Trump's America....Puerto Rican Woman Harassed, Cop Does Nothing

Ah, the Trumanzees weigh in. And I doubt any of them even watched the video.
It's gone viral, of course. An angry old white man getting in the girl's face and telling her that her t-shirt should be illegal, that Puerto Ricans are foreigners.
The IQ of Trump in full glory.
I'm sure if he had a roll of paper towels handy he would have thrown it at her.
The old white man cop does nothing. Of course.
Welcome to Trump World.
And remind me how you complained when the guy threw a drink on a Teenager and got in his face then stole from him?
So you are saying what that guy did was right because someone else did something else?
No stupid I am saying it is hypocritical to complain about this while cheering others attacking people you disagree with.
The post was about a woman obviously being harrassed, and the right wing emergency response team can't come up with anything better than bringing up past incidences of when a lefty did something to a right winger. Kinda like when little kids get in trouble and say something like "but billy did it too, mommie"......

The officer is under investigation and been put to a desk job and the drunk was arrested................YAWN.
Remind me how you complained when Conservatives are getting attacked?
Right in their faces? Sure, show us.
I guess you missed the teenager that was in the news recently, right dumb ass?
And tell us...what happened?
Are you SERIOUS? A lefty adult 30 year old threw a soda in a 16 year olds face, then took his MAGA hat and bitched him out then left. It has been in the news for about a week, are you stupid or something?
If the police can't do anything about those confronted in restaurants and bookstores, they sure as hell can't do anything about this.

What did Maxine Waters say, confront them in shopping centers, gas stations, everyplace they are found.

Well Maxie didn't you think your advice would be taken?
I find it interesting/telling that the woman wants the guy arrested for nothing more than making her uncomfortable.

Where is/was this sentiment for folks attending Trump rallies? For kids in restaurants wearing MAGA hats? For administration workers in Mexican restaurants? For conservative speakers on campuses? Etc.
Ah, the Trumanzees weigh in. And I doubt any of them even watched the video.
It's gone viral, of course. An angry old white man getting in the girl's face and telling her that her t-shirt should be illegal, that Puerto Ricans are foreigners.
The IQ of Trump in full glory.
I'm sure if he had a roll of paper towels handy he would have thrown it at her.
The old white man cop does nothing. Of course.
Welcome to Trump World.
---------------------------- feck her , that is all !!
Welcome to Trump's America.
Trumpanzees must be so fucking proud.

Oh please. This jacked off woman (naturally standing there with fucking camera in hand) is bitching about Puerto Rico (the point being that she is entitled to something, they all want a hand out from us) trying to start something and a guy comes up to engage her in simple dialog in a PUBLIC PARK that he has every right to be there and you and her expect the police to intervene because the bitch doesn't "feel comfortable?"

Please Sir, you are invading my space! I don't feel comfortable! I rented this spot (with no one else there but her).

Go back in your fucking house. You fucking snowflakes are not ready for the world. News Flash: the world is not going to change for YOU to "feel comfortable." This isn't anything to do with Trump, it's called the REAL WORLD. You assholes make me feel uncomfortable ALL THE TIME and I don't go whining to anyone about it. GROW A PAIR.
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Ah, the Trumanzees weigh in. And I doubt any of them even watched the video.
It's gone viral, of course. An angry old white man getting in the girl's face and telling her that her t-shirt should be illegal, that Puerto Ricans are foreigners.
The IQ of Trump in full glory.
I'm sure if he had a roll of paper towels handy he would have thrown it at her.
The old white man cop does nothing. Of course.
Welcome to Trump World.


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