Trump’s Arguments About the Wall are Mostly Exaggerated or False


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
‘Democrats don’t want “open borders,” of course, but oppose the construction of the wall in part because it’s so central to Trump’s priorities. But the bigger reason Democrats oppose construction of the wall is that Trump’s arguments about what the wall will prevent are inflated or incorrect.


Consider the question of illegal immigration alone.

Last month, Pew Research Center released updated data about illegal immigration in the United States. Since the recession, the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country is estimated to have dropped slightly, thanks largely to a slowdown in immigrants from Mexico entering the country illegally. (Note that this is not the same as immigrants entering the country illegally from Mexico.) One result? Two-thirds of those living in the United States illegally have been here for at least a decade.

So who are the new arrivals? Are they mostly people crossing the southern border illegally? No. They are mostly people who arrive in the United States on legal visas who don’t leave when they are required to. As our Chris Ingraham wrote in June, a report from the Center for Migration Studies estimated that about two-thirds of those who join the undocumented population each year are people overstaying visas.’

Analysis | Trump’s arguments about the wall are mostly exaggerated or false

Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate will do little to stop undocumented immigrants entering the country; to oppose the ‘wall’ is perfectly appropriate and warranted.
‘Democrats don’t want “open borders,” of course, but oppose the construction of the wall in part because it’s so central to Trump’s priorities. ....

Controlling who and want enters a nation is the most basic function of good governance.

That liberals fight this, is supporting the ability of anyone to walk across the border, and then get citizenship.

If that is not an "Open Border" any difference must be limited to pure semantics.
LOL WAPO...good grief Jones, no wonder you're stupid as a stump

By the way chuckle head it's behind a pay wall
‘Democrats don’t want “open borders,” of course, but oppose the construction of the wall in part because it’s so central to Trump’s priorities. But the bigger reason Democrats oppose construction of the wall is that Trump’s arguments about what the wall will prevent are inflated or incorrect.
Democrats don't want open borders!
Of course they don't! Heaven forbid!:icon_rolleyes: They just don't want to do anything about our own border mess.
Consider the question of illegal immigration alone.

Last month, Pew Research Center released updated data about illegal immigration in the United States. Since the recession, the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country is estimated to have dropped slightly, thanks largely to a slowdown in immigrants from Mexico entering the country illegally. (Note that this is not the same as immigrants entering the country illegally from Mexico.) One result? Two-thirds of those living in the United States illegally have been here for at least a decade.

So who are the new arrivals? Are they mostly people crossing the southern border illegally? No. They are mostly people who arrive in the United States on legal visas who don’t leave when they are required to. As our Chris Ingraham wrote in June, a report from the Center for Migration Studies estimated that about two-thirds of those who join the undocumented population each year are people overstaying visas.’

Analysis | Trump’s arguments about the wall are mostly exaggerated or false

Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate will do little to stop undocumented immigrants entering the country; to oppose the ‘wall’ is perfectly appropriate and warranted.
Thank you Washington Compost..,
We can always depend on you to massage your "news" so it reflects the Pelosi/Schumer agenda.
We have narco gangs operating on the Southern border. Human traffickers. Drug runners. Felons and other criminals. And of course, illegal immigrants still streaming in. We didn't get millions of illegals living here due to legal visa holders simply not going home.
Five billion dollars is a rounding error when it comes to the US budget. Suppose the Compost is right (not that I think it is) and people just aren't sneaking over the border anymore. A turn in the economy could change that picture instantly.
Then what?

Increasing security on our border just makes good sense and it's foolish not to install deterrents, regardless of what
the forked tongue WaPo claims. There is a reason why 65 nations now have put up a wall of some sort or other barriers of their borders.
How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders | Daily Mail Online

This (this WaPo rubbish) is the sort of fodder that will make your roses grow and duplicitous leftists love to copy and print this swill.
‘Democrats don’t want “open borders,” of course, but oppose the construction of the wall in part because it’s so central to Trump’s priorities. But the bigger reason Democrats oppose construction of the wall is that Trump’s arguments about what the wall will prevent are inflated or incorrect.


Consider the question of illegal immigration alone.

Last month, Pew Research Center released updated data about illegal immigration in the United States. Since the recession, the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country is estimated to have dropped slightly, thanks largely to a slowdown in immigrants from Mexico entering the country illegally. (Note that this is not the same as immigrants entering the country illegally from Mexico.) One result? Two-thirds of those living in the United States illegally have been here for at least a decade.

So who are the new arrivals? Are they mostly people crossing the southern border illegally? No. They are mostly people who arrive in the United States on legal visas who don’t leave when they are required to. As our Chris Ingraham wrote in June, a report from the Center for Migration Studies estimated that about two-thirds of those who join the undocumented population each year are people overstaying visas.’

Analysis | Trump’s arguments about the wall are mostly exaggerated or false

Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate will do little to stop undocumented immigrants entering the country; to oppose the ‘wall’ is perfectly appropriate and warranted.
Why is it that liberals or so called Democrats don't want a wall? Why is it that they do not have enough of a heart or human compassion to try and stop the over 400 deaths each year by those attempting to cross the desert. Why is it that they only care about illegals after they are able to work for substandard wages? Would it not be more compassionate to care about them before they are working as slave labor?
‘Democrats don’t want “open borders,” of course, but oppose the construction of the wall in part because it’s so central to Trump’s priorities. But the bigger reason Democrats oppose construction of the wall is that Trump’s arguments about what the wall will prevent are inflated or incorrect.


Consider the question of illegal immigration alone.

Last month, Pew Research Center released updated data about illegal immigration in the United States. Since the recession, the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country is estimated to have dropped slightly, thanks largely to a slowdown in immigrants from Mexico entering the country illegally. (Note that this is not the same as immigrants entering the country illegally from Mexico.) One result? Two-thirds of those living in the United States illegally have been here for at least a decade.

So who are the new arrivals? Are they mostly people crossing the southern border illegally? No. They are mostly people who arrive in the United States on legal visas who don’t leave when they are required to. As our Chris Ingraham wrote in June, a report from the Center for Migration Studies estimated that about two-thirds of those who join the undocumented population each year are people overstaying visas.’

Analysis | Trump’s arguments about the wall are mostly exaggerated or false

Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate will do little to stop undocumented immigrants entering the country; to oppose the ‘wall’ is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

The Democrats are dishonest bigots.
They are not compassionate for the illegal aliens.
They don't actually care about cost of the wall.
They are greedy for power and money.
They need more poor uneducated anti-American voters.
Their goal is to displace Anglo Voters ASAP.
Three years ago, Trump promised that if he was elected, he would deport 12 million illegals in 2 years. It was pointed out to him that you can not arrest someone for being illegal without probable cause. He disagreed. He lied, and the illegals are still here.

Then he told the same supporters that Mexico would pay for the wall. Everyone knew that was a lie, but the same people voted for him anyway.

Then, he shut down the government, which is essentially the same thing as blackmailing his constituency, unless WE pay for the wall. At the same time, he is blaming the shutdown on the democrats, even though it is the republican controlled Senate that won't pass the House bill to pay for the wall. He is lying again, and his supporters are STILL supporting him.

To make matters worse, it has been an accepted fact that the majority of illegals here walked through the gate with a visa, and simply overstayed it, which has absolutely nothing to do with the absence of a wall.

We are dealing with people here who are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
Three years ago, Trump promised that if he was elected, he would deport 12 million illegals in 2 years. It was pointed out to him that you can not arrest someone for being illegal without probable cause. He disagreed. He lied, and the illegals are still here.

Then he told the same supporters that Mexico would pay for the wall. Everyone knew that was a lie, but the same people voted for him anyway.

Then, he shut down the government, which is essentially the same thing as blackmailing his constituency, unless WE pay for the wall. At the same time, he is blaming the shutdown on the democrats, even though it is the republican controlled Senate that won't pass the House bill to pay for the wall. He is lying again, and his supporters are STILL supporting him.

To make matters worse, it has been an accepted fact that the majority of illegals here walked through the gate with a visa, and simply overstayed it, which has absolutely nothing to do with the absence of a wall.

We are dealing with people here who are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
We are also dealing with democrats who make those not the sharpest knives look like razors.
‘Democrats don’t want “open borders,” of course, but oppose the construction of the wall in part because it’s so central to Trump’s priorities. But the bigger reason Democrats oppose construction of the wall is that Trump’s arguments about what the wall will prevent are inflated or incorrect.


Consider the question of illegal immigration alone.

Last month, Pew Research Center released updated data about illegal immigration in the United States. Since the recession, the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country is estimated to have dropped slightly, thanks largely to a slowdown in immigrants from Mexico entering the country illegally. (Note that this is not the same as immigrants entering the country illegally from Mexico.) One result? Two-thirds of those living in the United States illegally have been here for at least a decade.

So who are the new arrivals? Are they mostly people crossing the southern border illegally? No. They are mostly people who arrive in the United States on legal visas who don’t leave when they are required to. As our Chris Ingraham wrote in June, a report from the Center for Migration Studies estimated that about two-thirds of those who join the undocumented population each year are people overstaying visas.’

Analysis | Trump’s arguments about the wall are mostly exaggerated or false

Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate will do little to stop undocumented immigrants entering the country; to oppose the ‘wall’ is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

laughing-my-ass-off-smiley-emoticon.gif border wall schumer.jpg
Fear the brown people

Build big walls
Stupidity ^^^^

Brown people are murderers and rapists

Only Billion dollar walls can stop them
. Trump never said that. You are a fucking liar who can't debate honestly. Trump did indicate a wall would slow them down if not stop illegal entry. Tell me if those illegals came here and only voted RepublicN, how much money would Pelosi give Trump? Are you all in for this immigration now?
Three years ago, Trump promised that if he was elected, he would deport 12 million illegals in 2 years. It was pointed out to him that you can not arrest someone for being illegal without probable cause. He disagreed. He lied, and the illegals are still here.

Then he told the same supporters that Mexico would pay for the wall. Everyone knew that was a lie, but the same people voted for him anyway.

Then, he shut down the government, which is essentially the same thing as blackmailing his constituency, unless WE pay for the wall. At the same time, he is blaming the shutdown on the democrats, even though it is the republican controlled Senate that won't pass the House bill to pay for the wall. He is lying again, and his supporters are STILL supporting him.

To make matters worse, it has been an accepted fact that the majority of illegals here walked through the gate with a visa, and simply overstayed it, which has absolutely nothing to do with the absence of a wall.

We are dealing with people here who are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
Most of those visas still can’t speak English after being here for years and multi-lingual government services cost 10s of millions of dollars a year.
But you already knew that.
Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate will do little to stop undocumented immigrants entering the country; to oppose the ‘wall’ is perfectly appropriate and warranted.
Your link:

"'The number attempting to get across the Southern border is probably the lowest it’s been since at least the 1970s,' one demographer told Ingraham..."

"Government data suggest that in 2016 there were about 170,000 successful illegal border crossings outside of authorized border crossing points.

"That same year, the Department of Homeland Security estimates, 630,000 people overstayed visas.

"What’s more, those who cross the border illegally often quickly seek out law enforcement officials to make asylum claims."

Analysis | Trump’s arguments about the wall are mostly exaggerated or false

I suspect Trump knows his base will never turn on him as long as he continues his racist rants against migrants.

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