Trumpf to call for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave.

Any conservative or Alt Right Republican who supports Trump's plan is establishing himself as a total hypocrite.

Blackrook, thanks. This election is not about principle, only about power.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Nothing's stopping you. Go ahead. Leave the rest of us to make our own decisions.

I do do the right thing, and so should you.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Nothing's stopping you. Go ahead. Leave the rest of us to make our own decisions.

I do do the right thing, and so should you.

Who are you to decide what the "right" thing is for other people?
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Because people are not getting paid to raise families they are getting paid to perform a job for 8 hours a day that is all.

If you want a family it's up to you to figure out how to support them not me
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Because skull lives in the dark ages of the 19th century...
Yeah that's why I'm sitting here on my computer in my air conditioned house with electricity heat and running water .

If you want a kid then you figure out how to pay for it. It is your responsibility and no one else's
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.

He’s the same guy who said that women should quit if they are sexually harassed.
----------------------------------------------- QUIT or take care of your problem like a big BOY [err BIG girl] would Candy !!

It isn't "your" problem if someone picks you out for a sexual conquest. It's theirs and they should know better than to pull that stuff at work.
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.

He’s the same guy who said that women should quit if they are sexually harassed.
----------------------------------------------- QUIT or take care of your problem like a big BOY [err BIG girl] would Candy !!

It isn't "your" problem if someone picks you out for a sexual conquest. It's theirs and they should know better than to pull that stuff at work.
Make it HR's business if some picks you out for harassment.
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.

i look forward to the melt down of the wingers in the House if any GOP president asked for that. :rofl:
I want free 12 week maternity leave for both parents.
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

well, he's saying it.... i doubt it's something he believes in or would implement in his own businesses.

Chances are I won't have to because most of these idiotic laws are for businesses with over 50 employees

I'll stop at 49
I want free 12 week maternity leave for both parents.
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

well, he's saying it.... i doubt it's something he believes in or would implement in his own businesses.

Chances are I won't have to because most of these idiotic laws are for businesses with over 50 employees

I'll stop at 49

ok. that's your right...

but donald has a lot more and if he actually believed in it and wasn't just trolling for votes, he'd do it in his own companies.
None of you have given a cogent reason as to why a person should get paid maternity leave.

If you want to get paid while you are out on maternity leave then plan for it. Save up your vacation time and you can get paid while you are out
I want free 12 week maternity leave for both parents.
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

well, he's saying it.... i doubt it's something he believes in or would implement in his own businesses.

Chances are I won't have to because most of these idiotic laws are for businesses with over 50 employees

I'll stop at 49

ok. that's your right...

but donald has a lot more and if he actually believed in it and wasn't just trolling for votes, he'd do it in his own companies.
If he's not doing it now then he doesn't really believe in it and is just pandering for votes from the gimme free stuff crowd
I want free 12 week maternity leave for both parents.
Tell you what you pay them for not working 1/4 of the year and you can have whatever you want
Tough to be you, huh?

Both major candidates believe in this philosophy.

And they are both wrong
Nope, but you are.

And you still haven't given a good reason why people should get paid leave

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