Trump's a'coming after 'em.

And this will be a great opportunity to arrest any of these Trump cult members who go after the jurors, locking them up with long prison terms and preventing them from voting! With State convictions, Repubtards can do nothing about it! Bigly!!!
But bullying Jurors in the Floyd trial was OK or Antifa bullying jurors in the Andy NGO trial was also OK. At least you’re a consistent hypocrite
You could have just liked my post that Fani Willis is the one who published the jurors names instead of denying it.
Why would I say that?

This is what you you posted (post 9)...

"If it wasn't for Fanni Willis, no one would have known who the jurors were."

We would have known who the jurors were because it is required by law, not because of Fanni.

Had she not approved of the form, someone else would have released the jurors names IAW the law and Trump humpers would have neen calling for a mistrial because she didn't follow the law.

Did you actually think if she refused to let them be posted that that would be the final say?

ROFL. You poor thing.
So you wanted her to break the law?
Beyond her already egregious abuses of power? Nah, how about she just stick to doing her actual job instead of subjecting her constituents to silly political theater and making a mockery of GA.

Nobody seems able to explain how a mere county hack is handling a case that involves so many persons outside her jurisdiction. If anything this belongs to the state of Georgia, not a county hack.
Why would I say that?

This is what you you posted (post 9)...

"If it wasn't for Fanni Willis, no one would have known who the jurors were."

We would have known who the jurors were because it is required by law, not because of Fanni.

Had she not approved of the form, someone else would have released the jurors names IAW the law and Trump humpers would have neen calling for a mistrial because she didn't follow the law.

Did you actually think if she refused to let them be posted that that would be the final say?

ROFL. You poor thing.
It was her office which published the names. The buck stops there with her. And don't give me any crap about what the law is. Her office published the names, law or not. Therefore, it was because of her.
The only cult is yours, Brownshirt. The Reich.
Assstro, you wackbots can't keep anything straight.
Where will you go, what will you do, when all these anti Constitutional fake charges are thrown out and Trump is president again? No way you stay and get a job and actually work for a living, right?
They will burn liberal cities down.
Beyond her already egregious abuses of power? Nah, how about she just stick to doing her actual job instead of subjecting her constituents to silly political theater and making a mockery of GA.

You disagree with the grand juries decision?

Nobody seems able to explain how a mere county hack is handling a case that involves so many persons outside her jurisdiction. If anything this belongs to the state of Georgia, not a county hack.
Why should someone explain it to you?

Do your own homework.

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