Trump Wrongly Corrected A Veteran About The Suicide Rate


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

She didn’t need him to tell her what’s going on.

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump tried to show how much he knows about the issue of veteran suicides Wednesday night by correcting a veteran who’d asked him a question. But Trump’s attempt to demonstrate his knowledge failed ― the veteran had the right statistic, not Trump.

Rachel Fredericks specialized in aviations operations in the Marine Corps. She lost two friends to suicide, and she herself has post-traumatic stress disorder. During the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Commander-in-Chief Forum Wednesday night, Fredericks asked Trump what he was going to do to stop 20 veterans a day from killing themselves.

“Actually, it’s 22,” Trump replied. “It’s almost impossible to conceive that this is happening in our country.”

When Trump corrected Fredericks, the veteran shook her head, and a man behind her could be seen shaking his head as well.

Fredericks, in fact, cited the correct number. In July, the Department of Veterans Affairs revised its figures on suicide. Per The Wall Street Journal:

More: Trump Wrongly Corrected A Veteran About The Suicide Rate

So sad. Trump tries to bully everyone - including veterans.
Yeah, I saw that. I think Amnesty Don did too, he tried to fix it up after he noticed the two guys in the audience shaking their heads and talking amongst themselves about how wrong he was.

A little too late, he was already shown to be ignorant on the issue.

She didn’t need him to tell her what’s going on.

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump tried to show how much he knows about the issue of veteran suicides Wednesday night by correcting a veteran who’d asked him a question. But Trump’s attempt to demonstrate his knowledge failed ― the veteran had the right statistic, not Trump.

Rachel Fredericks specialized in aviations operations in the Marine Corps. She lost two friends to suicide, and she herself has post-traumatic stress disorder. During the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Commander-in-Chief Forum Wednesday night, Fredericks asked Trump what he was going to do to stop 20 veterans a day from killing themselves.

“Actually, it’s 22,” Trump replied. “It’s almost impossible to conceive that this is happening in our country.”

When Trump corrected Fredericks, the veteran shook her head, and a man behind her could be seen shaking his head as well.

Fredericks, in fact, cited the correct number. In July, the Department of Veterans Affairs revised its figures on suicide. Per The Wall Street Journal:

More: Trump Wrongly Corrected A Veteran About The Suicide Rate

So sad. Trump tries to bully everyone - including veterans.
Yet he failed to answer the question, since he has no ideas...
Later on Rachel Maddow this veteran who leaned Trump wasn't happy with his answer. Which is understandable because Trump doesn't appear to have any answers....for anything.
She's hot.

Yeah, not bad. Hopefully she wasn't a military rape statistic.

"26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" --Donald J. Trump
Defends His Awful Claim About Military Sexual Assault
Excuse me, but aren't you one of those Liberals who supports sex-neutral facilities?
And if you don't, your fellow Liberals will kick you out of the Liberal Club.
Seems like you've got a conundrum on your hands.
She's hot.

Yeah, not bad. Hopefully she wasn't a military rape statistic.

"26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" --Donald J. Trump
Defends His Awful Claim About Military Sexual Assault
Excuse me, but aren't you one of those Liberals who supports sex-neutral facilities?
And if you don't, your fellow Liberals will kick you out of the Liberal Club.
Seems like you've got a conundrum on your hands.
Trump supports gender neutral terlits...Now what are you going to do, just shit yer britches??
She's hot.

Yeah, not bad. Hopefully she wasn't a military rape statistic.

"26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" --Donald J. Trump
Defends His Awful Claim About Military Sexual Assault
Excuse me, but aren't you one of those Liberals who supports sex-neutral facilities?
And if you don't, your fellow Liberals will kick you out of the Liberal Club.
Seems like you've got a conundrum on your hands.
Trump supports gender neutral terlits...Now what are you going to do?
I don't agree with him on everything.
I don't agree with ANYONE on everything.
Ask my wife and kids.
She's hot.

Yeah, not bad. Hopefully she wasn't a military rape statistic.

"26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" --Donald J. Trump
Defends His Awful Claim About Military Sexual Assault
Excuse me, but aren't you one of those Liberals who supports sex-neutral facilities?
And if you don't, your fellow Liberals will kick you out of the Liberal Club.
Seems like you've got a conundrum on your hands.
Trump supports gender neutral terlits...Now what are you going to do?
I don't agree with him on everything.
I don't agree with ANYONE on everything.
Ask my wife and kids.
You don't agree with them? Sounds normal....
She's hot.

Yeah, not bad. Hopefully she wasn't a military rape statistic.

"26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?" --Donald J. Trump
Defends His Awful Claim About Military Sexual Assault
I was in the Army when they first began to allow women in, we couldn't whistle at a woman, it was considered sexual harassment. I can tell you that most women that joined, joined for the men and not the military...

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