Trump's Arizona rally, Hunter smoking crack, and more

All Trump needed was a few months rest to get away from the four years of non-stop haranguing he went through to get his second wind.

Trump was hell on wheels in 2016. Now he has an entire term under his belt having run the country, watched over the world and seen the full gamut of evil and corruption that are the politicians in Washington.
The truth is his strength.
When you can get up there in front of tens of thousands of people and not have to lie to them that's a very powerful weapon.

TRUE Americans want the truth so bad, and we all share the same anger of our media lying to us on a Non-Stop basis.

The reason Biden fumbles and stumbles over his words is because decades of being a dishonest politician has turned his brain into scrambled eggs..... probably doesn't know what's true anymore.
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When he runs in 2024, the Left is going to absolutely lose their collective minds. They've tried EVERYTHING to remove him. They know they failed and unfortunately, their last move will be organized violence. Just like tantrum-throwing children.
We won't have a country left by 2024
The truth is his strength. When you can get up there in front of tens of thousands of people and not have to lie to them that's a very powerful weapon.
Of course it is because the TRUTH has an intuitive ring of honesty to it not seen in other politicians. And when you tell the truth, you never need crib notes, handlers, polls, or to remember what you said the last time.
The FBI died the day Vince Foster was killed
Did you know the mob was blackmailing J Edgar Hoover because he was gay and they had a video of him and his partner ? It's crazy.

They owned presidents too like Reagan and Nixon. That's why tricky Dick pardoned Jimmy Hoffa, and a lot of other crazy stuff.
Oh, I wasn't aware that BLM was about Trump. I thought it was about cops sitting on people's necks until they die.
"Cops' do not collectively sit on 'people's necks' that is a ridiculous, hysterical fairytale. The summer riots were a result of the Democrats, MSM and far left factions like BLM and ANTIFA using a thug's legal arrest to foment insurrection. The left hates Trump as well so, the riots were reported as 'protests.'

When a real protest took place (Jan 6th) that included Trump supporters the media, Democrats and you ran around with your hair afire bellowing 'insurrection!!" You guys turned the protest into a Trump caused insurrection. So, all in all, you are 100% wrong and deluded as you start believing your own fairytales.
I don't think Trump will run again. He won this last election, so I think he will believe the same bullshit will happen if he tries again. BUT..I think he will be an Ear Whisperer himself with someone he plants in there. Quid Pro Quo.
Did you know the mob was blackmailing J Edgar Hoover because he was gay and they had a video of him and his partner ? It's crazy.

They owned presidents too like Reagan and Nixon. That's why tricky Dick pardoned Jimmy Hoffa, and a lot of other crazy stuff.
I was reading somewhere else about Maxwell's dad was Mossad...and was close with Epstein. And Epstein had the goods on MANY high ups who were stupid enough to use Epsteins facilities to get their pedos on not knowing it was all filmed, etc. So yeah...everyone is blackmailing everyone else when they do their pedo fantasies.
And 30 dead
But, but ,but...
Clowns dressed in animal furs and Vikings football mascot helmets...
Rudy hand delivers Hunter's laptop full of evidence to law enforcement, yet Hunter is still not in prison. How does that happen?
Clearly the evidence you think exists is FAKE NEWS.

I have heard you RWI's continually say ".......If they had something on trump, they surely would have used it by now, so clearly they have no evidence......"

Remember that ^^^^^^^^^

So, clearly there is no evidence on Hunter, or you RWI's would have exposed it.
The only thing Biden ever created is Hunter. He says he's the smartest person he knows. Now it looks like he is trying to remake our country in Hunter's image. No thanks.
Trump holds a huge rally on Saturday night.
All the Sunday morning talk shows completely ignored it.

That's how much they fear the mighty Donald.

We aren't ignoring this

Donald Trump falsely claimed during a rally in Georgia on Saturday night that the results of the Arizona election "forensic audit" concluded that President Joe Biden lost in Maricopa County, despite the report stating that Biden won with 1,040,873 votes—99 more votes than shown in the certified ballots.

"We won at the Arizona forensic audit yesterday at a level that you wouldn't believe," Trump told the crowd in Perry, Georgia. "They had headlines that Biden wins in Arizona, when they know it's not true. He didn't win in Arizona. He lost in Arizona based on the forensic audit."

Don't you mind that this is a lie?

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