Trumps approval rating jumps 10 points

All along you on the left used racist attacks by a handful of people to brand the entire conservative movement as racist! There would be a 5,000 person Tea Party rally and the only thing the main stream media would cover was the one idiot holding a sign showing the Obama's as "chimps" or the one idiot holding a sign showing Barry as a "witch doctor". It was your way to keep a certain demographic turning out for Obama even though he was doing NOTHING for them! The sad fact is that Donald Trump's POLICIES are better for blacks in America than the policies of the first black President of America's policies were!
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

They have VERY short memories. I posted a few links recently proving that cons went after Michelle as hard or harder (racist shit) as they progs have Melania.

After that? - Skedaddle or super-dumb, off-topic responses. Addressing facts is difficult for them.

Oh really? They were calling Michelle a porn star? They accused Barry of wanting to sleep with his daughters? The things that you on the left have tried to smear the Trumps with is unprecedented!

Pure Nonsense .. The personal attacks against the Trumps are different and less racist is all. And much of it is totally deserved based on Donald's behavior.

Funny, y'alls can dish it but ya can't take it.
Outlier alert - I trust only the poll averages .. he's up 1.6 points since last week

And this includes Robo-Rasmussen

RCP Average 1/13 - 1/31 -- 41.5 54.5 -13.0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

So you're REALLY going to come here and claim that Republicans attacked Barack Obama like Democrats have attacked Donald Trump from day you claim that "I'm" a liar because I pointed out that wasn't the case?

Liberals like you have used the same talking point...that it was the GOP somehow using their minority status that kept poor Barry from accomplishing what he wanted to do...when a unbiased look at what happened makes it crystal clear that in the beginning Obama couldn't get moderate Democrats to go along with the far left aspects of his agenda and then the American people sent a loud and clear message in the first mid term that THEY were not happy with the direction Barack Obama had let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid take the country!

Barack Obama worked with large majorities in the House and the Senate something that Donald Trump does not have the luxury of having. Despite that...and despite rabid opposition from the left (Maxine Watters rant shows how unhinged they are over Trump beating Hillary!) Trump is slowly but surely ticking off the parts of his platform that he ran on and the economy keeps getting stronger and stronger! He's doing the things that got him elected.

You folks on the left are in deep trouble, simply hasn't sunk in yet!
Because that was the case and you’re lying when you deny it. From Inauguration Day, Republicans had made a pact to block all legislation Obama would try to get passed. Without even knowing what it was he was trying to pass.

And by trouble, you mean Dems have won almost every election since during the previous year and have a chance this year of taking back one, if not both, chambers in the Congress.
All the polls released after the SOTU show improvement.
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

They have VERY short memories. I posted a few links recently proving that cons went after Michelle as hard or harder (racist shit) as they progs have Melania.

After that? - Skedaddle or super-dumb, off-topic responses. Addressing facts is difficult for them.

Oh really? They were calling Michelle a porn star? They accused Barry of wanting to sleep with his daughters? The things that you on the left have tried to smear the Trumps with is unprecedented!
Your side was calling Michelle Obama a man, an ape, a tranny. Just how fucking crazy are you, gramps?
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

President Trump’s job approval rating has spiked 10 points over the last month and Republicans have erased a double-digit deficit in the generic ballot for the House, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Monmouth University, finds that 42 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, against 50 percent who say they disapprove. The same poll from December found Trump’s job approval at 32 percent, against 56 percent who said they disapproved.

The 32 percent approval rating Trump logged in the December survey was the lowest for any major poll since Trump was elected. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Trump is at 40.4 percent approval and 56.3 percent disapproval.

Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

We all know these polls are slanted heavily against Trump and the Democrats ought to be very worried now that if they can't keep his official polling numbers well below 40%, what does that say for his REAL popularity and their chances next time at the elections? Just remember what all the polls showed right before he went on to win the national election. And Donny marches on!
His real popularity is at around 120%, but the MSM will never report that.
Heartening news this morning:

Republicans are feeling better about their prospects in the midterm elections, buoyed by recent polls that show their numbers improving.

Polls swing toward GOP, easing fears of midterm disaster
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

President Trump’s job approval rating has spiked 10 points over the last month and Republicans have erased a double-digit deficit in the generic ballot for the House, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Monmouth University, finds that 42 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, against 50 percent who say they disapprove. The same poll from December found Trump’s job approval at 32 percent, against 56 percent who said they disapproved.

The 32 percent approval rating Trump logged in the December survey was the lowest for any major poll since Trump was elected. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Trump is at 40.4 percent approval and 56.3 percent disapproval.

Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

We all know these polls are slanted heavily against Trump and the Democrats ought to be very worried now that if they can't keep his official polling numbers well below 40%, what does that say for his REAL popularity and their chances next time at the elections? Just remember what all the polls showed right before he went on to win the national election. And Donny marches on!
His real popularity is at around 120%, but the MSM will never report that.
Heartening news this morning:

Republicans are feeling better about their prospects in the midterm elections, buoyed by recent polls that show their numbers improving.

Polls swing toward GOP, easing fears of midterm disaster
Time will tell. The opposition party of the president almost always does better in the midterms. And while Trump's numbers have come up since averaging in the mid-30's, they're still in the low 40's.

Obama's average at this point was around 50% and his opposition party won big.

Bush's average at this point was around 70% and his party won narrowly.

Clinton's average at this point was around 50% and his opposition party won big.

Bush Sr.'s JAR at this point was 80% and his opposition party won narrowly.

Reagan's JAR at this point was 49% and his opposition party won big in the House but lost 2 seats in the Senate.

Carter.'s JAR at this point was 55% and his opposition party won.
You folks on the left are in deep trouble, simply hasn't sunk in yet!

Okay, get real, buddy.

The reality is, the Dems will do very well in the midterms. there simply aren't enough angry old white guys to sustain your movement forever.

The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!
Last edited:
Well yes, only about 55% of the American people think that he is a stinking asshole of a traitor. About 17% think that he is stupid beyond redemption, but is President. And about 35% kiss his ass on a daily basis.

Come on liberals...admit it...the difference between Obama and Trump is that conservatives were willing to give Barry a chance when he was elected President...they didn't turn on him until he started cramming ObamaCare down their throats! You liberals have been foaming at the mouth over Trump beating Hillary since the night of the election. You loath him and it's obvious that won't change NO MATTER WHAT TRUMP DOES!!! So why even waste our time with "polls"?
Do you ever stop lying, ya lyin’ con tool?


Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1

They have VERY short memories. I posted a few links recently proving that cons went after Michelle as hard or harder (racist shit) as they progs have Melania.

After that? - Skedaddle or super-dumb, off-topic responses. Addressing facts is difficult for them.

Oh really? They were calling Michelle a porn star? They accused Barry of wanting to sleep with his daughters? The things that you on the left have tried to smear the Trumps with is unprecedented!
Your side was calling Michelle Obama a man, an ape, a tranny. Just how fucking crazy are you, gramps?

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that. The vast majority of Republicans however did not! Contrast that with the levels of sheer hatred displayed by Democrats towards Trump...not only by the rank and file liberals but by the main stream media and members of Congress.

The sheer volume of attacks on Trump have been so over the top that even people like Jimmy Carter have commented on the absurdity and unfairness of it all!
Jimmy Carter: Media 'harder' on Trump than other presidents
The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

Uh, guy, the people got more money from Obama's tax cut in the stimulus than they will from Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Didn't help him in the 2010 midterms.

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!

Again, you guys keep pinning Trump's fate to an economy he had nothing to do with. What's going to happen when the economy goes south. Dow dropped 666 points on Friday. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim it's Obama's fault, but no one is going to buy that.

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that.

Funny, never saw you call out your fellow Right Wingers when they did that or compared her to Chewbacca.
The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

Uh, guy, the people got more money from Obama's tax cut in the stimulus than they will from Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Didn't help him in the 2010 midterms.

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!

Again, you guys keep pinning Trump's fate to an economy he had nothing to do with. What's going to happen when the economy goes south. Dow dropped 666 points on Friday. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim it's Obama's fault, but no one is going to buy that.

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that.

Funny, never saw you call out your fellow Right Wingers when they did that or compared her to Chewbacca.

"Obama's tax cut" was an extension of the Bush tax cut.
The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

Uh, guy, the people got more money from Obama's tax cut in the stimulus than they will from Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Didn't help him in the 2010 midterms.

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!

Again, you guys keep pinning Trump's fate to an economy he had nothing to do with. What's going to happen when the economy goes south. Dow dropped 666 points on Friday. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim it's Obama's fault, but no one is going to buy that.

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that.

Funny, never saw you call out your fellow Right Wingers when they did that or compared her to Chewbacca.

"Obama's tax cut" was an extension of the Bush tax cut.
It was indeed and combined with the 2 wars started and put on the credit card it ballooned the debt. From the CBO.The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

Uh, guy, the people got more money from Obama's tax cut in the stimulus than they will from Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Didn't help him in the 2010 midterms.

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!

Again, you guys keep pinning Trump's fate to an economy he had nothing to do with. What's going to happen when the economy goes south. Dow dropped 666 points on Friday. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim it's Obama's fault, but no one is going to buy that.

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that.

Funny, never saw you call out your fellow Right Wingers when they did that or compared her to Chewbacca.

Calling someone an "idiot" is calling them out. What I was doing THEN...and what I continue to do NOW is simply point out the blatant bias when you have a rally that has 5 thousand people at it yet the only coverage of the event by the main stream media is of the one "idiot" who's holding an offensive sign! Where was coverage of the other 4,999 people? The ones who protested peacefully? The ones who didn't block streets? The ones who didn't break windows? The ones who didn't hide their faces behind masks? Why weren't THEIR concerns newsworthy? Because the liberal media DECIDED it wasn't?

Then you and that liberal media were somehow "shocked" when Democrats got voted out of office in droves in 2010? That Hillary wasn't elected President? Bottom line is this, Joey...when you put out propaganda that the people no longer no longer has power. The main stream media has lost it's power to convince because it's become SO biased. They're no longer trusted.
The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

Uh, guy, the people got more money from Obama's tax cut in the stimulus than they will from Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Didn't help him in the 2010 midterms.

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!

Again, you guys keep pinning Trump's fate to an economy he had nothing to do with. What's going to happen when the economy goes south. Dow dropped 666 points on Friday. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim it's Obama's fault, but no one is going to buy that.

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that.

Funny, never saw you call out your fellow Right Wingers when they did that or compared her to Chewbacca.

Calling someone an "idiot" is calling them out. What I was doing THEN...and what I continue to do NOW is simply point out the blatant bias when you have a rally that has 5 thousand people at it yet the only coverage of the event by the main stream media is of the one "idiot" who's holding an offensive sign! Where was coverage of the other 4,999 people? The ones who protested peacefully? The ones who didn't block streets? The ones who didn't break windows? The ones who didn't hide their faces behind masks? Why weren't THEIR concerns newsworthy? Because the liberal media DECIDED it wasn't?

Then you and that liberal media were somehow "shocked" when Democrats got voted out of office in droves in 2010? That Hillary wasn't elected President? Bottom line is this, Joey...when you put out propaganda that the people no longer no longer has power. The main stream media has lost it's power to convince because it's become SO biased. They're no longer trusted.

Um.....Hillary won the popular vote. Trump was elected by the Electoral College. You can't make a 'the people believe' argument when the people voted for another candidate by almost 3 million votes.
The shills are worried to death. Just look at all the lying and hand wringing
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

President Trump Job Approval Monmouth Approve 44, Disapprove 48 Disapprove +4
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 41, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +12
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 44, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +9
Direction of Country Economist/YouGov Right Direction 39, Wrong Track 51 Wrong Track +12
Direction of Country Reuters/Ipsos Right Direction 35, Wrong Track 54 Wrong Track +19
Direction of Country Monmouth Right Direction 39, Wrong Track 55 Wrong Track +16

From the Real Clear Politics polls page summary of all of the major polls.
RealClearPolitics - 2018 Latest Polls
Hopefully this is a trend that continues as the economy improves.

January 31, 2018 - 01:00 PM EST
Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

President Trump’s job approval rating has spiked 10 points over the last month and Republicans have erased a double-digit deficit in the generic ballot for the House, according to a new poll.

The survey, conducted by Monmouth University, finds that 42 percent approve of the job Trump is doing, against 50 percent who say they disapprove. The same poll from December found Trump’s job approval at 32 percent, against 56 percent who said they disapproved.

The 32 percent approval rating Trump logged in the December survey was the lowest for any major poll since Trump was elected. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Trump is at 40.4 percent approval and 56.3 percent disapproval.

Monmouth Poll: Trump approval rating jumps 10 points

Those ratings are never correct

Ask President Hillary
The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

Uh, guy, the people got more money from Obama's tax cut in the stimulus than they will from Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Didn't help him in the 2010 midterms.

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!

Again, you guys keep pinning Trump's fate to an economy he had nothing to do with. What's going to happen when the economy goes south. Dow dropped 666 points on Friday. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim it's Obama's fault, but no one is going to buy that.

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that.

Funny, never saw you call out your fellow Right Wingers when they did that or compared her to Chewbacca.

Calling someone an "idiot" is calling them out. What I was doing THEN...and what I continue to do NOW is simply point out the blatant bias when you have a rally that has 5 thousand people at it yet the only coverage of the event by the main stream media is of the one "idiot" who's holding an offensive sign! Where was coverage of the other 4,999 people? The ones who protested peacefully? The ones who didn't block streets? The ones who didn't break windows? The ones who didn't hide their faces behind masks? Why weren't THEIR concerns newsworthy? Because the liberal media DECIDED it wasn't?

Then you and that liberal media were somehow "shocked" when Democrats got voted out of office in droves in 2010? That Hillary wasn't elected President? Bottom line is this, Joey...when you put out propaganda that the people no longer no longer has power. The main stream media has lost it's power to convince because it's become SO biased. They're no longer trusted.

Um.....Hillary won the popular vote. Trump was elected by the Electoral College. You can't make a 'the people believe' argument when the people voted for another candidate by almost 3 million votes.

Hillary lost the election. The election is decided by the Electoral college. I can make that argument all day long and twice on Sunday! As for how many votes Hillary "won" by? Who cares? Trump ran a race according to the rules and won handily. You on the left now want to change the rules after the fact. It's amusing to witness.
The problem that you libs are about to have is that people across the political spectrum are going to have more money in their their bank accounts and in their 401K's than they ever did when the Democrats were running things! People are NOT going to go into a voting booth and vote to change that!

Uh, guy, the people got more money from Obama's tax cut in the stimulus than they will from Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Didn't help him in the 2010 midterms.

James Carville put it simply and succinctly..."It's the economy, Stupid!" It was true when Bill Clinton was President and it's true now!

Again, you guys keep pinning Trump's fate to an economy he had nothing to do with. What's going to happen when the economy goes south. Dow dropped 666 points on Friday. I'm sure you'll find a way to claim it's Obama's fault, but no one is going to buy that.

A few idiots were calling Michelle Obama that.

Funny, never saw you call out your fellow Right Wingers when they did that or compared her to Chewbacca.

Calling someone an "idiot" is calling them out. What I was doing THEN...and what I continue to do NOW is simply point out the blatant bias when you have a rally that has 5 thousand people at it yet the only coverage of the event by the main stream media is of the one "idiot" who's holding an offensive sign! Where was coverage of the other 4,999 people? The ones who protested peacefully? The ones who didn't block streets? The ones who didn't break windows? The ones who didn't hide their faces behind masks? Why weren't THEIR concerns newsworthy? Because the liberal media DECIDED it wasn't?

Then you and that liberal media were somehow "shocked" when Democrats got voted out of office in droves in 2010? That Hillary wasn't elected President? Bottom line is this, Joey...when you put out propaganda that the people no longer no longer has power. The main stream media has lost it's power to convince because it's become SO biased. They're no longer trusted.

Um.....Hillary won the popular vote. Trump was elected by the Electoral College. You can't make a 'the people believe' argument when the people voted for another candidate by almost 3 million votes.

Hillary lost the election. The election is decided by the Electoral college. I can make that argument all day long and twice on Sunday! As for how many votes Hillary "won" by? Who cares? Trump ran a race according to the rules and won handily. You on the left now want to change the rules after the fact. It's amusing to witness.

She lost the electoral count. She won the popular vote. Again, you're arguing 'what the people believe'.

The people voted for Hillary by almost 3 million votes. It was the electoral college that elected Trump. A million more people voted for democratic candidates than for republican candidates in the House and Senate. So even there, you can't cite 'the people'. You can cite gerrymandering.

Your claims simple make no sense.

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