Trumpery was rejected, but continues to ravage the GOP

Orange Jesus is their God!

He's going to protect his cult from the brown people!

So this shouldn't be a surprise.
Yes he was rejected. The 81 million who voted for Biden are not going anyway and that number may be larger after Jan 6.
HA HA. Biden got maybe 20 million votes, and most of those from illegal aliens. As for American citizens, practically nobody voted for the basement fool. He got about as much vote support as he got in this Arizona rally he set up, AND NOBODY SHOWED UP.

That is what Republicans are trying to do. That is why they are trying vto make it harder to vote. They liked businesaes when they do what the GOP wants them to do then they threat6en them. The GOP is the modern day version of the Chicago mobs of the 20s.
Unlike the idiot leftist media, and the even worse idiots who follow them, smart people know that the Georgia law made it EASIER to vote (and harder to CHEAT).

And yes, Republicans are in favor of making it harder to vote (for those people who SHOULD NOT BE VOTING - Ex. Illegal Aliens). The question is why are Democrats not in agreement with that ? And the answer is, they WANT illegal aliens to vote. Importing them and spreading them around the country, as Biden is doing now, is the Democrat way of getting VOTES, in a country whose citizens have largely abandoned them and their moronic ideas.

Republicans are in favor of making it harder to vote for any citizen who might vote Democrat to vote. You are nothing but a lying Nazi. Illegfal aliens did not vote in2020. Trump's AG saw no evidence of fraud that would have overturned the election. American citizens are abandoning Republicans. Gwinnet and Cobb counties in Georgia voted for Republicans through 2014. After 2014, they have voted Democrat and in 2020 went for Biden by nearly 20 points. Those are Americans.
Yes he was rejected. The 81 million who voted for Biden are not going anyway and that number may be larger after Jan 6.
HA HA. Biden got maybe 20 million votes, and most of those from illegal aliens. As for American citizens, practically nobody voted for the basement fool. He got about as much vote support as he got in this Arizona rally he set up, AND NOBODY SHOWED UP.

You are a lying piece of vermin. Biden got 81 million votes. 81 million of those votes were Americans. Trump got the votes of Nazis.
Republicans are in favor of making it harder to vote for any citizen who might vote Democrat to vote. You are nothing but a lying Nazi. Illegfal aliens did not vote in2020. Trump's AG saw no evidence of fraud that would have overturned the election. American citizens are abandoning Republicans. Gwinnet and Cobb counties in Georgia voted for Republicans through 2014. After 2014, they have voted Democrat and in 2020 went for Biden by nearly 20 points. Those are Americans.
FALSE! The only voter suppression that Republicans have ever been for is voter suppression of those who are INELIGIBLE to vote (ex. ILLEGAL ALIENS). You are nothing but a lying Nazi, which is consistent with your fascist Democrat ideology, which is consistent with fascism.

Talking about votes for Biden (all being in the context of fraud) as if they were real votes, is just more evidence of your dishonesty.

As for illegal aliens voting, they have voted heavily (Democrat) in every presidential election over the past 70 years, which is one of the prime reasons why Ex-President Eisenhower deported massive numbers of them in Operation Wetback, and numerous studies, which I have posted links of many times, show this.
Meanwhile the democrat party is ravaged with faked support for a brain damaged president. Sooner or later the hatred for Trump that seems to motivate the democrat party is going to wear off and democrats will find themselves leaderless.
From the link:

To traditionalist Republicans in Georgia, the infighting between fervent Trump supporters and the establishment wing of the party has become increasingly alarming as the midterm elections come into focus. The GOP is desperate to regain its footing in the suburbs after Trump’s collapse there. But it was moderate Republicans and independent voters, not Trump loyalists, who abandoned Trump in November, and the party’s fixation on the former president may only alienate them further, with potentially disastrous consequences for 2022 and beyond.

The predicament for Republicans is that while many suburban voters, especially women, recoiled from Trump, he dramatically expanded the party elsewhere, pulling more working-class whites into the GOP and making inroads with Latinos. Now, for Republican Party organizers, the question hanging over the midterm elections is how to hold on to Trump’s base while recovering the moderate voters he lost to now-President Biden in November.

Two issues at work for the Republican Party to ruminate over...
how many voters did democrats lose when Obiden nearly broke his neck trying to board a plane
You are a lying piece of vermin. Biden got 81 million votes. 81 million of those votes were Americans. Trump got the votes of Nazis.
Everybody knows that (and you) to be a laughingstock.

And it is Democrats who are the NAZIS (since you like to throw that word around). Their ideology is synonomous with fascism. Republicans are just the opposite.
The GOP is the new Nazi Party.
The Democrats are "the new Nazi Party".

All the key elements of fascism are present with the Democrats and Biden administration >>

1. Big, powerful, centralized government. Massive federal control.

2. Massive regulation of businesses and people.

3. Severe gun control (if not confiscation)

4. Suppression of constitutional rights of free speech (ex. Twitter), freedom of religion (gay wedding cake), and freedom of the press (ex. firing of Lou Dobbs)
You are a lying piece of vermin. Biden got 81 million votes. 81 million of those votes were Americans. Trump got the votes of Nazis.
Everybody knows that (and you) to be a laughingstock.

And it is Democrats who are the NAZIS (since you like to throw that word around). Their ideology is synonomous with fascism. Republicans are just the opposite.
Right wing always saying Democrats are fascists but it doesn't play out that way.
I've always seen fascism as being on the rigth. Below are some links. First link is of Trump and his criminal cohorts. Most of his guys under indictment, in prison, or getting pardoned by Trump himself. In comparison, Democrats are Choir Boys.
You have not provided any proof. You have sources that are questionable at best. None of them are documented. Trump's AG also says your evidence is bullshit. Even judges appointed by Trump have said the same thing.
FALSE! Barr did not say that. The useless, worthless failure said he had not reviewed the case, and then quit the job.

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