trump's actual crowd size exposed in embarrassing video

Now you're trying to tell us what God thinks. You really are losing your mind you schizophrenic piece of shit.
God tells you himself:
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."

Source: Proverbs 6 KJV - My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast
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Well...I've run into quite a few people like this. Who not only hold their nose..but are impervious to the stench of hypocrisy..and voting against their own best interest...just because there is a "D" next to the candidates name.

Sure... I think the biggest problem is lack of choice. People choose one thing they think is important, and just run on that, even though many of the other things don't fit.

I'd say it's basically impossible to vote for someone who is going to do what is in your best interests.

However with Trump it's just down right ridiculous. He's a child shouting abuse at people. The VP debate was characterized by how un-Trump it was. It was NORMAL POLITICS. And people seemed to actually like that.

But then I support Proportional Representation which would completely change US politics, whereas a lot of partisans just double down and tell everyone A) why they should vote for someone who doesn't give a damn about them and B) why the other side are really, really bad, as in, trying to perpetuate negative voting.
Sure... I think the biggest problem is lack of choice. People choose one thing they think is important, and just run on that, even though many of the other things don't fit.

I'd say it's basically impossible to vote for someone who is going to do what is in your best interests.

However with Trump it's just down right ridiculous. He's a child shouting abuse at people. The VP debate was characterized by how un-Trump it was. It was NORMAL POLITICS. And people seemed to actually like that.

But then I support Proportional Representation which would completely change US politics, whereas a lot of partisans just double down and tell everyone A) why they should vote for someone who doesn't give a damn about them and B) why the other side are really, really bad, as in, trying to perpetuate negative voting.
Trump is exactly what's needed right now. :funnyface:

If Democrats weren't such shitbags, that might not be the case right now, but it damn sure is

at this point in time.

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