Trump's assault on free speech - agree with him or else!

As I said, it's happening on both sides.

Talk Radio's fingerprints are all over the Right end of the spectrum right now. Not only in talking points, not only in its own "news", but in fundamental thought processes. It's in its own little universe.

Blaming everything on the media is one example.
well you do understand that 90% of the news is negative toward the president right? how can that fking be when there is actual good going on in our country. Mac, you wish to ignore that fact? most main stream people want the truth not opinion pieces or fake news. You still don't make any sense with your middle bearing approach on here. you miss all the obvious hate. from the right what you're seeing is retaliation to fake news or missing news. And your shit seems to be directed at the right much more than the left who own the media. You're a sham I guess. I don't know, but you sure have no objectivity.
Ironically, I get the same thing from the Left.

I was in "the media" for about 18 years in a former life. I know quite well that it leans left, I know all the tricks, I see them all the time.

That doesn't excuse the Division Pimps on the Right who have led their followers to completely over-compensate, to the point at which they are now essentially existing in their own universe.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

That's not "silencing" them. That's simply denying them access to confidential information after their tenure has ended. That happens at workplaces all over the nation, btw. After you leave your workplace, you are denied access to the "inner workings". Nothing new there.

Refresher: the First Amendment simply means the gov't will not jail or oppress you for your speech. It does NOT mean you get unfettered access to inside information for the rest of your life because---whatever. ????

Complete absolutely IS "new" given this has never been done before. It is also a blow to national security because it RESTRICTS the government's ability to share information across Administrations and Directors. The national security of a country is NOT the same as a private firm where ex employees might work for a competitor for Christ sake.

You all for Trump removing Press credentials for certain members of the Press he doesn't like?

It restricts the government's ability? Oh, heaven forfend. No one wants to restrict the government's ability to DO anything right? lol I mean all these cats are supposed to be OUT of gov't service...and they should be. Instead they are flapping their gums all over the place, mostly on cable news. So no, it's no skin off my teeth, and the teeth of many Americans, if their access is restricted. MORE people need to be restricted.

You won't find me crying about the press either. Do you know what the approval rating for the MSM is? Can you guess why, maybe?

the cancellation of their clearances may perhaps be a prelude for criminal charges forthcoming
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
No free speech assault at all. Just more lefty jerk off hysteria for the sake of entertaining their choir and the rest of the low info idiots.

And I’m all for whatever Trump does to upset the poor things.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?

well you do understand that 90% of the news is negative toward the president right? how can that fking be when there is actual good going on in our country. Mac, you wish to ignore that fact? most main stream people want the truth not opinion pieces or fake news. You still don't make any sense with your middle bearing approach on here. you miss all the obvious hate. from the right what you're seeing is retaliation to fake news or missing news. And your shit seems to be directed at the right much more than the left who own the media. You're a sham I guess. I don't know, but you sure have no objectivity.
Ironically, I get the same thing from the Left.

I was in "the media" for about 18 years in a former life. I know quite well that it leans left, I know all the tricks, I see them all the time.

That doesn't excuse the Division Pimps on the Right who have led their followers to completely over-compensate, to the point at which they are now essentially existing in their own universe.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
Dude, I have an opinion and I'm following your posts. You treat the right media equally in here. whether you mean to or not is your issue not mine. I am interpreting your posts as you treating them equal. You have more finger pointing at the right most times then the left. I read your posts.
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
why do they still have security clearance? can you answer that?
who do they report to with those privileges?
Why should they keep them indefinitely?
I'm sorry, I don't get your point.

Everyone that leaves Govt service or the military that has a clearance when they get out have it till it expires, it has always been that way.

They are not indefinite, a TS is renewed every 5 years.

They have no privileges, haunch a clearance and having access are two separate issues

Sent from my iPhone using
yep, understand that. the question being asked now is why? What purpose does it serve? It was, from what I heard last night, transition purposes. Well we're 18 months in and these folks still have it? What is it going to hurt anyone to remove their clearance? How is that silencing them exactly per the OP?

Why should the executive branch single out these 5 people? If having a clearance when you get out of service is such an evil thing then do away with it totally.

I do agree it is not silencing them in the least, but it is a vindictive action by Trump

Sent from my iPhone using
why does it matter? again, what is it they wish to do? take security clearance away. not shut them up. So what is it to you?
Given the Regressive Left's commitment to Political Correctness, to shutting down speech at (of all places) American Universities, and its authoritarian addiction to punishing anyone who dares to say anything they don't like about anything in any situation, it has a long, long way to go before it can complain about Freedom of Speech.

Excellent point. The Left uses made up license called “hate speech” to shut down voices they don’t like. Listening to them cry about Trump stifling free speech is comical.
As I said, it's happening on both sides.

Talk Radio's fingerprints are all over the Right end of the spectrum right now. Not only in talking points, not only in its own "news", but in fundamental thought processes. It's in its own little universe.

Blaming everything on the media is one example.
well you do understand that 90% of the news is negative toward the president right? how can that fking be when there is actual good going on in our country. Mac, you wish to ignore that fact? most main stream people want the truth not opinion pieces or fake news. You still don't make any sense with your middle bearing approach on here. you miss all the obvious hate. from the right what you're seeing is retaliation to fake news or missing news. And your shit seems to be directed at the right much more than the left who own the media. You're a sham I guess. I don't know, but you sure have no objectivity.
Ironically, I get the same thing from the Left.

I was in "the media" for about 18 years in a former life. I know quite well that it leans left, I know all the tricks, I see them all the time.

That doesn't excuse the Division Pimps on the Right who have led their followers to completely over-compensate, to the point at which they are now essentially existing in their own universe.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?

All of this bickering about who is more slanted and who has more power ignores that a single far right wing company owns more than 200 local news stations covering almost half of American households and makes them all use the exact same script for certain stories.

Local stations are trusted more than national media as people think they are neutral and independent.

Sent from my iPhone using
Ironically, I get the same thing from the Left.

I was in "the media" for about 18 years in a former life. I know quite well that it leans left, I know all the tricks, I see them all the time.

That doesn't excuse the Division Pimps on the Right who have led their followers to completely over-compensate, to the point at which they are now essentially existing in their own universe.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
Dude, I have an opinion and I'm following your posts. You treat the right media equally in here. whether you mean to or not is your issue not mine. I am interpreting your posts as you treating them equal. You have more finger pointing at the right most times then the left. I read your posts.
As I said, I get the same complaint from the Left.

I've had many, many, many Regressives attack me for saying the media clearly leans Left. They flatly deny it, at least most of them, just like they'll deny the existence of PC.

The left-leaning media encompasses most of the media in general, sure. Right wing media is much smaller, but as a result, its audience is significantly more concentrated and passionate. And more easily isolated.
Given the Regressive Left's commitment to Political Correctness, to shutting down speech at (of all places) American Universities, and its authoritarian addiction to punishing anyone who dares to say anything they don't like about anything in any situation, it has a long, long way to go before it can complain about Freedom of Speech.

Excellent point. The Left uses made up license called “hate speech” to shut down voices they don’t like. Listening to them cry about Trump stifling free speech is comical.
more like hypocrites.
well you do understand that 90% of the news is negative toward the president right? how can that fking be when there is actual good going on in our country. Mac, you wish to ignore that fact? most main stream people want the truth not opinion pieces or fake news. You still don't make any sense with your middle bearing approach on here. you miss all the obvious hate. from the right what you're seeing is retaliation to fake news or missing news. And your shit seems to be directed at the right much more than the left who own the media. You're a sham I guess. I don't know, but you sure have no objectivity.
Ironically, I get the same thing from the Left.

I was in "the media" for about 18 years in a former life. I know quite well that it leans left, I know all the tricks, I see them all the time.

That doesn't excuse the Division Pimps on the Right who have led their followers to completely over-compensate, to the point at which they are now essentially existing in their own universe.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?

All of this bickering about who is more slanted and who has more power ignores that a single far right wing company owns more than 200 local news stations covering almost half of American households and makes them all use the exact same script for certain stories.

Local stations are trusted more than national media as people think they are neutral and independent.

Sent from my iPhone using
yep, they do use the same scripts. And I don't care who owns them, I care what information is coming out of them. And the scripts are 90% negative toward trump. Just a fact.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
Dude, I have an opinion and I'm following your posts. You treat the right media equally in here. whether you mean to or not is your issue not mine. I am interpreting your posts as you treating them equal. You have more finger pointing at the right most times then the left. I read your posts.
As I said, I get the same complaint from the Left.

I've had many, many, many Regressives attack me for saying the media clearly leans Left. They flatly deny it, at least most of them, just like they'll deny the existence of PC.

The left-leaning media encompasses most of the media in general, sure. Right wing media is much smaller, but as a result, its audience is significantly more concentrated and passionate. And more easily isolated.
what complaint do you get from the left?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
This is unquestionably the most ironic and moronic post of the century.
Who is being censored?
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
why do they still have security clearance? can you answer that?
who do they report to with those privileges?
Why should they keep them indefinitely?
I'm sorry, I don't get your point.

Everyone that leaves Govt service or the military that has a clearance when they get out have it till it expires, it has always been that way.

They are not indefinite, a TS is renewed every 5 years.

They have no privileges, haunch a clearance and having access are two separate issues

Sent from my iPhone using
yep, understand that. the question being asked now is why? What purpose does it serve? It was, from what I heard last night, transition purposes. Well we're 18 months in and these folks still have it? What is it going to hurt anyone to remove their clearance? How is that silencing them exactly per the OP?

Why should the executive branch single out these 5 people? If having a clearance when you get out of service is such an evil thing then do away with it totally.

I do agree it is not silencing them in the least, but it is a vindictive action by Trump

Sent from my iPhone using
------------------------------------------------ its just funny GGator . These people losing [may lose] S.C. are pwicks anyway . 'brennan' voted for a Communist is one example . I know you are not impressed with that explanation so the TRUMP heard your pleas and i guess that to make you happy that there may be a BLANKET Ban on any ex gov official keeping their 'sec clearance' in the future . If that happens and i hope that it does then everything should be good GGator .
One thing we should ALL be in agreement on....the right for any of us to speak freely without repercussion from an oppressive government. The First Amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Trump has been assaulting freedom of speech since he has been elected. Whether it was the assault on people based on religion (Muslims). Or, his open assaults on the free press and his threats to remove certain members' press credentials to the White House if he doesn't like what they say.
Trump Is Threatening to 'Take Away' Reporters' Credentials. He Told TIME He Wouldn't Do That

His latest swipe at the First Amendment involves removal of security clearances from Americans who have the audacity to stand up for what they believe in. Americans who served their country for decades are being silenced by a President who believes everyone should serve his interests...and NOT those of the country. I don't care what you think of the politics of guys like John Brennan, but, to have them silenced simply because they disagree with what the POTUS is doing? Who else will we allow Trump to silence?
Trump's Assault on the First Amendment
Targeting critics, Trump threatens ex-officials' security clearances

Where are the patriotic Republicans?! many times will Trump have to wipe his backside with the Constitution before you're going to care?
/——/ You’re confused Spanky. And did you have any fake outrage when Obozo banned Fox News?

Complete lie....never happened.
/----/ For your birthday ask Mommy to get your Google fixed. Documents Show Obama White House Attacked, Excluded Fox News Channel - Judicial Watch
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
Dude, I have an opinion and I'm following your posts. You treat the right media equally in here. whether you mean to or not is your issue not mine. I am interpreting your posts as you treating them equal. You have more finger pointing at the right most times then the left. I read your posts.
As I said, I get the same complaint from the Left.

I've had many, many, many Regressives attack me for saying the media clearly leans Left. They flatly deny it, at least most of them, just like they'll deny the existence of PC.

The left-leaning media encompasses most of the media in general, sure. Right wing media is much smaller, but as a result, its audience is significantly more concentrated and passionate. And more easily isolated.
what complaint do you get from the left?
That I criticize them more than I criticize the Right.

Which is probably true. I don't care for Regressive Leftists, on a personal level, so I guess that would be natural.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
Dude, I have an opinion and I'm following your posts. You treat the right media equally in here. whether you mean to or not is your issue not mine. I am interpreting your posts as you treating them equal. You have more finger pointing at the right most times then the left. I read your posts.
As I said, I get the same complaint from the Left.

I've had many, many, many Regressives attack me for saying the media clearly leans Left. They flatly deny it, at least most of them, just like they'll deny the existence of PC.

The left-leaning media encompasses most of the media in general, sure. Right wing media is much smaller, but as a result, its audience is significantly more concentrated and passionate. And more easily isolated.
what complaint do you get from the left?
That I criticize them more than I criticize the Right.

Which is probably true. I don't care for Regressive Leftists, on a personal level, so I guess that would be natural.
so again, it seems your activity in here is balanced left and right as I stated. And we all know the left own most of the media. So I stand behind my point. If you can't accept fact as fact, then you sir have issues.
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
Dude, I have an opinion and I'm following your posts. You treat the right media equally in here. whether you mean to or not is your issue not mine. I am interpreting your posts as you treating them equal. You have more finger pointing at the right most times then the left. I read your posts.
As I said, I get the same complaint from the Left.

I've had many, many, many Regressives attack me for saying the media clearly leans Left. They flatly deny it, at least most of them, just like they'll deny the existence of PC.

The left-leaning media encompasses most of the media in general, sure. Right wing media is much smaller, but as a result, its audience is significantly more concentrated and passionate. And more easily isolated.
what complaint do you get from the left?
That I criticize them more than I criticize the Right.

Which is probably true. I don't care for Regressive Leftists, on a personal level, so I guess that would be natural.
so again, it seems your activity in here is balanced left and right as I stated. And we all know the left own most of the media. So I stand behind my point. If you can't accept fact as fact, then you sir have issues.
I don't know what that means, but that's fine.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?
Again, you're making things up. I didn't say they were equals.

The Right has its media, the Left has its media. I just said the rest of the media is larger.

If we're going to have a conversation, it's easier if you don't make things up.
Dude, I have an opinion and I'm following your posts. You treat the right media equally in here. whether you mean to or not is your issue not mine. I am interpreting your posts as you treating them equal. You have more finger pointing at the right most times then the left. I read your posts.
As I said, I get the same complaint from the Left.

I've had many, many, many Regressives attack me for saying the media clearly leans Left. They flatly deny it, at least most of them, just like they'll deny the existence of PC.

The left-leaning media encompasses most of the media in general, sure. Right wing media is much smaller, but as a result, its audience is significantly more concentrated and passionate. And more easily isolated.

I’ve noticed you love the idea of bipartisanship, you play the middle quite well. I suppose “playing the middle” sort of doubles the fun here...BUT, you really need to get with the times bud...there is no middle anymore.

“The Divided States Of America...A Nation Of Two...Embrace it
“It's officially time to pick your side people. (How elementary that sounds...haha)
Defining the "sides":
One side is prideful in God, self and country and would never expect a free ride at the expense of others. This side respects law and order and seeks a likeminded ambitious society where a degree of normalcy and conformity is greatly appreciated. This side spends their life becoming and doing better or thinking about becoming and doing better. They exhaust all effort in parenting their children and teaching family values, morals and life skills which leads to another successful life.

The other side takes great pride in very little as pride is often a byproduct of achievement. This side hates the pressure to achieve. They believe there should be no behavioral standard among Americans. They love an anything goes free for all type of society funded by others. This side will champion for anything and everything that sane Americans would consider shameful. This side believes they have a right to other people's money. They do not believe they should have to do more to get more...they simply believe they deserve more because they're an American. (In some cases)

This has turned into a bare knuckle brawl folks...there is no middle ground.
Ironically, I get the same thing from the Left.

I was in "the media" for about 18 years in a former life. I know quite well that it leans left, I know all the tricks, I see them all the time.

That doesn't excuse the Division Pimps on the Right who have led their followers to completely over-compensate, to the point at which they are now essentially existing in their own universe.
so, that doesn't make you an expert on anything. WE the people all listen and read the news. we are allowed by our constitution to decide what is real and isn't. If someone lies, the retaliation will be bigger to make up the gap for the ten media branches to one reporting the fake. If you truly believe the right news media is as powerful as the left, you live in a demented world.
Now you're making stuff up. I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.

Talk radio and and right wing internet have carved out a very lucrative piece of the pie. They have convinced their fans that everything outside their little ideological bubble is the enemy. If it's against Trump, it's fake news. If I disagree with something, it's only because the media has convinced me to be that way. Very convenient.

It's not as big as the rest of the media, obviously, but what it's doing is just as intellectually dishonest and counter-productive.
I didn't say the right wing news media is as powerful as the rest of the media.
then why do you treat them as equals?

All of this bickering about who is more slanted and who has more power ignores that a single far right wing company owns more than 200 local news stations covering almost half of American households and makes them all use the exact same script for certain stories.

Local stations are trusted more than national media as people think they are neutral and independent.

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yep, they do use the same scripts. And I don't care who owns them, I care what information is coming out of them. And the scripts are 90% negative toward trump. Just a fact.

Wrong again, at least you are consistent

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