Trumpf to call for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave.

Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.

I'm surprised that Trump isn't saying he wants 6 years of paid maternity leave. We know he doesn't want to see women around the office. And we know he doesn't bother to pay people anyway. Seems like the perfect Trumpian scam.

Well I can certainly understand why the Democrats don't like Trump. I mean, let's be honest, equal pay was a campaign issue when Obama first ran for president. Even with Pelosi and Reed controlling the legislative branch, women was just a promise ploy to get this president elected as the liberal dream list like Obamacare to precedence. Now Hillary wants to plagiarize Obama's message on infrastructure, maintaining national healthcare, and particularly equal pay. So if the democrats can't get their act together after 8 years, and it's really just a draw to get women voters rather than a goal of achievement, why not allow Trump to make it a campaign issue? After all he has his daughter that's smart enough to run and maintain an executive position, as I'm sure she shares an opinion of what women need to see more in the business realm. If we leave it to Hillary, most likely we will only hear about it again through the next democrat who wants to make their mark as president.

.... and that's from a guy who's boardname is ShacklesOfBigGov?? Did I fall down a rabbit hole this morning?
Enter some alternate universe? In the words of Adm. Stockdale (failed VP candidate) "Where am I ? Why am I here? "

Is this now a race to pander and spend and IGNORE the YUUUGE dysfunction that is the Fed govt?

Do you want to compare 6 weeks of paid maternity leave with 26 weeks of state unemployment? The incentive here is "work" and the health of the mother as she nears her due date, which is really just a drop in the bucket compared to what the Federal Government pays in welfare for those who DON'T work. Which would you rather those in Washington spend their money on supporting? Are you otherwise happy members of Congress have resorted to throwing money at those who simply choose not to work but are able to get a job?

Maternity leave ---- Sure.

Paid Maternity leave -- depends on the judgement of the employer. Gonna give paid maternity leave to a 17 yr old girl working the jumba juice hut? You're gonna get more pregnant 18 - 20 yr olds who can't really afford it..

Leave for BOTH spouses ---- ??????

Federal Subsidized maternity/dependent care --- Give 'em a flat tax credit (or even refund if they PAY no tax) and stay the hell out of the family drama. And micro-managing scenarios they know nothing about.

I've done "dependent care" for BOTH my deceased parents. It's NOT the kind of thing that has a SCHEDULE or time frame or a cost attached to it. Federal govt needs to stay the hell out of dramas they don't really care about or can't fix.. If the "dependent" is a 1000 miles away --- you've got a bigger problem than getting a token check from Washington..

Bout covers it.. You go as far socialist as pleases you. But the SYSTEMIC problems in Fed govt are the bigger issue..
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.

I'm surprised that Trump isn't saying he wants 6 years of paid maternity leave. We know he doesn't want to see women around the office. And we know he doesn't bother to pay people anyway. Seems like the perfect Trumpian scam.

Well I can certainly understand why the Democrats don't like Trump. I mean, let's be honest, equal pay was a campaign issue when Obama first ran for president. Even with Pelosi and Reed controlling the legislative branch, women was just a promise ploy to get this president elected as the liberal dream list like Obamacare to precedence. Now Hillary wants to plagiarize Obama's message on infrastructure, maintaining national healthcare, and particularly equal pay. So if the democrats can't get their act together after 8 years, and it's really just a draw to get women voters rather than a goal of achievement, why not allow Trump to make it a campaign issue? After all he has his daughter that's smart enough to run and maintain an executive position, as I'm sure she shares an opinion of what women need to see more in the business realm. If we leave it to Hillary, most likely we will only hear about it again through the next democrat who wants to make their mark as president.

.... and that's from a guy who's boardname is ShacklesOfBigGov?? Did I fall down a rabbit hole this morning?
Enter some alternate universe? In the words of Adm. Stockdale (failed VP candidate) "Where am I ? Why am I here? "

Is this now a race to pander and spend and IGNORE the YUUUGE dysfunction that is the Fed govt?

Do you want to compare 6 weeks of paid maternity leave with 26 weeks of state unemployment? The incentive here is "work" and the health of the mother as she nears her due date, which is really just a drop in the bucket compared to what the Federal Government pays in welfare for those who DON'T work. Which would you rather those in Washington spend their money on supporting? Are you otherwise happy members of Congress have resorted to throwing money at those who simply choose not to work but are able to get a job?

Maternity leave ---- Sure.

Paid Maternity leave -- depends on the judgement of the employer. Gonna give paid maternity leave to a 17 yr old girl working the jumba juice hut? You're gonna get more pregnant 18 - 20 yr olds who can't really afford it..

Leave for BOTH spouses ---- ??????

Federal Subsidized maternity/dependent care --- Give 'em a flat tax credit (or even refund if they PAY no tax) and stay the hell out of the family drama. And micro-managing scenarios they know nothing about.

I've done "dependent care" for BOTH my deceased parents. It's NOT the kind of thing that has a SCHEDULE or time frame or a cost attached to it. Federal govt needs to stay the hell out of dramas they don't really care about or can't fix.. If the "dependent" is a 1000 miles away --- you've got a bigger problem than getting a token check from Washington..

Bout covers it.. You go as far socialist as pleases you. But the SYSTEMIC problems in Fed govt are the bigger issue..

I've personally know of a case where a pregnant woman was made to work until they received a specific note from their obstetrician stating their physical condition. Especially in her case, when their position is in high demand with a lack of employed support to meet the demand. I'd rather see a law that supports working women and concerns for her health, than spend it on those who are physically able to work but choose not to.

Do men need paid maternity leave, I don't see a reason for it. If you are so concerned with government getting involved and making employers pay for days they don't work, tell your boss you'd like to work for Christmas instead of getting paid time you don't deserve. I'm sure all these federal paid holidays fits right in with your socialist concerns. In fact, how about you turn down unemployment the next time that need comes around for you, you didn't deserve that either, save the employer that extra expense.
You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family. I should pay because they don't know how to maintain a work-life balance?
Shakles, a conservative, is for subsidized maternity leave, a federal mandated program.

Shakles, a conservative, is for subsidized maternity leave, a federal mandated program.


Unemployment is a 26 week pay period that helps a working individual during a period they need help while they are looking to find employment, that state provided benefit is paid for by the employer. You receive that compensation when it has been determined through your work history that you have earned enough to "qualify". I don't see a reason a similar program can't be introduced towards a 6 week maternity program that addresses the health of the woman when she already has a proven work history through her employer.

Conservatives are supposed to be supporting a woman who chooses to carry a baby full term over an abortion, at least that's what others claim to believe. Yet some conservatives have an issue and can't afford to come up with a system that allows 6 weeks maternity towards the health of a woman and her baby? Just how committed are you in your belief in being pro-life, beyond the protest signs in front of the Supreme Court that is (that's the easy part).
Trump is now calling this an expansion of the Earned Income Credit?

Hasn't it been the mission of Republicans to roll back the EITC?
The GOP has been an trying down size EIC, and now we have some righties demonstrate they have no morals to their beliefs.

Their belief is one thing: they believe they should have the political power to punish everyone they dislike.
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.

The Germans do it. Women who have jobs should be encouraged to have children, instead of welfare queens.

So let me guess, just because this is Trump's idea you're against it.
Trump is now calling this an expansion of the Earned Income Credit?

Hasn't it been the mission of Republicans to roll back the EITC?

I got no problem with the EITC in principle. It's there to EXCUSE folks from paying (or discounting) their SocSec/Medicare. And if they are ALREADY ON EBT cards and/or subsidies --- what's the sense of giving it with one hand -- and taking it back with the other?

My beef is the 45% of folks who pay NOTHING in Income Tax (above the EITC folks). There ought to be a token bracket that gets them into contributing at some low level..
I love this thread!

The worms are wiggling. The libs love it but hate Trump. The cons hate it but will support it because they want power.

Topsy Turvy.
Hey..................the military has had paid maternity leave for both the mother as well as the father (mother gets 6 weeks, the father gets 3) for years now.

About time the civilian sector decided to catch up.

Since when????? LINK?

Well, I know that females were getting maternity leave in the mid 80's in the Navy, and the program has since been expanded for other services and dropped for the Navy, but have been standardized to 12 weeks.

Here's your link. Is your Google down?

Pentagon Sets Maternity Leave at 12 Weeks for All Services |

"The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump’s speech.”

Less tax revenue from some means more tax revenue from others….or more debt.

different part of the plan. What i stated about the maternity leave is correct.

What's so funny? Also, Candy left out the more obvious choice, cutting other government bullshit to fund this.


Cutting other government; He’s going to triple ICE, create a deportation task force, make the DoD so strong that “nobody will mess with us”; the last one is straight out of a cartoon so nobody knows what it means; but it won’t be cheap. Drumpf said that most Americans won’t pay any taxes under his plan….

We should change his name to Mr. Roark.
This has been the strangest election cycle I've seen in my lifetime. I keep asking, "is this really the best we can do?"

The Dems nominated a former SoS, 2 time senator and former FLOTUS. The GOP nominated a steak salesman. IN one case, the answer is yes. In the GOP’s case, you need to do better.
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.

the money will come from the unemployment insurance. its not a salary but it wont break small businesses.

i suppose yould rather the money continue to sink into waste and fraud or
sneaked by the millions into iran.

do your research

No. It comes in the form of being able to deduct it from your taxes according to the in the OP.
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.

He’s the same guy who said that women should quit if they are sexually harassed.
You people do realize that if Trump is elected, and implements all his plans (increase ICE, build a wall, increase the military, etc.), it's going to make the deficits of all previous presidents combined look like pocket change, right?
ok with me although I generally disapprove . Goal for Trump supporters is to win so this is just some targeting of single women mothers and loose woman that may have a kid out of wedlock . Trump is good on guns, rebuilding USA military , building a border wall and muslims plus yada and yada . SO , I understand his tactics and will approve as I keep the goal of TRUMP winning the election foremost in my mind Candy .

I'm a single man with no children. I see no reason why I should have to pay for someone else to take time off work for their children. If you can't afford children, don't have them.

You misunderstand. It's not about affordability. Its about a work/life balance. Women should be encouraged to maintain a career and raise a family.

He’s the same guy who said that women should quit if they are sexually harassed.

Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.
Trump's not a republican. And he knows there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of this passing congress, even it a bill was introduced, which he knows won't be introduced even if he's elected.

Not that pandering is unusual, but it's sort of pathetic that he's trying to poach women votes so disingenuously. But, insulting women isn't anything he is bothered by.
Dems will certainly pass it, its getting the douche bag Republican establishment to go along with it. Think of it this way if the Republicans shoot it down Trump will call them to the carpet and make them look like the idiots they are. That's what a Trump Presidency looks like....fuck with the American people the CIC will call you out for it no matter what letter is next to your name.

One last thing, you're wrong in saying he knows there's not a snowballs chance in hell of it getting passed. Trump doesn't just throw things out there. His ego is too big to let people/politicians stand in his way of the things he wants to get done.
The conundrum of Trump is that his history shows he certainly does not want to pay cashiers, and cocktail waitresses 6 mos of paid leave. He's been busting unions for years. Yet, he has a lovely daughter, who seems a decent person for someone born to that class and without any need to have struggled, and she wants to do the right thing, and he is inclined to do what she wants.
So what wrong with that? Last year he was mulling the whole thing over and with the advice of Ivanka decides to go all in. He could have easily gone with wthat the pollsters told him to do and rejected it, but he did what he felt was right.

Make no mistake the GOPe hates the idea and it speaks volumes that he didn't go with the pollsters on this one. He did what was right (I like the idea, always have)

I’ll believe you when he proposes something that is necessary but not popular. So far it’s tax cuts for all, increased spending in every area, that will be paid for by getting rid of waste, fraud, and corruption and improving trade deals.
Seems strange; this is more of the “free stuff” that Republicans once said they hated. It will be interesting to see how they react.

Trump to call for six weeks paid maternity leave

The plan's centerpiece has already been announced: rewriting the tax code to allow families to deduct childcare expenses. The campaign is fleshing out more details ahead of Trump's speech.

The total cost will be capped at the average child care costs in each state, while the highest-earning Americans — individuals making $250,000 per year or households with a combined $500,000 per year in income — won't be eligible.

Stay-at-home parents will also be eligible to take the deduction. The campaign framed the moves as a step toward creating an equal playing field for those who stay home to raise their children.
Trump's not a republican. And he knows there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of this passing congress, even it a bill was introduced, which he knows won't be introduced even if he's elected.

Not that pandering is unusual, but it's sort of pathetic that he's trying to poach women votes so disingenuously. But, insulting women isn't anything he is bothered by.
Dems will certainly pass it, its getting the douche bag Republican establishment to go along with it. Think of it this way if the Republicans shoot it down Trump will call them to the carpet and make them look like the idiots they are. That's what a Trump Presidency looks like....fuck with the American people the CIC will call you out for it no matter what letter is next to your name.

One last thing, you're wrong in saying he knows there's not a snowballs chance in hell of it getting passed. Trump doesn't just throw things out there. His ego is too big to let people/politicians stand in his way of the things he wants to get done.
The conundrum of Trump is that his history shows he certainly does not want to pay cashiers, and cocktail waitresses 6 mos of paid leave. He's been busting unions for years. Yet, he has a lovely daughter, who seems a decent person for someone born to that class and without any need to have struggled, and she wants to do the right thing, and he is inclined to do what she wants.
So what wrong with that? Last year he was mulling the whole thing over and with the advice of Ivanka decides to go all in. He could have easily gone with wthat the pollsters told him to do and rejected it, but he did what he felt was right.

Make no mistake the GOPe hates the idea and it speaks volumes that he didn't go with the pollsters on this one. He did what was right (I like the idea, always have)

I’ll believe you when he proposes something that is necessary but not popular..
I like that and that's a fair point.

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