Trump won't answer questions, about collusion, obstruction, or perjury questions

Will the special counsel end up subpoenaing the president? So what questions are left to ask? Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.

To not let Robert Mueller interview Trump, or to "let" Mueller interview Trump, has always been a side show. Of course Trump will never interview Mueller, because all his answers would implicate him in these crimes. He was never going to sit down with Mueller.

And now, with these latest revelations where Trump threw his own son under the bus, implicating him in this conspiracy, plus involving himself in witness tampering with Hope Hicks, to publicly admitting obstruction with James Comey, Trump has no where to hide in this investigation.

From a legal standpoint, Trump is all over the map, and by now is an easy target, brought on by Donald Trump.

By the time December, 2016 and January,2017 came around, I knew Trump/Russia was a multi pronged conspiracy of flashing red lights, involving illegal money and illegal election practices, from multiple sources, and other countries. The sheer sloppiness of it all, indicates to me, that Trump was so involved with his own financial interests, that he thought no one would ever suspect or notice his crooked dealings, or his lying behavior. Little did he know.

The vulnerability for Trump and his WH is that everything has been about lying. And now they are caught.


That’s a good one…..

There is no doubt Trump is shitting

all over you libtards with his tweets.
Will the special counsel end up subpoenaing the president? So what questions are left to ask? Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.

To not let Robert Mueller interview Trump, or to "let" Mueller interview Trump, has always been a side show. Of course Trump will never interview Mueller, because all his answers would implicate him in these crimes. He was never going to sit down with Mueller.

And now, with these latest revelations where Trump threw his own son under the bus, implicating him in this conspiracy, plus involving himself in witness tampering with Hope Hicks, to publicly admitting obstruction with James Comey, Trump has no where to hide in this investigation.

From a legal standpoint, Trump is all over the map, and by now is an easy target, brought on by Donald Trump.

By the time December, 2016 and January,2017 came around, I knew Trump/Russia was a multi pronged conspiracy of flashing red lights, involving illegal money and illegal election practices, from multiple sources, and other countries. The sheer sloppiness of it all, indicates to me, that Trump was so involved with his own financial interests, that he thought no one would ever suspect or notice his crooked dealings, or his lying behavior. Little did he know.

The vulnerability for Trump and his WH is that everything has been about lying. And now they are caught.
Our President has a way of changing his story

Have him testify under oath to nail down his version
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
Can you produce charges and evidence? Lol! I didn't think soE]

We have more evidence against hillary and obongo than we do Trump.
Show us;
Mueller has nothing" ? lol! Says who? You? Then explain in detail how the Trump Tower meeting is nothing?

And explain to us how the Air Force One story that was written about adoptions, then found out to be a lie isn't obstruction?

Explain how telling the Russians and Lester Holt that Trump got rid of Comey because of Russia, isn't obstruction?

Explain how the Cambridge Analytica scandal paid for by Trump, doesn't point to gathering data and using it against Clinton a conspiracy? New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

Explain to us how paying off porn stars before an election to keep them quiet not campaign finance violations?

Explain to us how using the office to profit in your own businesses doesn't violate the Emoluments clause?

Explain to us how trump using Nunes to mount an effort to get rid of Rosenstein just to get rid of a criminal investigation is not obstruction of justice?

How is it not obstruction of justice when Reince Preibus and Don Mcghan have a meeting about Michael Flynn lying to the FBI, then turning around and saying they know nothing about Flynn, not obstruction of justice?

How is it not obstruction when Trump tells Comey to go light on Flynn? To let him go?

You've got more than that right? Lol!

Yours is nothing but liberal tripe….

Lets stick to facts Dumb ass…

Face it Dip Shit, mueller ain’t got shit on Trump…………FACT

You want to talk about obstruction of justice, what

about horny bill and Loretta lynch’s “chance” meeting on the tarmac?

Your mention of Cambridge Analytica is a hoot since obongo and you

on the left did the exact same thing, there’s a video of nutty auntie maxine

bragging about it. You libtards just got mad when Trump used your techniques.

It’s funny how Horney bill clinton can abuse a young lady that’s barely legal

In the White House and then lie about it while crooked Hillary slimes her.

Then you defend billie bob saying it’s just sex and a private matter….

And you want us to get upset about Trump banging a liberal porn star?

I could go on and on but we all know you are full of SHIT….
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
Can you produce charges and evidence? Lol! I didn't think soE]

We have more evidence against hillary and obongo than we do Trump.
Get moving liar. We're waiting.

OK you ignorant Zealot lets go tit for tat….

Did Trump sell Uranium to the Russians?

Nope that was hillary and obongo.

Did Trump have a foundation that was funneling

Millions of dollars from the Russians?

Nope that was Hillary.

Did obongo not send a secret message to Putin he wanted

to keep from the American People?

Now Dumb Ass show me three comparable things from Trump….

We all know you can’t because you are full of shit….
So you are a liar. Get out of here loser.
Will the special counsel end up subpoenaing the president? So what questions are left to ask? Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.

To not let Robert Mueller interview Trump, or to "let" Mueller interview Trump, has always been a side show. Of course Trump will never interview Mueller, because all his answers would implicate him in these crimes. He was never going to sit down with Mueller.

And now, with these latest revelations where Trump threw his own son under the bus, implicating him in this conspiracy, plus involving himself in witness tampering with Hope Hicks, to publicly admitting obstruction with James Comey, Trump has no where to hide in this investigation.

From a legal standpoint, Trump is all over the map, and by now is an easy target, brought on by Donald Trump.

By the time December, 2016 and January,2017 came around, I knew Trump/Russia was a multi pronged conspiracy of flashing red lights, involving illegal money and illegal election practices, from multiple sources, and other countries. The sheer sloppiness of it all, indicates to me, that Trump was so involved with his own financial interests, that he thought no one would ever suspect or notice his crooked dealings, or his lying behavior. Little did he know.

The vulnerability for Trump and his WH is that everything has been about lying. And now they are caught.

What crimes?

Mueller can’t even get that snitch Gates to say anything related to the Trump campaign and he can’t even intimidate Manafort.
See post #116. And if none of that constitutes evidence of conspiracies and obstruction, give us an intelligent legal argument against each one. If you do not, then they are "crimes", and you are a liar.
Will the special counsel end up subpoenaing the president? So what questions are left to ask? Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.

To not let Robert Mueller interview Trump, or to "let" Mueller interview Trump, has always been a side show. Of course Trump will never interview Mueller, because all his answers would implicate him in these crimes. He was never going to sit down with Mueller.

And now, with these latest revelations where Trump threw his own son under the bus, implicating him in this conspiracy, plus involving himself in witness tampering with Hope Hicks, to publicly admitting obstruction with James Comey, Trump has no where to hide in this investigation.

From a legal standpoint, Trump is all over the map, and by now is an easy target, brought on by Donald Trump.

By the time December, 2016 and January,2017 came around, I knew Trump/Russia was a multi pronged conspiracy of flashing red lights, involving illegal money and illegal election practices, from multiple sources, and other countries. The sheer sloppiness of it all, indicates to me, that Trump was so involved with his own financial interests, that he thought no one would ever suspect or notice his crooked dealings, or his lying behavior. Little did he know.

The vulnerability for Trump and his WH is that everything has been about lying. And now they are caught.
Well said, and is it possible that $T is raising tariffs to fatten the Treasury and then give himself another tax break? Would that be a likely reason for them.
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow
Will the special counsel end up subpoenaing the president? So what questions are left to ask? Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.

To not let Robert Mueller interview Trump, or to "let" Mueller interview Trump, has always been a side show. Of course Trump will never interview Mueller, because all his answers would implicate him in these crimes. He was never going to sit down with Mueller.

And now, with these latest revelations where Trump threw his own son under the bus, implicating him in this conspiracy, plus involving himself in witness tampering with Hope Hicks, to publicly admitting obstruction with James Comey, Trump has no where to hide in this investigation.

From a legal standpoint, Trump is all over the map, and by now is an easy target, brought on by Donald Trump.

By the time December, 2016 and January,2017 came around, I knew Trump/Russia was a multi pronged conspiracy of flashing red lights, involving illegal money and illegal election practices, from multiple sources, and other countries. The sheer sloppiness of it all, indicates to me, that Trump was so involved with his own financial interests, that he thought no one would ever suspect or notice his crooked dealings, or his lying behavior. Little did he know.

The vulnerability for Trump and his WH is that everything has been about lying. And now they are caught.
Well said, and is it possible that $T is raising tariffs to fatten the Treasury and then give himself another tax break? Would that be a likely reason for them.
Of course! It's all about him.
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow
This crowd on the Right is too silly, immature, hateful, and ignorant to do anything more than follow behind like a herd of Sheep.
I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
Can you produce charges and evidence? Lol! I didn't think soE]

We have more evidence against hillary and obongo than we do Trump.
Get moving liar. We're waiting.

OK you ignorant Zealot lets go tit for tat….

Did Trump sell Uranium to the Russians?

Nope that was hillary and obongo.

Did Trump have a foundation that was funneling

Millions of dollars from the Russians?

Nope that was Hillary.

Did obongo not send a secret message to Putin he wanted

to keep from the American People?

Now Dumb Ass show me three comparable things from Trump….

We all know you can’t because you are full of shit….
So you are a liar. Get out of here loser.

You like all liberals are full of Shit....

Every post you make exposes your ignorance.
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow

Your lying liberal media protects her.

We all know she should be in jail....
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow

Your lying liberal media protects her.

We all know she should be in jail....
If you knew that, you'd have the evidence al;ready. But you don't. It's why we all know you nothing more than a liar. You must love making a total fool of yourself in front of everyone here?
Will the special counsel end up subpoenaing the president? So what questions are left to ask? Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.

To not let Robert Mueller interview Trump, or to "let" Mueller interview Trump, has always been a side show. Of course Trump will never interview Mueller, because all his answers would implicate him in these crimes. He was never going to sit down with Mueller.

And now, with these latest revelations where Trump threw his own son under the bus, implicating him in this conspiracy, plus involving himself in witness tampering with Hope Hicks, to publicly admitting obstruction with James Comey, Trump has no where to hide in this investigation.

From a legal standpoint, Trump is all over the map, and by now is an easy target, brought on by Donald Trump.

By the time December, 2016 and January,2017 came around, I knew Trump/Russia was a multi pronged conspiracy of flashing red lights, involving illegal money and illegal election practices, from multiple sources, and other countries. The sheer sloppiness of it all, indicates to me, that Trump was so involved with his own financial interests, that he thought no one would ever suspect or notice his crooked dealings, or his lying behavior. Little did he know.

The vulnerability for Trump and his WH is that everything has been about lying. And now they are caught.

Uh Oh ------ ------ another empty pointless thread speculating about things the OP has no idea about. We might as well speculate about all of the questions Obama would never and still hasn't answered as well.
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow
This crowd on the Right is too silly, immature, hateful, and ignorant to do anything more than follow behind like a herd of Sheep.

You are so full of Shit....

Your description of the Right fits the left much better…

Plain to see for the Sane non Zealot…..
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow

Your lying liberal media protects her.

We all know she should be in jail....
If you knew that, you'd have the evidence al;ready. But you don't. It's why we all know you nothing more than a liar. You must love making a total fool of yourself in front of everyone here?

Rave on you idiot....

We all know you are full of Shit.

The proof of obongo and hillarys guilt is omnipresent.

They have both been protected by your lying FAKE NEWS

libtard media along with the Deep State.

The truth is coming out day by day.

With the liberal lying media ignoring this, there can

be no doubt that they are the enemy of the good decent people of America.
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow

Your lying liberal media protects her.

We all know she should be in jail....
If you knew that, you'd have the evidence al;ready. But you don't. It's why we all know you nothing more than a liar. You must love making a total fool of yourself in front of everyone here?

Rave on you idiot....

We all know you are full of Shit.

The proof of obongo and hillarys guilt is omnipresent.

They have both been protected by your lying FAKE NEWS

libtard media along with the Deep State.

The truth is coming out day by day.

With the liberal lying media ignoring this, there can

be no doubt that they are the enemy of the good decent people of America.
:auiqs.jpg:After thirty years of investigating Hillary with nothing to show for it, tells us one thing, you can't fix retarded.
Will the special counsel end up subpoenaing the president? So what questions are left to ask? Lol! There are no other questions. Which is proof Trump knows he's guilty of multiple crimes.

To not let Robert Mueller interview Trump, or to "let" Mueller interview Trump, has always been a side show. Of course Trump will never interview Mueller, because all his answers would implicate him in these crimes. He was never going to sit down with Mueller.

And now, with these latest revelations where Trump threw his own son under the bus, implicating him in this conspiracy, plus involving himself in witness tampering with Hope Hicks, to publicly admitting obstruction with James Comey, Trump has no where to hide in this investigation.

From a legal standpoint, Trump is all over the map, and by now is an easy target, brought on by Donald Trump.

By the time December, 2016 and January,2017 came around, I knew Trump/Russia was a multi pronged conspiracy of flashing red lights, involving illegal money and illegal election practices, from multiple sources, and other countries. The sheer sloppiness of it all, indicates to me, that Trump was so involved with his own financial interests, that he thought no one would ever suspect or notice his crooked dealings, or his lying behavior. Little did he know.

The vulnerability for Trump and his WH is that everything has been about lying. And now they are caught.

Uh Oh ------ ------ another empty pointless thread speculating about things the OP has no idea about. We might as well speculate about all of the questions Obama would never and still hasn't answered as well.
So which one of your posts was it that you debunked #116? If the thread was empty, I at least expect you to prove post#116 wrong with documented rebuttals from a reliable source. If you do not, you are just a liar.
I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow

Your lying liberal media protects her.

We all know she should be in jail....
If you knew that, you'd have the evidence al;ready. But you don't. It's why we all know you nothing more than a liar. You must love making a total fool of yourself in front of everyone here?

Rave on you idiot....

We all know you are full of Shit.

The proof of obongo and hillarys guilt is omnipresent.

They have both been protected by your lying FAKE NEWS

libtard media along with the Deep State.

The truth is coming out day by day.

With the liberal lying media ignoring this, there can

be no doubt that they are the enemy of the good decent people of America.
:auiqs.jpg:After thirty years of investigating Hillary with nothing to show for it, tells us one thing, you can't fix retarded.
You would think they would give up after ten or twenty.

They want to give up now on Trump.

Odd that.
Someone once said...

... 'The American public has a right to know...

... whether or not their President is a crook.'

I agree, we all know obongo spied on trump

and set his fbi and doj on him.....

obongo and Crooked Hillary should be in jail.
They have been investigating Hillary for the last 30 years and never produced even an allegation. You're on the losing side, change sides and get with the people who can think not just follow

Your lying liberal media protects her.

We all know she should be in jail....
If you knew that, you'd have the evidence al;ready. But you don't. It's why we all know you nothing more than a liar. You must love making a total fool of yourself in front of everyone here?

Rave on you idiot....

We all know you are full of Shit.

The proof of obongo and hillarys guilt is omnipresent.

They have both been protected by your lying FAKE NEWS

libtard media along with the Deep State.

The truth is coming out day by day.

With the liberal lying media ignoring this, there can

be no doubt that they are the enemy of the good decent people of America.
25 years of investigation and you never got an indictment

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