Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks


because some of you just want to talk junk, ironically while accusing others of not providng substance.
you know what article you are referencing, allowing you to posit that the flow of illegals has essentially stopped.. so provide it again please..............................................
you dont even fully read the items you present as sources to others to back up your positions

so now they are trying to say all Hispanics takes what Trump said out of CONTEXT just like liberal/Democrats are to try and SCORE points and votes

So in other words they think you are all stupid just like they think black people are.

wow. HOW offensive
And he thinks that legal Hispanic voters are pro-illegal immigration. In other words, they're criminal.
Hispanic citizens are going to see Trump's outbursts, and the type of people who respond positively to him, for what they really are. They aren't stupid.
Well....what you're saying is they're all racists.

It shouldn't matter what your ethnicity is.....if you're an American....this nonsense should really bother you. Do a survey of blacks and Hispanics and ask them questions about Democrat policies like Gay marriage and open borders......the results would be startling.
where did all of you go?

you're accusing me of stuff; and insisting the study you are clearly referencing is the gospel truth

do i have to go find your own study again for you?

Then you should have no problem showing us the evidence that you still have yet to provide.

you want evidence proving a negative dude?

oh and re: your warning to me.............................DONT TAZ ME BRO!!

No one is asking you to prove a negative. You said millions of illegals are voting. Show us your evidence or admit you lied.
I think he was trying to say millions aren't voting, but left off a couple characters, not accidentally added one. One has to have a Bedowin-to-English dictionary.

because some of you just want to talk junk, ironically while accusing others of not providng substance.
Why would you want to do this to yourself again?

"I wasn't embarrassed enough last time."
so now they are trying to say all Hispanics takes what Trump said out of CONTEXT just like liberal/Democrats are to try and SCORE points and votes

So in other words they think you are all stupid just like they think black people are.

wow. HOW offensive
And he thinks that legal Hispanic voters are pro-illegal immigration. In other words, they're criminal.
Hispanic citizens are going to see Trump's outbursts, and the type of people who respond positively to him, for what they really are. They aren't stupid.
Well....what you're saying is they're all racists.

It shouldn't matter what your ethnicity is.....if you're an American....this nonsense should really bother you. Do a survey of blacks and Hispanics and ask them questions about Democrat policies like Gay marriage and open borders......the results would be startling.
80 percent of Americans want illegals to be granted legal status or citizenship. Even a supermajority of conservatives want illegals to have legal status or a path to citizenship.

I think the only people startled by that is you and all the other bigots.

Not just startled. Living in denial.
Trump should also run on reforming our educational system so minorities can free themselves from the Democrat Plantation known as "publik skolz"
So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?


Those who stand up to you thugs when you try to crush the 1st amendment as you did with Hobby Lobby spring instantly to mind.

You of the Khmer Rouge democrats are a clear and present danger to civil rights. The only standing between a free people and the authoritarian state you seek is the Republicans.

Now the Republicans aren't much good, but they are all the public has to keep you thugs from completely trampling rights.
so now they are trying to say all Hispanics takes what Trump said out of CONTEXT just like liberal/Democrats are to try and SCORE points and votes

So in other words they think you are all stupid just like they think black people are.

wow. HOW offensive
And he thinks that legal Hispanic voters are pro-illegal immigration. In other words, they're criminal.
Hispanic citizens are going to see Trump's outbursts, and the type of people who respond positively to him, for what they really are. They aren't stupid.
Well....what you're saying is they're all racists.

It shouldn't matter what your ethnicity is.....if you're an American....this nonsense should really bother you. Do a survey of blacks and Hispanics and ask them questions about Democrat policies like Gay marriage and open borders......the results would be startling.


i cant help but wondering if some of these mostly White Progressives even know any Black or Hispanic people outside of their academic or inner circles.

have you ever spoken to a male from the caribbean on gays? THEY DESPISE THEM!!
they call gay men "botti boys" and assualt them on the regular in Jamaica. they didnt change overnight coming here. in Haiti they are called "masissy" and same thing as with Jamaicans

libs are just hypocritical azzholes with their demonizin of people on the Right
Dems will destroy the Hispanic family and replace the male head of household with a government handout just like they did to blacks

Trump calls it the "Final Solution" the rest of you should be running away from that.

So? Most people ran away from whatever Malcom X was peddling. Modern Republicans aren't running from Trump, they are celebrating him and he is the Pied Piper of ignorant vitriol.
I say again, 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

Your other bigoted obsession over gays won't help you here.
So I ask again: "Where are the Republican Civil Rights heroes?


Those who stand up to you thugs when you try to crush the 1st amendment as you did with Hobby Lobby spring instantly to mind.

You of the Khmer Rouge democrats are a clear and present danger to civil rights. The only standing between a free people and the authoritarian state you seek is the Republicans.

Now the Republicans aren't much good, but they are all the public has to keep you thugs from completely trampling rights.

Nope, there are no Republican Civil Rights heroes period. No one celebrates a single thing you have ever done on behalf of minorities and you should seriously ask yourself why.
I say again, 80 percent of Americans want illegals to have a path to citizenship or legal status.

Your other bigoted obsession over gays won't help you here.


the topic is bigotry moron. what have i said that is bigoted against gays???
It's not up to me to prove a negative.

I didn't ask you to prove a negative, You made the statement that is based on emotion and prejudice - I asked you to support your claim.

You made the claim that millions of illegals are voting in our elections now show your evidence or admit you made it up.

Again, just as we know that thousands of drug deals occur each day, yet cannot show them happening, we also know that democrats use illegals for proxy voting as a standard means of election fraud.

Now democrats like Jake5000 support illegals voting;

{Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree.}

Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote - Rasmussen Reports™

Now you can scream and cry and demand that election fraud is the national right of the democrats, but your noise and ignorance does not make me a liar, nor will it make you rational.

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

Read more at:}
It's not up to me to prove a negative.

I didn't ask you to prove a negative, You made the statement that is based on emotion and prejudice - I asked you to support your claim.
Asking someone to prove illegals aren't voting is asking them to prove a negative.

It has been frequently claimed on this forum that millions of illegals are voting. It is this claim which needs to be proven.

Providing stories which say illegals COULD BE voting is not evidence. Certainly not evidence that millions of them are.

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