Trumps approval rating jumps 10 points

Because Americans for the most part are persuaded by fancy speechs. Also the fact many of them are lazy to fact check the lies Trump and Republicans put out daily.
it's the MSM that does that--this is undeniable
Rassmusen now has him at 49%.

Friday, February 02, 2018

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows President Trump making substantial gains after Tuesday’s State of the Union speech, and achieving his highest voter approval since March 7, 2017.

Forty-nine (49%) of Likely U.S. Voters approve of the president's job performance. Another 49% disapprove.

The latest figures include 35% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -3. (see trends).

These findings include the first two full nights of surveying following Tuesday’s speech.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
Obama had an average over his eight years of 47.9%, so I guess you could say he was 'underwater' for his entire two terms.
And Trump’s average is roughly 10 points lower than Obama’s.

Trump Job Approval

Great point you made there.

I never said Trump's average is higher or lower than Obama's. I'm simply noting that Trump's approval rating has been in an upswing.
I didn’t say you said that — I said that’s the point you made. No one accused you of making it wittingly.

But as you pointed out, Obama’s JAR averaged at about 48% according to Gallup.

Which is about 10 points higher than Trump’s average JAR according to Gallup. Trump has the lowest average JAR in Gallup’s history and they’ve been reporting that going back some 70 or 80 years now. :ack-1:
Obama had an average over his eight years of 47.9%, so I guess you could say he was 'underwater' for his entire two terms.

he was 20 points higher than trump at the end of his first year, so i guess you could say trump sucks.
No one has ever sucked worse than Trump for their first year in office. And with good economic conditions, no less. Clearly an indication that many Americans credit Obama for that more than they do Trump.
Rassmusen now has him at 49%.

Friday, February 02, 2018

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows President Trump making substantial gains after Tuesday’s State of the Union speech, and achieving his highest voter approval since March 7, 2017.

Forty-nine (49%) of Likely U.S. Voters approve of the president's job performance. Another 49% disapprove.

The latest figures include 35% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -3. (see trends).

These findings include the first two full nights of surveying following Tuesday’s speech.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
Likely voters means not all adults. Aside from trying to predict elections, that is less accurate than polling everyone. When polling everyone, trump’s JAR still ranges between 38% and 41%.
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

President Trump’s job approval rating has spiked 10 points over the last month and Republicans have erased a double-digit deficit in the generic ballot for the House, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Monmouth University, finds that 42 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, against 50 percent who say they disapprove. The same poll from December found Trump’s job approval at 32 percent, against 56 percent who said they disapproved.

The 32 percent approval rating Trump logged in the December survey was the lowest for any major poll since Trump was elected. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Trump is at 40.4 percent approval and 56.3 percent disapproval.

Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

Wait, I thought all the bad approval ratings were fake news.

So, if his approval rating has risen 10 points from "fake news", does this mean anything?

I haven't been one of those individuals that have claimed Trump's polling #'s are "fake news".

That's nice.

However you're wrong about it being 10 points up. It's 4 points up.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

From the 1st Feb to the 2nd of Feb it jumped 4 points from 45% to 49%.

You'd have to go to the 1st August to find Rasmussen getting him below 40%.

Trump was always further ahead with Rasmussen and Obama was always behind with Rasmussen compared to others. It's because they poll differently.
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

President Trump’s job approval rating has spiked 10 points over the last month and Republicans have erased a double-digit deficit in the generic ballot for the House, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Monmouth University, finds that 42 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, against 50 percent who say they disapprove. The same poll from December found Trump’s job approval at 32 percent, against 56 percent who said they disapproved.

The 32 percent approval rating Trump logged in the December survey was the lowest for any major poll since Trump was elected. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Trump is at 40.4 percent approval and 56.3 percent disapproval.

Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

Wait, I thought all the bad approval ratings were fake news.

So, if his approval rating has risen 10 points from "fake news", does this mean anything?

I haven't been one of those individuals that have claimed Trump's polling #'s are "fake news".

That's nice.

However you're wrong about it being 10 points up. It's 4 points up.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

From the 1st Feb to the 2nd of Feb it jumped 4 points from 45% to 49%.

You'd have to go to the 1st August to find Rasmussen getting him below 40%.

Trump was always further ahead with Rasmussen and Obama was always behind with Rasmussen compared to others. It's because they poll differently.

The article from my OP say's 10 points, so take it up with them.
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

President Trump’s job approval rating has spiked 10 points over the last month and Republicans have erased a double-digit deficit in the generic ballot for the House, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Monmouth University, finds that 42 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, against 50 percent who say they disapprove. The same poll from December found Trump’s job approval at 32 percent, against 56 percent who said they disapproved.

The 32 percent approval rating Trump logged in the December survey was the lowest for any major poll since Trump was elected. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Trump is at 40.4 percent approval and 56.3 percent disapproval.

Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

Wait, I thought all the bad approval ratings were fake news.

So, if his approval rating has risen 10 points from "fake news", does this mean anything?

I haven't been one of those individuals that have claimed Trump's polling #'s are "fake news".

That's nice.

However you're wrong about it being 10 points up. It's 4 points up.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

From the 1st Feb to the 2nd of Feb it jumped 4 points from 45% to 49%.

You'd have to go to the 1st August to find Rasmussen getting him below 40%.

Trump was always further ahead with Rasmussen and Obama was always behind with Rasmussen compared to others. It's because they poll differently.

The article from my OP say's 10 points, so take it up with them.

Well you posted the article and used it to make your own argument.

Why didn't you know what you were posting was correct or not?
Outlier alert - I trust only the poll averages .. he's up 1.6 points since last week

And this includes Robo-Rasmussen

RCP Average 1/13 - 1/31 -- 41.5 54.5 -13.0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

Wait, I thought all the bad approval ratings were fake news.

So, if his approval rating has risen 10 points from "fake news", does this mean anything?

I haven't been one of those individuals that have claimed Trump's polling #'s are "fake news".

That's nice.

However you're wrong about it being 10 points up. It's 4 points up.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®

From the 1st Feb to the 2nd of Feb it jumped 4 points from 45% to 49%.

You'd have to go to the 1st August to find Rasmussen getting him below 40%.

Trump was always further ahead with Rasmussen and Obama was always behind with Rasmussen compared to others. It's because they poll differently.

The article from my OP say's 10 points, so take it up with them.

Well you posted the article and used it to make your own argument.

Why didn't you know what you were posting was correct or not?

What is it about this you don't understand ?

The survey, conducted by Monmouth University, finds that 42 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, against 50 percent who say they disapprove. The same poll from December found Trump’s job approval at 32 percent, against 56 percent who said they disapproved.
The reason that Democrats sitting in the audience at Trump's SOTU address looked absolutely FURIOUS is that it's slowly dawning on them that Trump's policies are growing the economy and that they don't have a snowball's chance in hell of taking back Congress if everyone is making more money than they were under Barry!

guy, if you are going to stake your whole wad on "The Economy is good", you are going to have a real problem.

We are already overdue for a recession. Tax cuts for rich people never help that.

Trump inherited a good economy from Obama. He just hasn't fucked it up, yet.

Don't worry, he will. Then we can put the "Trump President" next to all the other failures with the word Trump in front of them.

Let's be honest here, Kiddies! For liberals in this country...they will always LOATH Trump because he beat Hillary...the "anointed" successor to Barack Obama no matter what he matter how successful he is and polls will reflect that just as they always loved Barry no matter what he did!

Well, no, we despise Trump because he's a racist, homophobic, misogynistic piece of shit with a mental illness who got in despite the will of the people rejecting him.

Tax cuts cause recessions? Since when? Kindly cite when that's EVER taken place!
Outlier alert - I trust only the poll averages .. he's up 1.6 points since last week

And this includes Robo-Rasmussen

RCP Average 1/13 - 1/31 -- 41.5 54.5 -13.0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Outlier alert - I trust only the poll averages .. he's up 1.6 points since last week

And this includes Robo-Rasmussen

RCP Average 1/13 - 1/31 -- 41.5 54.5 -13.0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1
Outlier alert - I trust only the poll averages .. he's up 1.6 points since last week

And this includes Robo-Rasmussen

RCP Average 1/13 - 1/31 -- 41.5 54.5 -13.0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

They have VERY short memories. I posted a few links recently proving that cons went after Michelle as hard or harder (racist shit) as they progs have Melania.

After that? - Skedaddle or super-dumb, off-topic responses. Addressing facts is difficult for them.
Outlier alert - I trust only the poll averages .. he's up 1.6 points since last week

And this includes Robo-Rasmussen

RCP Average 1/13 - 1/31 -- 41.5 54.5 -13.0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

So you're REALLY going to come here and claim that Republicans attacked Barack Obama like Democrats have attacked Donald Trump from day you claim that "I'm" a liar because I pointed out that wasn't the case?

Liberals like you have used the same talking point...that it was the GOP somehow using their minority status that kept poor Barry from accomplishing what he wanted to do...when a unbiased look at what happened makes it crystal clear that in the beginning Obama couldn't get moderate Democrats to go along with the far left aspects of his agenda and then the American people sent a loud and clear message in the first mid term that THEY were not happy with the direction Barack Obama had let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid take the country!

Barack Obama worked with large majorities in the House and the Senate something that Donald Trump does not have the luxury of having. Despite that...and despite rabid opposition from the left (Maxine Watters rant shows how unhinged they are over Trump beating Hillary!) Trump is slowly but surely ticking off the parts of his platform that he ran on and the economy keeps getting stronger and stronger! He's doing the things that got him elected.

You folks on the left are in deep trouble, simply hasn't sunk in yet!
Outlier alert - I trust only the poll averages .. he's up 1.6 points since last week

And this includes Robo-Rasmussen

RCP Average 1/13 - 1/31 -- 41.5 54.5 -13.0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

They have VERY short memories. I posted a few links recently proving that cons went after Michelle as hard or harder (racist shit) as they progs have Melania.

After that? - Skedaddle or super-dumb, off-topic responses. Addressing facts is difficult for them.

Oh really? They were calling Michelle a porn star? They accused Barry of wanting to sleep with his daughters? The things that you on the left have tried to smear the Trumps with is unprecedented!

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