Trumpenstein resurrects Petraeus, the politically dead

Hilary's e-mail scandal was the centerpiece of Trump's attack on Hillary. Now, it seems, he is considering Davis Petraeus, a man convicted of divulging secrets to his military concubine, as a possible choice for Secretary of State. I am curious to see if there is any backlash from either the right or the left by this seeming reversal of his sentiments concerning his feigned disdain for the sloppy handling of classified material.

Ya know, at this juncture, I would't be too surprised if Trump pardoned Madoff and made him an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury!

Petraeus Meets with Trump!
Having a Jewish daughter, son in law, daughters in law, and grandkids and all the other trusted Jews around him, it wouldn't be a far fetch for him to change his name to Trumpenstein or Trumpberg. LOL

You've baited me into pre-maturely evoking Godwin's Law. I am not comparing Trump to Hitler just yet; but, when I see indicators,I'm gonna holler loud. And, since you danced around it, you do know that some historians have remarked that Hitler was part Jewish.That being the case, he had Jewish relatives but that didn't stop him from trying to kill every Jew he could..

But as far as the name Trumpenstein goes, it is obvious that I was making an analogy between Trump and the Frankenstein monster. Dr Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, would, if his name was any indication of ethnic background, have been Jewish. However, the monster he produced came from piecing together parts from multiple German cadavers. The fictitious monster would have been German
Hilary's e-mail scandal was the centerpiece of Trump's attack on Hillary. Now, it seems, he is considering Davis Petraeus, a man convicted of divulging secrets to his military concubine, as a possible choice for Secretary of State. I am curious to see if there is any backlash from either the right or the left by this seeming reversal of his sentiments concerning his feigned disdain for the sloppy handling of classified material.

Ya know, at this juncture, I would't be too surprised if Trump pardoned Madoff and made him an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury!

Petraeus Meets with Trump!
Having a Jewish daughter, son in law, daughters in law, and grandkids and all the other trusted Jews around him, it wouldn't be a far fetch for him to change his name to Trumpenstein or Trumpberg. LOL

You've baited me into pre-maturely evoking Godwin's Law. I am not comparing Trump to Hitler just yet; but, when I see indicators,I'm gonna holler loud. And, since you danced around it, you do know that some historians have remarked that Hitler was part Jewish.That being the case, he had Jewish relatives but that didn't stop him from trying to kill every Jew he could..

But as far as the name Trumpenstein goes, it is obvious that I was making an analogy between Trump and the Frankenstein monster. Dr Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, would, if his name was any indication of ethnic background, have been Jewish. However, the monster he produced came from piecing together parts from multiple German cadavers. The fictitious monster would have been German
Wow how informative. I truly admire all these Nitler and Nazi comparisons when it's the Democrats that are contemplating electing Keith Ellison, a known radical Muslim with ties to IslamoNazi groups.
Watch the fucking video from Comey nit wit. He says the specifics to a tee. He was guilty, and Comey actually wanted to get him for a felony obstruction of justice count, but the DoJ wouldn't let him.
Lol, so you have no clue what Petraeus actually did.

Petraeus had AN AFFAIR and the scandal it created was embarrassing to US military command because it violates the UCMJ and instead of nailing Petraeus for that, they got him on a vague 'mishandling of information' charge regarding aggregate data he shared with his cleared biographer.

In other words it was bullshit to avoid the real charges. There was no document that Petraeus gave to another person with the intent of harming the USA like Manning did nor grotesque negligence like Hillary did.

You are talking out of your ass, stupid shit, and thats because you got it stuck up there back in '08 and havent gotten it lose yet.

dip shit... he took highly classified data and shared it with his mistress and biographer. I'm not talking out of my ass, this is directly from Comey idiot. Watch the video. He even lied about it, until he made his plea deal and HAD to tell the truth.
Whereas Hillary's classified emails, thanks to Huma, were on pervert Weiner's laptop, in the file right next to the one with pictures of his genitals. :rofl:

I don't care. I want her locked up too... but a guy that gets convicted shouldn't be getting a promotion.
Whatever. Crooked Hillary was being promoted to the highest, most important job in the world. I didn't see anybody eating their soiled underwear over it on the democrat side. They're still crying.
But she wasn't convicted. Don't you believe ithat an American citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law?
Hilary's e-mail scandal was the centerpiece of Trump's attack on Hillary. Now, it seems, he is considering Davis Petraeus, a man convicted of divulging secrets to his military concubine, as a possible choice for Secretary of State. I am curious to see if there is any backlash from either the right or the left by this seeming reversal of his sentiments concerning his feigned disdain for the sloppy handling of classified material.

Ya know, at this juncture, I would't be too surprised if Trump pardoned Madoff and made him an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury!

Petraeus Meets with Trump!
Having a Jewish daughter, son in law, daughters in law, and grandkids and all the other trusted Jews around him, it wouldn't be a far fetch for him to change his name to Trumpenstein or Trumpberg. LOL

You've baited me into pre-maturely evoking Godwin's Law. I am not comparing Trump to Hitler just yet; but, when I see indicators,I'm gonna holler loud. And, since you danced around it, you do know that some historians have remarked that Hitler was part Jewish.That being the case, he had Jewish relatives but that didn't stop him from trying to kill every Jew he could..

But as far as the name Trumpenstein goes, it is obvious that I was making an analogy between Trump and the Frankenstein monster. Dr Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, would, if his name was any indication of ethnic background, have been Jewish. However, the monster he produced came from piecing together parts from multiple German cadavers. The fictitious monster would have been German
Wow how informative. I truly admire all these Nitler and Nazi comparisons when it's the Democrats that are contemplating electing Keith Ellison, a known radical Muslim with ties to IslamoNazi groups.

I don't know how radical Ellison is nor have I seen any credible source linking him to islamoNazi groups. I do agree that he is probably the wrong man for the job during this era of heightened Islamophobia!
Are you seriously being that dense on purpose? Why did he have this highly classified information AT HOME in HIS NOTEBOOKS... if he wasn't sharing it with her?
ROFLMAO! ! ! ! !

You dont think that generals take their work home? That is just incredibly stupid, dude. OF course they do, and yes, he shared some classified information with his biographer, and there is no proof that any specific document was turned over to her that should not have been.

They got him on violating an aggregate classified set of documents which was bullshit; they were really nailing him for the affair, dimwit.

He wasn't a general, dope.
He was the Director of Central Intelligence at the time.
Wrong limp noodle. I've said all along Hillary should be in jail. Making a person that also mishandled highly classified information and gave it to his mistress isn't going to change that. Are you REALLY that dumb?
Lol, you do not understand what actually happened with Petraeus, nitwit.

Give em the specifics; what document and what was the general topic of it that Petraeus actually gave his biographer that also had a top secret clearance BTW.

Watch the fucking video from Comey nit wit. He says the specifics to a tee. He was guilty, and Comey actually wanted to get him for a felony obstruction of justice count, but the DoJ wouldn't let him.
Lol, so you have no clue what Petraeus actually did.

Petraeus had AN AFFAIR and the scandal it created was embarrassing to US military command because it violates the UCMJ and instead of nailing Petraeus for that, they got him on a vague 'mishandling of information' charge regarding aggregate data he shared with his cleared biographer.

In other words it was bullshit to avoid the real charges. There was no document that Petraeus gave to another person with the intent of harming the USA like Manning did nor grotesque negligence like Hillary did.

You are talking out of your ass, stupid shit, and thats because you got it stuck up there back in '08 and havent gotten it lose yet.

dip shit... he took highly classified data and shared it with his mistress and biographer. I'm not talking out of my ass, this is directly from Comey idiot. Watch the video. He even lied about it, until he made his plea deal and HAD to tell the truth.
Whereas Hillary's classified emails, thanks to Huma, were on pervert Weiner's laptop, in the file right next to the one with pictures of his genitals. :rofl:

Except they weren't.
Lol, so you have no clue what Petraeus actually did.

Petraeus had AN AFFAIR and the scandal it created was embarrassing to US military command because it violates the UCMJ and instead of nailing Petraeus for that, they got him on a vague 'mishandling of information' charge regarding aggregate data he shared with his cleared biographer.

In other words it was bullshit to avoid the real charges. There was no document that Petraeus gave to another person with the intent of harming the USA like Manning did nor grotesque negligence like Hillary did.

You are talking out of your ass, stupid shit, and thats because you got it stuck up there back in '08 and havent gotten it lose yet.

dip shit... he took highly classified data and shared it with his mistress and biographer. I'm not talking out of my ass, this is directly from Comey idiot. Watch the video. He even lied about it, until he made his plea deal and HAD to tell the truth.
Whereas Hillary's classified emails, thanks to Huma, were on pervert Weiner's laptop, in the file right next to the one with pictures of his genitals. :rofl:

I don't care. I want her locked up too... but a guy that gets convicted shouldn't be getting a promotion.
Whatever. Crooked Hillary was being promoted to the highest, most important job in the world. I didn't see anybody eating their soiled underwear over it on the democrat side. They're still crying.
But she wasn't convicted. Don't you believe ithat an American citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law?
Don't you believe that Americans saw that Hillary was clearly guilty, and justice was not being served?
Lol, you do not understand what actually happened with Petraeus, nitwit.

Give em the specifics; what document and what was the general topic of it that Petraeus actually gave his biographer that also had a top secret clearance BTW.

Watch the fucking video from Comey nit wit. He says the specifics to a tee. He was guilty, and Comey actually wanted to get him for a felony obstruction of justice count, but the DoJ wouldn't let him.
Lol, so you have no clue what Petraeus actually did.

Petraeus had AN AFFAIR and the scandal it created was embarrassing to US military command because it violates the UCMJ and instead of nailing Petraeus for that, they got him on a vague 'mishandling of information' charge regarding aggregate data he shared with his cleared biographer.

In other words it was bullshit to avoid the real charges. There was no document that Petraeus gave to another person with the intent of harming the USA like Manning did nor grotesque negligence like Hillary did.

You are talking out of your ass, stupid shit, and thats because you got it stuck up there back in '08 and havent gotten it lose yet.

dip shit... he took highly classified data and shared it with his mistress and biographer. I'm not talking out of my ass, this is directly from Comey idiot. Watch the video. He even lied about it, until he made his plea deal and HAD to tell the truth.
Whereas Hillary's classified emails, thanks to Huma, were on pervert Weiner's laptop, in the file right next to the one with pictures of his genitals. :rofl:

Except they weren't.
Her emails, including the classified ones she lied about not sending, were found on Weiner's laptop. Whether or not the FBI had seen them before is irrelvant.

Now go ahead and tell us that it's okay for a Sec. of State's emails to be found on the laptop of a deranged pervert who flashes his dick over the Internet, as a hobby.

Duplicates, personal emails: Here's what the FBI found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
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Hilary's e-mail scandal was the centerpiece of Trump's attack on Hillary. Now, it seems, he is considering Davis Petraeus, a man convicted of divulging secrets to his military concubine, as a possible choice for Secretary of State. I am curious to see if there is any backlash from either the right or the left by this seeming reversal of his sentiments concerning his feigned disdain for the sloppy handling of classified material.

Ya know, at this juncture, I would't be too surprised if Trump pardoned Madoff and made him an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury!

Petraeus Meets with Trump!
Having a Jewish daughter, son in law, daughters in law, and grandkids and all the other trusted Jews around him, it wouldn't be a far fetch for him to change his name to Trumpenstein or Trumpberg. LOL

You've baited me into pre-maturely evoking Godwin's Law. I am not comparing Trump to Hitler just yet; but, when I see indicators,I'm gonna holler loud. And, since you danced around it, you do know that some historians have remarked that Hitler was part Jewish.That being the case, he had Jewish relatives but that didn't stop him from trying to kill every Jew he could..

But as far as the name Trumpenstein goes, it is obvious that I was making an analogy between Trump and the Frankenstein monster. Dr Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, would, if his name was any indication of ethnic background, have been Jewish. However, the monster he produced came from piecing together parts from multiple German cadavers. The fictitious monster would have been German
Wow how informative. I truly admire all these Nitler and Nazi comparisons when it's the Democrats that are contemplating electing Keith Ellison, a known radical Muslim with ties to IslamoNazi groups.

I don't know how radical Ellison is nor have I seen any credible source linking him to islamoNazi groups. I do agree that he is probably the wrong man for the job during this era of heightened Islamophobia!
There are tapes of him that came out where the ADL called it "disqualifying" and "disturbing". Look it up. Not only were they clearly antisemtic, but he was big supporter of racist Farkhann, and like Farkhann, Ellison advocated for blacks to create their own state somewhere in the South.

His nomination is over, but who knows, maybe the democrats are crazy enough to do it, and the republicans are lucky enough. It is clear that the Democrat party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, antisemtism, and all kinds of racism and bigotry.
Watch the fucking video from Comey nit wit. He says the specifics to a tee. He was guilty, and Comey actually wanted to get him for a felony obstruction of justice count, but the DoJ wouldn't let him.
Lol, so you have no clue what Petraeus actually did.

Petraeus had AN AFFAIR and the scandal it created was embarrassing to US military command because it violates the UCMJ and instead of nailing Petraeus for that, they got him on a vague 'mishandling of information' charge regarding aggregate data he shared with his cleared biographer.

In other words it was bullshit to avoid the real charges. There was no document that Petraeus gave to another person with the intent of harming the USA like Manning did nor grotesque negligence like Hillary did.

You are talking out of your ass, stupid shit, and thats because you got it stuck up there back in '08 and havent gotten it lose yet.

dip shit... he took highly classified data and shared it with his mistress and biographer. I'm not talking out of my ass, this is directly from Comey idiot. Watch the video. He even lied about it, until he made his plea deal and HAD to tell the truth.
Whereas Hillary's classified emails, thanks to Huma, were on pervert Weiner's laptop, in the file right next to the one with pictures of his genitals. :rofl:

Except they weren't.
Her emails, including the classified ones she lied about not sending, were found on Weiner's laptop. Whether or not the FBI had seen them before is irrelvant.

Now go ahead and tell us that it's okay for a Sec. of State's emails to be found on the laptop of a deranged pervert who flashes his dick over the Internet, as a hobby.

Duplicates, personal emails: Here's what the FBI found on Anthony Weiner's laptop

Your link says nothing about classified emails. It says either personal or duplicates of previously released emails.

There are no reports of classified material on that laptop.

Stay dopey, my friend.
Hilary's e-mail scandal was the centerpiece of Trump's attack on Hillary. Now, it seems, he is considering Davis Petraeus, a man convicted of divulging secrets to his military concubine, as a possible choice for Secretary of State. I am curious to see if there is any backlash from either the right or the left by this seeming reversal of his sentiments concerning his feigned disdain for the sloppy handling of classified material.

Ya know, at this juncture, I would't be too surprised if Trump pardoned Madoff and made him an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury!

Petraeus Meets with Trump!
Maybe he'll offer Hillary a job as the White House email server admin too.
Maybe he should. But do you think she would accept it? :lol:
Hilary's e-mail scandal was the centerpiece of Trump's attack on Hillary. Now, it seems, he is considering Davis Petraeus, a man convicted of divulging secrets to his military concubine, as a possible choice for Secretary of State. I am curious to see if there is any backlash from either the right or the left by this seeming reversal of his sentiments concerning his feigned disdain for the sloppy handling of classified material.

Ya know, at this juncture, I would't be too surprised if Trump pardoned Madoff and made him an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury!

Petraeus Meets with Trump!
Maybe he'll offer Hillary a job as the White House email server admin too.
Maybe he should. But do you think she would accept it? :lol:
Sure. She could answer all those 3:00 AM emails.
Hilary's e-mail scandal was the centerpiece of Trump's attack on Hillary. Now, it seems, he is considering Davis Petraeus, a man convicted of divulging secrets to his military concubine, as a possible choice for Secretary of State. I am curious to see if there is any backlash from either the right or the left by this seeming reversal of his sentiments concerning his feigned disdain for the sloppy handling of classified material.

Ya know, at this juncture, I would't be too surprised if Trump pardoned Madoff and made him an assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury!

Petraeus Meets with Trump!
Having a Jewish daughter, son in law, daughters in law, and grandkids and all the other trusted Jews around him, it wouldn't be a far fetch for him to change his name to Trumpenstein or Trumpberg. LOL

You've baited me into pre-maturely evoking Godwin's Law. I am not comparing Trump to Hitler just yet; but, when I see indicators,I'm gonna holler loud. And, since you danced around it, you do know that some historians have remarked that Hitler was part Jewish.That being the case, he had Jewish relatives but that didn't stop him from trying to kill every Jew he could..

But as far as the name Trumpenstein goes, it is obvious that I was making an analogy between Trump and the Frankenstein monster. Dr Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, would, if his name was any indication of ethnic background, have been Jewish. However, the monster he produced came from piecing together parts from multiple German cadavers. The fictitious monster would have been German
Wow how informative. I truly admire all these Nitler and Nazi comparisons when it's the Democrats that are contemplating electing Keith Ellison, a known radical Muslim with ties to IslamoNazi groups.

I don't know how radical Ellison is nor have I seen any credible source linking him to islamoNazi groups. I do agree that he is probably the wrong man for the job during this era of heightened Islamophobia!
There are tapes of him that came out where the ADL called it "disqualifying" and "disturbing". Look it up. Not only were they clearly antisemtic, but he was big supporter of racist Farkhann, and like Farkhann, Ellison advocated for blacks to create their own state somewhere in the South.

His nomination is over, but who knows, maybe the democrats are crazy enough to do it, and the republicans are lucky enough. It is clear that the Democrat party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, antisemtism, and all kinds of racism and bigotry.

Ellison has since responded in an open letter to the ADL claiming that the video was edited and taken out of context by a RW journalist.


This letter seems sincere. I think the ADL ought to take a long hard look at the video from the perspective put forth in this correspondence. All angles should be evaluated before abandoning Ellison in his bid for DNC chair.

Ellison's's association with Farrakhan:

Fist of all, I don't consider Farrakhan a racist or an anti-Semite. He just tells lit like it is and puts RW extremists and anyone else who hates Black people on notice that he isn't going to take any of their shit. I can't blame Ellison for looking up to Farrakhan and the NOI. After all, Farrakhan and the NOI epitomizes Black Conservatism and self sufficiency. He is to Blacks what Donald Trump is to you! Now, considering how Ellison has made choices that enhances the love he has for his own people ( you have to love your self before you can love someone else) his muslim faith and connections to Farrakhan should be secondary to his commitment of serving all Democrats to the best of his ability!
dip shit... he took highly classified data and shared it with his mistress and biographer. I'm not talking out of my ass, this is directly from Comey idiot. Watch the video. He even lied about it, until he made his plea deal and HAD to tell the truth.
Whereas Hillary's classified emails, thanks to Huma, were on pervert Weiner's laptop, in the file right next to the one with pictures of his genitals. :rofl:

I don't care. I want her locked up too... but a guy that gets convicted shouldn't be getting a promotion.
Whatever. Crooked Hillary was being promoted to the highest, most important job in the world. I didn't see anybody eating their soiled underwear over it on the democrat side. They're still crying.
But she wasn't convicted. Don't you believe ithat an American citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law?
Don't you believe that Americans saw that Hillary was clearly guilty, and justice was not being served?
What is it about innocent until proven guilty you don't understand?
Having a Jewish daughter, son in law, daughters in law, and grandkids and all the other trusted Jews around him, it wouldn't be a far fetch for him to change his name to Trumpenstein or Trumpberg. LOL

You've baited me into pre-maturely evoking Godwin's Law. I am not comparing Trump to Hitler just yet; but, when I see indicators,I'm gonna holler loud. And, since you danced around it, you do know that some historians have remarked that Hitler was part Jewish.That being the case, he had Jewish relatives but that didn't stop him from trying to kill every Jew he could..

But as far as the name Trumpenstein goes, it is obvious that I was making an analogy between Trump and the Frankenstein monster. Dr Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, would, if his name was any indication of ethnic background, have been Jewish. However, the monster he produced came from piecing together parts from multiple German cadavers. The fictitious monster would have been German
Wow how informative. I truly admire all these Nitler and Nazi comparisons when it's the Democrats that are contemplating electing Keith Ellison, a known radical Muslim with ties to IslamoNazi groups.

I don't know how radical Ellison is nor have I seen any credible source linking him to islamoNazi groups. I do agree that he is probably the wrong man for the job during this era of heightened Islamophobia!
There are tapes of him that came out where the ADL called it "disqualifying" and "disturbing". Look it up. Not only were they clearly antisemtic, but he was big supporter of racist Farkhann, and like Farkhann, Ellison advocated for blacks to create their own state somewhere in the South.

His nomination is over, but who knows, maybe the democrats are crazy enough to do it, and the republicans are lucky enough. It is clear that the Democrat party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, antisemtism, and all kinds of racism and bigotry.

Ellison has since responded in an open letter to the ADL claiming that the video was edited and taken out of context by a RW journalist.


This letter seems sincere. I think the ADL ought to take a long hard look at the video from the perspective put forth in this correspondence. All angles should be evaluated before abandoning Ellison in his bid for DNC chair.

Ellison's's association with Farrakhan:

Fist of all, I don't consider Farrakhan a racist or an anti-Semite. He just tells lit like it is and puts RW extremists and anyone else who hates Black people on notice that he isn't going to take any of their shit. I can't blame Ellison for looking up to Farrakhan and the NOI. After all, Farrakhan and the NOI epitomizes Black Conservatism and self sufficiency. He is to Blacks what Donald Trump is to you! Now, considering how Ellison has made choices that enhances the love he has for his own people ( you have to love your self before you can love someone else) his muslim faith and connections to Farrakhan should be secondary to his commitment of serving all Democrats to the best of his ability!
Aw boohoo! Ellison is an antisemite and a black racist with a history of anti Americanism and backing IslamoNazis. But wait, that also describes president Hussein Obama.
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Whereas Hillary's classified emails, thanks to Huma, were on pervert Weiner's laptop, in the file right next to the one with pictures of his genitals. :rofl:

I don't care. I want her locked up too... but a guy that gets convicted shouldn't be getting a promotion.
Whatever. Crooked Hillary was being promoted to the highest, most important job in the world. I didn't see anybody eating their soiled underwear over it on the democrat side. They're still crying.
But she wasn't convicted. Don't you believe ithat an American citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law?
Don't you believe that Americans saw that Hillary was clearly guilty, and justice was not being served?
What is it about innocent until proven guilty you don't understand?
Don't know, ask the rioters and Black Lives Matter aholes who decides to start burning and looting everytime a cop shoots a black man.
You've baited me into pre-maturely evoking Godwin's Law. I am not comparing Trump to Hitler just yet; but, when I see indicators,I'm gonna holler loud. And, since you danced around it, you do know that some historians have remarked that Hitler was part Jewish.That being the case, he had Jewish relatives but that didn't stop him from trying to kill every Jew he could..

But as far as the name Trumpenstein goes, it is obvious that I was making an analogy between Trump and the Frankenstein monster. Dr Frankenstein, the creator of the monster, would, if his name was any indication of ethnic background, have been Jewish. However, the monster he produced came from piecing together parts from multiple German cadavers. The fictitious monster would have been German
Wow how informative. I truly admire all these Nitler and Nazi comparisons when it's the Democrats that are contemplating electing Keith Ellison, a known radical Muslim with ties to IslamoNazi groups.

I don't know how radical Ellison is nor have I seen any credible source linking him to islamoNazi groups. I do agree that he is probably the wrong man for the job during this era of heightened Islamophobia!
There are tapes of him that came out where the ADL called it "disqualifying" and "disturbing". Look it up. Not only were they clearly antisemtic, but he was big supporter of racist Farkhann, and like Farkhann, Ellison advocated for blacks to create their own state somewhere in the South.

His nomination is over, but who knows, maybe the democrats are crazy enough to do it, and the republicans are lucky enough. It is clear that the Democrat party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, antisemtism, and all kinds of racism and bigotry.

Ellison has since responded in an open letter to the ADL claiming that the video was edited and taken out of context by a RW journalist.


This letter seems sincere. I think the ADL ought to take a long hard look at the video from the perspective put forth in this correspondence. All angles should be evaluated before abandoning Ellison in his bid for DNC chair.

Ellison's's association with Farrakhan:

Fist of all, I don't consider Farrakhan a racist or an anti-Semite. He just tells lit like it is and puts RW extremists and anyone else who hates Black people on notice that he isn't going to take any of their shit. I can't blame Ellison for looking up to Farrakhan and the NOI. After all, Farrakhan and the NOI epitomizes Black Conservatism and self sufficiency. He is to Blacks what Donald Trump is to you! Now, considering how Ellison has made choices that enhances the love he has for his own people ( you have to love your self before you can love someone else) his muslim faith and connections to Farrakhan should be secondary to his commitment of serving all Democrats to the best of his ability!
Aw boohoo! Ellison is an antisemite and a black racist with has a history of anti Americanism and backing IslamoNazis. But wait, that also describes president Hussein Obama.
Well damn, if that;s true, KUDOS to them. Backs have to mount SOME semblance of unity with powerful groups to maximize their safety in this country. You RW conservatives are their enemy, NOT Muslims. That has become more evident now that Trump has become the presidential elect. Just look at the racists and bigots he is giving power to in his cabinet and administration.
I don't care. I want her locked up too... but a guy that gets convicted shouldn't be getting a promotion.
Whatever. Crooked Hillary was being promoted to the highest, most important job in the world. I didn't see anybody eating their soiled underwear over it on the democrat side. They're still crying.
But she wasn't convicted. Don't you believe ithat an American citizen is innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law?
Don't you believe that Americans saw that Hillary was clearly guilty, and justice was not being served?
What is it about innocent until proven guilty you don't understand?
Don't know, ask the rioters and Black Lives Matter aholes who decides to start burning and looting everytime a cop shoots a black man.

You really don't know, do you? You are just venting ...blowing hot air. BLM has nothing to do with this conversation...stupid!
Wow how informative. I truly admire all these Nitler and Nazi comparisons when it's the Democrats that are contemplating electing Keith Ellison, a known radical Muslim with ties to IslamoNazi groups.

I don't know how radical Ellison is nor have I seen any credible source linking him to islamoNazi groups. I do agree that he is probably the wrong man for the job during this era of heightened Islamophobia!
There are tapes of him that came out where the ADL called it "disqualifying" and "disturbing". Look it up. Not only were they clearly antisemtic, but he was big supporter of racist Farkhann, and like Farkhann, Ellison advocated for blacks to create their own state somewhere in the South.

His nomination is over, but who knows, maybe the democrats are crazy enough to do it, and the republicans are lucky enough. It is clear that the Democrat party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, antisemtism, and all kinds of racism and bigotry.

Ellison has since responded in an open letter to the ADL claiming that the video was edited and taken out of context by a RW journalist.


This letter seems sincere. I think the ADL ought to take a long hard look at the video from the perspective put forth in this correspondence. All angles should be evaluated before abandoning Ellison in his bid for DNC chair.

Ellison's's association with Farrakhan:

Fist of all, I don't consider Farrakhan a racist or an anti-Semite. He just tells lit like it is and puts RW extremists and anyone else who hates Black people on notice that he isn't going to take any of their shit. I can't blame Ellison for looking up to Farrakhan and the NOI. After all, Farrakhan and the NOI epitomizes Black Conservatism and self sufficiency. He is to Blacks what Donald Trump is to you! Now, considering how Ellison has made choices that enhances the love he has for his own people ( you have to love your self before you can love someone else) his muslim faith and connections to Farrakhan should be secondary to his commitment of serving all Democrats to the best of his ability!
Aw boohoo! Ellison is an antisemite and a black racist with has a history of anti Americanism and backing IslamoNazis. But wait, that also describes president Hussein Obama.
Well damn, if that;s true, KUDOS to them. Backs have to mount SOME semblance of unity with powerful groups to maximize their safety in this country. You RW conservatives are their enemy, NOT Muslims. That has become more evident now that Trump has become the presidential elect. Just look at the racists and bigots he is giving power to in his cabinet and administration.
Spoken like a true liberal with mental disorder. Doesn't seem like you guys learned your lessons last November ie, the lunatics in San Fran. and NY do not represent the rest of the country. Now they re-elected a minority house leader from SF and another senate leader from NY. And they want to elect a radical Muslim as party leader. Wow! Good job! I look forward to more humiliating defeats.
I don't know how radical Ellison is nor have I seen any credible source linking him to islamoNazi groups. I do agree that he is probably the wrong man for the job during this era of heightened Islamophobia!
There are tapes of him that came out where the ADL called it "disqualifying" and "disturbing". Look it up. Not only were they clearly antisemtic, but he was big supporter of racist Farkhann, and like Farkhann, Ellison advocated for blacks to create their own state somewhere in the South.

His nomination is over, but who knows, maybe the democrats are crazy enough to do it, and the republicans are lucky enough. It is clear that the Democrat party is now home to the Muslim Brotherhood, antisemtism, and all kinds of racism and bigotry.

Ellison has since responded in an open letter to the ADL claiming that the video was edited and taken out of context by a RW journalist.


This letter seems sincere. I think the ADL ought to take a long hard look at the video from the perspective put forth in this correspondence. All angles should be evaluated before abandoning Ellison in his bid for DNC chair.

Ellison's's association with Farrakhan:

Fist of all, I don't consider Farrakhan a racist or an anti-Semite. He just tells lit like it is and puts RW extremists and anyone else who hates Black people on notice that he isn't going to take any of their shit. I can't blame Ellison for looking up to Farrakhan and the NOI. After all, Farrakhan and the NOI epitomizes Black Conservatism and self sufficiency. He is to Blacks what Donald Trump is to you! Now, considering how Ellison has made choices that enhances the love he has for his own people ( you have to love your self before you can love someone else) his muslim faith and connections to Farrakhan should be secondary to his commitment of serving all Democrats to the best of his ability!
Aw boohoo! Ellison is an antisemite and a black racist with has a history of anti Americanism and backing IslamoNazis. But wait, that also describes president Hussein Obama.
Well damn, if that;s true, KUDOS to them. Backs have to mount SOME semblance of unity with powerful groups to maximize their safety in this country. You RW conservatives are their enemy, NOT Muslims. That has become more evident now that Trump has become the presidential elect. Just look at the racists and bigots he is giving power to in his cabinet and administration.
Spoken like a true liberal with mental disorder. Doesn't seem like you guys learned your lessons last November ie, the lunatics in San Fran. and NY do not represent the rest of the country. Now they re-elected a minority house leader from SF and another senate leader from NY. And they want to elect a radical Muslim as party leader. Wow! Good job! I look forward to more humiliating defeats.

The lesson to be learned is one that is going to shock you when Trump and his rich fat cats pull the rug form under you. The destruction of the middle class is at hand and you fools don't even see it coming. I predict that in less than 4 years, you will be joining forces with people like me to take our country back.

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