Trump’s approval rating is still in a record-breaking free fall

About 48 percent of those surveyed said they viewed the president’s performance unfavorably, compared to 44 percent who approved of Trump’s first 100 days thus far.
If those numbers are to be believed, and the numbers posted by someone here last week are to be believed, trumps approval rating went up 9 points in that time
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I love watching the Trumpies in deep denial over their fuhrer's sinking poll numbers AND the reasons why.
President Donald Trump was well on his way this week to cementing a presidential record for the least-approved first 100 days in American history.

A poll released Sunday night by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal indicated Trump was continuing to face the lowest approval ratings for any incoming president in recent years, with the majority of Americans disapproving of Trump's first few weeks on the job. About 48 percent of those surveyed said they viewed the president’s performance unfavorably, compared to 44 percent who approved of Trump’s first 100 days thus far.

The joint survey was conducted from Feb. 18-22 and surveyed 1,000 Americans across the United States. But its results weren't out of the ordinary: Trump’s approval ratings have continued to sink to new lows amid ongoing investigations into his presidential campaign's ties to Russian government operatives, as well as his continued Twitter spats with everyone from Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-V.t, to the national intelligence community's FBI and CIA.
44% isn't a free fall.
Here's another reason why he's sinking in the polls.
The joint survey was conducted from Feb. 18-22 and surveyed 1,000 Americans across the United States
I believe over 62 MILLION PEOPLE voted...
1000 Americans across the U.S.....

Let's see...50 states, 1000 people surveyed...

moron doesn't know how surveys work.
How funny is that !
moron doesn't know how surveys work.
How funny is that !
ROFLMMFAO..yeah, ok, 1000 people
across 50 states is a legitimate survey all right!

If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd fart!
The RWnuts denied the Bush polls too.
Actually when Bush had his highest ratings the wingers believed every one of them. But when things begin to go south, they don't believe anything.

They all started quoting Rasmussen, which was giving Bush an approval 5 points higher than the poll averages,

sound familiar?
Bush was reelected...they may seem just as familiar to you some day too.

Bush's approval numbers fell to where Trump's are AFTER the 2004 election. He was around Trump's numbers in 2006,

when the Democrats took back the House and Senate.
You HATE this guy is already loathed in this country and all over the world don't you.
And just think it's only going to get worse.
I hate incoherent sentences as much as you hate butt hurt.

And no, I don't hate Trump. I voted for him and likely will again.
Use your heads, people. Why would Trump have high approval ratings?

He got 44% of the vote, you know, in the only poll that matters, lol...

He hasn't done anything since being elected that would make anyone other than his base happy.
People in 50 states, 32 countries and even Antarctica protested against the toxic president the DAY after the Inauguration and the Trumpies can't / won't believe his history breaking low ratings.
You can't make this shit up.
President Donald Trump was well on his way this week to cementing a presidential record for the least-approved first 100 days in American history.

A poll released Sunday night by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal indicated Trump was continuing to face the lowest approval ratings for any incoming president in recent years, with the majority of Americans disapproving of Trump's first few weeks on the job. About 48 percent of those surveyed said they viewed the president’s performance unfavorably, compared to 44 percent who approved of Trump’s first 100 days thus far.

The joint survey was conducted from Feb. 18-22 and surveyed 1,000 Americans across the United States. But its results weren't out of the ordinary: Trump’s approval ratings have continued to sink to new lows amid ongoing investigations into his presidential campaign's ties to Russian government operatives, as well as his continued Twitter spats with everyone from Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-V.t, to the national intelligence community's FBI and CIA.
44% isn't a free fall.
Thank you. His numbers are historically low for a first term potus, but that's because he didn't have a maj to begin with. A better comparision would be where are his numbers 12 mos from now.
I love watching the Trumpies in deep denial over their fuhrer's sinking poll numbers AND the reasons why.
So you're enjoying this.

I voted against Trump, and I'm not enjoying it. I'd rather have a popular President, even if it means I was wrong. I'd rather he were at 80%.

Ideology over country is causing America great harm.
Big deal. Hillary's the president. We know this cause polls told us so.
I know how hard it is for you to deal with Trumps failure. You expected so much from him, but all you got are lies

LOL; you Soros soldiers are such fucking retards;

{The latest NBC/WSJ national survey should give The Resistance and their elite media cheerleaders some pause as they evaluate their collective posture toward the new administration. It probably won't, but it should. In the poll, a majority (51 percent) says that since the election, the media has been too critical of Trump, with just six percent demanding tougher coverage of him. Only four-in-ten Americans believe the media has treated him in a fair and objective manner overall. Further, 53 percent agree with the following statement: "The news media and other elites are exaggerating the problems with the Trump administration because they are uncomfortable and threatened with the kind of change that Trump represents." Forty-five percent disagree. This is evidence of a gaping disconnect.

The president's approval rating is slightly underwater (44/48), a figure that is leavened by fairly widespread optimism about the future of the country and US economy. Sixty percent say they're "hopeful and optimistic" about America, with 40 percent calling themselves "worried and pessimistic." By a similar 20-point margin, more Americans say they expect the economy to improve over the next year, with only one-in-five expecting it to worsen. In certain circles, it's taken for granted that the sky is falling, but that sentiment simply hasn't taken root among most Americans. Liberal Bubble-dwellers believe the nation has galvanized against Trump, with pervasive buyers' remorse setting in; this data punctures that illusion. As for favorability, despite all the news coverage painting Trump as a train wreck, Republicans as craven enablers, and Democrats as righteous opponents, Trump and his allies are in much better shape than the Democratic Party:}

NBC/WSJ Poll: As Media Endlessly Freaks Out Over Trump, Democrats Are MUCH Less Popular

he had the opportunity to actually govern. instead he's continued on the never ending campaign tour and only talking to the "faithful".

so he's going to keep losing people who actually were duped into thinking he was going to be any different.

He IS governing, Fakelawyer - that's what has you Fascists throwing fits. He was supposed to knuckle under like Dubya, but instead he is doing what he said he would.

The RWnuts denied the Bush polls too.
Actually when Bush had his highest ratings the wingers believed every one of them. But when things begin to go south, they don't believe anything.

They all started quoting Rasmussen, which was giving Bush an approval 5 points higher than the poll averages,

sound familiar?
Bush was reelected...they may seem just as familiar to you some day too.

Bush's approval numbers fell to where Trump's are AFTER the 2004 election. He was around Trump's numbers in 2006,

when the Democrats took back the House and Senate.
The stats have been published where it took Bush and Obama many many months to get to the low ratings Trump accomplished after the first few weeks. I'm sure you saw them but quickly discounted it like a true deplorable.
I love watching the Trumpies in deep denial over their fuhrer's sinking poll numbers AND the reasons why.
So you're enjoying this.

I voted against Trump, and I'm not enjoying it. I'd rather have a popular President, even if it means I was wrong. I'd rather he were at 80%.

Ideology over country is causing America great harm.
When a president permits polluting our streams and rivers, guts the endangered species act, makes the free press an enemy where they're the only safeguard between a free republic and tyranny... the only logical American thing to do is hope he fails and work mightily against him.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.
Thomas Jefferson

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