Trump's 'America First' has ugly echoes from U.S. history

There is no lie in my comment and the reason I made the comment was in response to a post. didn't bring up the topic.

It is a lie that there is anything to base your claim that Trump supported the invasion of Iraq.

You make the claim not because you have any basis, but simply because you think it will harm Trump and help Hillary.

As far as a link, Trump supported the war in a Howard Stern interview preceding the war. He admitted such two months ago when he was called out on it by Anderson Copper.
If you read, listened or watched something other than the partisan crap you try to educate yourself with you would know about this front page news.

I'm clicking, but it's not going.

{In the Esquire interview, Trump called the Iraq War a “mess,” while also harshly criticizing how the Bush administration handled it. He dismissed the idea of Iraq becoming truly democratic, and predicted the U.S. withdrawal would lead to “a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over.”}

Donald Trump's Anti-Iraq War Position Wasn't As Prophetic As He Thinks
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Actually those quotes are from fairly quickly after the war had started.

And looking backwards, it is completely reasonable to believe that he might have made a completely honest mistake on when he made certain statements.

A reasonable person would not consider this important.

It's not like he imagined being fired on by a sniper when that never happened.

Or was confused about what year he was born.
Trump reminds us of a very ugly period in US history.

Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -

It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.
Obviously you graduated from the Goebbels School of Journalism with honours. :thup:
(That's referring to your obvious attempt at propaganda, not calling you a Nazi).

Oh and before you accuse me of being a Trump supporter, I can't stand any of the current crop from either side.
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Trump is always misleading, but not so much as you are in this thread. As the radical left HuffingGlue confirms, withing the first week, Trump was opposing the invasion. He said little before the war, so it's true that his claim of vocal opposition is misleading. Still, when he DID start talking, it was negative.

So your claim of his support is without any merit at all.
Trump continues to claim he was publicly against the war.

What I don't get about you partisan hacks is that there is so much to go after Trump for, so why lie? Especially a stupid lie like this?

That is an apparent lie. There is nothing radical, extreme or hackish about asking for a link to support his claim.

How about a link from you that demonstrates Trump supported the invasion?

Yeah, I won't hold my breath.
There is no lie in my comment and the reason I made the comment was in response to a post. didn't bring up the topic. As far as a link, Trump supported the war in a Howard Stern interview preceding the war. He admitted such two months ago when he was called out on it by Anderson Copper.
If you read, listened or watched something other than the partisan crap you try to educate yourself with you would know about this front page news.

"Trump, who was being interviewed by Howard Stern, said that “yeah, I guess so” when asked if he was for invading the country."

Wow. THat's obviously a really thought out policy position.

Meanwhile, you are ignoring Hilary actively supporting the Iraqi Invasion while in the Senate.
Point is, Trump got caught lying about publicly being against the war before it began and you have confirmed it.
I was supportive of President Bush because I believed his and his administration's lies like so many others. I believed him when he claimed a collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda in his State of the Union Address and I believed the follow-up lies by VP Cheney. I also believed that it would be a quick victory and the focus of the war on terrorism would shift. I was shocked when Bush went back on his word about not getting involved in nation building and turned the Iraq war into a war of occupation, put us in the middle of an insurgency, civil war, and nation building

It is obvious from the quote that he had not given the matter any thought.

That he might have had personal doubts that he thought he had mentioned in public and he didn't?

COmpletely possible and reasonable.

Meanwhile, you give Hillary a pass on actively supporting the invasion.

As part of the Senate it was her job to seriously consider and judge the need for War.

She came down on the Pro War side of that question.

Clearly and actively.

For you to be slamming Trump on this issue, while supporting Hillary is the height of hypocrisy.

Trump's Foreign Policy Position is one of non-intervention and disentanglement.

That is anti-war.

And you can't face that truth.
How do you figure I am giving Hillary a pass? I agree with your follow-up that she should have known better. She had access to a lot more information than me or the general pubic.
In regards to Trump's comment in the Stern interview, I have no problem with it. The problem I have with him is that he continued to claim he opposed the war before it began, as the linked article from Uncensored confirms. Trump is a liar.
What I don't get about you partisan hacks is that there is so much to go after Trump for, so why lie? Especially a stupid lie like this?

How about a link from you that demonstrates Trump supported the invasion?

Yeah, I won't hold my breath.
There is no lie in my comment and the reason I made the comment was in response to a post. didn't bring up the topic. As far as a link, Trump supported the war in a Howard Stern interview preceding the war. He admitted such two months ago when he was called out on it by Anderson Copper.
If you read, listened or watched something other than the partisan crap you try to educate yourself with you would know about this front page news.

"Trump, who was being interviewed by Howard Stern, said that “yeah, I guess so” when asked if he was for invading the country."

Wow. THat's obviously a really thought out policy position.

Meanwhile, you are ignoring Hilary actively supporting the Iraqi Invasion while in the Senate.
Point is, Trump got caught lying about publicly being against the war before it began and you have confirmed it.
I was supportive of President Bush because I believed his and his administration's lies like so many others. I believed him when he claimed a collusion between Saddam and al Qaeda in his State of the Union Address and I believed the follow-up lies by VP Cheney. I also believed that it would be a quick victory and the focus of the war on terrorism would shift. I was shocked when Bush went back on his word about not getting involved in nation building and turned the Iraq war into a war of occupation, put us in the middle of an insurgency, civil war, and nation building

It is obvious from the quote that he had not given the matter any thought.

That he might have had personal doubts that he thought he had mentioned in public and he didn't?

COmpletely possible and reasonable.

Meanwhile, you give Hillary a pass on actively supporting the invasion.

As part of the Senate it was her job to seriously consider and judge the need for War.

She came down on the Pro War side of that question.

Clearly and actively.

For you to be slamming Trump on this issue, while supporting Hillary is the height of hypocrisy.

Trump's Foreign Policy Position is one of non-intervention and disentanglement.

That is anti-war.

And you can't face that truth.
How do you figure I am giving Hillary a pass? I agree with your follow-up that she should have known better. She had access to a lot more information than me or the general pubic.
In regards to Trump's comment in the Stern interview, I have no problem with it. The problem I have with him is that he continued to claim he opposed the war before it began, as the linked article from Uncensored confirms. Trump is a liar.

Because here you are attacking her enemies for her, and planning to vote for her in the Fall.
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Trump is always misleading, but not so much as you are in this thread. As the radical left HuffingGlue confirms, withing the first week, Trump was opposing the invasion. He said little before the war, so it's true that his claim of vocal opposition is misleading. Still, when he DID start talking, it was negative.

So your claim of his support is without any merit at all.
Trump did not oppose the war a week after it began. Questioned at the Oscar awards he said it was being fought wrong and was a mess. He said nothing to indicate he was opposed to the war. That didn't happen until 16 months later. You just won't admit that Trump lied during the debates and speeches about his position before the war began
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Trump is always misleading, but not so much as you are in this thread. As the radical left HuffingGlue confirms, withing the first week, Trump was opposing the invasion. He said little before the war, so it's true that his claim of vocal opposition is misleading. Still, when he DID start talking, it was negative.

So your claim of his support is without any merit at all.
You posted the link.
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Trump is always misleading, but not so much as you are in this thread. As the radical left HuffingGlue confirms, withing the first week, Trump was opposing the invasion. He said little before the war, so it's true that his claim of vocal opposition is misleading. Still, when he DID start talking, it was negative.

So your claim of his support is without any merit at all.
Trump did not oppose the war a week after it began. Questioned at the Oscar awards he said it was being fought wrong and was a mess. He said nothing to indicate he was opposed to the war. That didn't happen until 16 months later. You just won't admit that Trump lied during the debates and speeches about his position before the war began

If hillary had said that you would consider if iron bound PROOF that she was completely opposed to the war.

And you are planning on voting for her, aren't you?
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Trump is always misleading, but not so much as you are in this thread. As the radical left HuffingGlue confirms, withing the first week, Trump was opposing the invasion. He said little before the war, so it's true that his claim of vocal opposition is misleading. Still, when he DID start talking, it was negative.

So your claim of his support is without any merit at all.
Trump did not oppose the war a week after it began. Questioned at the Oscar awards he said it was being fought wrong and was a mess. He said nothing to indicate he was opposed to the war. That didn't happen until 16 months later. You just won't admit that Trump lied during the debates and speeches about his position before the war began

Reading comprehension is a valuable skill....

{There’s some evidence Trump wasn’t happy with the war effort early on. About a week after the March 19, 2003 invasion, he described the war as a “mess” when The Washington Post approached him at an Oscar after-party. }
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Trump is always misleading, but not so much as you are in this thread. As the radical left HuffingGlue confirms, withing the first week, Trump was opposing the invasion. He said little before the war, so it's true that his claim of vocal opposition is misleading. Still, when he DID start talking, it was negative.

So your claim of his support is without any merit at all.
Trump did not oppose the war a week after it began. Questioned at the Oscar awards he said it was being fought wrong and was a mess. He said nothing to indicate he was opposed to the war. That didn't happen until 16 months later. You just won't admit that Trump lied during the debates and speeches about his position before the war began

Reading comprehension is a valuable skill....

{There’s some evidence Trump wasn’t happy with the war effort early on. About a week after the March 19, 2003 invasion, he described the war as a “mess” when The Washington Post approached him at an Oscar after-party. }

And this is while he was a private citizen who was obviously not really involved or following the war.

While Hillary was in the Senate and her constitutional responsibility was to declare or NOT declare war.
If hillary had said that you would consider if iron bound PROOF that she was completely opposed to the war.

And you are planning on voting for her, aren't you?

The question for the left is never whether they plan to vote for Hillary, but how many times they plan to vote for her.

It is shocking, even for someone with as low an opinion of libs as I have, to see them, after so long whinging about the war, siding with the Pro-iraqi war candidate vs the anti-war candidate.

The COld War is over. Time for some serious disentanglement for foreign wars.
You posted the link.

Bummer you failed to click on it and read it.
Not only did I read it, I checked out the linked Oscar article and read the exact quote in full and in context. He was being critical in regards to how the conduct of the war was going and said nothing to indicate his opposition to the war. The article gives no indication as to what he meant by the war being a mess.
Your link is an article published after the war and confirms Trump's misleading, if not outright lying about his position. That is, in fact, the focus of the article. Trump has continuously used his comments against the war to comments he made long after the war had been started and to coincide with many others who criticised the war when it became apparent the war was turning into a quagmire. The problem is, he misleadingly indicated those were his thoughts before the war began.
Read the link you provided. You still haven't learned to check your links before you post them. What did you think that article was about?

Trump is always misleading, but not so much as you are in this thread. As the radical left HuffingGlue confirms, withing the first week, Trump was opposing the invasion. He said little before the war, so it's true that his claim of vocal opposition is misleading. Still, when he DID start talking, it was negative.

So your claim of his support is without any merit at all.
Trump did not oppose the war a week after it began. Questioned at the Oscar awards he said it was being fought wrong and was a mess. He said nothing to indicate he was opposed to the war. That didn't happen until 16 months later. You just won't admit that Trump lied during the debates and speeches about his position before the war began

Reading comprehension is a valuable skill....

{There’s some evidence Trump wasn’t happy with the war effort early on. About a week after the March 19, 2003 invasion, he described the war as a “mess” when The Washington Post approached him at an Oscar after-party. }

And this is while he was a private citizen who was obviously not really involved or following the war.

While Hillary was in the Senate and her constitutional responsibility was to declare or NOT declare war.
The issue is he claimed to have been publicly opposed to the war before it began. He stated that repeatedly, including during a national debate. No evidence was found to support his claim. Later, a recording of an interview on the Howard Stern show proved he, in fact, gave tacit approval of the war before it began. So, he got caught lying and the link provided by Uncensored confirms and explains.
Trump reminds us of a very ugly period in US history.

Trump's America First has ugly echoes from U.S. history -

It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals, Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.
America First is not a noxious slogan.....
Unless you're an enemy of America....or from a foreign country. And I'm sure they think the same thing about their countries as Trump thinks of ours.

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