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Trump won’t commit to peaceful transfer of power.

WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
Wrong. The left is tearing this nation apart. Those aren't Trump supporters rioting and shooting cops. Damn lying idiot.
But it's ok for a sb cop to murder an innocent lady and get a slap on the wrist?? BS
Lie. No one was charged with murder. If you need to lie, then you have nothing.
That's the fn point AH there was a murder and no one was charged
Where's your evidence? The Grand Jury said there was no murder.

Well, his talking points say there was, so in what passes for eddiew's "mind", that means the Grand Jury is wrong, because all reality is defined by his talking points.
The trumpsters seem to labor under the false notion that somehow all Americans owe trump and them some sort of loyalty, allegiance, and obedience. It doesn't work that way. These folks are not owed anything special. They need to get over their misplaced sense of entitlement.

Hilarious. There are no words.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
It’s how he places focus on the mail in voting initiative.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
Wrong. The left is tearing this nation apart. Those aren't Trump supporters rioting and shooting cops. Damn lying idiot.
But it's ok for a sb cop to murder an innocent lady and get a slap on the wrist?? BS
Lie. No one was charged with murder. If you need to lie, then you have nothing.
That's the fn point AH there was a murder and no one was charged

You need to look up the definition of murder according to the laws of the U.S. We have laws, a court system, and procedures that are followed. Your feelings are not reality. Stop being a media led leftist angry moron and learn something before you rant. You're a useful idiot at this point. Smarten up and stop being used.
The cop shot an innocent person Killed her and gets slapped on the wrist?? Get real guy ,,that's BS Sounds like you're the idiot not me You're perhaps a republican?? Figures

The cop returned fire at a guy who was shooting at him from the apartment. That's not murder, no matter HOW outraged your masters order you to be.
The Democrat filth is going to do everything possible to steal the election through fraud.

Trump needs to stand tough against the Democrat corruption.
from the atlantic article:

"The worst case, however, is not that Trump rejects the election outcome. The worst case is that he uses his power to prevent a decisive outcome against him. If Trump sheds all restraint, and if his Republican allies play the parts he assigns them, he could obstruct the emergence of a legally unambiguous victory for Biden in the Electoral College and then in Congress. He could prevent the formation of consensus about whether there is any outcome at all. He could seize on that uncertainty to hold on to power.

The Twentieth Amendment is crystal clear that the president’s term in office “shall end” at noon on January 20, but two men could show up to be sworn in. One of them would arrive with all the tools and power of the presidency already in hand."

sounds legit!
Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede. Not under any circumstance.

If compelled in the end to vacate his office, Trump will insist from exile, as long as he draws breath, that the contest was rigged.

he will have to be kicked out of the White House kicking and screaming
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
Wrong. The left is tearing this nation apart. Those aren't Trump supporters rioting and shooting cops. Damn lying idiot.
But it's ok for a sb cop to murder an innocent lady and get a slap on the wrist?? BS
Lie. No one was charged with murder. If you need to lie, then you have nothing.
That's the fn point AH there was a murder and no one was charged
Where's your evidence? The Grand Jury said there was no murder.
FUK the grand jury What was said about the INNOCENT dead lady??

Something that the grand jury heard, and you didn't. So maybe instead of fuck them, it should be fuck YOU for thinking YOU get to make the call instead of the people who heard and saw the evidence. MORON.
The trumpsters seem to labor under the false notion that somehow all Americans owe trump and them some sort of loyalty, allegiance, and obedience. It doesn't work that way. These folks are not owed anything special. They need to get over their misplaced sense of entitlement.

The leftists seem to labor under the false notion that they know what Republicans are "really" thinking, despite the fact that they don't know or talk to any Republicans. You all just figure that this is the way YOUR diseased minds work, so obviously accusing us of the same thing must be effective, because everyone is as ignorant and venal as you are.

It doesn't work that way. You have no clue what you're talking about. You need to get over your misplaced sense of normalcy.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
Trump won’t commit to peaceful transfer of power.
Didn’t the LefTards already say they won’t peacefully accept a loss?
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
Wrong. The left is tearing this nation apart. Those aren't Trump supporters rioting and shooting cops. Damn lying idiot.
But it's ok for a sb cop to murder an innocent lady and get a slap on the wrist?? BS
Lie. No one was charged with murder. If you need to lie, then you have nothing.
That's the fn point AH there was a murder and no one was charged
Where's your evidence? The Grand Jury said there was no murder.
FUK the grand jury What was said about the INNOCENT dead lady??
Hey boyfriend shot first at the cops. Blame him.

Maybe she shouldn't have chosen a drug dealer who dealt out of her apartment. Life choices have consequences.
“There is nothing in our Constitution or in our laws that give Donald Trump the privilege of deciding whether or not he will step aside if he loses,” Sanders said in his speech. “In the United States the president does not determine who can or cannot vote and what ballots will be counted. That may be what his friend Putin does in Russia. It may be what is done in other authoritarian countries. But it is not and will not be done in America. This is a democracy.”

Sorry, did someone ask you to breathlessly gush over Bernie's ability to blather nonsense about accusing Trump of doing what he and his cohorts are openly planning for right now?

Jack off to Bernie speeches elsewhere, please.
So the left wants the right to commit to what they couldn't. They started that war the moment they lost in 2016 and have perpetuated it ever since. Scandal after scandal after scandal, 99% of which didn't amount to SHIT. Sorry. You start a war, a war you'll get!

That is just ludicrous beyond belief for them to try to ask for what THEY can't commit to!

I'm sure IF they even win the election they'll start paying Antifa to dress in right-wing colors to continue confuse the public about who the enemy really is.

The enemy is the New World Order, pitting America against itself until they can be the new totalitarian "peacekeepers".
The democrat attempt to steal an election will be ended, as their armies of "peaceful" protesters are defeated.

Sucks to be you, it didn't work. No one was fooled.
Lol..Why do you support someone who says he will overthrow out democracy. Why do you hate our constitutional system?

Moron...the democrats have been telling everyone they are going to tear the whole thing down, actually, they say they will burn the whole fucking thing down.....you moron.

They threat to burn the entire thing down... which they are already doing. They don't seem to understand how threats and terrorism work.
So in another words you agree that Trump should overthrow the US government and install himself as dictator?

Get your words out of my mouth.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
Wrong. The left is tearing this nation apart. Those aren't Trump supporters rioting and shooting cops. Damn lying idiot.
But it's ok for a sb cop to murder an innocent lady and get a slap on the wrist?? BS
Lie. No one was charged with murder. If you need to lie, then you have nothing.
That's the fn point AH there was a murder and no one was charged
Where's your evidence? The Grand Jury said there was no murder.
FUK the grand jury What was said about the INNOCENT dead lady??
Hey boyfriend shot first at the cops. Blame him.
Cop shot and killed innocent lady and what does he get?? SCUMBAG republican justice
Cops UNANNOUNCED burst in Boyfriend thought it was EX boyfriend

You have yet to state anything that is the COP'S problem or fault.

Cop shot at someone shooting at him. Girl who should have chosen better people to hang out with and not been involved with drug dealers accidentally got hit. Tragedy, but not murder.

It's high time your ignorant, childish ass grew up and realized that the definition of "murder" is NOT "Someone is dead, and I was told that I should be really, really upset about it!!!" Likewise, the definition of "justice" is NOT "The outcome I want based on what I was told to believe happened!"

Scumbag leftist drone.
for those who questioned the wisdom of impeaching Trump but instead focusing on 2020 as the way to remove him, what do you have to say for yourselves? LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
This thread is just....'rich'. The democrats and ex-president Ear's haven't relented one iota.
I am sure in 2024 Trump will relinquish the WH and hand over the keys with grace.
Geeeze, are the democrats/socialists/communists so blind to see their hypocrisy?
LOL Trump has done nothing in his life ""with grace" In his company hold on to your wallet
Just a friendly warning
If Biden gets elected, not sure where to go to protect my capital. Seeing someone tomorrow
for some fresh eyes and maybe an idea for the preservation of what I have.
The market WILL take a hit.
Trump should be routed by Biden in a landslide, thus limiting his ability to maneuver himself into being the winner...that's the only way to resolve this, my friends
Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede. Not under any circumstance.

If compelled in the end to vacate his office, Trump will insist from exile, as long as he draws breath, that the contest was rigged.

he will have to be kicked out of the White House kicking and screaming
As long as he draws a breath ??? Hopefully he's a short timer

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