Trump won't answer questions, about collusion, obstruction, or perjury questions

Leaving aside the whole Vietnam and bone spurs while playing squash :gay: so he could wage his own "personal Vietnam" in New York sex clubs dodging STDs instead of bullets game, Rump's abject cowardice is legendary. He tries to conceal it behind the agent-orange colored veneer of fake machismo but it's obvious ....

One example -- dives in for profits with casinos and the USFL and an airline and food products and drink products and personalized vitamins where you send in your pee, loses them all and then swears up and down "I never went bankrupt" and "I only licensed my name, I didn't run the company" (yet wants to take full personal credit for standing still while Daddy handed him a multimillion dollar empire). Unable to accept responsibility for his own errant calculations.

Another example --- thinks Romney won pop vote and lost EC, starts diarrhea-tweeting about how "we should have a revolution in this country" ("we" meaning "you", not "he" because bone spurs you know) and how the EC is a "laughingstock". Then finds out he fucked up, Romney didn't win pop vote at all, deletes tweets and pretends they never happened, later reverses course 180 on EC when it works in his favor. Again, unable to accept responsibility for own fuckup, wants to incite riots without personal participation, because unable to take responsibility.

A third example --- exhorts his "very fine" sheeple to "beat the crap out of 'em" and "knock the hell" because "we've become weak" and "in the old days they'd be carried out on a stretcher", later suggests they start riots and shoot his opponent if he doesn't get his way ---- yet never personally knocks the hell, never personally shoots his opponent, never personally gets mixed up in a riot, never even shoots somebody on Fifth Avenue; it's all talk to incite -- somebody else not named Numero Uno has to do the heavy lifting. And to the extent the incitement flares he can't take responsibility for that either. Doesn't even cover their legal expenses as he said he would. Unable to take responsibility for his own "best words".

Even tried to suggest the voice on the Access Hollywood tape was not his. Even though his mouth is on videotape saying them. Never backed down on accusing the Central Park Five, even after they were exonerated by DNA. Ranted on and on to anyone who would listen about O'bama's birth certificate, then when it was no longer useful to Numero Uno, dropped it and pretended it never happened. Once again --- unable to take responsibility. We could go on with this literally all day.
Decades ago Donald Trump mysteriously developed bone spurs in his feet just as he was summoned to serve his country in active duty military and was able to skate out of having to serve, this despite playing minor league baseball in the Yankee farm system. Robert Mueller on the other hand choose to serve his country and and fight in Vietnam becoming a highly decorated US Marine.

So, here we are, decades later. Robert Mueller the war hero requests that Donald J Trump the draft dodger to sit down for an interview, and Trump runs away like a sniveling, scared little girl.

Donald J Trump - Once a young coward, now an old coward. Some things never change!

Giuliani: Trump won't sit with Mueller until he gets info on informant

Robert Mueller Has A Decorated Combat Record As A Marine Who Fought In Vietnam

Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet
Damn 3 lines and a LIE! He was SCOUTED by the Red Sox and Phillies but chose to attend college instead he NEVER played minor league baseball there snowflake.
Decades ago Donald Trump mysteriously developed bone spurs in his feet just as he was summoned to serve his country in active duty military and was able to skate out of having to serve, this despite playing minor league baseball in the Yankee farm system. Robert Mueller on the other hand choose to serve his country and and fight in Vietnam becoming a highly decorated US Marine.

So, here we are, decades later. Robert Mueller the war hero requests that Donald J Trump the draft dodger to sit down for an interview, and Trump runs away like a sniveling, scared little girl.

Donald J Trump - Once a young coward, now an old coward. Some things never change!

Giuliani: Trump won't sit with Mueller until he gets info on informant

Robert Mueller Has A Decorated Combat Record As A Marine Who Fought In Vietnam

Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet
Wow, and I thought Mueller going back over a decade to try to find a crime to use to get Trump was desperate. That's nothing compared to the OP and this thread...
Decades ago Donald Trump mysteriously developed bone spurs in his feet just as he was summoned to serve his country in active duty military and was able to skate out of having to serve, this despite playing minor league baseball in the Yankee farm system. Robert Mueller on the other hand choose to serve his country and and fight in Vietnam becoming a highly decorated US Marine.

So, here we are, decades later. Robert Mueller the war hero requests that Donald J Trump the draft dodger to sit down for an interview, and Trump runs away like a sniveling, scared little girl.

Donald J Trump - Once a young coward, now an old coward. Some things never change!

Giuliani: Trump won't sit with Mueller until he gets info on informant

Robert Mueller Has A Decorated Combat Record As A Marine Who Fought In Vietnam

Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet
Damn 3 lines and a LIE! He was SCOUTED by the Red Sox and Phillies but chose to attend college instead he NEVER played minor league baseball there snowflake.

Good point. Accusing somebody of having played for the Wankees is a pretty low blow.
Decades ago Donald Trump mysteriously developed bone spurs in his feet just as he was summoned to serve his country in active duty military and was able to skate out of having to serve, this despite playing minor league baseball in the Yankee farm system. Robert Mueller on the other hand choose to serve his country and and fight in Vietnam becoming a highly decorated US Marine.

I believe that bone-spurs in your feet actually help your bowling

So you're reasoning is he had a better excuse to run to England dodge the draft.

Don't be an eternal moron (take a break from that title).....

Both Clinton AND Trump dodged the draft........but WHOof the two attacks war heroes???

Besides, who boasted that avoiding STDs.... While Dating: Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam ...

Irrelevant. If you're going to call Trump a coward for avoiding the draft then don't be a hypocrite and come up with bullshit reasons to excuse the guy you for voted for doing the same thing. If dodging a military draft is cowardly in your view then they are both coward, plain and simple. Second time in two days I called you out on your hypocrisy and then you attempt to move the goal posts to excuse it.
Second time in two days I called you out on your hypocrisy

Exercise the little power you got on this forum, Tazzie.....I don't give a shit.

Let others judge WHO is the hypocrite and who on here is delusional, Trump ass you.

You can follow my threads like a lap dog all you want...I find it "flattering."
Curious, if this man were a coward, he wouldn't have run for the most physically and mentally challenging position our government has. President of the United States. Nor would he have sanctioned Russia for using nerve agents on former spies in the UK. He wouldn't be directly confronting China with tariffs over their theft of our intellectual property.

If he was a coward as you say he is, it would have been in his best interest to stay out of the limelight. I doubt many of you liberals have any idea how hard it is to be the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet.

No, this man isn't a coward. In my view he was planning ahead. Ha, you mock him for his draft deferments and yet here he is serving as the duly elected leader of America. He is still serving his country, he doesn't have to be a soldier to serve his country.

Honestly, the lack of respect you show him is one of the main reasons this nation is being torn apart.
Mueller is looking at either Gitmo or a fitting squad
I already asked you once about that, and you chickened out. Firing squad for what?
He’s making a death threat to a special prosecutor.

I don’t believe that’s legal.

And he’s doing it right here on the USMB.

You're a fucking moron who can't read English. That's the penalty for treason and sedition. There are many individuals in the Obama Administration who should face charges of treason and sedition
Then what happened to the proof? Oh that's right, it doesn't exist, and you are lying.
The Obama argument is for cowards. The charges for Trump will be awarded as such. And this charge is just getting things started; 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

They also have him on multiple campaign finance violations, obstruction of justice charges, and Emoluments Clause violations.

You know this how ?
Boss, all you have to do is read how the law is written. It's context is crystal clear, next to the actions Trump took. Anyone who doesn't see or read it, just doesn't want it to be so. Unfortunately for you and Trump, it is.
Boss, all you have to do is read how the law is written. It's context is crystal clear, next to the actions Trump took. Anyone who doesn't see or read it, just doesn't want it to be so. Unfortunately for you and Trump, it is.

I have read it and you surmise the defrauding action is what specifically ?
Why do white people continue making dumb factless comments?

Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.
Well well well....WE CAN ALL SEE THE HATE from WTP and IM2 because when you put these two conflicting comments together it seems that the RACIST DARK thinking HATERS really just want all "WHITES" to NOT SPEAK AND to be GUILTY before PROVEN INNOCENT because according to IM2 WHITE MEN who do not SPEAK are automatically guilty!!! HA HA HA you two FREAKS!!! HATERS!!!

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