Trump won't accept WaPo reporter's apology: "he should be fired"

I think there should be huge fines to the press for lying. 50,000 dollar fine for the first offense. 100,000 for each additional offense. All proceeds going to St Jude childrens research hospital. Then I bet the press would try a little harder to get it right.

As the press, you are looked to by the average Joe to be a source of reliable information. If you can't uphold that expectation, quit or get fined into non-existence. Just like the first amendment doesn't apply in the movie theater situation, it shouldn't apply to the press as far as purposely lying to the public.
I think there should be huge fines to the press for lying.

Pie in the sky, dumb idea. For one, you would have to show intent to deceive. And, as it turns out , we actually already have legal penalties for thAt.

So your statement arises from a misguided, emotional place that thinks any mistake that offends you personally is a lie.
No. it doesn't. These are lies. The media making up stuff. I tend to get pissed when the media purposly lies about Trump and then liberals come running up with their signs "1st amendment 1st amendment" yet when FNC gets caught in an inaccuracy it's "FNC is the arm of the RNC"

If they weren't lies, they wouldn't be suspending journalists. There needs to be a penalty for this.

Funny the media very rarely gets caught with a lie about liberals.

3 times in one week, there has to be a penalty. You can't say these are accidents.

CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks
Trump won't give up destroying the free press.

Trump won't accept WaPo reporter's apology: "he should be fired"

When the president called on Weigel to apologize and added visual evidence of the crowd size, Weigel promptly apologized for his error.

the orange sociopath likes putin.... the guy who has reporters killed.

Putin plays Trump like a piano.

Problem is, Trump's a violin.

More like a fiddle with strings missing; Putin will twist him any way he desires.
Trump won't give up destroying the free press.

Trump won't accept WaPo reporter's apology: "he should be fired"

When the president called on Weigel to apologize and added visual evidence of the crowd size, Weigel promptly apologized for his error.

the orange sociopath likes putin.... the guy who has reporters killed.

Putin plays Trump like a piano.

Try to be less crazy.

YOu never answered by question. WHat do we do about the system being broken?
I think there should be huge fines to the press for lying.

Pie in the sky, dumb idea. For one, you would have to show intent to deceive. And, as it turns out , we actually already have legal penalties for thAt.

So your statement arises from a misguided, emotional place that thinks any mistake that offends you personally is a lie.
Why is it that the LIB MSM ALWAYS seems to fuck up against one political party???????
Yes amazingly they have NEVER accidentally reported fake bad news about Hillary

If they would do fake news at roughly the same rate about both parties I'd just say they were a bad news organization. But all fake news being about one party? They are a bad BIASED news organization.

And I hate to call them that because that's an insult to legit news organizations actually calling CNN anything that resembles news.
Weigel is a POS man portraying himself as a journalist.

He should step down to save whatever face is left at CNN.
the orange sociopath likes putin.... the guy who has reporters killed.

Yep, given his druthers, Trump would rule this country with an iron first like his murderous autocrat idols Putin, Erdogan and Duterte.

Hand everything over to Sinclair Broadcasting and Rupert Murdoch. They'll tell us all we need to know.
Trump won't give up destroying the free press.

Trump won't accept WaPo reporter's apology: "he should be fired"

When the president called on Weigel to apologize and added visual evidence of the crowd size, Weigel promptly apologized for his error.

Haha the Fake News reporter got called out. He didn’t even admit to lying about the photo, he tried to claim he was “confused”, so it was a completely dishonest apology.

Fuck him, he should be fired. No half ass apology is going to change the fact he lied with his little dishonest post.
the orange sociopath likes putin.... the guy who has reporters killed.

Yep, given his druthers, Trump would rule this country with an iron first like his murderous autocrat idols Putin, Erdogan and Duterte.

Hand everything over to Sinclair Broadcasting and Rupert Murdoch. They'll tell us all we need to know.
It is exactly shoddy journalism which effects people of limited intellect in this way.

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