Who killed the "Border Bill"?

I didn't make a claim, I asked a question. :itsok:
Yeah, I know. And I challenged you to bring evidence to the table since you started the thread. That's the way this works.

How old are you, anyway? I hope you are 10 years old. Otherwise, you are a bigger retard than some of the other retards on this site and that is saying something.
No need. Democrat Neo Narxists filled the bill with so much Pork that the sausage it oinked and walked off the table.
Rather than discuss a Bill in Congress that did not pass muster, you have to wonder why Schumer shelved HR-2 the Secure the Border Bill..
That should make even you blush...

Thanks for the link.

Hr2 is a lousy bill....overall....lots and lots not to like in it as well as some good...
National socialist?
LOL So, you still believe the Nazis were socialist? Let me guess, you also believe that North Korea is a Democratic Republic because of its name, right?

And you wonder why people call you a retard. :itsok:
Yeah, I know. And I challenged you to bring evidence to the table since you started the thread. That's the way this works.

How old are you, anyway? I hope you are 10 years old. Otherwise, you are a bigger retard than some of the other retards on this site and that is saying something.
Evidence is required to support an assertion not a question. My question challenges the assumption that Trump caused the bill to fail.

Woodznutz: "Is it really dinner time?"
Magnus: "Oh yeah? Prove it!"

See how silly that is.
Evidence is required to support an assertion not a question. My question challenges the assumption that Trump caused the bill to fail.

Woodznutz: "What time is it?"
Magnus: "Oh yeah? Prove it!"

See how silly that is.
So, then I was right in my first post. You want us to do your research for you since you are a retard.

I accept your apology.
Yeah, that is how bills are passed or pulled. In Congress. Did you guys just discover that?

But go ahead. Give us a breakdown. How many Dems voted against it? How many Repubs voted against it? Go.
Tell us all.... Is anyone in this competent to be administer to America's needs and security?
Tell us all.... Is anyone in this competent to be administer to America's needs and security?
More competent than the orange loser who promised you a huuuge wall with Mexico footing the bill or the repeal of Obamacare. How did that go down?:auiqs.jpg:

Your orange douchebag did so well that we fired him. And, the best part? We get to give him the boot one more time in November. :laughing0301:

No wonder you retards are always so mad. Thoughts & prayers.

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