Trump Will Purge Hispanics From GOP Like Nixon Did With Blacks


i answered your question

and asked you several

why are you such a coward and hypocrite you cant even answer mine?
all floods eventually stop you idiot.

Yep. It has.


because you have a "survey" of illegals saying it has

ur a joke
It can't be helped you don't understand the scientific methodology which makes the census as accurate as possible. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that you thought interviews during a census actually negate a census's value. I mean, holy shit! That kind of mental incapacity is awesome to behold, but it makes me wonder how you manage to sidle up to a keyboard and type in the first place.

Just because you are too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it is wrong. It just means you are stupid.

After all, you cited Ann Coulter's figures. It just doesn't get more stupid than that. Her magical number fits your confirmation bias and so you believed it, even though it has zero evidence to support it.

You chose to believe a completely made up number over a scientific census. Fascinating! It speaks more volumes about you than your puerile posts with horrible punctuation and grammar.
hutch; since you insist on crying and denying; like another here; maybe you should provide a definition of what YOU consider a "flood" of illegals coming across the southern border? does it have to be millions leftard?

I'm asking what you consider a flood moron. You idiots throw that term around but never say what it means. A flood to me is an unstoppable flow that continues to rise. Is that what's happening with immigration?

i explained that repeatedly

you're just a coward that cant handle reality

again; since you're crying;' why dont you tell me why it DOESNT qualify as a flood in your opinion?

you're so predictable you clown

i know what you're trying to do. you want to pull out the spoon-fed piece of propaganda that says illegals from MEXICO have leveled off and even reversed

it's bullshit all the way on several counts

tell me moron; especially since you left-wing losers have this talking point that obama has deported more an any president. would you honestly answer a survey if you were an illegal and knew you could be deprtted?

nothing you loses say adds up

Like I said you don't have an answer and you don't have a shred of proof to back your claims.
Just mouth.
all floods eventually stop you idiot.

Yep. It has.


because you have a "survey" of illegals saying it has

ur a joke
It can't be helped you don't understand the scientific methodology which makes the census as accurate as possible. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that you thought interviews during a census actually negate a census's value. I mean, holy shit! That kind of mental incapacity is awesome to behold, but it makes me wonder how you manage to sidle up to a keyboard and type.

Just because you are too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it is wrong. It just means you are stupid.

After all, you cited Ann Coulter's figures. It just doesn't get more stupid than that. Her magical number fits your confirmation bias and so you believed it, even though it has zero evidence to support it.

You chose to believe a completely made up number over a scientific census. Fascinating! It speaks volumes about you than your puerile posts with horrible punctuation and grammar don't.
Well, this flood began this year and that graph cuts off at last it's useless because it's out dated. Not to mention that these are they don't even fall in the same classification.
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so now they are trying to say all Hispanics takes what Trump said out of CONTEXT just like liberal/Democrats are to try and SCORE points and votes

So in other words they think you are all stupid just like they think black people are.

wow. HOW offensive
And he thinks that legal Hispanic voters are pro-illegal immigration. In other words, they're criminal.
all floods eventually stop you idiot.

Yep. It has.


because you have a "survey" of illegals saying it has

ur a joke
It can't be helped you don't understand the scientific methodology which makes the census as accurate as possible. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that you thought interviews during a census actually negate a census's value. I mean, holy shit! That kind of mental incapacity is awesome to behold, but it makes me wonder how you manage to sidle up to a keyboard and type.

Just because you are too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it is wrong. It just means you are stupid.

After all, you cited Ann Coulter's figures. It just doesn't get more stupid than that. Her magical number fits your confirmation bias and so you believed it, even though it has zero evidence to support it.

You chose to believe a completely made up number over a scientific census. Fascinating! It speaks volumes about you than your puerile posts with horrible punctuation and grammar don't.
Well, this flood began this year and that graph cuts off at last it's useless because it's out dated.
It is still the most accurate we have available until the next census. And most of the individuals in the surge last year were children.
Dems will destroy the Hispanic family and replace the male head of household with a government handout just like they did to blacks
so now they are trying to say all Hispanics takes what Trump said out of CONTEXT just like liberal/Democrats are to try and SCORE points and votes

So in other words they think you are all stupid just like they think black people are.

wow. HOW offensive
And he thinks that legal Hispanic voters are pro-illegal immigration. In other words, they're criminal.
Hispanic citizens are going to see Trump's outbursts, and the type of people who respond positively to him, for what they really are. They aren't stupid.
Dems will destroy the Hispanic family and replace the male head of household with a government handout just like they did to blacks
They'll do that to the criminal ones...and build up that culture. But there are a LOT of non-criminal Hispanics who aren't interested in state control of their lives.
Dems will destroy the Hispanic family and replace the male head of household with a government handout just like they did to blacks
I actually agree with this. However, the GOP is complicit in that destruction because the right wing bigots are driving the Hispanics into the Democrats' deadly embrace.
Dems will destroy the Hispanic family and replace the male head of household with a government handout just like they did to blacks
I actually agree with this. However, the GOP is complicit in that destruction because the Republicans are driving the Hispanics into the Democrats' open arms.

Agreed. The modern Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground
Dems will destroy the Hispanic family and replace the male head of household with a government handout just like they did to blacks

Trump calls it the "Final Solution" the rest of you should be running away from that.

Then you should have no problem showing us the evidence that you still have yet to provide.

you want evidence proving a negative dude?

oh and re: your warning to me.............................DONT TAZ ME BRO!!

No one is asking you to prove a negative. You said millions of illegals are voting. Show us your evidence or admit you lied.
all floods eventually stop you idiot.

Yep. It has.


because you have a "survey" of illegals saying it has

ur a joke
It can't be helped you don't understand the scientific methodology which makes the census as accurate as possible. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that you thought interviews during a census actually negate a census's value. I mean, holy shit! That kind of mental incapacity is awesome to behold, but it makes me wonder how you manage to sidle up to a keyboard and type in the first place.

Just because you are too stupid to understand something doesn't mean it is wrong. It just means you are stupid.

After all, you cited Ann Coulter's figures. It just doesn't get more stupid than that. Her magical number fits your confirmation bias and so you believed it, even though it has zero evidence to support it.

You chose to believe a completely made up number over a scientific census. Fascinating! It speaks more volumes about you than your puerile posts with horrible punctuation and grammar.

i never mentioned ann coulter. you are simply a petty little shell of a person now trying to deflect. i showed you IN THE SOURCE YOU PROVIDED where the relied on ILLEGAL "RESPONDANTS" TO A SURVEY

this what you call "scientific methodology", relying on people YOU say have been deported in record numbers by obama, to tell the truth

Then you should have no problem showing us the evidence that you still have yet to provide.

you want evidence proving a negative dude?

oh and re: your warning to me.............................DONT TAZ ME BRO!!

No one is asking you to prove a negative. You said millions of illegals are voting. Show us your evidence or admit you lied.

i said no such thing.................bro. show me where i said millions are voting. i said " or course millions aren voting" but i left off the "t". THEN i went on to say that illegals ARE managing to vote, but didnt say in what numbers. i also provided information that because of obama's loopholes it is POSSIBLE for massive illegal voting

so again what is your beef again.........................bro?
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