Trumpf to call for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave.

None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out

you should have paid maternity leave because most people are two paychecks from homelessness and it's not easy taking care of a baby the first few weeks. plus, it's good for families, which is why most western countries provide it.
Hey..................the military has had paid maternity leave for both the mother as well as the father (mother gets 6 weeks, the father gets 3) for years now.

About time the civilian sector decided to catch up.

Oh, I agree with the idea and the mandate. I’m just curious when the GOP became the party of “free shit”. They seemed so put off by the phantom “free shit” that democrats supposedly voted for… Here is a prime example of “free shit” and they don’t seem upset at all.

Where are you reading that Republicans are not upset at all about this?
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

well, he's saying it.... i doubt it's something he believes in or would implement in his own businesses.

Chances are I won't have to because most of these idiotic laws are for businesses with over 50 employees

I'll stop at 49

ok. that's your right...

but donald has a lot more and if he actually believed in it and wasn't just trolling for votes, he'd do it in his own companies.
If he's not doing it now then he doesn't really believe in it and is just pandering for votes from the gimme free stuff crowd

there is no "free stuff crowd" but thanks for the continued mischaracterization.

"The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump’s speech.”

Less tax revenue from some means more tax revenue from others….or more debt.

different part of the plan. What i stated about the maternity leave is correct.

What's so funny? Also, Candy left out the more obvious choice, cutting other government bullshit to fund this.


Cutting other government; He’s going to triple ICE, create a deportation task force, make the DoD so strong that “nobody will mess with us”; the last one is straight out of a cartoon so nobody knows what it means; but it won’t be cheap. Drumpf said that most Americans won’t pay any taxes under his plan….

We should change his name to Mr. Roark.

There are plenty of redundant federal agencies that mimic things done at the State level that can be pruned down to the trunk and a few leaves.
None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out

you should have paid maternity leave because most people are two paychecks from homelessness and it's not easy taking care of a baby the first few weeks. plus, it's good for families, which is why most western countries provide it.

SO how is that the employer's fault?

Oh yeah it's not
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

well, he's saying it.... i doubt it's something he believes in or would implement in his own businesses.

Chances are I won't have to because most of these idiotic laws are for businesses with over 50 employees

I'll stop at 49

ok. that's your right...

but donald has a lot more and if he actually believed in it and wasn't just trolling for votes, he'd do it in his own companies.
If he's not doing it now then he doesn't really believe in it and is just pandering for votes from the gimme free stuff crowd

there is no "free stuff crowd" but thanks for the continued mischaracterization.
No it's the make other people to pay for my shit crowd
None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out
well, he's saying it.... i doubt it's something he believes in or would implement in his own businesses.

Chances are I won't have to because most of these idiotic laws are for businesses with over 50 employees

I'll stop at 49

ok. that's your right...

but donald has a lot more and if he actually believed in it and wasn't just trolling for votes, he'd do it in his own companies.
If he's not doing it now then he doesn't really believe in it and is just pandering for votes from the gimme free stuff crowd

there is no "free stuff crowd" but thanks for the continued mischaracterization.
No it's the make other people to pay for my shit crowd
I want free 12 week maternity leave for both parents.
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

And they are both wrong
Nope, but you are.
You have not shown, skull, why the program should be enacted. You are an outlier, nothing more.
None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out
Chances are I won't have to because most of these idiotic laws are for businesses with over 50 employees

I'll stop at 49

ok. that's your right...

but donald has a lot more and if he actually believed in it and wasn't just trolling for votes, he'd do it in his own companies.
If he's not doing it now then he doesn't really believe in it and is just pandering for votes from the gimme free stuff crowd

there is no "free stuff crowd" but thanks for the continued mischaracterization.
No it's the make other people to pay for my shit crowd
I want free 12 week maternity leave for both parents.
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

And they are both wrong
Nope, but you are.
You have not shown, skull, why the program should be enacted. You are an outlier, nothing more.

Why would I show why the program should be enacted when I do not think it should be enacted at all?
Any Democrats who opposes Trump's plan is establishing himself as a total hypocrite. This plan is good for young families who want to have children but can't afford it because of the astronomical costs of child care. Why shouldn't child care be tax-deductible, this should have been done years ago? This idea may encourage people to have children and boost the birth rate, which is now below replacement level, a long range disaster for any nation.
And that's probably the real reason politicians on the left and right turned a blind eye to illegal immigrants... we, as a Nation, are not having enough children....?
None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out
ok. that's your right...

but donald has a lot more and if he actually believed in it and wasn't just trolling for votes, he'd do it in his own companies.
If he's not doing it now then he doesn't really believe in it and is just pandering for votes from the gimme free stuff crowd

there is no "free stuff crowd" but thanks for the continued mischaracterization.
No it's the make other people to pay for my shit crowd
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

And they are both wrong
Nope, but you are.
You have not shown, skull, why the program should be enacted. You are an outlier, nothing more.

Why would I show why the program should be enacted when I do not think it should be enacted at all?
You lie yet again: the model was "shall not" not "shall". You can't show why it should not be enacted. You, you are an outlier.
None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out
If he's not doing it now then he doesn't really believe in it and is just pandering for votes from the gimme free stuff crowd

there is no "free stuff crowd" but thanks for the continued mischaracterization.
No it's the make other people to pay for my shit crowd
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

And they are both wrong
Nope, but you are.
You have not shown, skull, why the program should be enacted. You are an outlier, nothing more.

Why would I show why the program should be enacted when I do not think it should be enacted at all?
You lie yet again: the model was "shall not" not "shall". You can't show why it should not be enacted. You, you are an outlier.
And I quote

You have not shown, skull, why the program should be enacted.

So I ask you once again

Why would I show why the program should be enacted when I do not think it should be?

And I'll give you a good reason

No one should get paid for not working. Their position is held for them already at an expense to the employer if they want to get paid they can save up their vacation, sick and personal time

IOW be responsible for their own decisions
Your deflection is noted. I am asking you why it should not enacted. You oppose it, and you can even explain why you oppose it. Remember that your opinion is the exception that proves the rules.
Your deflection is noted. I am asking you why it should not enacted. You oppose it, and you can even explain why you oppose it. Remember that your opinion is the exception that proves the rules.

No you asked me why it should be enacted

are you now asking me a different question?

And I already gave you an answer why it should not be enacted
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.
-------------------------------- personal life of wimenz / women is their problem to work out by themselves or if they are smart and lucky its a problem that she and husband will work out . Women shouldn't be encouraged to do anything other than what she or she and family decide Fang .

That's a shortsighted and naive point of view. Families who have children and do their best to raise them are contributing to society. Who is going to take over when you and I are old? It's about supporting women and families in the workplace.
Your deflection is noted. I am asking you why it should not enacted. You oppose it, and you can even explain why you oppose it. Remember that your opinion is the exception that proves the rules.
No you asked me why it should be enacted are you now asking me a different question? And I already gave you an answer why it should not be enacted
You are lying. You gave an opinion that means nothing about why it should not be enacted. I want an answer based on numbers and facts.
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.
-------------------------------- personal life of wimenz / women is their problem to work out by themselves or if they are smart and lucky its a problem that she and husband will work out . Women shouldn't be encouraged to do anything other than what she or she and family decide Fang .

That's a shortsighted and naive point of view. Families who have children and do their best to raise them are contributing to society. Who is going to take over when you and I are old?

Those people already get all kind of tax breaks for their kids no one else should be forced to give them anything
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.
-------------------------------- personal life of wimenz / women is their problem to work out by themselves or if they are smart and lucky its a problem that she and husband will work out . Women shouldn't be encouraged to do anything other than what she or she and family decide Fang .

That's a shortsighted and naive point of view. Families who have children and do their best to raise them are contributing to society. Who is going to take over when you and I are old?

Those people already get all kind of tax breaks for their kids no one else should be forced to give them anything

Just curious, do you support tax dollars going to help pay for abortions?
Your deflection is noted. I am asking you why it should not enacted. You oppose it, and you can even explain why you oppose it. Remember that your opinion is the exception that proves the rules.
No you asked me why it should be enacted are you now asking me a different question? And I already gave you an answer why it should not be enacted
You are lying. You gave an opinion that means nothing about why it should not be enacted. I want an answer based on numbers and facts.

OK here you go

I have an employee on ML right now. It costs me about 20000 dollars to have her gone because I have to hire someone from a relief agency and I have to pay overtime for other people to fill in the gaps because it's almost impossible to get 100% coverage from a relief contractor.

So now you think I should have to pay the relief the overtime AND her salary so it will cost me more like 30 plus thousand dollars

That's just for one employee.

If I had 2 people out I'd be losing money

But she did the right thing. She saved up her vacation time and is now drawing that while she is out for the next 8 weeks

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