Trumpf to call for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave.

This is by far the best policy trump has introduced so far. Investing in the welfare of infants. One cannot be pro life and have any problems with it.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

"The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump’s speech.”

Less tax revenue from some means more tax revenue from others….or more debt.

At what percentage of deduction?
This is by far the best policy trump has introduced so far. Investing in the welfare of infants. One cannot be pro life and have any problems with it.
No one sane has problems with it, except the hard conservatives and Alt Right support for political reasons not because they believe it's right.

"The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump’s speech.”

Less tax revenue from some means more tax revenue from others….or more debt.

different part of the plan. What i stated about the maternity leave is correct.

What's so funny? Also, Candy left out the more obvious choice, cutting other government bullshit to fund this.

That's a good point. The offset for cost can come from "cuts" to useless programs plus giving companies incentives (tax breaks) for ongoing compliance with the maternity leave proposal.

I don't really see a problem with it and from an election standpoint, it's a clever move by Trump. For those that claim it's not "conservative" they can cry me a river. Investing in family should be a hallmark of conservatism given the conservative whines about broken homes, poor child-rearing, and better care for kids. Why not invest from the start with a mother and a new life (baby) who "conservatives" also claim they don't want aborted?

I'm an American, and a conservative with common-sense. Many so called conservatives in the GOP apparently lack the latter.

Which 'useless' programs?
I agree with maternity leave and $10 minimum wage. Two moderate issues trump is running on.

Investing hundreds of billions more into infrastructure is another good idea from trump.

I'll admit that not everything he proposes is bad.
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Because skull lives in the dark ages of the 19th century...
This is by far the best policy trump has introduced so far. Investing in the welfare of infants. One cannot be pro life and have any problems with it.

This plus his coming out in support for 10 dollar/hour minimum wage and hundreds of billions of extra dollars in infrastructure!

He also believes in a strong space program within the report I read on think progress.
I agree with maternity leave and $10 minimum wage. Two moderate issues trump is running on.

Investing hundreds of billions more into infrastructure is another good idea from trump.

I'll admit that not everything he proposes is bad.

Except $10.00/hr is crap.
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.
-------------------------------- personal life of wimenz / women is their problem to work out by themselves or if they are smart and lucky its a problem that she and husband will work out . Women shouldn't be encouraged to do anything other than what she or she and family decide Fang .
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ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.

He’s the same guy who said that women should quit if they are sexually harassed.
----------------------------------------------- QUIT or take care of your problem like a big BOY [err BIG girl] would Candy !!
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10 bucks an hour will soon become 12. A country of our stature owes newborns at least 6 weeks paid. 12 would be even better for society.
Trump had Matthew at "technology."

Trying to find a reason not to feel like it is the end of the world if the guy becomes president. He was a democrat and thought clinton would make a good president...So maybe he isn't as far right as he puts on?
Can anyone tell me why anyone should get paid for not working?
So what if a person chooses to have a baby?
It is not my responsibility to support them for any length of time

You want a kid then you plan for it. Save up your vacation sick and personal time, save a little extra money and have your kid but don't expect anyone else to pay for it

Why don't we pay our employees a wage that one person can work and support a family?

Nothing's stopping you. Go ahead. Leave the rest of us to make our own decisions.
Trump had Matthew at "technology."

Trying to find a reason not to feel like it is the end of the world if the guy becomes president. He was a democrat and thought clinton would make a good president...So maybe he isn't as far right as he puts on?
DJT is left of center, Matthew, from the get go. He is anti-abortion, he is not anti-LGBT, he was for single payer, he was for higher taxes for the right and cuts for the middle class, he is not for smaller government. The problems are two fold: he is unstable and he is supported by Alt Right who are deplorably vicious and hateful for anyone not like them.
You people do realize that if Trump is elected, and implements all his plans (increase ICE, build a wall, increase the military, etc.), it's going to make the deficits of all previous presidents combined look like pocket change, right?
We can always file Bankruptcy.
You people do realize that if Trump is elected, and implements all his plans (increase ICE, build a wall, increase the military, etc.), it's going to make the deficits of all previous presidents combined look like pocket change, right?
We can always file Bankruptcy.
The cost of the things you listed is pocket change for the US government, but I can't speak to the cost of etc.
Trump had Matthew at "technology."

Trying to find a reason not to feel like it is the end of the world if the guy becomes president. He was a democrat and thought clinton would make a good president...So maybe he isn't as far right as he puts on?
DJT is left of center, Matthew, from the get go. He is anti-abortion, he is not anti-LGBT, he was for single payer, he was for higher taxes for the right and cuts for the middle class, he is not for smaller government. The problems are two fold: he is unstable and he is supported by Alt Right who are deplorably vicious and hateful for anyone not like them.

Well, he could be, but he is disrespectful, violent and highly unstable. There's no way in hell that he won't get us into more wars as he supported Libya and Iraq from the get go. The guy has no respect for our troops and doesn't understand the poor at all.

I kind of like Obama's science policies, but I wish he'd invest more into tech like fusion and space exploration. I don't trust this guy and with the so called tea party caucus breathing down his kneck I don't like the idea of him being elected over clinton for this reason alone.

He maybe supportive of LGBT, but Pence doesn't support it and in fact attacks anyone that does. That is a very scary position to be in when Trump is over 70 years old.
Any Democrats who opposes Trump's plan is establishing himself as a total hypocrite. This plan is good for young families who want to have children but can't afford it because of the astronomical costs of child care. Why shouldn't child care be tax-deductible, this should have been done years ago? This idea may encourage people to have children and boost the birth rate, which is now below replacement level, a long range disaster for any nation.

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