States. These visas are at the center of a fierce debate in Congress over whether they complement American workers or displace them.}

Vote democrats, so that your job too can be given to a low cost foreigner.

What is the DNC motto again? Oh yeah, "fuck America."

This is why you traitorous piles of shit want illegals to vote. You seek nothing less than the complete and utter destruction of the constitutional republic.
Capitalism and capitalists are not patriotic. How long before you figure this out?

planes leave hourly
It's my country, founded for my kind. You are the ones who are Americans in name only.

every fascist has made this claim. your little mustache is showing
It's a liberal nation. If you aren't a liberal, start packing.
Asking someone to prove illegals aren't voting is asking them to prove a negative.

Who cares?

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. An open admission of a complete unfamiliarity with Logic.

Since no one did that your straw man is irrelevant - as logical fallacy tends to be.

And here we see the misuse of the straw man accusation.

Now let's see what a REAL straw man looks like, shall we?

You view election fraud as the sacred right of your filthy party.

Now THAT is what a straw man fallacy looks like.

Goddam, this kid never fails to provide neverending entertainment.
Some members of the ultra right have their own solution but I believe we have been down this road before.

Never heard of him.

Thanks for yet another lie published by George Soros funded Media Matters.

BTW, Obama has caused the price of coal stocks to plummet from $80/share to $ George Soros is buying coal like crazy. Blog: Wow! Obama drives down coal company stocks, and Soros buys them on the cheap
Anti-coal king George Soros snaps up coal stocks Date: 8/20/2015 12:31:28 PM

1625 Massachusetts Ave. NW - Suite 300
PO Box 52155
Washington, DC

Phone :(202) 756-4100
Email :[email protected]
URL :Media Matters for America

  • Self-described “progressive” media “monitor” that tracks “conservative misinformation”
  • A creation of Democratic Party funders and ofperatives, and of former conservative writer David Brock
  • Dictates the content of many mainstream media reports
  • Smears conservatives as liars and racists
  • Contends that conservatives dominate the mainstream media
  • Is funded and supported by the billionaire philanthropist George Soros
  • Has regular contact and strategy sessions with political operatives inside the Obama White House
  • Has collaborated with Attorney General Eric Holder's office in an effort to discredit and suppress news stories about scandals plaguing the Justice Department

See also: Shadow Party David Brock George Soros

John Podesta Democratic Party Barack Obama

So you have nothing to dispute what Mickelson proposed, I'm not surprised.
Exactly as I said. Not just startled. Living in denial.

Thank you, UnCensored, for stepping up and demonstrating that denial for all of us. Appreciate it!

83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens

60% of voters oppose the Obama Administration's executive amnesty to younger illegal aliens. [Breitbart News & Judicial Watch, November 2012].

52% of registered voters disapprove of President Obama's handling of immigration issues. This poll was taken a month after the Obama Administration issued executive amnesty for two years for illegal aliens who came as children. [Washington Post/ABC, July 2012].

60% of likely voters think when it comes to immigration reform, gaining control of the border is more important than legalizing the status of illegal aliens in the United States [Rasmussen, March 2012].

55% of Americans believe stopping the flow and deporting illegal aliens should be the main focus of how the U.S. government should deal with illegal aliens. Only 42% of Americans prefer the U.S. government creating an amnesty program for illegal aliens. [CNN/ORC, November 2011].}

Americans Oppose Amnesty | NumbersUSA

Oh, I'm sorry - you were lying?
Exactly as I said. Not just startled. Living in denial.

Thank you, UnCensored, for stepping up and demonstrating that denial for all of us. Appreciate it!

83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens

60% of voters oppose the Obama Administration's executive amnesty to younger illegal aliens. [Breitbart News & Judicial Watch, November 2012].

52% of registered voters disapprove of President Obama's handling of immigration issues. This poll was taken a month after the Obama Administration issued executive amnesty for two years for illegal aliens who came as children. [Washington Post/ABC, July 2012].

60% of likely voters think when it comes to immigration reform, gaining control of the border is more important than legalizing the status of illegal aliens in the United States [Rasmussen, March 2012].

55% of Americans believe stopping the flow and deporting illegal aliens should be the main focus of how the U.S. government should deal with illegal aliens. Only 42% of Americans prefer the U.S. government creating an amnesty program for illegal aliens. [CNN/ORC, November 2011].}

Americans Oppose Amnesty | NumbersUSA

Oh, I'm sorry - you were lying?
Not one of those polls you cited say a thing about Americans' opinions on providing legal status or citizenship for the illegals who are here.

Please, please, please take a course in Logic. This is just too painful to watch.
You have to admit, it's pretty hilarious that right wingers will always say, "Oh, but black people want 'free stuff' and then between Blue and Red states, it's Red states totally dependent on "free stuff" from Blue States.

Of course you call many actual blue states red states
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. An open admission of a complete unfamiliarity with Logic.

Yes Jake, you think logical fallacy is the same as "logic," but it isn't.

And here we see the misuse of the straw man accusation.

Now let's see what a REAL straw man looks like, shall we?

Well, let's see Jake, did I ask DTMB to "prove illegals aren't voting" as you lied? Or is that something you made up to create an argument you could defeat, and avoid the actual argument?

It's okay Jake, we know you're a liar and a scumbag - i.e. a democrat.

Now THAT is what a straw man fallacy looks like.

Goddam, this kid never fails to provide neverending entertainment.

In what way Jake?

You really DON'T have any fucking clue what a Straw Man fallacy is, do you?


Your above bit of idiocy is known as a Malapropism - look it up.
Immigration Update - Rasmussen Reports™
Voters Still Say No to Obama’s Amnesty Plan - Rasmussen Reports™

Monday, June 01, 2015

President Obama’s plan to exempt up to five million illegal immigrants from deportation continues to run into opposition in the court of public opinion, too. Just last week a federal appeals court continued the hold on Obama’s amnesty plan that was first imposed by a judge in February. The next stop is likely to be the U.S. Supreme Court.

But a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 34% of Likely U.S. Voters favor the president’s plan to allow the illegal immigrants to remain in this country legally and apply for jobs. That’s down only one point from April, but support has been inching down from a high of 40% just after the president announced his intentions last November.

Most voters (55%) still oppose Obama’s executive action on immigration, little changed from two months ago but up from 50% in November. Eleven percent (11%) are undecided.​
Democrats overwhelmingly support giving illegals the right to vote........because this is how they took over California, Washington State, Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and flooding these states with illegals. But the rest of America doesn't like Obama's amnesty orders or the fact that he's letting in millions of illegals.
83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens

You know Jake, you really are a lying sack of shit.

{Neither party's views have changed dramatically over the past decade, but Democrats are now a bit more likely to endorse citizenship while Republicans are less likely to do so. The 31% of Republicans who favor deporting all illegal immigrants is up from 20% in 2006, while the percentage of Republicans favoring a path to citizenship is down from 58% to 50%. In 2006, President George W. Bush favored legislation that included a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.}

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

Jeezus Jake, looks like you're just a fucking liar...

Not one of those polls you cited say a thing about Americans' opinions on providing legal status or citizenship for the illegals who are here.

Please, please, please take a course in Logic. This is just too painful to watch.

Even in the polls that defy your claims, the wording is deceptive "path."

Regardless, your claim of "83%" is a flat out lie.
"You view election fraud as the sacred right of your filthy party."

Straw man. Textbook.
Fucking Democrats!

Don't you ever wonder why Repubs can't win national elections? Aren't you tired?

Yeah, I mean the Khmer Rouge democrats have both houses of congress and are a lock for the White House in '16.

You Communists sure are smart.... :thup:

Congressional elections aren't national elections there Shirley. You do have a problem with logic.

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