Trumpf to call for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave.

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.
-------------------------------- personal life of wimenz / women is their problem to work out by themselves or if they are smart and lucky its a problem that she and husband will work out . Women shouldn't be encouraged to do anything other than what she or she and family decide Fang .

That's a shortsighted and naive point of view. Families who have children and do their best to raise them are contributing to society. Who is going to take over when you and I are old?

Those people already get all kind of tax breaks for their kids no one else should be forced to give them anything

Just curious, do you support tax dollars going to help pay for abortions?

Irrelevant but no I don't and it's not because I am antiabortion I am pro personal responsibility
Your deflection is noted. I am asking you why it should not enacted. You oppose it, and you can even explain why you oppose it. Remember that your opinion is the exception that proves the rules.
No you asked me why it should be enacted are you now asking me a different question? And I already gave you an answer why it should not be enacted
You are lying. You gave an opinion that means nothing about why it should not be enacted. I want an answer based on numbers and facts.

So you are saying you asked me why it shouldn't be enacted when I quoted you word for word asking me why I didn't show why it should be enacted

Who's lying now Fakey?
And emptyskull keeps blathering. Thank you, skull: we understand that you don't understand.
You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.
-------------------------------- personal life of wimenz / women is their problem to work out by themselves or if they are smart and lucky its a problem that she and husband will work out . Women shouldn't be encouraged to do anything other than what she or she and family decide Fang .

That's a shortsighted and naive point of view. Families who have children and do their best to raise them are contributing to society. Who is going to take over when you and I are old?

Those people already get all kind of tax breaks for their kids no one else should be forced to give them anything

Just curious, do you support tax dollars going to help pay for abortions?

Irrelevant but no I don't and it's not because I am antiabortion I am pro personal responsibility

I agree. OK fair enough. Like you I believe in personal responsibility. But I do believe having children and raising them to be productive members of society benefits all of us. I get there's no guarantee of this, but women/families should be given help.

I take it you're a business owner? This would need to be set up in a way where small business owner's are not paying for this themselves (aside from personal taxes). There can't be a risk of your business losing money to support this.
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.
All this proves is that trump is not conservative was never conservative will never be conservative like all real conservatives have been saying from the start...You should love this highly regressive country killing stance he took ... Hell he out democrats Hillary with this.
-------------------------------- personal life of wimenz / women is their problem to work out by themselves or if they are smart and lucky its a problem that she and husband will work out . Women shouldn't be encouraged to do anything other than what she or she and family decide Fang .

That's a shortsighted and naive point of view. Families who have children and do their best to raise them are contributing to society. Who is going to take over when you and I are old?

Those people already get all kind of tax breaks for their kids no one else should be forced to give them anything

Just curious, do you support tax dollars going to help pay for abortions?

Irrelevant but no I don't and it's not because I am antiabortion I am pro personal responsibility

I agree. OK fair enough. Like you I believe in personal responsibility. But I do believe having children and raising them to be productive members of society benefits all of us. I get there's no guarantee of this, but women/families should be given help.

I take it you're a business owner? This would need to be set up in a way where small business owner's are not paying for this themselves (aside from personal taxes). There can't be a risk of you losing money with you business to support this.

That's why we pay for public schools and give parents all kinds of tax breaks

and that should be enough for anyone.

How much should I be forced to pay above and beyond taxes to support someone else's kids?
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.
All this proves is that trump is not conservative was never conservative will never be conservative like all real conservatives have been saying from the start...You should love this highly regressive country killing stance he took ... Hell he out democrats Hillary with this.
He's pandering for votes

This is his "Read my lips" moment
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .
Pathetic. This is what Trump is a democrat saying he is a republican... You want to vote against Hillary thats fine but dont defend obviously democrat moves by Trump like it is a chess game. The man is was and always will be a fraud.
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.
------------------------------------- gay guys / bachelors and ugly single men that can't get'er up don't have to vote for the Trump . And Mostly I agree with your reasoning but like I said , the goal is to win for the bigger issues . SO , I as a log time married man , straight guy that likes the rest of Trumps plans will vote Trump SwimExpert

So let me get this straight: The Republican party had to nominate a liberal, lifelong Democrat, Clinton donor, because moderate Republicans are too busy being Democrat-lite to win elections. And now, in order to win the General, that same liberal wearing red needs to advocate for unabashedly liberal policies.....all because liberals in the White House would be a bad thing?

This election, IMHO, is about the Supreme Court and nothing else really matters.
My principles are not so easily bought....
That's a shortsighted and naive point of view. Families who have children and do their best to raise them are contributing to society. Who is going to take over when you and I are old?

Those people already get all kind of tax breaks for their kids no one else should be forced to give them anything

Just curious, do you support tax dollars going to help pay for abortions?

Irrelevant but no I don't and it's not because I am antiabortion I am pro personal responsibility

I agree. OK fair enough. Like you I believe in personal responsibility. But I do believe having children and raising them to be productive members of society benefits all of us. I get there's no guarantee of this, but women/families should be given help.

I take it you're a business owner? This would need to be set up in a way where small business owner's are not paying for this themselves (aside from personal taxes). There can't be a risk of you losing money with you business to support this.

That's why we pay for public schools and give parents all kinds of tax breaks

and that should be enough for anyone.

How much should I be forced to pay above and beyond taxes to support someone else's kids?

You're not supporting someone else's kids. We're merely giving a woman a certain amount of security and time with her newborn. I think it's a good idea.
So the Trump supporters are now socialists.

You idiots were told DJT is not conservative in any way shape or form.
So just because he says it you think ALL his supporters agree with it?

I know you agree with everything anyone in the Dimocratic party thinks but not all people are sheep like you
Best post so far. I am not sure I will vote for Trump but I know I will NEVER agree with crap like this coming from him.
This election, IMHO, is about the Supreme Court and nothing else really matters.

In that case, we'd be better off voting for Bugs Bunny. Clinton will nominate liberals. Trump will nominate any reckless moron he can buy cheap.

There are several options for you asinine statement. Out of respect for some of your opinions that I agree with, I choose uninformed. Here is what Trump proposes.

(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.


The link gives a description of each proposed Justice.
Now you just have to prove we can trust he will use this list for more then just show ......
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.

How is he paying for these cuts?

Does it say that?
You dont pay for not stealing my money dumbass.
Of course Trump can say this.....

The GOP congress will never pass it.

Why can't they be a little more reasonable........

I am for paid maternity leave.

Out of a general fund. That way you don't screw small businesses who might be able to afford this a little less.
So why again should I pay for you to have a baby and take time off of work????? Stop stealing from me because you dont want to save !
Of course Trump can say this.....

The GOP congress will never pass it.

Why can't they be a little more reasonable........

I am for paid maternity leave.

Out of a general fund. That way you don't screw small businesses who might be able to afford this a little less.

Just out of curiousity -- where the fuck you hiding your "conservatism"?? Paying for all that INCLUDING his proposed "dependent care" and "child care" are gonna warp those markets and inflate the PRICES of those services. You KNOW the drill -- yet it rolls right off your tongue -- that it "comes out of the general fund".

That along with Trumps position that "the USA SHOULD assume a bigger load of debt" should make any thinking Conservative more than just squeamish. They should be panicked about "the deals" this guy is gonna make without ANY real political compass behind him. He's an egotist --- that's his political compass.

If HE DOES IT -- it has to "make America great". :uhh:

I am not hiding it anywhere.

I think there are plenty of conversations that could be had that would allow people to consider how they might make this happen and NOT add extra load onto our already stupid debt.

I said a general fund and I didn't say whose....I have long advocated for personal Social Security accounts (not privatized..necessarily) that could be used for things like this, workman's comp, extended health care, etc.
How the hell do you think redistribution of wealth is conservative? Because thats all this is.
Conservatives consistently make the same mistake of out liberalizing liberals in an attempt to make Liberals like them. Still voting for Trump but only because Hillary is the alternative.
No they dont. Rinos like Trump and Preibus does.
This election, IMHO, is about the Supreme Court and nothing else really matters.

In that case, we'd be better off voting for Bugs Bunny. Clinton will nominate liberals. Trump will nominate any reckless moron he can buy cheap.

There are several options for you asinine statement. Out of respect for some of your opinions that I agree with, I choose uninformed. Here is what Trump proposes.

(New York, NY) May 18, 2016 - Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court. This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.


The link gives a description of each proposed Justice.
Now you just have to prove we can trust he will use this list for more then just show ......

I don't have to prove anything. I KNOW what type of Justices Hillary would appoint and HOPE that Trump would use the list he published.
I think it's bullshit, and Democrats shouldn't play along, like Republicans will. Democrats should come out and state that nothing will get done in Congress until this bill is passed - the first major bill of a Trump administration.

Oh so true.

And HIllary has the same issue.

I love it when our federal government does nothing.

The House is ready to be a partner in the government once more. Speaker Ryan has made that clear. The only reason Boehner stepped down was because he got the Pope to address the body and went out as a crowning achievement. The TEA party has less impact than ever as we saw with the nominating process. HRC will have a honeymoon. Trump is almost hated as much by the GOP leadership as he is by the Democratic leadership.

Smoking pot again, I see.

The house is more conservative than ever and they are certainly not willing to play with Hillary.

Or Trump.
When the fuck did the house become conservative??????????? The speaker is a damn RINO!

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